The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 130 Yan Pu Recommends Pound

Chapter 130 Yan Pu Recommends Pound

However, Yan Pu didn't know that Zhang Lu was moved by Yang Song until a few days later, and he had agreed to form an alliance with Liu Bei and let Zhao Yun enter Yangping Pass.

Yan Pu couldn't help being angry and anxious, can Yang Song's character be trusted?He must have received a bribe from Yizhou to speak up for Liu Bei so graciously!He couldn't help but scold Yang Song as "a man who misled the country, a greedy man who ruined the country!".

Yan Pu couldn't get angry for a while, so he went to Yang Song to argue.But he is not a stupid person, after walking to the door of the house, he began to calm down.

He thought about it carefully, and now there is nothing to do, and the only way to make up for it is the best policy.Zhao Yun, the main general of the opponent, once killed seven in and seven out of Cao Cao's million troops in Changbanpo, as if entering the land of no one.In front of such a fierce general, how can the generals of Hanzhong be his opponents?What's more, Wei Yan, another general of Liu Bei, has also led his troops north to Yangping Pass.

After Yan Pu turned and entered his study room to meditate for a long time, he had an idea in a flash of inspiration.Yan Pu didn't want to go to that bullshit Yang Song's theory anymore, but went straight to Zhang Lu's residence.

Ever since Zhang Lu adopted Yang Song's strategy, he was still very disturbed in his heart, and he had been so nervous that he couldn't sleep all night in the past few days.Now that I heard that Yan Gongcao came to see him in a hurry, I immediately asked Yan Pu to come in.

Yan Pu came in and saw that Zhang Lu looked haggard, with puffy bags under his eyes, and looked very bad. He knew that Zhang Lu was actually very restless, and he couldn't help but feel a little sad.He persuaded: "My lord, although Hanzhong's military affairs are urgent, you must take care of your health!"

Zhang Lu waved his hand so that Yan Pu didn't have to say any more, but just asked: "Gong Cao came to see me so early, what's the matter?"

"My lord, you let Zhao Yun enter Yangping Pass, you are destroying your own foundation! Why don't you think about it, Liu Bei is the hero of the world, and Liu Zhang is his brother of the same clan. He welcomed him into Sichuan with good intentions, but in the end all his good foundation was taken away. What's more Are you not close to him?"

Zhang Lu's face turned cold, no one knew about these things, but Yan Pu's words like this were too embarrassing for him, so he just fell silent.

Yan Pu said again: "Now that the tiger Zhao Yun has entered the house, it will be extremely difficult to drive it out. The second general Zhang Wei must not be his opponent. Sooner or later, the Yangping Pass will fall into Zhao Yun's hands hand!"

Yangpingguan is the most important gate in Hanzhong, and it cannot be lost anyway.Hearing what Yan Pu said, Zhang Lu finally couldn't hide his nervousness anymore, so he hurriedly asked Yan Pu if there was any way to protect him?
Yan Pu sighed, telling Zhang Lu not to be in a hurry, he helped Zhang Lu to his seat, and said, "My lord, since Zhao Yun is the most powerful general in the world, we need to send someone who can compete with him." General, only Yangping Pass can be secured!"

Zhang Lu suddenly realized that Yan Pu was right.But he immediately realized that although Hanzhong has a lot of soldiers, horses, food and grass, there are no good generals, so what to do!
Seeing that Zhang Lu was happy at first, but then became silent again, Yan Pu said, "My lord, don't worry. I recommend someone to my lord, who will definitely be able to restrain Zhao Yun and Zhao Zilong!"

Zhang Lu was surprised: "Who is so powerful?"

"When Ma Chao and Ma Mengqi came to join him, didn't he bring a general Pang De Pang Lingming with him? This man is very brave, and his martial arts skills are not inferior to Zhao Yun. My lord, please invite him out of the mountain."

Only then did Zhang Lu suddenly realize.When Machao was at the Bingjiameng Pass, Pound was stranded in Hanzhong because he was suffering from malaria and could not go out with the army.Fortunately, Zhang Lu has been taking good care of him, so his illness was cured. He has always been grateful to Zhang Lu.

However, Zhang Lu still hesitated, because now that Ma Chao has surrendered to Liu Bei, is Pang De credible?Said: "Pang Lingming is Ma Chao's subordinate..."

Yan Pu saw that Zhang Lu's indecision had flared up again, and persuaded him, "My lord, Pound is a true gentleman who will repay his kindness, and he will never betray his lord. Now that Ma Chao has surrendered Liu Bei, he is no longer Pound. Your lord. As long as your lord sincerely invites you, Pound will be willing to agree with you."

Only then did Zhang Lu feel relieved, and immediately sent someone to find Pang De.After knowing Zhang Lu's difficulties, Pang De agreed to help Zhang Lu guard Yangping Pass without saying a word!

Zhang Lu was overjoyed, and promised to betroth his daughter to Pang De after the event was completed.Pang De knew that when Ma Chao came to Hanzhong, Zhang Lu wanted to betroth his daughter to Ma Chao, but Yang Song destroyed it later.Pang De declined, "It's not necessary to be a department teacher. You have given Pang De a life-saving grace, and you should repay it with death!"

Seeing that Pang De was a kind and righteous man, Zhang Lu was overjoyed and rewarded him with a lot of property.After Pang De took over the mission, he stopped staying in Hanzhong and immediately set off for Yangping Pass.

Zhao Yun was a little puzzled when he heard that Zhang Lu had sent a strong general to support him.As far as he knew, the most powerful general in Hanzhong was none other than Na Yangren.But now that Yang Ren is acting as Zhang Wei's deputy at Yangpingguan, where is there any strong general in Hanzhong?
Zhao Yun went out to take a look, and saw a black-skinned man with a thick back and a waist eight feet tall, with thick eyebrows and round eyes, standing beside a white horse with a big bow and a pot of carved feathers and arrows hanging from the horse.

This person seems to be younger than himself, but the faint aura exuding from his body is extremely astonishing, and he must possess good martial arts.

While Zhao Yun was looking at Pound, Pang De was also looking at Zhao Yun.The feeling in his heart is of course different from that of Zhao Yun.

When he saw Zhao Yun for the first time, he couldn't help being shocked by Zhao Yun's handsomeness, and then realized that there was no such handsome general in the Hanzhong Army, so this person must belong to the Yizhou Army.It is said that Zhao Yun and Zhao Zilong, the generals under Liu Bei, are not only superb in martial arts, but also extremely handsome, so it must be this person.

At this time, both Zhang Wei and Yang Ren came out, and Zhao Yun went forward with them to meet the general.After the introduction between the two parties, Zhao Yun just knew that this new general was Pang Depang Lingming, the former Ma Chao's fierce general.

He has been known to Pang De for a long time, but he has never had the chance to meet him, and he didn't want to meet him here today.Moreover, Pang De was Ma Chao's former subordinate. If he could take the opportunity to persuade him to submit to the lord, wouldn't that add another general to Yizhou?Overjoyed, Zhao Yun immediately ordered his subordinates to throw a banquet to welcome Pound.

During the banquet, Zhao Yun toasted Pound frequently, and then said insinuatingly: "Yun heard that General Pang has been following General Ma Chao. Now that General Ma has surrendered to my lord, I don't want to meet General Pang here, why?"

Pound had a very good impression of Zhao Yun, so he told about his stay in Hanzhong due to illness.

Zhao Yun nodded and said: "It's God's will to trick people! Now Ma Mengqi is serving General Pingxi in my Yizhou. If General Pang wants to meet in the future, Yun will definitely guide you."

Zhao Yun's words were really subtle, so Zhang Wei and Yang Ren did not arouse suspicion.However, Pang De, as the person involved, naturally understood that Zhao Yun intended to persuade him to join him, so he deliberately pretended not to understand, and brought the topic to martial arts.

Seeing that Pang De talked about him, Zhao Yun couldn't help being a little disappointed, but when it came to martial arts, he was quite interested.

At this time, I heard Zhang Wei say: "The two generals are both highly skilled in martial arts, why don't you compare them today?"

Zhao Yun was a little reluctant. He has always been gentle and doesn't like to compete with others.However, Pang De is now looking for a reason not to talk about who he belongs to. Zhang Wei's words hit him in his arms, and he smiled at Zhao Yun: "General Zilong, De heard that when you were Chang Banpo, you were in Cao Cao's hundred." Wanjun killed seven in and seven out, I really admire it, please let Pang experience it today?"

Seeing Zhao Yun's embarrassment, Yang Ren started arguing with Zhang Wei and other generals.Seeing that it was difficult to refute this matter, Zhao Yun had no choice but to agree, and the two men dressed in armor and came to the school's military field.Only then did Pound realize that Zhao Yun's horse was actually a white horse just like his own!The two looked at each other and smiled, as if they were concerned.

However, the weapons of the two are very different. Zhao Yun's weapon is well known, it is a brave and bright silver spear.But Pound's weapon is very special, it is a strange weapon - an elephant trunk knife.

The blade of this knife is no different from ordinary broadswords, but suddenly spirals into a spike at the tip of the knife, which looks very strange.Although Zhao Yun had experienced hundreds of battles, it was the first time he saw such a strange knife, and he immediately paid attention to it.

At this moment, Pang De yelled and urged his white horse to charge towards Zhao Yun. Zhao Yun didn't hesitate anymore, and also pulled the horse out.

Seeing two white horses crossing each other instantly like two white lightning bolts, there was a clear sound from the school military field.Everyone couldn't help but hold their breath, because none of them could see clearly how the two men fought for the first time, they only saw their white horses crossing each other.

However, both Pang De and Zhao Yun felt a little uneasy in their hearts, and they were secretly lamenting that the other's martial arts were really extraordinary.The two turned their horses back to charge at each other again, and then killed each other.

As soon as Pound met his face, he swung his knife and slashed at Zhao Yun's shoulder.Zhao Yunmei's eyes flashed, he raised his gun to block, and with a bang, Pound's knife seemed to have been cut firmly.

But in fact, Zhao Yun used a clever force on the gun, so that Pang De's knife could not exert any force at all, as if he was chopping on a soft rope, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

Pang De frowned slightly. Knowing that Zhao Yun's spear skills were amazing, he was no longer polite. The speed of the sword became faster and faster, and he danced a big sword so that the wind and rain could not be seen.

Zhao Yun constantly felt the tremendous pressure from the opponent's knife, and couldn't help feeling a long-lost excitement in his heart.He followed with a loud shout, no longer blindly defending, and unfolded his exquisite "White Bird Punching the Phoenix Shooting Technique", immediately unleashed his spear like the wind, and confronted Pound without giving in.

Some of the generals and soldiers watching the battle were stunned, while others cheered loudly.

After Zhao Yun and Zhao Yun fought more than ten moves, they were still tied.Pang De couldn't help but feel a little anxious, knowing that if he didn't make any strange moves, it would be absolutely difficult to break through Zhao Yun's sharp gun.

He immediately slashed with all his strength, and taking advantage of Zhao Yun's blocking opportunity, the elephant trunk knife did not forcefully suppress Zhao Yun's bright silver spear, but suddenly thrust forward, and the tip of the spiral knife pierced Zhao Yun's right eye. A vicious move, those who hit it must either die or be injured!There was a burst of exclamation outside the arena.

What kind of person is Zhao Yun? Faced with such a poisonous move, his expression is still relaxed. He tried his best to shake his brave silver spear with both hands. Miraculously, the body of the gun bent down from the middle, and the height of the elephant trunk knife dropped. , and shifted out, the tip of the knife directly pierced Zhao Yun's cheek less than an inch away, which is really dangerous!

Seeing that Zhao Yun evaded his ultimate move in such a dangerous way, Pang De was terrified, and suddenly turned his horse around and was about to run.But Zhao Yun didn't pursue him, he just stayed where he was.

Pang De didn't realize that Zhao Yun didn't pursue him. After running forty or fifty steps away, he hung up the elephant trunk knife, grabbed the big bow hanging on the saddle bridge with one hand, turned his head to look behind him, and reached for the quiver with the other hand.But he was stunned suddenly, not only because he found that Zhao Yun hadn't moved, but he also found that his quiver was missing!

Pound turned his horse's head and found that his quiver had been hung on Zhao Yun's gun.Apparently, during his last blow just now, Zhao Yun's silver spear took the opportunity to pick up the quiver, which directly prevented him from using the "Cloud Piercing Arrow" which became famous in Xiliang!
Pound admired Zhao Yun's miraculous spear skills in his heart, and surrendered: "General Zhao is really a god! I, Pound, lost!"

Zhao Yun smiled slightly, saying that he didn't even dare, then put away the quiver and returned it to Pound.Everyone outside the arena, seeing that both sides behaved so gracefully, really admired and envied them, and immediately burst into applause.

(End of this chapter)

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