Chapter 127 Propaganda War ([-])
The white-robed young man had seen countless people, but he just smiled - but there was contempt in his smile, this Wang Ming was really out of tune.As long as he has milk, he has the nature of a mother. If he can sacrifice himself to die for himself, he will really be damned!
The young man in white robe didn't expose Wang Ming's lies, and said in a lure way: "Then Immortal Master Wang, I have a piece of wealth here that I want to give you, I wonder if you would accept it?"

Wang Ming was also a shrewd person, and said, "My lord, if you need anything, just ask."

The young man in a robe was very satisfied with Wang Ming's knowledge—in fact, it was Wang Ming who had always been very sensible since he met him, and now he was able to talk nicely to him, so he said, "I want You became my mouthpiece."

Wang Ming was puzzled and asked, "Mouthpiece?"

The white-robed youth beckoned Wang Ming to come forward, and then whispered a few words to him.Wang Ming's face turned pale all of a sudden, and his voice trembled slightly: "My lord, I'm afraid it's inappropriate to do this?"

The young man in white robe shook his head disdainfully, thinking contemptuously, don't you, Wang Ming, still have any sense of loyalty?Then, he said with a smile: "Don't Immortal Master Wang know that the bustling people in the world are just trying to make a profit? After the matter is completed, I will never treat you badly. You can choose gold, silver, treasures, fertile fields and beautiful family members!"

Wang Ming was originally a person who loves leisure and hates work, but now he heard that the other party gave the land to women, he was overjoyed, and immediately bowed down and said: "Thank you for the reward, young master!"

The young man in the robe smiled and told Wang Ming to get up, and then he said to the warrior who brought someone here, "Mo Yan, take Immortal Master Wang down to rest first, and then you must send someone to closely protect the safety of the Immortal Master."

Mo Yan immediately took orders and left with Wang Ming.

The boy in the robe just stood up, looked at the clear water in the pond, and then at the weeping willows beside the pond, his mood was really as beautiful as this scenery.

Not a moment later, a voice suddenly came from behind, shouting: "Young master is overjoyed, young master is overjoyed..."

The white-robed boy turned around and saw that it was Zhuge Qiao. He smiled and said, "Ah Qiao, what makes you so excited?" However, there is naturally only one person in this world who can make Zhuge Qiao called a son, so this white-robed The identity of the young man is self-evident: Liu Chan!
Zhuge Qiao came to the pavilion and saluted, "Baocheng County Magistrate Zhang Yang's old mother is seriously ill, and the ghost officials in Tianshi Pavilion have failed to treat her, so they are helpless."

Liu Chan wondered: "Ah Qiao, my mother is seriously ill, but you are here to take pleasure in other people's misfortunes. You must have lost your gentlemanly style, right?"

Zhuge Qiao quickly explained: "I'm not gloating. My son, listen to me and explain carefully: Zhang Yang is a well-known filial son in Hanzhong. If our doctors in Yizhou can cure his mother, he will definitely be grateful to us. We To win them over, the difficulty will be greatly reduced."

Liu Chan nodded at first, then fell into deep thought, then suddenly shook his head and said, "It's not enough to make Zhang Yang grateful! Moreover, the initiative to win him over will still be in Zhang Yang's hands. "

Zhuge Qiao knew that Liu Chan always liked to take the initiative and control the direction of events, and he would be more confident in doing things this way.He then asked: "With Zhang Yang's friendship with Zhang Wei and Zhang Lu, it is really not easy for us to achieve this level."

Liu Chan waved his hand, telling Zhuge Qiao not to speak yet, and let him think again.After Liu Chan walked around the pavilion for two or three times, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in his mind, and he clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Yes!"

Based on Zhuge Qiao's understanding of Liu Chan, he knew at a glance that Liu Chan had a new plan, so he immediately asked, "My lord, do you have a plan?"

"Exactly! Ah Qiao, half of this matter has to be handled by Mr. Shi."

Zhuge Qiao was taken aback when he heard that, how could Shi Guangyuan be involved in this matter?Mr. Shi is a man of great wisdom, but he is not a famous doctor.

Zhuge Qiao had no choice but to ask: "What does the young master want Mr. Shi to do?"

Liu Chan said with a smile: "Since we want to show kindness to Zhang Yang, we might as well do so ostentatiously, and don't have to be timid and secretly send people to Zhang's mansion. Of course, Mr. Shi personally brought those doctors there in name."

Zhuge Qiao sighed: "If this is the case, then the favor that Mr. Shi bestowed on Zhang Yang this time is really great! The dignified generals in charge of military affairs in Yizhou and Hanzhong, the ambassadors of Yizhou, and the dean of the School of Economics and Medicine Shi Guangyuan personally brought a doctor to treat his illness. If Zhang Yang found out, he might have trouble sleeping and eating because of it, right? However, if Zhang Lu found out, what would he think?"

Liu Chan waved his hand and smiled, "Zhang Lu must be too busy to take care of himself by then, so why would he have the time to think about these things!"

Zhuge Qiao was quick-witted, and immediately said: "My lord, do you want to expose the tricks of the Heavenly Master Dao Huang Talisman and the matter of Wang Ming's death?"

Liu Chan patted Zhuge Qiao on the shoulder and said with a smile: "That's right! And now Wang Ming and the seriously ill child are under my control, and I can let them speak out when necessary. Wang Ming is also concerned about the internal operation of the Tianshi Hall He is very familiar with it, so he can make up some scandals in the Tianshi Pavilion, and then I will see how busy Zhang Lu is!"

Zhuge Qiao sighed inwardly, the young master's move is really amazing, and the prestige of the Heavenly Master will probably plummet by then.He then asked: "Why is Wang Ming in the hands of the young master? Hasn't he been kicked out by the Heavenly Master?"

Liu Chan smiled, and told about what he ordered Mo Yan to deceive Wang Ming just now.

Zhuge Qiao recalled the conflict between Liu Chan and Wang Ming yesterday, and hurriedly asked, "Sir, what did you do to Wang Ming?"

Liu Chan naturally understood that Zhuge Qiao was asking him if he had been rude to that Wang Ming, and said with a smile, "Wang Ming is a very sensible person, so I didn't threaten him, I just gave him some benefits. Oh , By the way, let him also be handed over to you. Be sure to ensure his personal safety, and he can live in the posthouse if necessary."

Zhuge Qiao immediately agreed, and asked, "In this way, most of the people in Hanzhong have settled down. So who needs to do the other half of Zhang Yang's mother?"

Liu Chan smiled slightly, and did not answer Zhuge Qiao immediately, but asked: "A Qiao, have you heard about Xu Shu and Xu Yuanzhi back then?"

Smart people can understand a little bit, Zhuge Qiao immediately said: "Don't you also want to learn from Cao Mengde, and use Zhang's mother's document to deceive Zhang Yang?"

Liu Chan waved his hand and said, "Where is the need for such trouble? The doctor brought by Mr. Shi can completely tell Zhang's family that Zhang's mother is seriously ill. If she goes to Chengdu to seek medical treatment from the genius doctor Hua Tuo, she should be cured. Then, Mr. Shi asked the people in Zhang's mansion to write to Zhang Yang about this matter. If Zhang Yang is really a dutiful son, he must understand that his mother is in the hands of our Yizhou. When the time comes, he will not take refuge in us. No way!"

Hearing this, Zhuge Qiao couldn't help clapping his hands and praised: "Young master, it's really a brilliant strategy!"

Within a few days, rumors began to spread all over Hanzhong. It was false that the yellow talisman of the Heavenly Master Dao could cure diseases because it contained herbs; In the end, he was saved by a kind doctor...

Then someone came out to speak out and confirmed the above incident.

All of a sudden, the Tianshi Dao in Hanzhong was in turmoil, and the foundation of the Dao became unstable. Zhang Lu and Tianshi Dao suddenly lost their prestige.

These sudden rumors were quickly reported to Zhang Lu.Zhang Lu's first reaction was naturally that they were spread by Cao Wei's spies.Zhang Lu's ability to act is really not good. In fact, it is the first time for him to deal with such a large-scale rumor incident, and he doesn't know where to start to solve it.

And the two most important people around Zhang Lu: Yang Song and Yan Pu—Yang Song has already been bought by Zhuge Qiao, and even the handle of his dealing with Cao Wei's spies is also in Zhuge Qiao's hands.So as soon as Yang Song got Zhuge Qiao's instruction, he immediately tried his best to restrain Yan Pu in every possible way, either preventing him from meeting Zhang Lu, or arguing endlessly with him as soon as they met, which made it impossible for Yan Pu to offer advice for Zhang Lu.

So, how could he succeed with Zhang Lu alone?Even though he was very busy, the rumors spread more and more.

At this time, Shi Guangyuan had already brought a group of doctors to Zhang Mansion to visit the old lady Zhang, and later ordered Dong He to take her to Chengdu, Chengdu.

In a few days, Zhuge Qiao really received a report from the spies, saying that Zhang Yang had agreed to join Yizhou, asking Shi Guangyuan to ensure the safety of his mother and so on.But what surprised Zhuge Qiao was that Zhang Yang actually returned all the belongings he sent over.It seems that this Zhang Yang is quite generous.

After successfully winning the county magistrate of Baocheng, it can be said that all the cities around Nanzheng that can be used for defense have entered the hands of Yizhou.At that time, as soon as the Yangpingguan battle is over, Zhao Yun's army will be able to drive straight in, and arrive at the city of Nanzheng without bloodshed!
(End of this chapter)

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