Chapter 1193
Sima Yi was so excited that he went out twenty miles away to meet Guanqiu Jian in person.

Sima Yi's mood was indeed very excited.In fact, he didn't have to be so excited, because he was originally going to command the army that Guan Qiujian brought over.

But after a series of shortfalls in front of major generals, when Sima Yi saw the reinforcements coming, he wanted to be excited, maybe it was not an ordinary person's psychology.

As Cao Rui's celebrity, Guan Qiujian didn't have much emotion in his heart when he saw Sima Yi coming out to greet him in person.But even so, he still had to put on a very happy look on his face. After all, this Sima Yi was still his boss in name.

Therefore, Guanqiu Jian immediately stopped all the troops behind him, turned himself off and immediately went forward to salute Sima Yi.

Sima Yi was smiling all over his face now, a faint blush appeared on his pale face, and he seemed very happy indeed.

Sima Yi smiled and said: "General Wuqiu, you have finally returned from Bingzhou with reinforcements, it's been such a long wait for the Governor!"

Guanqiu Jian quickly apologized and said: "Commander, please forgive me. The subordinates led the troops in Bingzhou and fought very hard with the Shu Han army. Will I lead the troops back as soon as they retreat?"

Sima Yi was in a good mood, and said: "It's good if you can come back in time. If your troops arrive after another ten days or so, it's really hard for the governor to guarantee that Wuzhong County can still hold on firmly." .”

As the governor of Youzhou, Guanqiu Jian knew the situation of the counties under his rule in his heart, of course, how could it be possible for the few county soldiers in Wuzhong County to stick to it until now?So he asked Sima Yi what was going on.

Sima Yi told the story of Xu Zhi leading a cavalry team to rush into Wuzhong County, and Guanqiu Jian couldn't stop talking.

The two then came to Sima Yi's big village together, and Guan Qiujian ordered the army to rebuild the camp outside, and then prepare to rest.

At this time, Sima Yi was already in the big tent, preparing a feast for Guan Qiujian, and Sima Shi and others also accompanied him.

While drinking, everyone talked about the situation of the war in all aspects.Sima Yi has always been very concerned about the situation of the Shu Han, so he asked in detail about the situation of the Shu Han army in Yongzhou.And Guan Qiujian, as the vanguard of the three armies, must of course have a detailed understanding of the battles between You Beiping and Liaoxi County.

After listening to Sima Yi's introduction, Guanqiu Jian's face became quite serious.He now has dual identities, one is the vanguard of the army, and the other is the governor of Youzhou. No matter which one is taken out, the current situation in Youzhou has a lot to do with him.

Sima Yi hurriedly persuaded Wu Qiujian at this time, telling him not to pay too much attention to these past events, and the most important thing is to fight the next war well.

Then, Sima Yi said to Guanqiujian: "Lord Wuqiu, it is thanks to God's protection of our Great Wei Kingdom. After the Liaodong army captured most of the territory of Youbeiping County, they suddenly stopped attacking. I think, One is because they feel that their troops are insufficient, and the other is because Gongsun Yuan has lost his aggressiveness."

Guanqiu Jian was thinking about another matter in his mind, so he dealt with Sima Yi's words for a while, and then asked: "Captain, the officer and Gongsun Yuan are old acquaintances, and they have also faced each other on the battlefield. Now that Liaoxi County and Youbeiping County have fallen easily, considering Gongsun Yuan's personal ability, it is impossible to win such a battle."

Sima Yi calmed down, nodded and said solemnly: "It is said that Gongsun Yuan has recently appointed a military adviser, and these battles are all planned by that person."

Guan Qiujian quickly asked, "Who is this person?"

"A little-known scholar named Liao Li." Sima Yi said, "I heard that Liu Adou left him in Chengdu and abandoned him."

A look of surprise appeared on Guanqiu Jian's face, and he asked, "Could it be that Liao Li is still an official of the Shu Han?"

"Yes!" Sima Yi said, "Gongsun Yuan in Liaodong has completely colluded with the Shu Han this time."

So, after the banquet was over, Sima Yi sent an order in the name of the governor to let Guan Qiujian's army rest for four days.

Liao Li immediately learned of the arrival of Guanqiu Jian's army, and the news was also sent to Gongsun Yuan at the same time.

A total of nearly 3 enemy reinforcements, the arrival of such a huge number of enemy troops followed Gongsun Yuan with great shock.

Gongsun Yuan suddenly felt a little flustered. The arrogance he had for easily taking down Liaoxi County and Youbeiping County had also been exhausted by now.

Gongsun Yuan immediately summoned the generals to discuss this matter in a hurry.

In fact, there is not much room for negotiation on this matter.

Gongsun Yuan previously rejected Liao Li's plan to send troops to Sima Yi, but now that the enemy's reinforcements arrive, what else do you want to discuss?Is it impossible to continue to strengthen the border defense line?
After the generals entered Gongsun Yuan's big tent, Gongsun Yuan told everyone about the arrival of Guanqiu Jian's reinforcements, hoping that everyone could offer advice and suggestions.

The people present here are all senior officials in Liaodong, and they had already learned about Guan Qiujian before they came.Now hearing Gongsun Yuan talking about it, everyone is silent.

Bei Yan couldn't help turning his head to look at Liao Li opposite, hoping that he could say something first at this time.Now he has more and more respect for Liao Li, and he feels that this person's talent is indeed not comparable to that of Liaodong officials.

Gongsun Yuan's eyes swept over the officials, and when he saw that some of them bowed their heads and did not speak, while others looked left and right, they seemed to be in a daze, and felt a little angry in their hearts. What are you doing on weekdays, why is it so useless, and now you can't share your worries for yourself!

Gongsun Yuan immediately said angrily: "What's the matter with you all, I let you speak freely, but all of you are silent!"

After waiting for a while, Liao Li felt that the heat was about the same, so he stood up from his seat, cupped his hands to Gongsun Yuan, and said, "Master Gongsun, I have something to say here."

When Gongsun Yuan saw that it was Liao Li, a bright smile appeared on his face, and he said, "What strategy does Junshi Liao have, please tell me quickly."

Liao Li then said: "Lord Gongsun, at this moment, Wuqiu Jian's army has just retreated from Bingzhou. Even though they had already rested during the withdrawal, they must have rushed on the way. Now it is still the whole army. Tired."

Gongsun Yuan nodded in agreement.

Liao Li continued: "So, my opinion is that the Liaodong Army can take advantage of this opportunity to suddenly dispatch cavalry and catch them by surprise. I think that if the Liaodong Army does not take the initiative to attack again at this time, it will wait until Jizhou. If Cao Wei's army arrives, they will completely lose any chance of attacking."

When Liao Li said this, Bei Yan quickly agreed: "My lord, what Liao Junshi said is very reasonable!"

The other officials couldn't think of any ideas anyway, and immediately followed Bei Yan to agree with Liao Li's suggestion.

Gongsun Yuan was still a little hesitant in his heart, for fear of repeating the same mistakes, after the army entered Yuyang County, it would be wiped out by Cao Wei's army.

(End of this chapter)

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