The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 131 Battle at Yangping Pass

Chapter 131 Battle at Yangping Pass ([-])

After the battle with Pound, all the Yangpingguan armies worshiped Zhao Yun, and Zhao Yun also nominally replaced Zhang Wei as the general guarding Yangpingguan.

Such a development of things was somewhat beyond Zhao Yun's expectation, but out of consideration for Yizhou's interests, he certainly did not object to replacing Zhang Wei's position.

However, Zhao Yun knew that such a situation would not last long, especially after the arrival of Cao Cao's army and the conflict of interests between the Yizhou Army and the Hanzhong Army, such a harmonious situation would definitely be broken.But Zhao Yun is not afraid, he already has a way to deal with it.

Ten days later, Wei Yan's 4 Yizhou Army entered Yangping Pass.At this time, the total number of troops in Yangping Pass reached [-].

And Cao Cao personally commanded an army of 10, known as 30. After half a month of repairing in Chang'an, the army was divided into three groups. The front vanguard Xia Houyuan and Zhang Ying led 3 troops; Cao Ren led [-] people to supervise the transportation of grain and grass, and the three armies rushed to Hanzhong in a mighty manner.

Upon hearing the news at Yangpingguan, the two armies immediately held a joint combat meeting, and the opinions of the Yizhou Army and the Hanzhong Army really diverged.

Zhang Wei was the first to speak out.He believed that Cao Cao was a foreigner and was not familiar with the terrain of this place.Therefore, he suggested that the camps should be rebuilt on top of the seven villages that Zhao Yun had conquered, so as to make an active attack.Instead of hiding in Yangping Pass, waiting for the enemy to attack, that would be too useless.

Zhao Yun had another thought in his mind.Yangping Pass is the most important pass in the world, and the surrounding terrain is so majestic that it is impossible for anyone to open it.With such an excellent basis, why bother to go out and compete with the enemy?
Moreover, there are many good generals in Cao Cao's army. Although Zhang Wei is assisted by Pang De, there is still a huge gap in strength.Before he sent troops, Zhuge's army division had already ordered that if he could enter Yangping Pass, then the secret of this battle with Cao Jun lay in the word "drag".Because Hanzhong is surrounded by high mountains and mountains, the road is eager to travel south, which will definitely put great pressure on Cao Jun's logistics supplies.So as long as it can be delayed for a hundred days, Cao Jun must retreat in spite of difficulties.

Just when Zhao Yun was about to stand up and state his point of view, he saw the extremely excited expression on Wei Yan's face, knowing that he must have been ordered by the general and division, and he had forgotten it.

At this time, Deng Ai, who was standing behind Zhao Yun, stepped forward quietly, and whispered in his ear, "Don't worry, General Zhao. The Hanzhong army is now numerous and powerful. It will be beneficial to us and harmless to let them fight Cao Jun for a few battles first. "

Zhao Yun couldn't help being a little startled by Deng Ai's strategy, no wonder the young master asked him to bring him before he left!Although this plan is too insidious, but this matter is related to the lord's eternal foundation, Zhao Yun sighed inwardly, and those who make big things don't care about small things.

Zhao Yun said at the meeting that he did not object to Zhang Wei's approach.However, Zhao Yun's heart was not so cruel that he could ignore the crisis of the friendly army, so he demanded that the last two of the seven villages should be guarded by the Yizhou army.In this way, they can serve as the rear army of the Hanzhong Army and provide necessary support.

Of course Zhang Wei would not object, so he raised his troops and set up camp.Zhao Yun left Wei Yan to guard Yangping Pass, and he led [-] soldiers out to set up a stronghold.

Since it is obviously much more dangerous outside the pass, Zhao Yun originally did not plan to take Deng Ai, who was highly valued by his son Liu Chan, as his attendant. After Deng Ai's begging, he finally had to reluctantly agree.But Zhao Yun has repeatedly emphasized that Deng Ai and his 24 followers must never attack without authorization.

Of course Deng Ai agreed, but what kind of person is he, how could he be so obedient?

Yangping Pass.

Xia Houyuan and Zhang Yun's vanguard finally arrived outside Yangping Pass and set up camp fifteen li outside the pass.

Zhang Wei summoned all the generals in Hanzhong to his big tent to listen to the order, and ordered: "Cao Jun has come from a long way, and he must be negligent because of exhaustion tonight. Yang Ren, Yang Ang, you two will lead a team tonight and attack from the south. Enter Cao camp. Pang De, you lead a team to rush into the enemy camp from the north."

After this period of preparation for the battle, the three generals were eager to fight, and now that they heard Zhang Wei's order, they immediately took the order and left.

It was night, when the two men and horses who robbed the camp came to the edge of Cao Ying, they found that the men and horses in Cao Ying were all asleep and didn't know their personnel.Yang Ren and Yang Ang immediately led people to enter through the back door, while Pang De's army rushed in through the back door.All of a sudden, there were shouts of killing and flames in Cao Ying, and the two Hanzhong armies launched a fierce attack, and Cao Ying immediately blew up the camp.

In fact, Zhang Wei didn't have much military talent at first, but it was his luck that he was able to successfully rob the camp by letting him meet a dead mouse. Xia Houyuan and Zhang Xi, as the top generals in the Cao camp, had always looked down on Hanzhong in their hearts. General, and I heard before that Zhang Wei was defeated by the Yizhou Army for seven villages in two days, so he looked down on the Hanzhong Army even more.It was under such carelessness that they allowed the Hanzhong Army to successfully rob the camp.

When the two troops of the Hanzhong Army started, it was as if they were in no one's land, and they quickly entered the Chinese army's camp.Seeing that their army was completely defeated by the impact, Xia Houyuan and Zhang Yun were so angry that their eyes turned red!They made up their minds to use their personal guards as a supervising team. Anyone who dared to flee again would be killed immediately, and only then did they slightly stop the defeat.

But the enemy's impact was too strong, especially on Pang De's side. The battle was completely desperate. In the end, Xia Houyuan's and Zhang He's personal guards were almost unable to hold their ground by their own people.Xiahou Dun and Zhang Yun each sighed, and had to let the defeated soldiers go.

Then, Xiahou Dun and Zhang Yun reorganized the personal guards. Although their numbers were only one-third of the opponent's, these personal guards were composed of elite soldiers personally selected by Xia Houyuan and Zhang He, and their combat effectiveness should not be underestimated.Therefore, after the armies of the two sides fought again, the individual combat effectiveness was indeed superior, and Cao Jun quickly stopped the charge of Pang De's army.

Seeing the situation, Pound immediately organized superior forces to partially encircle the enemy from the left flank, trying to slowly eat away at the opponent's forces bit by bit.Xia Houyuan and Zhang He are the generals of a hundred battles, and Pound's strategy cannot be seen, but limited to the small number of people on their side, there is nothing they can do.

Xia Houyuan was also really anxious, and shouted: "Pang Depo thief, if you have the courage, join me in three hundred battles!" Then he urged his horse to rush into the enemy's formation, and slashed and killed.When those personal guards saw Xia Houyuan personally go into battle to kill the enemy, their morale rose sharply, and they quickly regained their disadvantage.

When Pang De saw Xiahou Yuan in front of him, he felt as if he had entered the land of no one. He was furious and urged him to meet Xiahouyuan immediately, and shouted loudly: "Xiahou thief, your grandpa is going to avenge the old Tongguan today! !" Then he swung the elephant trunk knife and attacked Xia Houyuan like a storm.

Xia Houyuan is eager to eat Pang De's flesh and blood now, how can he show mercy.The two were immediately jealous, and even forgot to command the army.

After an hour of fighting between the two sides, the troops of Yang Ren and Yang Ang finally arrived. After the two rendezvous, the personal guards finally couldn't hold on.In desperation, Xia Houyuan had no choice but to throw off Pang De and let Zhang He fight for him, and personally command the army to meet the enemy on both sides.

But in such a situation, even if the gods are alive, Xia Houyuan can't turn the situation around, and he can't help but look up to the sky and sigh: "Could it be that I, Xia Houyuan, will die at the hands of these young people today?"

At the critical moment of Xia Houyuan's situation, a group of hussars suddenly rushed out from behind Pang De's army. The leader was a general who was more than eight feet long, with a big waist and a big knife in his hand. He had a very majestic appearance.

The general shouted in a thunderous voice: "General Xiahou, don't worry, Xu Chu is here!" Then he led the cavalry into Pang De's army and slashed wildly.

It turned out that Cao Cao's Chinese army camp was only [-] miles away from Xiahouyuan's forward camp, so when he saw the fire here, Cao Cao knew something was wrong, and immediately dispatched cavalry to rescue it.

Of course, Pang De knew Xu Chu's name. Back then, Ma Chao fought shirtless with him in Tongguan, and in the end it was a draw. Now that he saw this person coming, his momentum inevitably weakened a bit.And now after Xu Chujun joined the battle, the armies of both sides have turned into a melee, and they already have the heart to retreat.

Then, the second support army of Cao Jun arrived again, led by general Xu Huang and Xu Gongming.He was very different from Xu Chu, he just rushed into the formation to fight with a big ax in his hand while commanding his army.

Seeing that the enemy's reinforcements were getting more and more, Pang De had already gained enough credit tonight, so he began to command the army to retreat.As soon as Yang Ren and Yang Ang saw that something was wrong, they didn't bother to contact Pang De, and ran away with their troops.

But Pound soon discovered that it was not so easy for him to withdraw his troops now.Xia Houyuan had just suffered a crushing defeat, and now that reinforcements have finally arrived, he will definitely keep Pang De behind even if he dies.Therefore, Xia Houyuan led the personal guards to block the way of Pound's army regardless of casualties, and even let Yang Ren and those little shrimps escape.

As a result, the situation on the battlefield suddenly reversed. The person who was originally surrounding others was now turned into a turtle in an urn!
Pang De also became ruthless, commanding the army to attack Xia Houyuan's personal guards desperately.But the other party is so tenacious that he can't move for a while!

At this time, Cao Jun's third support army appeared, which was Cao Hong's cavalry!As soon as Cao Hong joined the battle circle, he led his troops around the rear, assigned some of them to Xia Houyuan to increase the strength of the encirclement, and then led the rest of his troops to pursue Yang Ren's fleeing army.

Yang Ren and Pang De's troops were all infantry for the convenience of robbing the camp, so they were quickly overtaken by Cao Hong's cavalry, and a bloody escape was launched. In the end, there were not enough people left to escape into Zhang Wei's Dazhai one thousand!
Zhang Wei was still in Dazhai dreaming of the return of the two troops in a big victory. When he found out that Cao Hong was attacking aggressively, he immediately panicked. He completely forgot that there were thousands of people in Dazhai. It can completely block Cao Hong's offensive.

So, Zhang Wei ran away, and the soldiers in the village dispersed in a rush, and they all retreated to the rear!

Cao Hong took the opportunity to lead his troops into Dazhai and conquered it in one fell swoop.But a general is a general, and Cao Hong did not stay in Dazhai, but continued to command the army to hunt down Zhang Weijun.

Then, something very weird happened.As long as Zhang Wei escaped into any stronghold, Cao Hong's men would rush into that stronghold, killing the Hanzhong Army until blood flowed into rivers, and even captured three strongholds of the Hanzhong Army in a row!Almost catching up with Zhao Yun's record.

Zhao Yun had already discovered that something was wrong.Although he didn't know that Zhang Wei sent people to rob Cao Jun's camp, but after seeing Zhang Wei's big village on fire, he knew what was going on with his toes.He immediately organized the men and horses in his two villages, and then took over Zhang Weijun's last two villages.

(End of this chapter)

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