The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1201 Seeking common ground while reserving differences

Chapter 1201 Seeking common ground while reserving differences
So, at noon the next day, after Liu Chan had finished dealing with the morning affairs, he sent someone to invite Zhang Yi and Yang Yi to have a meal together.

Liu Chan has always seldom hosted special banquets to invite the ministers of the DPRK and China, which can be regarded as giving these two people enough face, and they are somewhat flattered.Because according to what they knew, Liu Chan's schedule obviously did not have this arrangement, otherwise they would have been notified in advance.

After the two entered the "imperial palace" where Liu Chan lived, although they saw Liu Chan himself, they were surprised to find that besides entertaining them two, Liu Chan actually brought Zhuge Qiao alone.

When Liu Chan saw the arrival of these two people, he was not polite. He just asked them to take their seats first, and then they really started to eat and drink without saying anything else.The master seemed relaxed like this, but Zhang Yi and Yang Yi were under pressure.The Celestial Dynasty has always been a society where officials and senior officials crush people to death. The more relaxed your superiors are, the more likely people will think that something is about to happen; Big deal.

Therefore, Zhang Yi and Yang Yi did not feel at ease eating.

After the banquet was withdrawn, Liu Chan began to tell the two about the purpose of the banquet, which was to hear their true views on the questioning meeting.

Zhang Yi was a little hesitant, he couldn't hold Liu Chan's true thoughts in his heart.But Yang Yi was a little aggressive, quite angry, and really dared to bring out most of the contents of the letter she wrote to Prime Minister Zhuge Liang.

Yang Yi's words were so cruel that Liu Chan couldn't hold back his face. Even Zhang Yi was so frightened that he turned pale from Yang Yi's aura, and kept secretly pulling Yang Yi's sleeve several times.

Yang Yi was really going all out, and didn't even give advice from Tiger Zhang Yi.He was originally a master, and his verbal skills were strong enough. A good-tempered person like Zhuge Qiao, who talked endlessly, couldn't help turning black.

Liu Chan couldn't help but sigh in his heart, why Yang Yi was in such a relationship with Wei Yan who put on airs in history.

Liu Chan finally listened to Yang Yi's "righteousness and strict words", thinking at the same time, this Yang Yi is actually a sincere person, but he dares to say what he thinks.So much so that he almost couldn't help but wanted to ask Yang Yi if he was willing to be the head of the procuratorate separated from Li Yan?
But Liu Chan didn't ask after all, because in terms of Yang Yi's current power in the logistics affairs of the Prime Minister Shuhan's entire army, he really had to fight a lot. Even if he was given equal-level transfer treatment, he might not be willing to accept it.What's more, the divestiture of the procuratorate will take some time to operate, and it is still a place where people are easily offended, and it is not a job that most people like.

So, Liu Chan tapped his fingers and pondered for a while.Seeing Liu Chan's expression, Yang Yi reflected on her words and deeds just now, and felt that she was indeed too aggressive just now, and her face suddenly turned pale.He turned his head to look at Zhang Yi beside him, he was looking at himself with complaining eyes!

Yang Yi took a deep breath and sat up straight, as if she was waiting for Liu Chan's anger to explode.

Not wanting to, Liu Chan suddenly said to Yang Yi: "I know what Mr. Yang said. It seems that I was a little too hasty in dealing with the officials who came from Chengdu. Mr. Yang, don't be annoyed, just Think of this incident as a rare experience in your life. At the same time, you also need to know that the people who participated in this questioning did not have any malice towards you, and everyone was just out of public interest. If they really had any bad intentions, they wouldn't be able to compete with you like that in front of you."

Yang Yi looked at Liu Chan in surprise. His Majesty the Emperor was not furious?What's happening here?
Seeing that Yang Yi was silent, Liu Chan coughed lightly and nodded Yang Yi again.

Yang Yi quickly said: "Your Majesty understands, please rest assured, Your Majesty was really emotional just now, please forgive me."

Liu Chan smiled slightly and said: "Master Yang, just like your emotions just now, I must have been angry at the beginning when I heard your fierce criticism. But after thinking about it, I must consider it from your standpoint. In this way, the mentality will be a little more peaceful. Of course, I don't necessarily agree with your set of 'officials' and 'maintaining official authority'."

Yang Yi lowered her head and said: "Yes, I understand, I will think about it after I go back."

Liu Chan nodded and said: "Although you are one of the most busy officials in my Shu Han, you can spend more time in Jiangling City or even go to Jiangdong to stay today and see how the situation here is different from that in Chengdu. I believe that in the future It will help you."

Yang Yi said hesitantly: "But what about my own affairs?"

Liu Chan smiled slightly and said, "Doesn't Master Yang have enough trustworthy and capable assistants? If there are, this should be the time to use them; if not, should we start to pay attention to training? A person's energy and intelligence It is always limited. This is why I always organize relevant officials to conduct collective consultations on certain important matters. Although the speed of reaching results is not as fast as I can do by myself, only in this way can I understand that each Fang's interest orientation in this matter, and the bottom line of the interests of all parties."

Yang Yi is a smart person, knowing that Liu Chan has been around for a long time, but in the end he is still explaining for the inquiry meeting he convened, but it does make sense.When everyone speaks up at once, it also reduces the possibility of everyone secretly tripping up each other and using a knife, which can be regarded as reducing some friction.This is a way to lose face and win Lizi...

Yang Yi was quite conflicted, after all, changing her mind could not be resolved in just one or two sentences, so she had to express her position: "Your Majesty is still talking about the questioning meeting, I will definitely continue to investigate, and I will report to Your Majesty when the time comes. "

Liu Chan nodded and smiled. Yang Yi had expressed his opinion to such an extent that he no longer insisted on it. He is a smart person, but he just doesn't know how to act according to people's faces.

Liu Chan turned to Zhang Yi and said, "Master Zhang, I know that you have your own thoughts in your heart. But as the prime minister's governor, and as the prime minister's deputy, you have to bear various responsibilities and pressures, which are more difficult than your own. There are many others. I believe that when you come to Jiangling City this time, you can also see that the situation here is very different from Chengdu. But as the highest official of our Han Dynasty, the Prime Minister is obliged to eliminate this difference. At least it must be possible to make the difference between the two places mutually recognized, otherwise there will be divisions within the government in the future. Therefore, it is your deputy's responsibility to make the prime minister aware of this."

Zhang Yi hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "Don't worry, Your Majesty, I understand."

Seeing his sincerity, Liu Chan said, "I just reminded Master Yang to take some, and the prime minister's mansion also needs to think more about it. Remember to reserve more talents for the prime minister's mansion. Talent is our big man, and it is also the most important part of our government. Don't wait until There are not enough people, so I came here in a hurry, otherwise, what is the purpose of setting up so many colleges and spending so much money?"

Zhang Yi didn't dare to talk nonsense on this matter, after all Zhuge Liang hadn't made any moves on this matter.He was a tactful person, and said: "After the minister returns, immediately convey your majesty's words to the prime minister."

Only then did Liu Chan send Zhang Yi and Yang Yi away.Zhang Yi hurried back to Chengdu two days later, and Yang Yi stayed in Jiangling City for half a month, then took a boat down the river and entered Jiangdong, returned to Chengdu after a month, and then entered Hanzhong to continue to preside over his work.The travel during this period really opened Yang Yi's horizons, and she found that the vitality exuded by the people in Jiangdong is definitely not comparable to that in Yizhou.

When Yang Yi was traveling, Zhuge Liang personally left Yizhou and came to Jiangling.

(End of this chapter)

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