Chapter 1195 Chaos Attack
With the arrival of Pei Hui's Jizhou army, and the fact that Cao Wei's army is now fighting in Youzhou, although a large part of the preparation materials here were previously transferred by Wu Qiujian, they can actually be obtained from the nearest Daijun and Hebei in the west. Shanggu County borrowed it first, and then returned it to them after the supplies from the rear came up again later.

As a result, Sima Yi, as the governor, worried about all relevant military personnel, and began to deploy the war.

Since Guanqiujian's army had already prepared to attack according to Sima Yi's previous order, they could dispatch [-] troops in two days to launch the first counterattack against the Liaodong Army.

At the same time, Sima Yi asked Pei Hui's Jizhou army to rest in the rear for three days as a follow-up force, and it would not be too late to join the battle at that time.

For Sima Yi, the time left for him now seems rather hasty.Because he had to take one thing into consideration, and that was Wuzhong County.He sent Xu Zhi's 2000 troops into the city.

Therefore, if Sima Yi didn't quickly liberate Wuzhong County and rescue the cavalry team in the city, he would definitely bear the notoriety of neglecting human lives in the future.At that time, his reputation will be rotten, and no matter how great the credit is, it will be of no use.This is an era that relies on fame to survive. Although military achievements are important, they cannot withstand the slander of others.

Pei Hui felt very satisfied with Sima Yi's carefulness, and immediately thanked Sima Yi.

Then, Sima Yi said to Guanqiu Jian: "General Wuqiu, the main force under your command should have been deployed on the southern border of Wuzhong County, right?"

Guan Qiujian cupped his hands and said, "Yes, the governor. My army has been confronting the Liaodong army for several days according to your order."

Sima Yi asked, "How did the Liaodong Army react?"

"The Liaodong Army seems quite nervous, and their troops are continuing to gather in Wuzhong County." Guan Qiujian replied, "Actually, because Wuzhong County is still in our hands after all, the Liaodong Army is in our hands. It's easy to see the reason why our army stationed troops like that. Commander, our army's combat effectiveness is indeed stronger than that of the enemy army. Next, the general will command the army to break through the enemy's defense line and take back Wuzhong County. That's all. I Dawei released Gongsun Yuan earlier, but he has the guts to invade our side, let's see how I deal with his army!"

Seeing Guanqiu Jian's arrogant yet full of confidence, Sima Yi could only smile wryly in his heart. This man is a young man, so he is too optimistic about the current situation, isn't he?
But he didn't dampen Guanqiujian's confidence, and said, "Yes! You Beiping County is spread out from east to west, but the north and south are very thin strips. The cross section of such a battle line must be longer than the depth However, the problem is that Liaoxi County has also fallen into the hands of the Liaodong Army at the same time, which has enhanced their strategic depth. At the same time, this cross-section looks long, but in fact the geographical area of ​​Youbeiping is not This has led to the fact that our army, together with the tens of thousands of troops from the Liaodong Army, has a total of at least [-] to [-] troops stationed on the border. Such a large number, on such a border, is difficult to fully deployed."

Guan Qiujian nodded and said, "The governor's analysis is very correct."

Sima Yi said: "So General Wuqiu, the war on the border has now reached a stage where it is impossible to rely on tactics to win. Because, as the governor said just now, both sides have deployed too many troops on the border. So, what should we do now?"

Guan Qiujian is an official who can use soldiers, and immediately said: "One word is 'fight'!"

Sima Yi praised: "Yes, it is to fight! The fighting power of our Wei army is better than that of the Liaodong army. This is the biggest advantage in our hands. Although the Liaodong army has the prestige of victory, as long as we can defeat them a few times, Their morale must be gone."

Guan Qiujian said: "The last general will definitely live up to the commander's expectations, and will break through the Liaodong Army's defense line as quickly as possible."

Sima Yi said: "I have seen the battle sequence of your army, and the layout is very good. But I still want to suggest one thing, the layout of your army must have been known by the Liaodong Army by now. Then you need to make another change. In particular, your army can use the powerful Youzhou iron cavalry as the vanguard to launch the most powerful impact on the opponent's defense line."

Guan Qiujian said: "But the Liaodong army has already targeted us on the border at this time, and has deployed a large number of Liaodong cavalry?"

"Yes!" Sima Yi said calmly, "Our army's Youzhou iron cavalry will win the battle against the opponent's iron cavalry. Therefore, we are not afraid of a decisive battle between the iron cavalry of the two armies. In fact, if it is true If a decisive battle between the iron cavalry breaks out at this point, it will make the next situation more favorable to our side. Because we are confident that we will severely damage the cavalry troops of the Liaodong Army."

When Guanqiu Jian heard the words, he hesitated in his heart.

Seeing this, Sima Yi probably understood what was going on with Guanqiu Jian, and said, "General Guanqiu is worried about the loss of the army, right?"

Guan Qiujian nodded and said: "Youzhou's iron cavalry has a great responsibility, and it is responsible for the important task of guarding against Xianbei's iron cavalry. If the loss is too great at this time, once the Xianbei suddenly invade the border at the end of the year, Youzhou will lack the military power to suppress them .”

Sima Yi smiled slightly and said, "General Wuqiu doesn't need to worry too much. The weather on the grasslands this year can be said to be good. Even if the Xianbei invade the border, the scale will not be too large. My Great Wei's troops in Dai and Shanggu counties, It should be enough to deal with it. The most hidden danger that our Great Wei needs to get rid of quickly is Gongsun Yuan in Liaodong. Only when Liaodong subsides, we will have more energy to deal with the Shu Han."

Guanqiu Jian immediately took the order and said: "Then the army of the last general should now go back and redeploy the army with Wuzhong County as the main direction."

Sima Yi nodded immediately, and sent Pei Hui and Guanqiu Jian away at the same time.

After seeing the two men leave, Master Sima dared to step forward and ask Sima Yi softly, "Father, why did you ask General Wuqiu Jian to temporarily adjust the well-arranged battle order?"

Sima Yi looked at Master Sima and asked, "Don't you believe what Weifu explained to Guanqiujian just now?"

Master Sima was a little timid at Sima Yi's gaze, but he pulled himself together and replied, "Although what my father said makes sense. However, changing the attack sequence temporarily can easily disrupt the original attack deployment. The negative impact may be to Outweighs the positive impact."

Sima Yi smiled slightly and said, "Zi Yuan, you are quite right!"

Sima Shi was surprised: "But why did father let General Wuqiu Jian do this? Could it be that he didn't want him to make contributions?"

"No." Sima Yi said with a straight face, "Could it be that my father is the kind of person with a small belly? This is the most successful opportunity to create!"

The news of the large-scale mobilization of Guanqiujian's border troops and the arrival of Pei Hui's [-] troops in Jizhou were sent to Gongsun Yuan and Liao Li as quickly as possible.

Liao Li had no choice but to take the initiative to meet Gongsun Yuan. As soon as they met, he said: "Master Gongsun, please hand over the combat command power of the frontline army to the subordinates. The war is about to start."

Gongsun Yuan was taken aback by Liao Li's sudden words. This guy actually came to ask for power so unabashedly.

Gongsun Yuan was stunned for a while before he understood the meaning of Liao Li's words, and said, "Mr. Liao, the Cao Wei army won't launch an attack so soon, right?"

"Yes!" Liao Li said resolutely, "Wuzhong County is now completely battered by the Liaodong Army. Sima Yi stationed a large number of troops in the south of Wuzhong County. The purpose is very obvious. It must be to rescue Wuzhong County. It’s coming. The officials predict that they will definitely launch a counterattack within three to four days.”

Seeing that Gongsun Yuan was indecisive again at this time, Bei Yan didn't have the decisiveness when he killed someone, so he said to Gongsun Yuan: "My lord, this war will happen sooner or later, and it can't be avoided anyway. I also think what the military division said makes sense.”

Gongsun Yuan finally said: "Okay, the frontline troops should be handed over to Junshi Liao for you to worry about, and you must guard the line of defense."

Liao Li immediately led the way out.

However, Bei Yan came out and asked Liao Li: "Mr. Liao, has the situation on the front line really become so critical?"

Liao Li nodded and said: "It is indeed very critical. The whole army must be ready for battle at all times, although we have been emphasizing this matter."

But Liao Li's prediction was actually a bit too optimistic.

In the middle of the night when Liao Li went to see Gongsun Yuan, Guan Qiujian suddenly received an order from Sima Yi, asking him to lead the army to attack immediately no matter what.

This made Guanqiu Jian very angry, so his army has only been redistributed halfway, what should we do?
Guan Qiujian immediately decided not to carry out Sima Yi's attack order.Even if Sima Yi wants to punish himself for this, he has every reason to sue to Luoyang City to see who will be punished in the end!

But Sima Yi sent Sima Shi as the supervisor of the army to strictly supervise Guanqiu Jian's dispatch of troops.

With Wuqiu Jian's temper, of course he quit.What's more, the arrival of Sima Shi, the supervising army, was clearly sent by Sima Yi to monitor his actions!An extremely violent quarrel broke out between the two parties.

But the next morning, on the border between Wuzhong County and Yuyang County to the south, the hooves of countless Caowei Youzhou cavalry resounded.

Guan Qiujian commanded 1 horses to attack first, and the remaining 1 horses followed after the deployment.

Guan Qiujian scolded Sima Yi for being stupid in his heart: all his previous preparations have been disrupted at this time!What the hell is going on!
(End of this chapter)

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