The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1198 Great Changes in Liaodong

Chapter 1198 Great Changes in Liaodong ([-])

After Xu Sheng got the news, he immediately sent the fastest ship to land on the coast of Liaoxi County, and sent the news of Gongsun Xiu to Gongsun Yuan, saying that the situation was urgent, and Gongsun Yuan must try to break through and return to Liaoxi to take power, otherwise Gongsun Xiu would succeed. After that, it's too late.

The next day, Xu Sheng visited Gongsun Xiu in person, and pretended to ask that he must send troops to Liaoxi County, otherwise not only Liaodong would be in danger, but Gongsun Yuan's life would also be in danger.

Gongsun Xiu still has some talent for acting. He cried for a long time, looking very sad, but in fact he was looking for excuses to avoid sending troops.

Xu Sheng is also quite good at acting, he sighed and said: "Forget it, since the current internal situation in Liaodong is so difficult, then the general can understand. But please hurry up and act, my son, otherwise it will be too late."

Only then did Xu Sheng bid farewell to Gongsun Xiu.

When Gongsun Yuan received Xu Sheng's letter, he was furious and scolded Gongsun Xiu as an unkind and unrighteous son.

Naturally, Liao Li also received it, and at the same time he was extremely shocked. He sighed in his heart, could it be that God really wanted to destroy the Liaodong Army?

Liao Li immediately went to Gongsun Yuan to discuss countermeasures, but none of them could lift Gongsun Yuan's spirit.

In the middle of the night, a huge change happened to the Liaodong Army. Gongsun Yuan suddenly led his guards, abandoned the Liaodong Army's army, and broke through to the west of Qinglong Town.

He intends to follow Xiahouba's tricks and go back to Liaodong by bypassing the grassland.

The consequences of Gongsun Yuan's doing so were extremely serious, and immediately caused the Liaodong Army's morale to be chaotic.

At the same time, the news that Gongsun Xiu might launch a coup in Liaodong was also spread, and the army suddenly became more chaotic.

At this time, no one can control the Liaodong Army.

At this time, the reinforcements from Fuyu State, commanded by Zhang Wen, had already arrived at the border area of ​​Liaodong.As long as they get the permission of Gongsun Xiu, they can enter the territory of Liaodong, and then rush to the battlefield of Liaoxi.

And this support army is exactly what Xu Sheng, and even Liu Chan, want most now.

Xu Sheng immediately ordered someone to inform Zhang Wen that the purpose of the support army had changed.

Three days later, the Liaodong Army, which had no will to fight, began to retreat in front of the Cao Wei Army, losing Haiyang County and Lingzhi County one after another.

In addition to Linyu County, which was lost in the first place, there are only five counties in Liaoxi County, and now only one Yangle County and one Feiru County are still in the hands of the Liaodong Army.

This is actually equivalent to the fact that the entire Liaodong Army has been cornered!
Lieutenant General Xian Yugao, Yamen General Hua Hui and others had finally reached their limits of endurance at this time, and they suddenly launched a mutiny, controlled Bei Yan and Liao Li, and asked them to lead the entire army to surrender to Cao Wei.

However, Xianyu Gao's approach was unsuccessful.

Because at this time, Xu Sheng's letter came again.

Xu Sheng said that Gongsun Xiu had declared himself to be the Duke Le Lang of Liaodong at this time, that is, the new master of Liaodong.The Shu Han despised the behavior of Gongsun Xiu and Gongsun Yuan's father and son, and decided to personally send troops to assist the Liaodong Army trapped in Liaoxi County, and told them not to surrender to the Cao Wei Army lightly, because that would be of no benefit at all.

At the same time, Fuyu State reinforcements from Zhang Wen's side suddenly rushed into the territory of Liaodong under Xu Sheng's instructions.

While attacking various places, they announced to the whole people the despicable behaviors of Gongsun Yuan and his son: one is to abandon his father's life and death, and to collude with the enemy Cao Wei;

All of a sudden, the people in Liaodong were furious, and all the counties in Liaoxi declared their opposition to Gongsun Yuan and his son, and Zhang Wen's army quickly surrendered to various places.Only those places that still try to resist will launch an army attack.

At this time, Xu Sheng's naval fleet had already sailed to the sea near Liaoxi County, showing its sincerity to the Liaodong Army.

After discussing for a while, Xian Yu Gao and his colleagues immediately decided to give it a go, maybe there was a possibility of returning to Liaodong alive.

Therefore, Xian Yugao coerced Bei Yan and announced that the whole army would leave Liaodong and join the Shu Han army instead.

After Xu Sheng got the news, he was overjoyed.

He immediately commanded 5000 marines in the fleet, and suddenly landed behind Sima Yi's army.

This kind of large-scale naval landing operation can only be done by the Shu Han fleet.People in Cao Wei's side, even a wise man like Sima Yi, dare not even think about it.

Let me ask, how big is the fleet that can carry a huge army of 5000 people?A country with a large army like Cao Wei must be unimaginable.

At the same time, the combat readiness materials that have been stockpiled in Jeju Island and Daibang Port will be transferred to the sea at full speed at this time, ready to be used by the landing combat troops.

The war machine of the Shu Han was loaded at full speed again.Although, it is true that this war was not originally planned by Liu Chan and the Da Sima Mansion.

Xu Sheng's army swept through Tuyin County, which was almost in ruins, and then went straight to Wuzhong County.At this time, Wuzhong County was almost undefended, and was captured by the Shu Han army in one fell swoop, and the county magistrate Yang Lan was captured after all.

The grain road that needed to pass through Wuzhong County in the rear was suddenly cut off by such a sudden appearance of the Shu Han army, which immediately stunned Sima Yi.

He hastily mobilized part of Guanqiu Jian's army, and immediately turned to attack Xu Sheng's marines, trying to take back Wuzhong County.The two sides launched a month-long battle in Wuzhong County.

It only took Zhang Wen's troops fifteen days to capture most of the counties in the west and north of Liaodong.

Gongsun Yuan detoured the people in the grassland and came to the border, only then did he know that something big had really happened in Liaodong.He immediately wanted to enter, but was blocked by Zhang Wen's men, and it was impossible to let him in again.

Gongsun Yuan looked up to the sky and cried loudly, and finally had to go to the grassland, wanting to seek refuge with Ke Bineng.

At this time, only Changli County and several counties in the east remained in Gongsunxiu's territory.

Zhang Wen's troops continued to approach, and half a month later, the exhausted Gongsun Xiu immediately announced the surrender of the whole territory, and the Shu Han finally included Liaodong into its territory.

At the same time, Liao Li regained the power to control the army and received a large amount of combat equipment transported by Xu Sheng's fleet from the coast.

They immediately used the equipment of the Shuhan army to launch indiscriminate bombing of Linyu County, and there were reinforcements from the Funan Kingdom and some surrendered Liaodong Army in the rear.

Ten days later, even though Xiahouba's men and horses were still fighting, the city could no longer hold up and was riddled with holes.

In the middle of the next night, Xia Houba led his men and horses to break out in a hurry, fled back to Qinglong Town, and continued to hold on.

At this time, the Liaodong Army had no intention of fighting anymore, and they all expressed their intention to return to Liaodong.

But it is impossible for Shu Han to agree to do so.Because Xu Sheng's marines were still fighting against Guan Qiujian at this time, they had to be freed.

At this time, part of the troops of Fuyu Kingdom also entered Liaoxi County to support operations.

The two groups immediately rebelled against Sima Yi.

The two sides continued to fight fiercely for ten days.

Sima Yi knew that after the loss of Linyu County, the good situation was gone.

Therefore, Sima Yi ordered the army to shrink in an all-round way, bypassing Wuzhong County and returning to Yuyang County, and Xiahouba's army in Qinglong Town also retreated at the same time.

Since then, the Marine Corps and the Liaodong Army joined forces with Wuzhong County, and recaptured the entire territory of Youbeiping County and Liaoxi County, which achieved unexpected results.

It should be said that they were able to repel Sima Yi's army in this battle, relying on the unexpected combat method.Otherwise, with 5000 Marines, it would be difficult to successfully reverse the situation.

Sima Yi himself was also unable to adapt to this kind of landing operation of the Shu Han army for a while, otherwise it would be impossible for the subsequent operations to be chaotic.

However, the next situation in Liaodong and how to regain the hearts of the people, I am afraid that the Shu Han will have a headache for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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