Chapter 128
Today, Liu Chan was listening to Zhuge Qiao about how his spies spread rumors everywhere in Hanzhong, and how Wang Ming and the mother-in-law and grandson had been properly placed in the post house.

After listening, Liu Chan immediately put out a map and began to discuss with Zhuge Qiao the route of Zhao Yun's army marching into Nanzheng.Because according to the reports uploaded from the battlefield, Cao Weijun's food and grass have become very scarce, and the food roads are harassed by Ma Chaojun from time to time, and supplies have become extremely difficult.From this point of view, the stalemate between the two armies will not last long.

After the two discussed for a while, they heard Zhao Yun come in and report that Shi Guangyuan had returned.Then I heard the sound of someone walking quickly outside the house.

Liu Chan and Zhuge Qiao went out in a hurry, but saw Shi Guangyuan had come to the door, looking very excited, his face was still red, he seemed very excited.

Liu Chan saluted and said, "Sir, do you have any good news again?"

Shi Guangyuan walked into the room immediately, and after sitting down, he saw Liu Chan spread out the map of Hanzhong on the table.Shi Guangyuan smiled and said: "I didn't expect that you are studying the map. I have some good news here. Ma Mengqi really cooperated with Zhao Yun. Recently, he led more than ten thousand troops to completely cut off the grain road from Chang'an to Yangping Pass. Cao Mengde was caught off guard. He was short of food, and now he will be out of breath because of it!"

After finishing speaking, Shi Guangyuan laughed very proudly, because he was the one who came up with this strategy in the first place.Shi Guangyuan would certainly be happy to be able to deflate an invincible commander like Cao Mengde.Although he, the general manager of the Hanzhong front line, has never personally fought a battle at the Yangpingguan front line, all major political strategies, food and soldiers supply orders are issued from him.

Liu Chan also couldn't help laughing and said: "General Ma's attack this time has already strangled Cao Cao by seven inches. His conquest of Hanzhong has completely failed so far. Mr. Shi, what do you think we should do next? Yes Order my fourth uncle to rectify his armaments and make preparations to follow Cao Jun, or let them wait for Cao Jun to retreat, and then directly send troops to Hanzhong?"

After hearing this, Zhuge Qiao felt extremely excited. After all, he also had his share of credit for this. He smiled and said, "Congratulations, Mr. Shi. The battle of Yangping Pass is finally coming to an end."

Shi Guangyuan nodded and said: "It is indeed at the final stage. I think Cao Mengde should have a tacit understanding of wanting to withdraw. But, who knows? Cao thief is cunning, the closer we are to victory, we You should be more cautious. In a few days, I will go to Yangpingguan to supervise the battle with the grain transport army, so as to determine the final movement of Cao's army after retreating."

Liu Chan and Zhuge Qiao nodded at the same time. When fighting a cunning man like Cao Cao, he must not relax until the last moment.Liu Chan said: "Sir, it is indeed very safe for you to do this. In fact, the reason why we sent troops to Yangping Pass in Yizhou this time has only one ultimate goal, to snatch Hanzhong from Cao Wei. If Cao Jun really retreats, just to be on the safe side, Even if our army allows them to leave, it will be a big victory, and we don't pursue too much the number of final annihilated enemies. Otherwise, if we get caught on the road, the gains will not be worth the losses."

Shi Guangyuan nodded and said: "My son, what you said, I will do it prudently here, but it can be used as the final strategy of our army. Let the soldiers on the front line not seek great merit, but only seek no faults." gone."

Liu Chan couldn't help laughing and said: "Sir, what you said is too negative."

Shi Guangyuan waved his hand and smiled: "You don't know the desire of the soldiers for meritorious service. People like Wei Yan and Wei Wenchang are both wise and brave, but after breaking Cao Jun's promise last time, they were not too complacent. As for suffering a big loss?"

Liu Chan nodded, just be negative. Anyway, their credit has nothing to do with him. The most important thing is that Cao Wei retreated.

Only then did Shi Guangyuan look at the map on the table and asked, "Are you studying the battle at Yangping Pass, or are you studying the route to Nanzheng?"

Liu Chan said with a smile: "Sir, you really have eyes like torches! We still can't escape your eyes. We are on the route to enter Nanzheng. Originally, Yizhou prepared another army, led by Wu Yi, at Yangping Pass After the end of the war, they marched north from Brazil. My fourth uncle’s army left one part to defend Yangping Pass, and the other left the pass to enter Nanzheng. The two armies formed a pincer attack on Nanzheng from the west and south. According to today’s Judging from the situation, there is actually no need for Wu Yi's army to participate in the war."

Shi Guangyuan and Zhuge Qiao nodded repeatedly, and Liu Chan's analysis was indeed very reasonable.Now the magistrates of the various counties around Nanzheng that can be used to guard Nanzheng have all defected to Yizhou, and Zhao Yun's army can completely surround Nanzheng without bloodshed.At that time, as long as I make an agreement with the internal response of the Nanzheng guard army to start an incident, it will not be too difficult to capture Nanzheng.

However, Shi Guangyuan actually thought of something that Zhuge Qiao hadn't thought of.The southern army that was about to enter Hanzhong from Brazil was led by Wu Yi, and his identity was sensitive to Liu Chan—now the brother of Liu Chan's new mother, Wu Shi.

Although Wu Yi has a good attitude towards Liu Chan and maintains a neutral position, the relationship between Liu Chan and the Wu family is actually not friendly.When the conflict between the two sides breaks out, there is no guarantee that Wu Yi will not support Wu Cheng.Therefore, Liu Chan may not want Wu Yi to make contributions in Hanzhong.What's more, this Hanzhong plan was jointly decided by Liu Chan, himself and Zhuge Kongming, and the credit should also be awarded to the candidates who supported the three.

Shi Guangyuan didn't talk about breaking this relationship, he was also the general manager of the Hanzhong front line, and his authority was large enough to decide how the next war should be fought.He then said to Liu Chan: "There is indeed no need for the army in the south to enter Hanzhong again. I will order them to withdraw to Chengdu when the battle situation becomes clear."

Liu Chan nodded, knowing that Shi Guangyuan really understood the wishful thinking in his heart, so he was happy to accept it, and couldn't help showing a smug smile on his face.

Then, Shi Guangyuan just said: "However, I have a new plan for General Zhao's next march. Would you like to hear it?"

Liu Chan immediately said: "Mr. Shi already has a better strategy?"

Shi Guangyuan smiled, and said with a rare humility: "It's better than that." But Liu Chan looked at his expression and was really full of confidence.

Shi Guangyuan continued: "That's right. According to Bosong's statistics, we have bought at least five layers of officials in Hanzhong. Especially the county magistrates and county heads who are in charge of real power in those places are mostly gone now. Trust us."

Liu Chan asked: "Isn't this opening the way to Nanzheng for our army?"

Shi Guangyuan waved his hand and said with a smile: "Tongtu is certainly true. However, we didn't use this Tongtu perfectly before. What do you think of Zhang Lu?"

Liu Chan blurted out: "Tuantu, indecisive."

Zhuge Qiao said: "There should be people who love the people like a son."

Shi Guangyuan nodded and said: "Based on the contact with Zhang Lu during this period, I feel that your judgments are all correct. Besides, he is not a courageous person, and he often chooses to give up easily when doing things. We previously In fact, Zhang Lu’s character was not taken into consideration in his strategy.”

Liu Chan hesitated and said, "Then how do you plan to include Zhang Lu's character?" This is indeed a very difficult thing.From the beginning of the entire Three Kingdoms to the present, there are only a few people who can see the general trend of the world from the character of the enemy.Among them, Xun Yu's theory of "ten defeats and ten victories" on Cao Cao and Yuan Shao is the most famous.

Shi Guangyuan said: "Since Zhang Lu's character weakness is so obvious, where should we start? He is pedantic, so we must make good use of Yang Song's trump card and always scare him; he is indecisive, loving the people like a son, We will let him shoulder the righteousness of the life and death of the Hanzhong people; since he lacks courage, we must continue to increase the weight of righteousness, so that he can no longer afford it in the end and can only choose to give up his responsibility!"

Both Liu Chan and Zhuge Qiao couldn't help but gasped when they heard it. Shi Guangyuan's remarks were really appalling, and it was terrifying to be able to play tricks on a person so thoroughly!

Liu Chan immediately asked: "Then what are you going to do, sir?"

Shi Guangyuan said: "There are two specific methods: first, Bosong continues to spread rumors and intensify the attack on the Tao of Heavenly Masters; The county magistrate wrote to Zhang Lu in the name of both sides, strongly urging Zhang Lu to return Hanzhong to Yizhou; third, General Zhao Yun led the army to attack Nanzheng. With such three control, Zhang Lu may not wait for General Zhao Yun's army to arrive. He has already surrendered!"

Hearing this, Liu Chan couldn't help sighing: "Sir, this plan is great. In this way, our army can not only reach Nanzheng without bloodshed, but also take down the entire Hanzhong without bloodshed! If this plan is successful, the reputation of Mr. Resound throughout the world!"

Then, the three couldn't help but burst out laughing at the same time.Then Liu Chan immediately ordered Zhao Feng to bring food and wine to celebrate, and the three of them began to discuss more detailed action plans while drinking.

And that poor Zhang Lu, how could he know that the three people who plotted against him the most are now celebrating in his post house.

Zhang Lu is now hiding in his government office, sending people everywhere to catch those who spread rumors.What's even more damning is that Yang Song often sent him some alarmist remarks.His current life is trembling, like walking on thin ice, there is really no day of peace of mind...

(End of this chapter)

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