The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1207 One Unification of the World

Chapter 1207 The World Is Unified (One)

Half a year later, Liu Chan ordered his servant Zhang Wen to carry Liaodong on his back again.His mission this time is still to carry out diplomacy with Goguryeo.

Liu Chan thought about this for a long time, and finally decided that if he can't bear it, he will make a big conspiracy. For the time being, he will put up with his anger against Goguryeo and start the domestic unification war first!

Therefore, Zhang Wen shouldered a heavy burden this time.He at least needs to make Goguryeo temporarily give up his aggression against Liaodong, and if possible, he must win him into the camp of the Shu Han and become an ally of the Shu Han.

Of course, the second result is too difficult, and Liu Chan does not have much confidence in it.Therefore, he asked Zhang Wenduo to bring some belongings out, which could be used to bribe the nobles of Goguryeo at critical moments.They were still in a slave society at this time, a typical grassland tribe, and it was not difficult to bribe them.

After Zhang Wen arrived in Liaodong, the first person he met was actually Xu Sheng's deputy Chen Biao.Because the navy can bypass the Sanhan area and directly monitor Goguryeo's actions from the sea.

Then, Zhang Wen met with Deng Ai, and after learning about the situation on the border between the two countries, he entered the Goguryeo royal city, Wandu Mountain City.This is not the first time he has entered Goguryeo, so he is actually quite familiar with the situation inside.

However, even though Zhang Wen used bribery methods, the results achieved can be said to be very limited.After all, he only got a verbal promise from the King of Goguryeo. As long as the big man doesn't have Sanhan's idea, they will not invade the Liaodong area.

Such a verbal promise can't even compare to blood for an alliance!

Of course, Zhang Wen felt very indignant in his heart, and left Wandu Mountain City angrily, and entered Fuyu Country instead.The King of Fuyu Kingdom is an old friend of Zhang Wen, and the two sides have met at least five or six times, because Zhang Wen had ruled the Liaodong area at that time, and the two sides often exchanged letters.

The two sides discussed some things, and Zhang Wen reminded Fuyu that they must pay attention to the border between Fuyu and Goguryeo. Goguryeo may be repeating the old trick this time.They deliberately eased the relationship with the big man a little bit, and then they would turn around and attack Fuyu country.Goguryeo is an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf.

However, Dahan and Funan Kingdom are firm allies, and they bear the responsibility of offensive and defensive alliances with each other.Therefore, Zhang Wen must ask Funan to station more troops on the border to deter Goguryeo from acting rashly.Otherwise, if the two countries started fighting, Liaodong would have to send troops to help Funan, and Zhang Wen's achievements would be wiped out.

Fortunately, Zhang Wen thought of this move. Although Goguryeo had the tendency to send troops to help the southern country, it still failed to become an action in the end.The situation in Liaodong has finally stabilized for the time being.

At the same time, according to Deng Ai's report, the Allied Forces of Fuyu who were transferred to Yizhou were obviously unable to adapt to the battle situation in Liaodong, so they were all transferred to Jiangdong and began to accept the full command of Lu Xun.

Then, Lu Xun took this as an opportunity to take full charge of commanding Jiangdong's garrison.Veteran General Jin is already very old at this time, and he is no longer suitable for commanding troops in combat. It should be time for Lu Xun to truly become the commander-in-chief of a party.

Then, all the troops in Shanyue who entered the battle sequence were secretly transferred northward by Lu Xun and entered the various cities along the Yangtze River.

At the same time, Quan Cong's Navy Commander's Mansion has also begun to take action on the Yangtze River.Since Cao Wei's navy was almost wiped out in the early years, and has not been able to reorganize so far, they have almost no combat missions.Therefore, they accepted the order of the Da Sima's government office to transport Lu Xun's army across the Yangtze River.

Xu Sheng was also ordered at the same time that his naval fleet secretly transported [-] Jiangdong troops to the north and stationed in four seaports in Liaodong.These troops will cooperate with the repatriation from Funan Kingdom and their existing marines to attack Jizhou.

This also means that the naval fleet commanded by Xu Sheng will once again have a place to show its talents.Because Deng Ai will undoubtedly form a large-scale allied army with Funan Kingdom at that time, and directly attack the deadly enemy Youzhou army from Liaodong.

Therefore, what Xu Sheng's naval fleet will have to deal with at that time is actually to transfer [-] marines and [-] Jiangdong troops from the Liaodong Peninsula across the sea, and land on the Shandong Peninsula today!This belongs to the boundary of Qingzhou, which happens to be located in the south of Jizhou. The area of ​​Qingzhou is much smaller than that of Jizhou.

Since Xu Sheng's marines had previously carried out large-scale landing operations in Liaoxi County and Youbeiping County in Youzhou, I believe that this time they should also be able to live up to expectations.

The current actions of the above three groups of people are all in a highly confidential state.But because of the huge scale of the operation, I believe it is impossible to hide everything from Cao Wei's eyes and ears.

The army in Xiangyang County is still in the hands of General Longxiang Guan Xing.But he did not receive combat orders from Liu Chan and Da Sima's government office. His army was more responsible for the security of surrounding Jiangling, where Liu Chan is now.

What's more, Guan Yu's Northern Expedition has already proved that the route for the Northern Expedition from Xiangyang is actually extremely difficult to get through.Neither Liu Chan nor Da Sima's Yamen wanted the Xiangyang Army to attack.What's more, there are already three armies in action, and if the Xiangyang army moves again, it will appear that the actions are too scattered.

As for the army in Yongzhou, Wei Yan finally became the sole commander after Lu Xun was transferred to Jiangdong.The main task of the men and horses along this road is of course to attack Bingzhou.

Therefore, the Da Sima Mansion ordered Wei Yan to act as high-profile as possible in order to attract the attention of the Bingzhou Army and Youzhou Army.

Of course, it is Wei Yan's nature to be high-profile, and his favorite thing to do is to be high-profile. Maybe Chen Guangbiao's name 800 years ago was Wei Yan.Therefore, Wei Yan is of course very happy to accept such an order.

Under his order, the army stationed in Yongzhou immediately began to make great fanfare, which made Cao Wei worried about it.Guo Huai, the governor of Bingzhou, also immediately prepared for the battle with all his strength, and kept reporting all the movements on the border to the court.

But in fact, the Yongzhou army is not the main offensive force that Liu Chan and Da Sima's government think.Because compared with Jiangdong, the terrain of Bingzhou is actually extremely beneficial to the defense of Bingzhou Army.Moreover, the mountainous terrain also greatly affects the supply of various materials to the attacking troops.

Therefore, the poor and high-profile Wei Yan was actually put on by the court. The more role of his army was to attract the attention of Cao Wei's army.The main offensive force has actually been arranged to the east.

Therefore, four months later, Jiang Wei and Ma Dai's Liangzhou cavalry were secretly transferred to Jingzhou at the same time.They took the road of Yizhou, in order to avoid the eyes and ears of Cao Wei, and the remaining minority cavalry in Yongzhou and Liangzhou would join Wei Yan's command, and the number of these cavalry was still very large.

However, Wei Yan soon realized that something was wrong, and he sent a questioning letter to the Da Sima Mansion immediately.Liu Chan personally responded to Wei Yan, explaining to him the strategic intention of the Northern Expedition.

Wei Yan was furious immediately, but he had no way to resist the order, because Liu Chan ordered him to launch a strategic feint attack on Bingzhou one month later.Moreover, half a month later, Liu Chan himself left Jiangling City and entered Yongzhou with an extremely grand battle.

Under the supervision of Liu Chan, Wei Yan's army began to send troops to Bingzhou, and the fierce battle between the two sides in the mountains finally started.

Cao Wei immediately ordered Bingzhou Governor Guanqiu Jian to be ready to support Bingzhou at any time.But this proposal was criticized by Sima Yi. He thought it was better for the Youzhou Army not to move at this time, because maybe the Liaodong Army would follow to attack Youzhou.

Sima Yi's guess was correct. Wei Yan's men fought fiercely with the Bingzhou Army for nearly 20 days, and the Bingzhou Army relied on its complete defense system and never fell into a disadvantage.It should be said that the current Bingzhou War is no longer the time when Yongzhou was raided and Jinyang was almost surrounded.

At this time, Deng Ai's allied army finally launched, from [-] infantry plus [-] cavalry, from the border line of Beiping County on the right, suddenly launched an extremely violent surprise attack on Cao Wei's Yuyang County.

At this time, what Deng Ai was facing was actually the army commanded by Sima Yi.They have been on high alert for military operations in Liaodong.Therefore, they have already prepared for battle.

Deng Ai's surprise attack had limited effect, and the armies of both sides immediately launched a new round of fierce battle in the border area.But Sima Yi's men were not enough, only [-] people, so Guanqiu Jian had to give up supporting Bingzhou, and instead supported Sima Yi's men.

The Cao Wei court continued to dispatch troops everywhere, and the Jizhou Army once again became the main support force for the armies of all parties.They divided into two groups, one to support the Bingzhou Army, and the other to support Sima Yi's army to resist Deng Ai's allies with more troops.

At this time, it was time for Xu Sheng's navy to dispatch.

The Navy Fleet begins transshipment of Marines in the grandest lineup.The first wave of 1 horses went around to the Changguang coast on the southern coast of the Shandong Peninsula and landed.

At this time, most of Qingzhou's troops were deployed on the northern coast, so the southern coast was basically empty, and Xu Sheng's marines succeeded in a blow.They seized Changguang at the fastest speed, and then began to sweep across the entire peninsula.However, their goal is actually to take down Linzi, which was enfeoffed by the state of Qi.At that time, all the remaining troops in Xu Sheng's hands will cooperate with this army, attack from north to south, and destroy the Qingzhou army.

Then, they sent some troops south to attack Xuzhou.The main force was the Cao Wei army who attacked Youzhou with their backs, helping Deng Ai's allied forces invade Youzhou, and captured the most important city of Cao Wei, Yecheng, which was the old nest of the Cao family.Once Yecheng is captured, Cao Wei's finale will be played.

Then, these troops will destroy Bingzhou together, and the area north of the Yellow River will all fall into the hands of Shu Han.

(End of this chapter)

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