Chapter 129
At noon that day, Liu Chan finally received the battle report sent by Shi Guangyuan from Yangping Pass by carrier pigeon, saying that Cao Jun had finally retreated and Zhao Yun took over the defense of Yangping Pass again.After Liu Chan received this battle report, the anxiety in his heart was finally let go.

Because just four or five days ago, Cao Cao actually launched a strange plan to capture Yangping Pass in one fell swoop, and once again achieved his indomitable reputation.It turned out that he had already set up a plan. When he was defeated many times, he had ordered his soldiers to disguise themselves as the Yizhou Army and sneak into Yangping Pass.Knowing that it was late at night, those Cao troops suddenly captured the gate of Yangping Pass in one fell swoop.Cao Wei's army immediately attacked Yangping Pass, no matter how brave Zhao Yun was, he could only obediently let out of Yangping Pass.

However, Shi Guangyuan has always acted cautiously. He seems to have envisioned the possibility of the fall of Yangping Pass, so each time he sends someone to transport the grain to Yangping Pass, it can only last for five days.Therefore, Cao Cao captured Yangping Pass and wanted to use the food and grass in Yangping Pass to continue to support the army's plan to advance to Nanzheng.Now, it is reasonable for Cao Cao to finally withdraw his troops.

At this time, under Shi Guangyuan's arrangement, Zhao Yun secretly began to step up preparations, ready to send troops to surround Nanzheng by force at any time.

Therefore, according to the final strategy established with Shi Guangyuan, Liu Chan immediately ordered Zhuge Qiao to let all the counties in Hanzhong start preparing to write letters to Zhang Lu; secondly, the intensity of spreading rumors must be increased.

And Shi Guangyuan stayed at Yangping Pass for another four days, after confirming that Cao Cao had really retreated, he returned to Nanzheng to meet Zhang Lu.However, at that time Liu Chan had almost helped him get the rest done.

Zhang Lu was very happy when he received the news of Cao Cao's retreat in Nanzheng, which temporarily made him forget the chaotic situation of the Heavenly Master.At Yang Song's instigation, he immediately sent Yan Pu to bring wine and meat to Yangping Pass to reward the three armies. He expelled Yan Pu from Nanzheng and away from Zhang Lu, and finally was detained by Zhao Yun at Yangping Pass.

Only then did Yan Pu realize that he had fallen into Yang Song's trick.Then, he immediately realized that something big was about to happen in Hanzhong.It's a pity that he can't help himself now, and can't do anything for Zhang Lu.

Therefore, within a few days after Cao Cao withdrew, the chiefs of various prefectures and counties in Hanzhong who had nothing to do and never wrote letters, and even those army generals who could not read a few big characters, suddenly started to rush one after another as if they had swallowed a stimulant. write up.Paperwork quickly filled Zhang Lu's desk.

Zhang Lu was a little happy at first, thinking that those officials came to write a letter to congratulate him.But the fact is not the case. After reading four or five letters, Zhang Lu realized that these people are actually here to persuade him to surrender to Liu Bei!
"Damn it, these things are eaten inside and out!" Zhang Lu was so angry that he pushed down the table and case, and then sat down and gasped heavily.

In fact, he hadn't thought of such a result.At that time, he formed an alliance with Liu Bei, and in order to avoid the danger of the people of Hanzhong being burned by soldiers, he reluctantly agreed to it temporarily.But after the war with Cao Cao started, everything was like a river after a heavy rain, completely out of control——

The local civil officials no longer agree with him, and the army is no longer loyal to him. Even the common people have begun to doubt the curative effect of his five buckets of rice talisman on diseases...

Zhang Lu felt at this time, so what if he defeated Cao Cao?It seems that the fruits of victory are all prepared for Liu Bei in the end, and he is just a fool who was fooled into doing his best for others...

Zhang Lu was full of bitterness.At the beginning when he inherited the Tao of Heavenly Master, he was surrounded by powerful enemies outside and the same sect inside. He established the Five Dou Rice Sect step by step, and built a chaotic Hanzhong into the stable situation it is today.I didn't want to, but when I was old, I was betrayed by many relatives!Zhang Lu sighed and sent someone to find his younger brother Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei came to Zhang Lu's study and saw that it was a mess inside, and Zhang Lu was staring at the roof in a daze.Zhang Wei didn't know what happened to Zhang Lu, so he hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Brother, what are you doing?"

Zhang Lu was speechless, and pointed to the documents on the ground.

Zhang Wei picked up a copy, opened it and saw that it was a document sent by the prefect of Baozhong City.He didn't care too much, after all, Baozhong was quite close to Nanzheng, and this person had a good friendship with him.But when Zhang Wei read the contents of the document, his face immediately turned green.He picked up a few more books one after another, and the contents inside were almost exactly the same as those in the praise.

Zhang Wei couldn't help shouting: "What's going on with these people? Are they crazy! Why do they do this?"

Only then did Zhang Lu sit up straight from his seat and said, "It's not that they're all crazy, but that they've all been bought by Liu Bei!"

It was too late for Zhang Lu to finally figure out everything at this time, but he still didn't know that the manipulator behind the bribery of these people should actually be Liu Chan.

Zhang Wei immediately yelled that he was going to rush out, and led his troops to kill those who wrote the letter, but Zhang Lu stopped him and said, "Brother, I didn't call you here to kill people. If you go, the people who are killed must be killed." It's you. I want to give you a breath first, I have decided to surrender Liu, so don't get too excited when the time comes."

"Brother..." Zhang Wei fell to his knees and began to cry, "You shouldn't have listened to Yang Song's slander and united with Liu Bei!"

Zhang Lu closed his eyes and waved his hand to let Zhang Wei go out.After he calmed down, Zhang Lu sent someone to notify Mr. Shi Guangyuan to come and see him.

When Mr. Shi came to Zhang Lu's garden, he saw him staring at a game of Go in a daze. He didn't look as decadent as he was in the study at that time.Shi Guangyuan knew that Zhang Lu liked to play Go, but his chess skill was really not flattering.

Zhang Lu found that Mr. Shi was coming, so he asked him to sit down, and then he found a young man with a new face, who looked very energetic, with a pair of big watery eyes, and kept looking at himself.He then asked: "Isn't Mr. Shi surrounded by Zhuge Qiao? Why is there a different boy today?"

Shi Guangyuan asked Zhang Lu not to worry, this is just an ordinary boy, so let the boy come forward to salute.

But the boy said: "So I heard that Zhang Gongqi is an extraordinary person before, and I finally met today." Then pointing to the Go on the table, he asked: "Master Zhang, do you have the word 'Gongqi'? Because you like playing chess?"

Zhang Lu shook his head and said with a smile, "The boy is asking the question knowingly. My sign is the flag's 'flag'."

The boy nodded thoughtfully.Seeing this, Shi Guangyuan just smiled slightly, but he asked the boy not to be rude in front of Zhang Lu.Zhang Lu waved his hand and didn't care, pointing to the board and asked, "Does Mr. Shi understand chess?"

Mr. Shi smiled slightly and said, "I understand a little bit." In fact, he has more than a little understanding of Go, and few people in the world can beat him.

Zhang Lu then gave the sunspots to Mr. Shi, and after the two of them had more than [-] sons each, Mr. Shi had an absolute advantage in the situation.

At this time, Zhang Lu didn't make any moves anymore, he sighed and said: "Really, the world is like playing chess. With the help of Mr. Liu Yizhou and other masters, Zhang Lu is already at the end of his game within three or two moves."

Seeing that Zhang Lu meant something, Shi Guangyuan asked what he meant.No, the boy had already interjected and said, "Master Zhang wants to change the 'flag'."

Mr. Shi's complexion straightened, telling the boy not to talk nonsense.Zhang Shishi now occupies the land of Hanzhong, and has tens of thousands of households, and the people under him live and work in peace and contentment. How can they change their flags!
Not wanting to, Zhang Lu sighed and said, "Yizhou is really an outstanding place, a little boy has such insight. Mr. Shi, listen carefully, I still know what Hanzhong looks like now. Zhang Gongqi really has the heart to sell Hanzhong and Liu Shijun."

Although Zhang Luci only had two or three sentences, the words were very sad.Yes, people in this world can fight to the death for the one-third of an acre of land at home, let alone give up the land of thousands of miles in Hanzhong?

Shi Guangyuan was a little stunned when he heard it, but still felt a little unbelievable and asked: "What did you say, department teacher? Guangyuan didn't understand."

"Zhang Gongqi is willing to sell the land of Hanzhong, and only asks Liu Shijun to treat my people well."

Shi Guangyuan stood up from his seat, gave three big gifts to Zhang Lu, and said, "Thank you, department teacher!"

Zhang Lu was confused, and asked Shi Guangyuan what this meant?Shi Guangyuan said: "The first gift is for the people of Yizhou. Hanzhong is the gateway of Yizhou. Liu Shijun won Hanzhong, and the people of Yizhou will have no worries!"

Zhang Lu couldn't help but smile wryly.This Shi Guangyuan actually accepted all of Hanzhong without even refusing.How did he know that Shi Guangyuan now has a handsome appearance, if he returns to the school, he will immediately change into another appearance that makes people even more speechless, holding a crutch all day long, seeing who doesn't like it, fuck it Get up and fight.

"The second ceremony is for the people of Hanzhong. Being a teacher is not for selfish considerations, and it is a great merit to save the two families from the disaster of swordsmen."

"The third gift is for myself. As soon as the department teacher said this, Tao can resign and return to the school to continue my leisurely life."

Zhang Lu shook his head and said, "Why didn't Mr. Shi thank me on Liu Yizhou's behalf?"

The boy next to him couldn't help but said: "Mr. Shi is not considered Liu Yizhou's aide, so naturally he can't thank you on his behalf."

Zhang Lu was shocked: "Mr. Shi is so talented, why is he not an aide?"

The boy talked about how Liu Chan spent money to invite Shi Guangyuan, and arranged for him a peculiar title of "Chief Executive of Frontline Affairs".

Zhang Lu laughed out loud when he heard this, and felt that Liu Chan and Shi Guangyuan, the master and apprentice, were really interesting, such a thing could be done unexpectedly - it was an unheard of strange thing to hire someone else to command the army to fight!
Zhang Lu said to the boy: "But Mr. Liu, if you want to come to my residence, why are you so secretive?"

Seeing that his identity was exposed, Liu Chan screamed inwardly.In fact, after his team came to the outskirts of Hanzhong, they deliberately slowed down and handed over to Dong Yun the full management, and now they are still hundreds of miles away.And Liu Chan himself entered Nanzheng in disguise, and handed over the treasures he brought to Zhuge Qiao.After the two secretly operated, all the officials in Hanzhong, big and small, had already been bribed by them.

But Zhang Lu naturally doesn't know now that Liu Chan is the black hand behind the betrayal of his relatives. Even the strategy implemented by Yangpingguan Zhao Yun was formulated by Liu Chan and Zhuge Liang.

Zhang Lu naively thought that Liu Chan was still young and just came out to see the affairs of the outside world, but he was afraid of encountering accidents, so he pretended to be a boy to see him.He really thought of Liu Chan too simply, how could he know that Liu Chan was here to give him the final fatal blow.

Liu Chan smiled awkwardly: "How did the department teacher see through...?"

Zhang Lu said mysteriously: "Is the method of looking at one's fortune and appearance handed down in my family a child's play? I have already seen that the young master is an extraordinary person just now."

Liu Chan smiled slyly, of course he would not believe Zhang Lu's nonsense, he must have said too much just now, and although he would still visit Zhang Lu, the news that he had entered Hanzhong should have already reached Zhang Lu , That's why he saw the flaws.

Liu Chan had no choice but to laugh and said, "Then let Chan be here and thank the department teacher Hongde Yafan instead of my father." After speaking, Liu Chan bowed to Zhang Lu to the end.

Therefore, Zhang Lu sent letters to various prefectures and counties in Hanzhong on the second day, announcing that he would belong to Yizhou.

After Pang De heard about this at Yangping Pass, he immediately joined Zhao Yun's command very happily.Then Zhao Yun led Pang De and half of Yangpingguan's troops into Nanzheng to prevent turmoil during the handover of power between the two sides.

And Liu Chan finally met Zhao Yun after parting for a long time.Under Zhao Yun's introduction, Liu Chan finally met Pang De Pang Lingming, who had fought desperately against the god of war Guan Yu.

Pang De has also heard a lot of news about Liu Chan from Zhao Yun, and he is very amazed that Liu Chan can make many achievements at a young age.The atmosphere of the three people's conversation was extremely enthusiastic, and they didn't realize it until late at night.

In the autumn and July of this year, Liu Bei built an altar in the south of Chengdu in high spirits, with a radius of nine miles, distributed in five directions, and each set up a banner and guard of honor.The ministers are all arranged in order.

Xu Jing and Fazheng invited Xuande to go up to the altar, enter the crown, seal and ribbon, and sit facing south. He was congratulated by civil and military officials as King of Hanzhong.His son Liu Chan was established as the prince's son.Xu Jing was granted the title of Grand Tutor, Fazheng was appointed Minister of the Ministry; Zhuge Liang was appointed as the Military Adviser, and the prime minister was responsible for military and state affairs.Feng Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, Ma Chao, and Huang Zhong were the five tiger generals, and Wei Yan was the prefect of Hanzhong.The rest of the meritorious deeds were designated as lords.

Then, Liu Bei repaired the watch and sent it to Xudu as a report to Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty.It is said that when Cao Cao saw this letter, he immediately became furious and said, "Child Zhixi, how dare you do this! I swear to destroy it!"

However, it is particularly worth mentioning that when Liu Bei wanted to reward Shi Guangyuan, he declined because Liu Bei had already paid him enough—three hundred gold, enough to buy a hundred acres of fertile land!

And Deng Ai, since he was already an adult, finally formally entered the army, became a school lieutenant under Zhao Yun, and continued to follow Liu Chan.Although Zhuge Qiao also received a reward, Kong Ming declined it and ordered him to continue studying with Liu Chan in the academy.

(End of this chapter)

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