The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1202: The Arrival of Kong Ming

Chapter 1202: The Arrival of Kong Ming
However, Zhuge Liang's arrival did not cause any commotion in Jiangling City.Because he came to Jiangling City in secret, the only person who knew about it was Pan Jun, the prefect of Jiangling, apart from a few important officials in the court.

Zhuge Liang must have taken the water route, he himself will not get seasick, it is much more comfortable than the land route, and he can also take the opportunity to rest more.People who work as hard as him usually don't have a rest day for a whole year.This is indeed very unscientific, but others can't persuade it.

Sometimes, history is doomed and cannot be changed by manpower.

Liu Chan sent Zhuge Qiao to the river to secretly connect Zhuge Liang to the city, and specially arranged for him to live in his home.This is a treatment that has never been used by anyone, and it is almost the same as staying in a post station.

Liu Chan personally waited at the gate for more than half an hour, and finally the carriage to pick him up came.

Soon, Zhuge Liang's tall body came out of the carriage. Although his body looked a little too thin, he was considered healthy. Although he was old now, he was still handsome and handsome, and his eyes were even more piercing. god.

Zhuge Liang's mental state is so good, which is beyond Liu Chan's expectation. I can't help but sigh in my heart. In recent years, the level of medical care in the country has indeed improved a little. From the doctor specially hired by the National Academy of Medicine, it seems that he still takes care of him. It's pretty good.

At the same time, benefiting from the development of medical technology, some old officials in the Shu Han Dynasty, many of them still lived for many years.Although in Liu Chan's view, they have indeed reached the age when they should "retire".

At this time, Liu Chan was wearing a black dragon robe, with a black beard on the upper lip of his mouth, looking quite mature and stable.He is no longer the child and prince of Hanzhong, but now he is the monarch in charge of a huge country with a population of nearly ten million.

Liu Chan stood where he was, looking at Zhuge Liang with a smile.He didn't immediately go forward to greet him as excitedly as before. Years of experience have already made him mature and stable now.

Zhao Feng stepped forward quickly, and held out his hand to Zhuge Liang, so that he could get off the carriage safely.

Zhuge Liang smiled and waved his hands and said, "It doesn't have to be that way." The voice sounded quite loud, and he got off the carriage easily, and then Zhuge Qiao followed.

Seeing that Liu Chan was already waiting at the door, Zhuge Liang straightened his clothes a little, and stepped forward to disrespect Liu Chan.

Zhuge Liang's figure is really frighteningly tall. Liu Chan's current body must not be able to grow taller, he can only reach his neck, and Zhuge Liang will look up.

Liu Chan stepped forward to hold Zhuge Liang's hand, and said with a smile, "Prime Minister, we haven't seen each other for two years, and I really miss you! Come on, let's go in and talk."

Liu Chan took Zhuge Liang's hand, and the two entered the living room inside together.

There were already five people sitting in the hall at this time: Cao Shangshu Zhuge Jin, Shi Shi Guangyuan, Chief of the Grand Sima Mansion, and his assistant Meng Xi, Quan Cong, Governor of the Navy, and Pan Jun, Governor of Jiangling.

Among them, the reason why Da Sima Dong He didn't show up was because he had been sick all the time and hadn't gone to Da Sima's office to deal with affairs all the year round. In fact, Shi Guangyuan was handling all the affairs now.

As soon as these people saw Zhuge Liang coming, they all got up and saluted him.

After everyone greeted each other, they took their seats, and the food and drinks were served. Drinking to one's heart's content is absolutely a must.

The reason why Liu Chan invited these five people to attend is because of the need for confidentiality. After all, Zhuge Liang has been presiding over the government affairs of the Shu Han in Chengdu, and leaving there suddenly may cause a lot of inconvenience, so the less people know, the better.

Moreover, these candidates were selected by Liu Chan after careful consideration.

Zhuge Jin was Zhuge Liang's elder brother. Zhuge Liang's family came to Jiangling City, so it was impossible to hide them.At the same time, Zhugejin is also an important member of Shangshutai and can attend instead of Shangshu Ling Fazheng.

Shi Guangyuan is Zhuge Liang's friend, and he can also attend on behalf of Da Sima's government.As for Meng Xi, it was to bring him here to see the world and cultivate his vision.

Quan Cong was the supreme commander of the Shu Han Navy, representing the Navy Commander's Mansion.

Pan Jun is the highest administrative and military chief in Jiangling City. It is impossible to hide Zhuge Liang's arrival from him, because many things require his assistance.

In this way, representatives from several of the most important power organizations distributed in Jiangling City will also come here, and Zhuge Liang will not lose face.

Of course, the issue of face is not actually within the scope of Liu Chan's consideration, he just happened to do it along with this aspect.

Because he was thinking that it would be difficult for Zhuge Liang to come to Jiangling City. These institutions are either at the same level as his prime minister's mansion, or they are partially under his jurisdiction. He needs to take the opportunity to explain the situation to him, at least in advance. Just communicate.

Therefore, after drinking for three rounds, it is not time to chat, but time to report to Zhuge Liang about their work.

It should be said that Liu Chan's arrangement was actually in the hands of Zhuge Liang.

For a workaholic like him, I wish you could take the initiative to clear up all the affairs and report to him without any omission!
Therefore, these people drank for two whole hours during this meal of wind-catching wine, which is really an extremely rare situation.

Then, seeing that Zhuge Liang was also tired, Liu Chan announced that the banquet was over, and took Zhuge Qiao to personally lead Zhuge Liang to the room to rest.

On the way, Liu Chan smiled and asked Zhuge Liang: "Prime Minister, I know that you haven't handled official business on the ship these days, and you must be very anxious. No, I specially arranged for you so many people to report to you when you got off the ship." , you must feel full in your heart, right?"

Zhuge Liang wondered, "How does Your Majesty know that your servants have no official duties to deal with?"

Liu Chan said with a smile: "Because I have already issued an order to Zhang Yi not to use fast boats or fast horses to send you various forms along the way, which made you rest for a few days along the way. Is it time?"

Zhuge Liang couldn't help being moved when he heard Liu Chan say this, but he said with a smile: "My old bones may really be born to work hard. If I don't deal with business this day, my bones will feel sore. Your Majesty After doing this, the subject's bones have been sore for more than ten or twenty days!"

The three of them laughed out loud.

Halfway, when the three of them were walking, they met Liu Chan's queen and two princes.

Empress Zhang first gave birth to the eldest prince Liu Zhen, and later gave birth to the second prince Liu Yao. Both of them have been studying in Jiangling City.

Liu Chan now has only one wife, Empress Zhang, which has almost abolished the setting of those wives and nobles in the harem. It is estimated that he has no intention of marrying more wives in the future.

It turned out that Queen Zhang had just heard that Zhuge Liang had secretly come from Chengdu and was going to live here today, so she brought her children to visit Zhuge Liang.

She is also a caring person, and even a good internal helper. She has been helping Liu Chan with various fund and charity affairs, and often goes to various places to take the lead and call on everyone to do charity.

It can even be said that Empress Zhang is as busy as Liu Chan most of the time, and she is not in Jiangling City for a lot of time.Over the years, her reputation among the poor and the rich was almost as high as that of Liu Chan himself, and she was greatly respected by them.

It is precisely because of this that Queen Zhang has actually returned to Chengdu many times over the years, meeting Zhuge Liang himself more times than Liu Chan met Zhuge Liang himself.

Zhuge Liang was naturally very happy to see Queen Zhang, and respected Queen Zhang very much, so he quickly stepped forward to salute her.

After Queen Zhang asked the two lovely princes to greet Zhuge Liang, she said with a smile: "Prime Minister, it's rare for you to come back to Jingzhou once. You must stay longer."

Although Zhuge Liang had things in Chengdu in his heart, he still had to be polite when facing the queen.

Then, Liu Chan's family sent Zhuge Liang to the room together, and then left Zhuge Qiao to serve Zhuge Liang to rest.At this time, the son took care of Lao Tzu's daily life, which was also a rare opportunity for Liu Chan to show off to Zhuge Qiao.

As for tomorrow, Liu Chan still intends to let Zhuge Liang secretly reunite with Zhuge Qiao and Zhuge Jin's family, and let's talk about the business the day after tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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