Chapter 126 Propaganda War ([-])

In the early morning of the next day, Tiantian had just started to get light, and a grayish white color appeared on the horizon, and it was still very early.

The backyard of the Tianshi Pavilion is a red wall two or three meters high, with soft twigs protruding from the trees inside.There is a small door hidden under the leaves.

Then, the back door was opened from the inside.A middle-aged man in casual clothes and carrying a bag came out from inside.

His figure looked a little thin, and he was not tall, but the look on his face looked a little frustrated and a little angry.But judging from the bun on his head, he seems to be a Taoist priest?
The man stared fiercely at the back door for a while, wishing he could step forward and kick the door open.It's a pity that he knows that he is not a martial arts master, and he is afraid that his foot will be broken before the door is broken.

However, he still couldn't help spitting on the ground, cursing: "Damn, what a **** fairy master, what a **** official! If you want to drive me away, I will be irrelevant long ago!"

After the man said this, he turned around and left with the package in his hand.It seems that he should be a Taoist priest who was kicked out of the Tianshi Pavilion.

The Taoist walked listlessly and came to the corner of the alley.Then, as soon as his eyes lit up, he was stopped by everyone.

The Taoist stopped quickly, but almost bumped into the man.The Taoist priest was already on fire, but now that he saw someone blocking his way, he was about to erupt immediately.He immediately raised his head and was about to start cursing, but suddenly shut up again.

Because the man in front of him reminded him that he was very tall, he was actually a whole head taller than himself!The white clothes on his body further accentuated his burly physique.

To the Taoist's surprise, the man suddenly bowed to him and said, "You are Immortal Master Wang Ming? The villain has been waiting for you here for a while."

This Taoist priest was the Taoist priest who refused to save the poor little boy yesterday, and later attacked Liu Chan with a mahogany sword, but was knocked unconscious by Zhao Feng.

Wang Ming narrowed his triangular eyes immediately, looked at the man in white, and after confirming that he didn't recognize the person, he said, "This is Wang Ming, I don't know who it is?"

Hearing the words, the man in white showed a bright smile on his pretty handsome face, and said, "It turns out that it is really Wang Xianshi. You hurry up and follow me." After saying that, the man in white stretched out his hand to pull Wang Ming regardless. hands.

Seeing that the situation was not right, Wang Ming hurriedly avoided it, and asked in confusion, "Your Excellency, who are you, and why should I go with you?"

The man in white smiled gently and said: "Master Wang Immortal, you can follow me first." As the man in white said, he reached out to pull Wang Ming again, but Wang Ming avoided him again.

Wang Ming was originally a very suspicious person, and this person in front of him always made him feel a little uneasy.He said slightly angrily at the moment: "What exactly do you want to do, my lord? Why should I go with you? If you don't make it clear now, I won't go with you."

The man in white quickly explained: "Master Immortal, don't misunderstand, it is my young master who wants to see you, and I am not taking you to any dangerous place."

Wang Ming's triangular eyes swept over the man in white again, and found that this man seemed to be a warrior, maybe he really was the guard of some wealthy family?Wang Ming thought about whether he could offend the nobleman, and then his tone softened, and he asked, "Who is your son?"

The man in white didn't answer directly, and said: "Master Wang, don't be suspicious. My wife has always been in poor health, and my son is a filial person. He has been looking for good doctors for her. Unfortunately, those doctors are helpless. Now I heard that Immortal Master, you have already left the sect, so the villain came to wait for Immortal Master early in the morning, and wants to invite you to come to the house for a talk."

Wang Ming nodded and asked: "Could it be that your son wants to invite me to treat your wife's illness?"

The man in white once again showed a bright smile on his face and said: "Exactly. And my young master said that if the immortal master is willing, please stay in our house to take care of him, as long as he treats my wife at any time."

A flash of excitement flashed in Wang Ming's eyes, he was thinking about finding a place to stay now!Although the family still has a few acres of Susukida, after becoming a Taoist priest all these years, he has been pampered. How can he go back to farm and live a hard life?Now that someone came to the door by himself, Wang Ming naturally wished for it.

However, he is also a well-informed person, but he said calmly: "There is no problem going, but now that I have left the Tianshi Pavilion, I am afraid that the strength on my body will be reduced a lot... "

The man in white said: "This is not a problem. The immortal master's strength is already strong, so it shouldn't hurt to lose some, right?"

Wang Ming coughed quickly, and said: "Of course it's okay, I'm the strongest in the entire Tianshi Pavilion, this is definitely not a lie. Then, please lead the way."

After Wang Ming walked out of the alley with the man in white, there was already a gorgeous carriage waiting in front of him, and Wang Ming was a little stunned when he saw it.Can a family who can use such a gorgeous carriage be an ordinary family?

Wang Ming pointed at the carriage, opened his eyes wide and said, "This is..."

The man in white smiled and said, "Please get on the carriage, Master Immortal." Then, he helped Wang Ming into the carriage.

After walking steadily in the city for a while, the carriage finally stopped in a manor house in the south of the city.The villa occupies a large area, with green tiles and red walls, it looks very grand.

Wang Ming then entered into the courtyard under the leadership of the man in white. After turning around two courtyards, he came to a garden.

There are a lot of flowers and plants planted in the garden, some of which bloom very lushly, it really is a rich family's place, it really looks different.

The two came to a pool in the garden, but there was a pavilion in the pool, and two majestic warriors with swords stood upright on both sides of the pool.On the stone chair in the middle, sat a young man in a white shirt, but he hadn't put on his crown yet, which showed that he was still young.

——It seems that the identity of this family is really extraordinary, but they should not be locals, otherwise I would not be unaware.It seems that it should be a big family who moved to Nanzheng from other places not long ago.

Wang Ming thought about it.

And the warrior didn't wait to tell him, he turned his head and nodded to Wang Ming, said please, and led Wang Ming directly into the pavilion.

Then, the warrior stepped forward and saluted, "My lord, the person has already been brought."

The young man in white waved his hand to make the warrior step aside before turning around.I saw his face was like a crown jade, his big eyes were piercing, although he might not be an extremely handsome man, but at least he was extremely handsome, and his body was filled with a scholarly atmosphere.But the strange thing is that after he turned around, there was an evil smile on the corner of his mouth.

Wang Ming was dumbfounded immediately, and said in shock: "Why are you?"

The white-robed boy restrained his evil smile, put on a gentle smile, and said, "Master Wang must be surprised, right? My real identity is actually not one of the sloppy child servants back in the day."

Wang Ming knows countless people by treating diseases and saving lives. Of course, he has already seen what the white-robed boy said, so he was dumbfounded all of a sudden.The boy pretended to be a child servant to make trouble in the Tianshi Pavilion the day before yesterday, and now seeing himself in a state of desperation, wouldn't he want to take revenge?

Thinking of this, he cautiously stepped forward and saluted: "Young master, Wang Ming really offended you a few days ago, I hope you will not remember the fault of a villain."

The young man in white robe waved his hand, telling Wang Ming not to be careful about this, Wang Ming was relieved immediately, otherwise, one of the three warriors in front of him would be enough to tear him apart.

The young man in white robe pointed to the stone chair in front of him and invited Wang Ming to take a seat.Wang Ming looked at the demeanor of the other party, compared to yesterday, it was completely transformed, and his status was definitely not comparable to his own.He didn't dare to take a seat, he just said that it would be good to stand.The young man in white robe smiled with a little contempt, and stopped trying to persuade him.

Then, the white-robed boy asked: "I don't know how long Immortal Master Wang has been working in the Tianshi Pavilion?"

Wang Ming hastily flattered him: "I don't dare to pretend to be an immortal master. You just need to call me by your first name. The villain entered the Taoism of Tianshi 15 years ago, and was appointed as a ghost official in the Tianshi Pavilion five years ago."

The white-robed boy nodded, thinking that this Wang Ming was just dawdling in the Tao of Heavenly Master, and definitely not a sincere believer.And such a person can occupy a high position, and I will definitely gain from him.

The young man in a robe asked again: "Then Immortal Master Wang should be very familiar with all the operations in the Celestial Master's Hall. I have some questions and would like to ask for advice. Can the Immortal Master tell me?"

Wang Ming nodded and said: "The villain of Tianshiguan should be quite familiar with it. As long as the villain knows it, he must know everything and talk about it."

The white-robed boy raised a smile and asked, "Then do you know how the yellow talisman was made?"

Wang Ming's complexion changed, he hesitated and said: "Young Master, the Yellow Talisman has always been personally supervised by Master Zhang, and the ghost officials are just using it to save people. If there is someone in your family who needs it, villain I have a lot of acquaintances in the Tianshi Pavilion, and I can take some out of it."

The young man in white robe thought, making this yellow talisman is really not easy!It seems that Wang Ming really can't find any clues.He immediately said: "Master Wang Immortal, I intend to take you in to work for me, the reward must be generous, I wonder if you are willing?"

Wang Ming's eyes flashed, like a wild dog seeing rotten meat on the ground, he quickly saluted: "The villain is now a poor man, fortunately to be appreciated by the young master, in the future, he will definitely go through fire and water for the young master!"

(End of this chapter)

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