The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1208 One Unification of the World

Chapter 1208 Unification of the World ([-])
At this time, warships were already gathering on the Yangtze River.

Lu Xun's main force of [-] troops crossed the Yangtze River one after another, divided into two groups, and handed over one route to the commander of the famous general He Da. Most of them were mainly infantry and attacked the eastern part of Xuzhou.These places are easy to capture, but difficult to defend.However, the Qingzhou Army could not go south, and it would not be a problem if they wanted to hold these areas after they were captured.

On Lu Xun's side, he commanded a part of the infantry, and together with a large number of cavalry commanded by Jiang Wei, he directly attacked the front line of Hefei.As long as this passage is opened, they can enter the central area of ​​the grassland and reach the periphery of Luoyang City.

Therefore, although Lu Xun's team was the last to take action, the task they shouldered was actually the most important task!
The Shu Han army attacked in all directions, which immediately disrupted the deployment of Cao Wei's army across the country, and even caused great panic in the court.Some officials have already begun to think about saving their lives.

As a result, a split suddenly appeared in the Cao Wei court, and the main combat faction and the peace-seeking faction began to attack each other endlessly.At this time, Cao Rui was already sick, and under such a blow, he became bedridden.This led to even more chaos in the court.

It took half a month for Xu Sheng's troops to finally break through Qi and take Linzi. Most of the remaining Qingzhou army chose to surrender, and some fled south to Xuzhou, where they were chased by Xu Sheng's captured army.

The vicinity of Hefei had undergone a large number of annexations during Le Jin's lifetime, and the defense capability was still quite strong. Although Lu Xun's army was large in number, the cavalry actually lacked room to use it at this time, so they couldn't attack consecutively and could only wander in place.This made Lu Xun feel great pressure.

Half a month later, Lu Xun made a desperate move and continued to encircle Hefei with his infantry, and then let Jiang Wei command the cavalry to go north and sweep the surrounding terrain.

The Cao Wei army in Yanzhou saw that Qingzhou, Jizhou, and Xuzhou were continuously attacked by the Shuhan army. After all, they did not dare to act rashly and could not go out to support the surrounding states in combat.

For Lu Xun, it was indeed a long journey.The area where his army is located is definitely an extremely humid and watery area. After all, because of the large number of troops, a large area of ​​plague began to break out.

At this time, the medical system and medical technology that Liu Chan had been developing since before finally showed its power again.Historically, when Sun Quan's army attacked this area, the entire army was wiped out due to the outbreak of a large-scale plague.Therefore, Liu Chan has already made preparations in advance.

Various medicines were continuously transported across the Yangtze River by the fleet.Moreover, Yu Jin has now begun to do logistics support work, and has been continuously mobilizing more medicinal materials from Funan Kingdom.Funan Kingdom is a treasure house of medicinal materials.

Half a month later, the plague was finally effectively controlled, but it still caused the death of thousands of soldiers. However, compared with the annihilation of Sun Quan's tens of thousands of troops, the Shu Han army is already very remarkable.

Moreover, this plague also helped Lu Xun a lot.The plague outside the city soon infected Cao Wei's army inside the city.

A month later, it became an army of tens of thousands of people, and only 2000 people died, or the people were already in a state of half-dead, and the Shu Han army easily captured it.

Lu Xun's troops immediately got on their backs and joined forces with Jiang Wei's cavalry to attack the Yanzhou army.

He Da's troops under Lu Xun's command started to go north to deal with Cao Wei's army who could not escape from behind, and soon joined Xu Sheng's army.This army accepted Lu Xun's order and turned to attack and became the second army to attack Yanzhou.

At the same time, the situation on Sima Yi's side is critical.Even though his military ability is superb and unparalleled in the world, he cannot withstand the double attack of the Shu Han army, and after all he can only fight while retreating.He once tried to cross the Yellow River and get back to the south bank of the Yellow River, preparing to defend the area around Luoyang.However, under the rapid pursuit of Liaodong iron cavalry and Fuyu iron cavalry, they failed after all, and were finally besieged in several strong castles on the northern border of Youzhou.

Half a month later, Xu Sheng led an army into Bingzhou, and Deng Ai led some troops to continue to besiege Sima Yi and Guan Qiujian's army.

Guo Huai's Bingzhou Army retreated to Jinyang.Wei Yan's army and Liu Chan immediately entered Bingzhou in a large scale, and the armies of the three sides finally joined forces under the city of Jinyang.

Liu Chan was overjoyed to see Xu Sheng.

At the same time, Wei Yan is the most depressed one among the generals of the Shu Han's attacking troops.He immediately felt that his chance had come, so he immediately asked Liu Chan for orders to let his troops continue to attack.But now that Youzhou has gone south, Wei Yan means that his army will become the main force to cross the Yellow River.

Liu Chan has no reason to refuse Wei Yan's request for life, and he also needs to compensate Wei Yan for his dedication, otherwise this person will definitely complain again and again in the future.

Then, Liu Chan left Xu Sheng and continued to besiege Jinyang City.

Lu Xun's army soon reached Cao Wei's critically ill Hedong County.This is a place where Cao Wei's talents gather, and it is also a place where Cao Wei's army is heavily defended, because beyond here, it is Luoyang City.

Lu Xun immediately launched an attack on Hedong County at all costs.

At this time, General Longxiang Guan Xing, who had been silent for a long time, finally couldn't sit still.He couldn't find Liu Chan himself, so he had to ask the Da Sima government office for orders to attack.

At this time, the Da Sima Mansion Yamen also learned that Lu Xun's army was being stubbornly blocked by Cao Wei's army in Hedong County. In order to help Lu Xun reduce the pressure, Shi Guangyuan sent Meng Xi to personally lead a combat planning team to Xiangyang to assist the Xiangyang Army in the Northern Expedition.

Guan Xing was very excited immediately, and then led the [-] Xiangyang army, quickly crossed the Xiangshui River, and once again fought the third life-and-death battle with Le Jin's garrison army, which can be called the enemy of fate.

As far as the situation of Cao Wei at this time is concerned, it has entered a critical moment of life and death, and seven or eight tenths of the country's land has been lost.

Half a month later, Cao Rui passed away in grief and anger.Although Cao Rui has heirs, they are all very young. How can it be possible to reorganize the government in such a country where life and death are at stake?
As a result, some people immediately asked for an adult Cao family member to be emperor, and some people naturally asked for one of Cao Rui's sons to be emperor.

The endless disputes between the two sides made the court more and more chaotic, and it was no longer human power that could turn the tide.

Half a month later, Wei Yan's troops were blocked by Cao Wei's army in the Yellow River. After losing a lot of troops, they finally crossed the Yellow River successfully and began to attack the north of Yuzhou, and soon reached the Hedong area.

After a month of fighting, Cao Wei's army in Hedong was finally defeated, and most of them fled into Luoyang.

Lu Xun's troops rested in Hedong County and began to garrison a large number of troops in Hedong County.This is the place where Cao Wei has the most aristocratic families, and most of them are diehards who support Cao Wei. If there are not many troops stationed here, they will immediately rise up and rebel.

Wei Yan's men launched an attack westward, cooperated with Guan Xing's men and successfully captured Nanyang County.Since then, Cao Wei's territory has been completely lost, leaving only a few strongholds.

At this time, Xu Sheng's army also captured Jinyang City and captured Guo Huai, the governor of Bingzhou.But Sima Yi is still stubbornly resisting in the area north of Youzhou.

Liu Chan then commanded some of Xu Sheng's troops into Yecheng, where he issued an edict to Deng Zhi, Minister of the People, to let Shi Lang Zong advance into Luoyang City, and let Cao Wei take the initiative to surrender the city.

The armies of Wei Yan and Guan Xing continued to garrison on the outskirts of Luoyang City, maintaining an oppressive posture and providing guarantee for Zong Yu's persuasion to surrender.

The rest of the troops, except Xu Sheng's marines, immediately went to Qingzhou and returned to Liaodong from the sea to maintain their vigilance against Goguryeo. , Fuyu's iron cavalry were also sent back to their country for the same purpose as Xu Sheng's navy.

Two months later, Cao Fang, the newly enthroned emperor of Cao Wei, announced his surrender to the Shu Han army, and issued an order to surrender to Guan Qiujian and Sima Yi, who were still resisting in the north.

Guanqiu Jian was Cao Rui's confidant, even if a hundred people were unwilling, he still left the city and surrendered.But Sima Yi is a diehard, and he has a deep hatred with Liu Chan, so he finally refused to surrender the city.

Deng Ai's men surrounded Sima Yi for two years before finally breaking through.In a rage, Liu Chan issued the first and last secret genocide order in his life, and the Sima clan was almost killed.Fortunately, their family had a large population, but some of them escaped after all.

Liu Chan immediately set off from Yecheng, preparing to enter Luoyang City.

And Zhuge Liang, the prime minister of the Han Dynasty, was already in Xiangyang City at this time, excitedly waiting for the day when he entered Luoyang City.

Finally, the continuous unification war ended smoothly.

The world has finally been unified.

Like the Sun family in Jiangdong, the Cao family was not retaliated by Liu Chan, and they were all well settled.As for what happened to the Sima clan, it can only be said to be a special treatment among the special ones.

At this time, Liu Chan can finally free up his hands to carry out the development of various domestic undertakings.

Five years later, Jiang Wei served as the prefect of Liaodong and the general of Pingbei, and joined forces with Fuyu to attack Goguryeo and completely wiped out the Goguryeo royal city Wandu Mountain City.Only the Samhan area remained in Goguryeo's territory.

Another three years later, Zhang Yi clearly assisted Jiang Wei in sending troops to Sanhan to completely wipe out the power of Goguryeo.

Since then, only Kebineng in the north has been threatened by the frontier of the Han Dynasty.

It's just that in view of Xianbei's strength is still very strong, Dahan adopted a strategy of literary attack on it, and continued to attract their princes and princes to study in Dahan.After Ke Bineng's death, another great riot broke out in the grassland.

Jiang Wei and Deng Ai, who were already generals at that time, sent troops from Liangzhou and Youzhou to the grassland at the same time, and finally completely pacified the grassland.

At this time, Funan Kingdom also began to attack the Tianzhu area.Due to the existence of the previous alliance, the Marine Corps began to gather in various port cities in the South China Sea.

In the 32nd year of Zhangwu, a trading caravan from the Western Regions brought back the first Roman to Liu Chan.Through this person, the church in Rome sent a letter to Liu Chan, saying that they had received the letter from Liu Chan and that they were honored to be invited to spread the faith in the East.

Dahan has been very relaxed about these things now.He has selected the Five Dou Rice Religion and is ready to integrate with the teachings of Rome. This is to give birth to a new religion.

Since then, the civilization of the Han Dynasty has continued to spread and integrate outwards through land and sea.

(End of this chapter)

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