Chapter 1196
The sudden and fast attack of Guanqiujian's army immediately caused great confusion to the border defense line of the Liaodong Army.Because even though they had made full preparations for the war before, they didn't get the local news in time at all.

Once the news suffers, no matter how adequate the coping is, the panic in the army will still cause confusion to the action.

The actions of Guanqiujian's [-]-strong army were of course in a relatively chaotic state.

Therefore, the first large-scale battle that broke out actually started with both sides in a state of chaos.

It should be said that this way of fighting is very suitable for Sima Yi's style, he dares to fight and fight hard, and at the same time has a restrained and steady temperament.It's just that what he personally shows to the Liaodong Army is only his hard-working side.

Of course, his enemies can also call Sima Yi's character "gambling", which is really not a nice adjective.

However, Sima Yi's consideration, to a certain extent, actually has his own unique perspective.

In Sima Yi's view, no matter how well organized the military equipment on Guanqiu Jian's side, he still had to go out and fight the Liaodong Army, and finally decide the outcome with the combat effectiveness and persistence of the two armies.

So now it is better to cherish the time and attack at the fastest speed. Even if the armies of both sides are in a state of chaotic melee, they still have to decide the winner through a decisive battle.Even though both sides may cause greater casualties, the time for decisive victory must be shortened accordingly.

Therefore, Sima Yi did this, to a certain extent, it was indeed very scheming, and he wanted to sacrifice more lives and shed more blood to win the victory as soon as possible.

As a result, Guanqiu Jian's army launched a melee that shocked both Cao Wei and Shu Han on the border south of Wuzhong County.

At this time, Liao Li was actually giving orders to the frontline troops from the rear.Now that he heard the news that Guan Qiujian's army was dispatched, Liao Li was stunned.

Then, Liao Li yelled that he was not good, and quickly sent someone to look for Bei Yan, while he immediately got on his mount and went straight to the front line.

When Liao Li arrived at the frontline battlefield, he suddenly found that the armies of both sides had been fighting inextricably. The armies of both sides had been mixed together.

The armies of both sides were mixed together like this.

When Liao Li saw the situation on the battlefield, he immediately felt his scalp explode.

The first line of defense, which was built so hard before, was disturbed by the enemy and turned into this!If the enemy's follow-up troops come up, they will be able to break through the border directly, and then outflank the entire battlefield!
Liao Li immediately sent someone to ask Bei Yan for help, asking him to send at least 5000 to [-] troops over.

Then, Liao Li sent an order to the Liaodong Army on the battlefield to continue fighting to see if they could defeat the enemy in the melee.For Liao Li, such a decision was helpless.What he can rely on now is not his own art of war and strategy, but the commanders at all levels in the army on the battlefield.

And Liao Li made a decisive decision to ask Bei Yan, who was in charge of the rear, for help, which soon proved to be a wise move.

In the afternoon of the same day, the armies of both sides were already in extreme chaos.At this time, not only Liao Li couldn't stand it, but Guan Qiujian couldn't stand it, and even Master Sima himself couldn't stand it.

What kind of battlefield is this?There is no way to issue the commander's combat orders. Even with the use of war drums, the army is too scattered and chaotic to obey the command of the war drums.

Guanqiu Jian immediately wanted to temporarily order the whole army to retreat temporarily, but was stopped by Sima Shi, because Sima Yi had already given him a death order, and he was absolutely not allowed to retreat the army too early.

Sima Yi even bloodily told Master Sima that no matter how many people die, Guan Qiujian is not allowed to retreat the army without authorization!

At this time, the follow-up Youzhou Army of 1 people, Wu Qiujian, finally marched to the edge of the battlefield.But like their front troops, the sequence appears to be quite chaotic.

But the situation is critical, and it is better to have prepared troops than to have none!
Moreover, now they can at least let them rectify and attack at the same time!In this case, one's own army should be able to gradually regroup on the battlefield, thus forming a huge advantage over the enemy.

Therefore, Guanqiu Jian threw another 3000 troops into the battlefield!

But these 3000 troops were not scattered, but were invested in the enemy's most vulnerable left-wing battlefield.What they need to do is to defeat the enemy first, and at the same time unite the scattered troops around them.

At this time, the five thousand reinforcements sent by Bei Yan had arrived.

Moreover, this is a very well-prepared army, which is enough to break the balance of the battlefield when dealing with scattered enemy troops.

As a result, the two sides have successively deployed troops on the battlefield, but they have been unable to break the balance.

After two days of melee between the two sides, the balance could not be broken. At this time, Liao Li also got news that the Jizhou troops had already moved towards Wuzhong County.

Liao Li couldn't help feeling a little worried.

Bei Yan also sent someone to ask Liao Li if he needed to transfer some troops from the western defense line to the emergency.But Liao Li refused, because he was afraid that Sima Yi was using tricks.

After rejecting Bei Yan's proposal, Liao Li knew that it was impossible to forcefully fight the enemy with his own troops at a disadvantage.He then sent an order, and the whole army slowly retreated from the battlefield from the state of melee.

One day later, the Liaodong Army withdrew ten miles away. The more than 1000 troops left on the battlefield who could not retreat in time could only sit back and watch helplessly being wiped out.

At this time, Guanqiu Jian had no intention of continuing to fight, although it seemed that he had won.He refused to continue to advance, but asked to stay in place to rectify the army, otherwise the battle would not be fought.

Therefore, Pei Hui's Jizhou Army will replace the Youzhou Army and continue to advance towards Liao Li. Expand again.

And Liao Li's previous prediction seemed to be correct, because Sima Yi suddenly asked Xia Houba to lead [-] cavalry to raid the defense line of Junmi County in the north of Wuzhong County five days later.

There was Xianyugao's defense line, and Beiyan's rear troops also arrived immediately, and the two sides fought another bloody battle there.

Because Xian Yugao's army was fully prepared for battle, Xiahouba's army failed to break through the Liaodong Army's defense line this time, but this army continued to fight and refused to retreat no matter what.

In this way, the defense line of Youbeiping County was already in full swing.

Sima Yi sits in the defense as a captain. He has never taken a step to the front line, or even a step closer to the border, but he is still calm and composed.

Fifteen days after the decisive battle between the two sides, the front line of Wuzhong County was less than twenty miles away from the county seat under the attack of the two armies of Jizhou Army and Youzhou Army in turn.

At this time, Liao Li had already begun to consider whether to abandon all areas of Youbeiping except Qinglong Town in the north, and retreat the army into Qinglong Town and Liaoxi County.As long as the Liaodong Army can stand there for two months, the Cao Wei Army will inevitably be weak in follow-up.

Liao Li immediately sent someone to inform Gongsun Yuan of the suggestion.

Gongsun Yuan thought about it, and felt that the current battle situation was too tragic, and he couldn't bear it, so he immediately decided to accept Liao Li's suggestion.

As a result, the Liaodong Army began to gradually abandon Youbeiping County and retreat to Liaoxi County and Qinglong Town.

After Sima Yi got the news, he immediately issued an order to Xiahouba to let Sima Division take over his current position, and Xiahouba took over the 5000 cavalry team secretly stationed in the north of Yuyang County.

Their combat missions were then launched.

Xia Houba had to lead this cavalry team, enter the grassland as quickly as possible, detour to the west of Qinglong Town, and suddenly launch an attack on Qinglong Town.After those Qinglong towns, Xiahouba's army did not stop, but continued to rush into the rear of Liaoxi County at the fastest speed. It must take down Linyu County, the only passage from Liaoxi County to Liaodong, and completely block the Liaodong army. The only way out.

At that time, the morale of the Liaodong Army will be in chaos!

This is a killer move that Sima Yi set up a long time ago. This is another aspect of his gambling personality.

Xiahouba's cavalry team managed to evade the Xianbei army and entered Qinglong Town five days later.General Fu Wu of the Liaodong Army died in battle, and Qinglong Town was captured.

Two days later, Xiahouba's army succeeded in a surprise attack on Linyu County.

When the news came, Liao Li and Bei Yan turned pale with shock, while Gongsun Yuan almost passed out.

The morale of the Liaodong Army really became extremely fluctuating, and the morale of the army dropped instantly.

After Cao Weijun got the relevant news, his army was immediately excited.

Even Guan Qiujian, who was getting more and more at odds with Sima Yi, couldn't hide his good mood at this time, and even claimed that Sima Yi was really a good art of war.

By continuously creating opportunities, they have been attracting their attention from Wuzhong County in the east to Junmi County in the west.Then, after everyone thought that it was finally in full swing, and everyone now had only one way to fight to the death, the surprise soldiers that Sima Yi had prepared for a long time suddenly appeared, and immediately killed the Liaodong Army by surprise.

In this way, Sima Yi instantly grasped the initiative to win the war.

(End of this chapter)

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