The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1194 Liao Li Frustrated

Chapter 1194 Liao Li Frustrated
Under the shackles of cowardice and conservative thinking, Gongsun Yuan could not agree to Liao Li's final initiative to attack the plan.

All the suggestions came to nothing, which really made Liao Li's mentality of thinking that he could gradually succeed, fell into an underestimation again, and it really hit him hard.

As a result, Liao Li didn't step out of his big tent for three consecutive days, but just hid in it to drink away his worries.

There were even rumors that Liao Li uttered wild words after drinking, saying that the Liaodong Army was really doomed.After Liaodong is over, he can continue to go back to Chengdu and continue to be his apartment.

This rumor spread widely in the army, and many people began to discuss it quietly.

In the end, this rumor inevitably reached Gongsun Yuan's ears.

In terms of Gongsun Yuan's temper and demeanor, it was impossible for him not to care. He was very angry and wanted to send someone to arrest Liao Li and punish him for bewitching the morale of the army.

Sure enough, he is a generation who turns his face and denies others.

However, Gongsun Yuan's actions were finally persuaded by Bei Yan.

Bei Yan said to Gongsun Yuan: "My lord, let's not talk about whether these rumors about Liao Junshi are true. Liao Junjun led our Liaodong army earlier and won a series of big victories that made everyone dumbfounded. , From the generals to the soldiers, everyone admires him very much. At this time, if you arrest someone because of a rumor, the morale of the army will inevitably fluctuate greatly. Moreover, now that the army is stationed on the front line, Cao Wei's army has already arrived. Come here, the lord needs someone like Junshi Liao who can advise you the most right now!"

Gongsun Yuan was immediately moved by Bei Yan's words, and said angrily: "Even so, Liao Li shouldn't have said such bastard words! Why is our Liaodong Army going to die, why should he go back to Shuhan! In our Before Liaodong perishes, I will kill him first!"

Bei Yan quickly said: "My lord, don't be so angry. Liao Junshi also had some grievances. He made suggestions to you again and again a few days ago, but you rejected them all. It was really a big blow to him. How about this, my lord?" , now, on behalf of the lord, you will go and comfort Liao Junshi, let him recover quickly. As for the rumors, the lord will bear with it for a while, and pretend that this has never happened, how about it?"

After a long while, Gongsun Yuan nodded and said: "Okay, go back quickly and tell Liao Li that I want to let him drink less alcohol because of his concern for his body. What a shame to be drunk."

After Bei Yan quickly led the order to withdraw from the big tent, he couldn't help sighing, the situation of the Liaodong Army was very good, but he didn't expect that the situation would turn into this after the army's offensive momentum stopped, completely out of everyone's mind again unexpected.

Bei Yan turned his head to look at Gongsun Yuan's big tent, sighed and shook his head again, this lord!

Bei Yan immediately got on his mount and went straight to Liao Li's big tent.

When he went in and took a look, he was startled. Liao Li had been wearing almost nothing for most of the day, just lying on the couch like that, his whole body forming a big character, snoring loudly.

On the ground under the hall, there were scattered wine jugs, which filled the room with the smell of alcohol.

Bei Yan quickly stepped forward, gently pushed Liao Li, and called Liao Li's name several times in a row, finally waking him up.

Liao Li opened his eyes dimly. He really felt a splitting headache, which was really caused by hangover.

Bei Yan quickly helped Liao Li up from the couch, and asked, "Mr. Liao, are you okay now? You have drunk too much wine these days."

Liao Li smiled wryly and said, "Du Kanger is the only one who relieves my sorrow."

Bei Yan also smiled wryly and said: "I will know that you are unhappy in your heart. But Liao Junshi, you are a person who reads a big book, you should know that since ancient times, there are very few situations where you can get along with each other. Yours It is true that you have been wronged if the suggestion was not accepted by my lord, but you can still think of other ways, don't be so decadent."

Liao Li waved his hand, and Bei Yan hurriedly helped him up and sat down.

Liao Li said, "Why did General Bei come to my place?"

Bei Yan said: "I will be concerned about your health, Liao Junshi. At the same time, my lord also cares about Liao Junshi. I asked the last general to come over and advise you to take care of your health. After all, today's war still needs you to make overall plans!"

Liao Li suddenly asked at this time: "Has the Jizhou army from Cao Wei's side arrived?"

Seeing that Liao Li still remembered military affairs at this time, Bei Yan probably knew in his heart that he must have almost drunk the wine, and said: "There should be a day or two before we can meet up with Sima Yi."

"What about the situation in Wuzhong County?"

Bei Yan replied: "Although our army has been stepping up the attack on the city, the Xu Zhi defenders who have become Xu Zhi's fighting power are indeed very powerful, and it is impossible to conquer the city!"

Liao Li asked: "If I continue to propose to Lord Gongsun to launch a large-scale surprise attack on Cao Wei's army early, will he continue to oppose it as before?"

Bei Yan lowered his head, thought carefully for a while, and said, "I'm afraid it will happen again. My lord, I'm afraid he wants to hold the front even more now."

Liao Li asked Bei Yan to help him up, then stumbled down the hall, waved his hands and said: "Forget it, let's do it first. Although I, Liao Li, am not talented, but since I have obeyed the imperial edict of my emperor, I will always be You must do your best to be on duty. You go back and tell Lord Gongsun that I, Liao Li, will live and die with your Liaodong Army."

"Mr. Liao..."

"Go back." Liao Li said, "I'll start dealing with military affairs right now."

Although Bei Yan couldn't understand what Liao Li was thinking now, at least he was willing to deal with military affairs again, so it wasn't too bad a result.

Moreover, after going back this time, I can give my lord a good result.

Bei Yan sighed: "Then Liao Junshi, please take care of your health, I will order you to come see you again."

So, Bei Yan immediately went back and told Gongsun Yuan the news.

On Cao Wei's side, Sima Yi eagerly waited for the reinforcements from Jizhou to come quickly.

Then, he summoned the vanguard officer Wu Qiujian and asked him to separate a force of 5000 people from the extremely powerful Youzhou Iron Cavalry. As a special mobile force, he needed to give them a secret mission.

Guanqiu Jian then asked: "Captain, what is the purpose of this mobile unit?"

A bright smile suddenly appeared on Sima Yi's pale face, and he said, "General Wuqiu, our army and the Liaodong army are about to start fighting. This iron cavalry is part of our reserve team. Before it is necessary, it will be a It is absolutely not allowed to be put on the battlefield. At the same time, you have to order this iron cavalry to station in the northernmost part of Yuyang County, and at the same time prepare sufficient food for them."

Guan Qiujian accepted the order with a nod, and said, "Then the remaining Youzhou troops will also start mobilizing before the battle."

Sima Yi admired Guanqiu Jian's initiative, and said, "Exactly. At the same time, this large-scale attack must use the Youzhou army as the main force, and the order of the army will also trouble you. The Jizhou army The rest is handled by the governor himself. We must launch an attack on them before Wuzhong County is captured by the Liaodong Army."

Guanqiu Jian immediately took the order.

As for Jiangling City, Liu Chan finally got the report that the residents of Tuyin County were massacred by Gongsun Yuan, and he couldn't help being furious, and immediately reprimanded Xu Xiang: "Why did such important information take so long before it was sent back? !"

Xu Xiang had never seen such a temper tantrum from Liu Chan, so he quickly explained: "Sir Liao Li didn't send back the report in time, and it may be that the report he sent was intercepted by Gongsun Yuan, but we still don't know it. The information was sent back through our spies."

"This bastard Liao Li!" Liu Chan slammed the report on the table, "And what the hell is Zhang Wen doing!"

Xu Xiang quickly said: "Master Zhang Wen may be in Fuyu country now."

Liu Chan took a long breath and said, "A warlord like Gongsun Yuan should no longer be on the stage in this era when the country is about to be unified. Letting him continue to control Liaodong will only bring disaster to the country and the people. At the same time , Cao Wei's people absolutely hate him now, and the Liaodong people will soon rise up against him. You are now stepping up your intelligence collection work on the situation in Liaodong. At the same time, let the people on Xu Sheng's side also cooperate with you work."

Xu Xiang immediately took the order to go down.

Then, Liu Chan immediately summoned Shi Guangyuan and Meng Xi to discuss matters in Liaodong.

(End of this chapter)

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