The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1197 Great Changes in Liaodong

Chapter 1197 Great Changes in Liaodong ([-])

The back road was cut off like this, and even the food road was about to be cut off by the enemy. Gongsun Yuan immediately transferred Liao Li back from the front line, and wanted to discuss with him what to do next.

Liao Li entrusted all the frontline affairs to Bei Yan, and went to see Gongsun Yuan as quickly as possible.

When Liao Li saw Gongsun Yuan, this tall prince looked a little sluggish, his body was a little stooped, and he looked extremely tired. It seemed that because of Pi Bian's war, he was restless.

When Gongsun Yuan saw Liao Li coming back, he immediately stood up from his seat and asked Liao Li to take a seat quickly. It can be seen that he was anxious and angry.

After Liao Li took his seat, Gongsun Yuan quickly asked: "Military Master, the current situation has become extremely unfavorable to our army. If I can't go back to Liaodong, what should I do?"

Emotionally, what he considers more is not the lives of tens of thousands of soldiers of the Liaodong Army, but the life of his Gongsun Yuan.

Liao Li sighed, and said, "Lord Gongsun, don't be so flustered. You are the commander of the Liaodong Army. If you panic because of this, what will you do to the tens of thousands of soldiers?"

"Hey!" Gongsun Yuan sighed, "Back then, I should have listened to your advice and launched an active attack on Cao Wei's army first! Otherwise, I wouldn't have fallen to where I am today."

This kind of thing that was regretted after the fact was too common. Liao Li didn't feel any pity for Gongsun Yuan.

What's more, Gongsun Yuan is a military commander, and now he must have the courage to take responsibility for what he did before, instead of just sighing in front of him!
In Liao Li's heart, he inevitably began to look down on Gongsun Yuan.

However, Liao Li still comforted Gongsun Yuan, and finally said: "Master Gongsun, what we can do now, in the south and west of Liaoxi County, is to do our best to hold on and resist Sima Yi's army. In the northern part of the county, we should do our best to capture Linyu County and fight a bloody road for ourselves. At the same time, we must also ask our son, Gongsun Xiu, to send reinforcements to our side as soon as possible. Attacking Linyu County on both sides should be able to open the way .Other than that, there is no other way."

Gongsun Yuan's heart sank when he heard that, everyone knows these methods, it seems that Liao Li is helpless now.

Gongsun Yuan waved his hand and sighed: "That's all! Since the matter has reached such a point, this is the only way to deal with it."

Only then did Liao Li stand up and bid farewell to Gongsun Yuan.

Not long after Liao Li left, Gongsun Yuan immediately called Yang Yong, the general who commanded his guard army.Yang Yong has a 4000 Liaodong iron cavalry under his command, and their combat effectiveness is quite strong.

Originally, this army was commanded by Bei Yan.But now that Bei Yan is fighting on the front line, the army is handed over to Yang Yong who can be trusted by Gongsun Yuan to command.

As for Sima Yi, at this time, he immediately summoned all the lieutenant generals and announced in high spirits that Cao Wei's army had completely recovered Youbeiping County.At the same time, after taking Qinglong Town and Linyu County, Cao Weijun has now surrounded the Liaodong Army from three sides.

At the same time, Sima Yi announced that the entire army of Cao Wei's army was dispatched and began to attack the Liaodong Army in an all-round way.Pei Hui, Guan Qiujian and the others felt very excited in their hearts.Judging from the current situation, it may not take too much time for the Liaodong Army to be wiped out.

On the second day, Sima Yi went to the front line for the first time. After observing the situation of the Liaodong Army, he immediately ordered the whole army to attack.

At this time, Liao Li had also returned to the front line, commanding the army to continue the fierce battle with Cao Wei's army.

In the mansion of Gongsun Yuan in Changli County, the eldest son Gongsun Xiu replaced Gongsun Yuan in presiding over the affairs of Liaodong.

However, this bastard is very good at eating, drinking and having fun. As for dealing with government and military affairs, he is interested. He only knows to have fun in the mansion with Yang Zuo all day long, and pushes all matters to others.

Now that he got the news that Gongsun Yuan's entire army was besieged in Liaoxi County, his face turned pale with fright.

He quickly found the most trusted Yang Zuo to discuss countermeasures.

Yang Zuo was also taken aback immediately, this man is a drunk and lustful man, he has no ability at all, if you ask him to come up with a solution, it will be more uncomfortable than killing him.

The two talked nonsense in the room for a long time, but they didn't discuss anything.

After Yang Zuo returned home, his family members reported to him that someone was waiting to see him.

Yang Zuo's current status in Liaodong is becoming more and more important because of Gongsun Xiu's favor and trust. He is considered a personal figure, so people often come to visit him in daily life.

Yang Zuo entered the living room at home in a bully manner, but saw a man dressed as a scribe sitting in the hall.

When the man saw Yang Zuo, he quickly got up and saluted Yang Zuo.

Yang Zuo didn't know this person, but after asking, he found out that his name was Du Shang, and he was from Luoyang.

When Yang Zuo heard the words, he knew that this person's identity might not be very good, he might be Cao Wei's spy.He wanted to see off the guest immediately, but Dusan suddenly gave him a big gift, including one thousand gold, ten pearls and one hundred bolts of silk.

As soon as these gifts were sent out, Yang Zuo immediately dispelled the idea of ​​seeing off guests.

That night, after Du Shang left Yang Zuo's mansion, he secretly rushed to the beach and sent someone to send a report to Xu Xiang and Xu Sheng respectively.

Yang Zuo went to see Gongsunxiu overnight.

Gongsunxiu is having trouble sleeping and eating now, but when he heard that Yang Zuo came to see him overnight, he was somewhat moved.Of course, he thought in his heart that Yang Zuo came to play with him overnight to relieve his worries.

No, Yang Zuo immediately said to you, Gongsun Xiu, after meeting him, "My lord, a great opportunity has come!"

Gongsun Xiu quickly asked, "What good opportunity?"

Yang Zuo immediately asked everyone around to back down, then stepped forward quickly, and whispered to Gongsun Xiu: "Young master has a good chance to become the master of Liaodong!"

Gongsun Xiu's expression changed, and he asked, "How do you say that? My father is still in his prime!"

Yang Zuo said: "Today, the secret envoy of Cao Wei sent a message from the emperor of Wei to the son, saying that if the son can agree to become a minister of the great Wei, the first one can help the son to ascend to the throne; the second can make you the king of Liaodong!"

"Ah!" Gongsun Xiu's eyes suddenly became bright, "Is this really happening?"

Yang Zuo quickly said: "It's true! As long as you don't send reinforcements to Liaoxi County, it will be fine."

"It's so simple!" Gongsun Xiu said coldly, "You know, I have long harbored resentment towards my father, and I have to endure his scolding all day long. If there is a chance to replace him, I am of course very happy! Besides, I didn't like Liu Adou in the first place!"

So, the two hit it off immediately.

Gongsun Xiu immediately withheld Gongsun Yuan's request letter and told everyone who knew it not to disclose it to the outside world.

(End of this chapter)

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