The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1200 Yang Yi Complains

Chapter 1200 Yang Yi Complains

After the Shu Han's second inquiry meeting, Yang Yi and Zhang Yi returned to the inn prepared by Jiangling City at the same time.

But what can't be concealed is that the emotions of these two people along the way are not very high.

After the two got off the bus at the post station, they glanced at each other, and they had obviously noticed some hesitation on each other's faces.After nodding to each other, they both walked into the door.

It should be said that such an embarrassing situation rarely occurs to senior officials like Yang Yi and Zhang Yi.

After Zhang Yi originally entered, he originally wanted to return to his room immediately.On the one hand, during the three-day inquiry meeting, the behavior of those Jiangling officials seemed to him like crazy, which made him extremely tired and nervous, and he really didn't know what happened to those people; on the other hand, he I also need to think about my current situation and how to report to the prime minister about the situation of the inquiry meeting in Jiangling.

Just when Zhang Yi wanted to leave, Yang Yi suddenly stopped him.

Zhang Yi knows that Yang Yi's mood is not as high as his own. After experiencing such a scene of being interrogated, I believe it is not only for himself, but especially for a person like Yang Yi who has a high self-esteem, it is a major blow. .

Zhang Yi turned around and asked, "Duke Wei, why stop me?" Duke Wei is Yang Yi's nickname.

Yang Yi suddenly sighed and said, "Can I go to your room and talk about something?"

Zhang Yi probably guessed what Yang Yi meant, nodded and said, "Please."

The two came to Zhang Yi's room side by side. Zhang Yi said, "Duke Wei, do you want to tell me about the three-day interrogation meeting?"

Yang Yi nodded, and said to Zhang Yi with some resentment: "What happened to those people at Shangshutai and Da Sima's government office, they are like a group of mad dogs, biting us tightly! Tell me, have the two yamen united as one and are going to fight against our prime minister's mansion!"

Zhang Yi's expression changed upon hearing this.

As the long history of the prime minister's mansion, he is considered the second in command in the prime minister's mansion.

He quickly waved his hand to tell Yang Yi not to talk nonsense, lowered his voice, and said with some reproach: "Wei Gong is careful with his words, how dare you say such a thing?!"

Yang Yi thought that the three-day questioning session was one of the biggest shames in her life.What's more, he is now in charge of the logistics supply of the army in the Shuhan territory. He has a high position and authority. Who doesn't ask him to do things? How can anyone dare to keep questioning what he said in front of his face? !

Nightmare, nightmare, three days of nightmares!This is Yang Yi's current state of mind. Thinking of the scene of the interrogation meeting, his body trembled violently, and he really wanted to hit his head to death.Yang Yi, who is so dignified by herself, was questioned by a group of people standing there!

Moreover, His Majesty the Emperor seemed to be crazy, completely disregarding the majesty of officials like himself, just watching and listening like that, without any intention of coming forward to stop it!
Yang Yi glanced at Zhang Yi, and said with some reproach: "Master Zhang, I feel very uncomfortable in my heart now, why don't you let me vent when I get here!"

Zhang Yi sighed and said, "Duke Wei, I know how you feel right now. Why don't I feel very unhappy because of the three-day interrogation session? But what can be done about it? This is what His Majesty the Emperor requested. It's not that you don't know that our emperor always does things so unexpectedly. What you don't know is that a few days ago, His Majesty held an inquiry meeting for the officials of Jiangling City. Especially about the affairs of Liaodong Even Gongsun Xiu and Chen Biao were questioned enough."

Yang Yi blurted out: "Your Majesty is not teasing people?!"

Hearing this, Zhang Yi almost rushed forward to cover Yang Yi's big mouth, and blamed him: "Duke Wei, Your Majesty is a wise master, you must be careful what you say! The reason why I tell you this is just to explain to you , the situation here in Jiangling City is different from ours in Yizhou and Chengdu."

Yang Yi sighed and said, "I really want to go back to Chengdu soon!"

Zhang Yi smiled slightly and said, "Why, are you homesick?"

"What kind of family do you want!" Yang Yi said, "I just want to leave Jiangling City as soon as possible!"

For Yang Yi, this questioning session in Jiangling City was destined to be a lifetime nightmare.

Zhang Yi patted Yang Yi on the shoulder and said, "Duke Wei, judging from His Majesty's current situation, I'm afraid this kind of questioning meeting will continue to be held in the future. You and I must be fully prepared for it."


Yang Yi's face turned red immediately, and she stared at Zhang Yi with wide eyes.

Zhang Yi said with a wry smile: "Actually, have you noticed that most of the people in Shangshutai, Da Sima's government office, and even the naval governor's government office who attended the meeting have become quite calm about the heated debates at the questioning meeting?" gone?"

Yang Yi squinted her eyes and said: "So what, such a group of lunatics! Speaking of this, I feel even more angry. The soldier Cao Shangshu Zhuge Ziyu is the prime minister's brother, and he doesn't show any mercy to us noodle!"

At this time, Zhang Yi finally saw Yang Yi's temper, and at the same time he seemed a little extreme, and said, "Wei Gong, that's not what I want to say. I just want to tell you that those officials in Jiangling City I'm already used to such an intense atmosphere, but those of us who stayed in Chengdu didn't realize it at all."

Yang Yi curled her lips and said, "A bunch of lunatics!"

"Duke Wei, you are such a smart person, how come you still can't figure it out?" Zhang Yi said helplessly, "Didn't you see something? During the inquiry meeting, His Majesty hardly said a word. , Are all the officials here asking questions? What does this mean? It means that everyone still has many doubts about the work of the two of us."

Yang Yi remained silent. In fact, he really wanted to say that it was because the officials of Jiangling City were jealous and suppressed his work.But he still didn't say it out of his mouth.

Zhang Yi continued: "Actually, it's a good thing that they can tell us the truth. At least they can let us know what the officials of Jiangling City think of us. You know, now Although the prime minister's mansion is the most powerful, Lord Fazheng's Shangshutai and the Da Sima's mansion are full of talented people, and His Majesty actually relies on them more and more."

Yang Yi said: "Isn't it also because they are close to the water and get the moon first?"

Zhang Yi nodded and said: "It is indeed the case. However, it is an indisputable fact that His Majesty is beginning to increase the power of Shangshutai, right? In fact, you have not participated in the battle of the army commanded by Your Majesty. If you have participated or If you've paid special attention, you won't be surprised that he was able to hold an inquiry."

Zhang Yi went on to say: "Actually, since everyone has spoken so clearly, His Majesty just wants to warn the two of us that we must think about ways to improve our business when we come back to command, so that we won't waste all the time traveling from Chengdu to other places." Go to Jiangling City."

Yang Yi looked at Zhang Yi with some surprise, no wonder Zhang Yi was able to become a long history, and he really had a good grasp of the intentions and thoughts of the higher-ups.

The next day, Yang Yi and Zhang Yi wrote a letter and sent it to Chengdu.

At noon that day, Xu Xiang came to see Liu Chan, saw the conversation between Yang Yi and Zhang Yi yesterday and the contents of his heart sent to Chengdu as soon as possible, and informed Liu Chan.Among them, the content of Zhang Yi's letter was much more peaceful, while Yang Yi still complained a lot.

Liu Chan didn't expect that Xu Xiang would bring him such a report, so he couldn't help but glared at Xu Xiang, and blamed him: "Xu Xiang, what's the matter with you? Who authorized you to monitor every move of our Shu Han officials?" ?”

Xu Xiang originally wanted to make meritorious deeds based on this, but unexpectedly, Liu Chan reacted like this, "This..." He hesitated and couldn't speak.

Liu Chan immediately reprimanded: "Remember, you are not allowed to do such stupid things in the future, otherwise you will no longer be suitable to stay by my side! It is a private communication, so of course you can say whatever you want, even if you complain and complain. how!"

Xu Xiang suddenly turned pale with fright, and resigned obediently.

Although Xu Xiang was reprimanded, Liu Chan still started to pay attention to Yang Yi's complaints.He sighed slightly in his heart, the officials in Jiangling City and the officials in Chengdu seemed to be getting more and more separated.

Maybe I was a little aggressive.

This matter is really not easy to handle. It seems that Zhang Yi and Yang Yi need to clear their anger.

(End of this chapter)

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