Chapter 124
Liu Chan and others quickly came to the posthouse.This post house is located in the north of the city, and the place is quite prosperous.From the outside, the inn looks quite new, presumably because of Shi Guangyuan's arrival, it was refurbished, right?
The surroundings of the post house have been closely guarded by many Yizhou soldiers, and it is difficult for ordinary strangers to approach, which is also for the needs of protecting the personnel in the post house.In front of the door, eight mighty warriors in white clothes and white armour, holding silver spears, belts and long swords were standing on duty.They were the white-eared guards accompanying Shi Guangyuan to protect him.

However, these white-eared guards all recognize Liu Chan.Because this time Shi Guangyuan took up the position of chief executive of the Hanzhong front line, the security guards and leaders were all selected by Liu Chan himself. There are a hundred extremely excellent guards!

Those white-eared guards rushed down the steps to greet them, but Liu Chan stopped them.Because his current identity is just a boy servant, he is afraid that Zhang Lu will be watching him here, and everything will wait until he enters.

After everyone entered, Liu Chan ordered the door to close.Then he threw the whip in his hand to a white-eared guard, and ordered: "Go and find all the doctors in the posthouse immediately."

Where did that person dare to be negligent, he rushed in to find someone immediately.Only then did Liu Chan take off the dirty green cloth clothes on his body, revealing the clean brocade clothes inside.

Soon, the three doctors who stayed in the post all came out.When they saw that it was the young master Liu Chan, they went forward to salute Liu Chan.

Liu Chan knew these people, they were Zhou Cheng, Ma Zuo and Yu Nan.Among them, Zhou Cheng's medical skills are the most brilliant, he is one of Zhang Fangping's direct disciples, and he can be regarded as Liu Chan's senior brother.

Liu Chan didn't talk too much nonsense, so he assigned Zhou Cheng to go to the side to treat the seriously ill child.Then, he took out the stack of yellow talismans, handed them to Ma Chiu and Yunan, and said, "I'm very unfamiliar with medicine, all of you help me to see if there's anything weird in these yellow talismans? I seem to smell it from it. A faint medicinal smell."

It turned out that he just grabbed a handful of yellow talismans in his hand, and it really had another purpose.

At this time, Liu Chan suddenly remembered that Shi Hui was an expert in pharmacology, but it was a pity that she hadn't come over from the convoy, otherwise it would have been much faster to distinguish.

Ma Chiu and Yu Nan took the yellow talismans, and after careful identification, they found that these yellow talismans were actually the yellow talismans used by Tianshidao to cure diseases.Since coming to Hanzhong, they have seen it many times.

They first smelled it with their noses, and there was indeed a faint medicinal fragrance.This made the two of them very surprised, because they always thought that the way of heavenly masters used magic to save people, but they never thought that there were medicines in this yellow talisman!However, due to the lack of analytical equipment in this era, it is actually very difficult to identify the types of medicinal materials in the yellow talisman.

Ma Chiu and Yunan discussed for a while, and said to Liu Chan: "My lord, when using medicine to treat a disease, several kinds of medicinal materials must be combined. Therefore, it is difficult for me to distinguish exactly how many kinds of medicinal materials are contained in this yellow talisman." , please give us some time to study it?"

Liu Chan nodded and said: "Well, what kind of medicine is in the yellow talisman is not that important. The important thing is, can you really be sure that the yellow talisman really contains medicine?"

Ma Chiu said firmly, "There must be! I can at least smell the thyme now."

Liu Chan nodded and said with a smile: "Very good, as long as we can be sure. This thyme should have the effect of relieving cough and eliminating phlegm?"

Ma Chiu replied, "Exactly."

Only then did Liu Chan say: "Then take all these yellow talismans and study them, and report back after the results come out."

Then, Liu Chan turned to look at Zhou Cheng. He had finished the diagnosis, and turned his head to report to Liu Chan that it was certain that the child had acute laryngitis.His throat was very swollen and painful. If he continued to delay, his throat would be destroyed, and he would become a mute in the end.

Seeing that the child was in a serious condition, Liu Chan told Zhou Cheng not to delay any longer, but to bring him in for treatment as soon as possible, and he must try his best to cure it. This is a very important thing for Yizhou.If he needs to use any medicine, just tell him, as long as the child doesn't have any sequelae from it.

Zhou Cheng was taken aback when he heard that, this sick child looks ugly, he should be just a child from an ordinary family!Why is he still related to Yizhou?But since the young master said so, he didn't dare to ask any more questions, so he just did it.

After Zhou Cheng waited for the three doctors to leave, Liu Chan asked the white-eared guards on duty, "Where did Mr. Shi and your chief guard, Mo Yan, go? Why haven't I seen them appear since I've been in the door for so long?"

A white-eared guard came out and replied: "My lord, the two adults have gone to see Master Zhang Lu now, and they haven't come back yet."

Liu Chan nodded and said, "Okay, where is my room, you lead the way." He had been riding a horse all day, and now he felt a little tired.

Liu Chan's room is located in the center of the post house, which should be specially arranged to better protect his safety.There are many flowers and plants planted in the courtyard in front of the room, which looks quite quiet and elegant.

Liu Chan then walked into his room, and after eating a little more, he began to rest.

About less than one birthday, someone knocked on Liu Chan's door, waking Liu Chan up from his rest.It was already dark outside at this time, and the man still held an oil lamp in his hand.

Using the light, Liu Chan discovered that it was Zhuge Qiao who came.Zhuge Qiao smiled and said: "It seems that you are really exhausted from the journey, son."

Liu Chan sat up from the couch, beckoned Zhuge Qiao to pass, and asked, "You came first, is Mr. Shi still with Zhang Lu?"

Zhuge Qiao nodded and said: "It is true that Mr. Shi has not come back. He has been very busy recently and needs to deal with a lot of affairs. He has always left early and returned late."

Liu Chan nodded and said, "Have you finished dealing with the matter at the Tianshi Pavilion?"

Zhuge Qiao nodded and said, "It's been dealt with. Kong Liang asked Qiao to send a message to the young master, and asked me to apologize to you on his behalf."

The corner of Liu Chan's mouth twitched: "What's next?"

Seeing that Liu Chan was really serious, Zhuge Qiao said with a smile: "Young master, in fact, you don't have to make trouble with the Celestial Master. The Celestial Master is very powerful in Hanzhong. We may need their help if we want to clean up the people's hearts in Hanzhong. What! So, today, Qiao made his own decision, sold their face, asked them to compensate the old man, and expelled that Wang Ming from the Tao of Heavenly Master."

Liu Chan nodded and smiled slightly: "You handled this matter very well. I was just angry just now, and I wanted to suppress that Kong Liang's momentum so that he would not look down on others so much. It is even more impossible for me Ordering the abandonment of Yangping Pass is a major event concerning the millions of people in Hanzhong!"

Zhuge Qiao knew that Liu Chan was a good person, so he decided to deal with the matter in the way he thought was the most correct.Now being praised by Liu Chan, Zhuge Qiao smiled slightly and said, "My lord is wise."

Liu Chan waved his hand to tell Zhuge Qiao not to be so exaggerated.Then he told Zhuge Qiao about the medicine contained in the stack of yellow talismans.Zhuge Qiao was taken aback when he heard this, it was the first time he had heard of such a thing, and asked, "My lord, are you serious?"

Liu Chan nodded and said, "Of course it is true. I have already asked the doctors in Yizhou to distinguish the types of medicinal materials." Then, Liu Chan suddenly showed a sly smile.Zhuge Qiao knew Liu Chan very well, and at a glance, he knew that Liu Chan was about to take action again.

Zhuge Qiao asked: "Does the young master want to do something on the yellow talisman?"

Liu Chan nodded and said, "That's right, and the child you brought back today, you have to pay close attention to it and let the doctors do their best to treat him, he should be useful in the future."

Although Zhuge Qiao couldn't figure it out, what would Liu Chan do with the yellow talisman, and what would be the use of that seriously ill child.But young masters are often quick and resolute in doing things, and they pay attention to hitting the target with one blow. It seems that whether it is Tianshidao or Zhang Lu this time, I am afraid that some people will suffer!

At this time, Zhao Feng also knocked on the door of Liu Chan's room and reported: "Young master, Mr. Shi Guangyuan has returned to the post house now, and has already got off at the gate."

Liu Chan immediately got down from the couch and said, "Ah Qiao, follow me to pick up Mr. Shi." Then he straightened his clothes a little, and rushed towards the door with Zhuge Qiao.

(End of this chapter)

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