Chapter 125
Liu Chan and Zhuge Qiao came across Shi Guangyuan on the way.It turned out that Shi Guangyuan knew that Liu Chan had come to the post house secretly, and he should go to see him immediately because of his feelings and reason. He immediately came to Liu Chan's room without taking a rest.

I saw that Shi Guangyuan at this time already had a different demeanor. How could he still have the arrogant look of the former dean of the School of Medicine and Economics?He was wearing a Shu brocade robe, cloud boots, and a crown hat. The original stubble on his face was neatly tidied up, giving him a delicate and elegant appearance.Only the body that is still relatively fat has not changed.

Liu Chan stepped forward quickly, and said with a smile, "Mr. Shi, why did you become like this? This is not like you in normal times!"

When Shi Guangyuan saw Liu Chan meet, he made fun of him, and then coughed lightly, trying to hide his embarrassment.However, in fact, he also felt in his heart that the current outfit was really not his own style, and finally he couldn't help but also laughed, saying:
"Don't make fun of me. In fact, there is nothing you can do about it. I'm just doing as the Romans do. I'm finally Yizhou's envoy in Hanzhong, and now I'm in charge of the war between Yizhou Army and Hanzhong Army. , casually wearing a rough shirt, beating people around with a cane?"

Emotional Shi Guangyuan also knows that he has such a funny image on weekdays!He is really a discerning person.Liu Chan and the others couldn't help laughing immediately.

Liu Chan smiled—it was a joke just now, and now he is going to praise him, and said: "However, Mr. Shi looks even more personable now, and he is more worthy of the name of a great Confucian in our hospital!"

All the people on the side also praised Shi Guangyuan in unison. This shot of the horse made Shi Guangyuan feel very happy.However, at this time, Shi Guangyuan also became more polite and said: "Where, where..."

Then, Shi Guangyuan took Liu Chan's hand and Zhuge Qiao with him, and everyone walked and talked all the way to his study.

This is a large room with six tables and desks. It seems that meetings are usually held here to discuss affairs.

Liu Chan and Zhuge Qiao stepped forward and closed all the doors and windows, and then everyone took their seats.Shi Guangyuan's current position can be described as extremely high, so he naturally took the lead.Although Liu Chan has a high status, he is Shi Guangyuan's disciple on the one hand; on the other hand, his current status is only a secret envoy, which is much lower than Shi Guangyuan's, so he naturally sits at the lower right of Shi Guangyuan.Zhuge Qiao sat under Liu Chan again.

Only then did Liu Chan begin to report to Shi Guangyuan what happened on the road this time, and then he reported the specific quantity of all the items he brought this time.After the report was over, Liu Chan took out a form from his sleeve pocket, which was the details of the items.

Shi Guangyuan took a look at it, and secretly sighed that Liu Bei and Liu Chan and his father and son were really extraordinary, and the two shots were generous!The total money brought over these two times is probably enough to buy all the officials in one and a half Hanzhong.

Shi Guangyuan immediately smiled and said, "My lord, if you spend so much money, I'm afraid it won't be long before you will empty out the treasury of Yizhou."

Liu Chan said with a smile: "Mr. Shi's words are wrong. In our corner of Yizhou, the people are relatively small, and it takes at least fifteen or sixteen years to raise a generation. If we can take Hanzhong without using swords, we can reduce the number of people." A lot of soldiers were killed or injured. If calculated in this way, compared with the 16 years of childcare expenses saved, this money can only be regarded as a drop in the ocean. Therefore, the money spent is really worth it!"

Shi Guangyuan was stunned when he heard it, and it was only a few days since he saw him. This Ah Dou's knowledge has improved a lot!

Shi Guangyuan nodded and praised: "Your words are reasonable. When I accepted your invitation to take up the position of chief executive, I thought you just wanted to take down Hanzhong as soon as possible. I don't want to, you still have this behind your back Care about. Well, I will accept all these things, and I will definitely use them well.”

Then, Liu Chan asked about Zhang Lu's movements.Zhang Lu is actually a pedantic person, he has always been quite honest, and he didn't know about Yizhou Xizuo's wanton bribery of Hanzhong officials.

Liu Chan was overjoyed, so he told about what happened in Tianshi Pavilion when he entered Nanzheng just now, and about Huang Fu.

Shi Guangyuan was also a little dazed after listening.He was really like an ordinary person, he didn't notice the yellow talisman at all, but he only paid attention to the Taoist priests of the way of heavenly masters, which had already been preached as a magic spell.It turned out that what I noticed before was just the blindfold method used by Tianshidao!
Shi Guangyuan frowned, and asked, "My lord, can you really be sure that the yellow talisman is fake?"

Liu Chan said firmly: "It can be confirmed. I believe that after a few days, the doctors will be able to check what medicinal materials are contained in it."

Shi Guangyuan nodded, and sighed: "Who can see through the tricks of making medicine into medicine talismans? This Zhang Lu marching army is not good at fighting, but it is extremely clever to use these clever tricks! These people who practice Taoism !"

Liu Chanjian and Shi Guangyuan also sighed, smiled and said: "The doctor has identified that one of the herbs is thyme. This is a medicine that can relieve cough, clear away heat and reduce phlegm. Zen guessed here that the medicine in this yellow talisman , in fact, it’s not a big medicine, probably it’s just that people can’t die. Otherwise, the cost of the yellow talisman would be too high.”

Shi Guangyuan asked again: "When will the doctor be able to distinguish the types of those medicinal materials?"

Liu Chan didn't know why, but turned to look at Zhuge Qiao, and said, "Those herbs have been mixed together, it's not easy for the doctors to distinguish them blindly, let them take their time. "

Shi Guangyuan nodded and said: "I hope they can distinguish it quickly, because I think those yellow talismans must be useful to us."

Liu Chan originally planned to use those yellow talismans to make some articles, so he immediately nodded in agreement with Shi Guangyuan's point of view.After all, if you can distinguish the types of those medicinal materials, it will be more convincing if you spread them out in the future.

At this time, Shi Guangyuan suddenly thought of something, and said with a palm smile: "Ha, I have an idea! In the future, after the Yizhou Army takes the land of Hanzhong, the return of those believers who believe in the way of heavenly masters will definitely become a huge event. Question. Now we know that the Taoist priests of Tianshi Dao are actually using medicine to save people, and we have so many doctors, so as long as we publicize it, the status of our doctors will definitely improve a lot. The teachers and Taoists are disintegrated!"

Shi Guangyuan really has a quick mind and thinks extremely far.And what he said was exactly what Liu Chan planned in his heart.The two masters and apprentices really have a tacit understanding.

Liu Chan said with a smile: "What Mr. Shi said is exactly the plan in Zen's mind! Then, that Taoist priest named Wang Ming, who turned a blind eye to the illnesses of the congregants, must ask the other party to pay five buckets of rice before he is willing to save him. It needs to be widely publicized. After such two scandals spread, those who believe in the way of the heavenly master will definitely be shaken."

Shi Guangyuan stroked the long beard on his chin, and said with a smile: "That's right. When I send more doctors out to treat diseases and save people, then the hearts of the people who lost the way of celestial masters will turn to us!"

Liu Chan cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Sir, that's exactly what it should be. In addition, a large number of officials in Hanzhong have already voted for us in Yizhou. Then, after my fourth uncle repelled Cao's army, he will immediately lead the army eastward. At the same time, the county raised its flag to respond. If there is no danger to defend Nanzheng City, we can take it in one fell swoop!"

Liu Chan and Shi Guangyuan both burst into laughter at the same time, needless to mention the pride in their hearts.

However, the conversation between the two masters and apprentices, Liu Chan, made Zhuge Qiao, who was next to him, feel agitated.He is now in charge of spying on Hanzhong's intelligence. When the young master mentioned Huang Fu and the sick child, why didn't he think of it?Immediately, I felt a little ashamed.

After laughing, Liu Chan said to Shi Guangyuan: "Mr. Shi, then you can hand over the matter to A Qiao. Let him send out secret agents to infiltrate and publicize these two matters among the people."

Shi Guangyuan nodded, and said to Zhuge Qiao: "Bo Song, then I will leave this matter to you."

Zhuge Qiao immediately took the order, and promised that the matter would be handled properly, so Shi Guangyuan and Liu Chan should rest assured.It seems that he is actually holding back his energy in his heart, not to mention that Deng Ai has already made great achievements in Yangping Pass at this time.

Liu Chan asked Shi Guangyuan again: "Mr. Shi, Chan heard that Zhang Yang, the magistrate of Baozhong County, is still waiting and watching?"

Shi Guangyuan frowned immediately, and said: "That's true. This person is Zhang Lu's confidant, and he is also close friends with Zhang Wei. It is really not easy to pull him over."

Liu Chan volunteered and said, "Why don't you let Chan go to Baozhong in person?"

Zhuge Qiao knew that Liu Chan had always dared to think and act, and he didn't know what to be afraid of, for fear that something unexpected would happen to him again.

Zhuge Qiao quickly persuaded: "Young master, you are in Hanzhong now, and the situation is already very dangerous. If you go to Baozhong now, if you are captured by Zhang Yang, then all our previous preparations may be in vain. Please Think twice!"

Shi Guangyuan also said: "Yes, you must be very tired from the exhaustion of the journey. So you should rest in this post house for a few days. At this time, we will discuss later."

Seeing this, Liu Chan knew that the current situation was indeed immature, and they were also doing it for their own good, so they didn't let them go.Liu Chan had no choice but to agree to discuss this matter in two days.

At this time, Liu Chan suddenly remembered something and said, "By the way, we have an urgent matter to do now."

(End of this chapter)

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