The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 132 Battle at Yangping Pass

Chapter 132 Battle at Yangping Pass ([-])
At this time, Cao Hongjun had already carried himself away from the killing. Seeing that there was no movement in the Dazhai ahead, not even a little fire, he thought that the people inside had already run away, so he didn't take it to heart.But when they came to the front of the stronghold, the troops arranged by Zhao Yun suddenly moved out and attacked Cao Hongjun with horns.

Cao Hongjun never thought that he would fall into the enemy's trap at this time, and he was in a mess for a while.Seeing the situation, Zhao Yun happened to launch a cover-up attack, and with a few blows, Cao's army was nearly collapsed.

Seeing that the opponent's troops are really strong, Cao Hong couldn't help wondering if this army is the Hanzhong Army after all. The difference in combat power is too great!

At this time, he happened to see a general wearing silver armor and riding a silver-maned horse appeared in the opponent's army. He was very conspicuous in the night, and he was skillfully directing the army to launch a fierce attack on his side.Since he couldn't see the opponent's face clearly in the night, Cao Hong never thought that Zhao Yun and Zhao Zilong would appear here, and he suddenly turned evil, trying to kill this person to reverse the current extremely unfavorable battle situation.

Hearing Cao Hong's loud shout, he rushed into the enemy's formation angrily and swung his saber at the silver-armored general.Zhao Yun had already made the move of the opposing general, he turned his horse's head and raised his gun to fight. With a bang, a huge force came from the bright silver gun, which made Cao Hong's arms go numb.

Only now did Cao Hong see Zhao Yun's extremely handsome face under his silver helmet. The battle at Changbanpo was still fresh in his memory, and he couldn't help but exclaimed: "Zhao Zilong! Why are you here?"

Cao Hong was so frightened that he pulled his horse and ran away.Cao Hongjun saw that his chief general had fled, so he had to retreat.

Zhao Yun led the men and horses to chase again, and when they chased to the front of the enemy's camp, it was already daylight.The morning sun shot a faint golden light, but it was red, like blood overflowing on the ground.The morning mist covered the mountain forest on the hillside thinly, and it gradually melted under the sun at this time.

However, Zhao Yunjun did not stop.Because Zhao Yun knew that after a night of chaos in the enemy camp, order must not be restored now, so when will we wait if we don't take the opportunity to rush in and seize the camp?
Zhao Yun's bright silver spear swung downward, and the Yizhou army rushed into the enemy's camp like a rainbow.After everyone charged and killed for a while, Zhao Yun found that the fighting was still going on in the camp.Only then did Zhao Yun know that there were still people trapped in the army that the Hanzhong Army robbed the camp.

Zhao Yun led his troops into the battlefield, and suddenly found that Pang De himself was surrounded by three generals Cao Jun Xu Huang, Xia Houyuan and Zhang Ying to fight in Gaixin. He was wounded in many places and his armor was covered with blood.To make matters worse, there are very few sergeants around him, and he will definitely not last long.

Zhao Yun yelled, and after urging the white horse under his seat to sprint for a while, he jumped up from the ground, unexpectedly crossed the encirclement circle of Cao Jun abruptly, and fell into Gaixin.

The three generals of the Cao army were startled when they saw Zhao Yun descending like a divine soldier from the sky.But they all recognized Zhao Yun's appearance, and they couldn't help but wonder why Zhao Yun, who is General Liu Bei, suddenly appeared here?
Pang De was overjoyed, and shouted loudly: "General Zhao, you came just in time!"

Zhao Yun just laughed without saying a word, and joined the fight with his gun.He knew that Pound alone was at the end of his battle against the three great generals on the enemy side, so he didn't dare to hide his secrets any more. He wielded his silver spear and used the "hundred birds and phoenix marksmanship" Take over most of the attacks from the three generals.

The three of Xia Houyuan became more and more frightened as they fought, because no matter how they attacked, Zhao Zilong's spear was always so tightly defended, as if water could not penetrate it. It is completely unimaginable that someone in this world can practice marksmanship to such an extent. The foot can be described as a "magic gun".And this happened to give Pound a little time to breathe and take the opportunity to recover his strength.

After fifty rounds of fighting between the two sides, the outcome was still tied, and the time was approaching noon.The sun was a bit scorching hot, making people's skin throbbing and aching, especially when all of these people were wearing armor, they felt sweltering and unbearably hot.

At this time, another soldier and horse appeared outside the circle, and a general shouted loudly: "You guys outnumber the few, what kind of heroes are you! See if I, Yiyang Wei Wenchang, don't kill you!"

With that said, Wei Yan brandished a broadsword and joined the battle circle.The three generals of Cao Jun were muttering in their hearts at this time, why are there so many generals of Liu Beijun here?
After Wei Yan joined, Zhao Yun's pressure decreased a lot, and he launched a marksmanship to counterattack the three of them. The strength of the two sides in the battle finally became balanced, but no one could do anything to the other.

Therefore, not only the soldiers of the two armies fought together in Cao Ying, but also the generals fought together. Such a battle was simply unimaginable.

The two sides fought until the afternoon.Zhao Yun knew that he couldn't stay in this place for long, maybe Cao Cao's central army had already arrived.He immediately led Pang De and Wei Yan, leaving Xia Houyuan behind, and rushed out of the enemy's formation, leading the army to fight and retreat, until they came to the former Hanzhong Army's Dazhai.

At this time, they suddenly discovered that Deng Ai had taken 24 soldiers from the trapped camp and 1000 Yizhou soldiers that Zhao Yun had reserved in the camp, preparing to face Cao Jun.

Deng Ai's formation is quite strange.He organized all the personnel into four square formations, and the interval between each person was strictly measured to be six feet.The right wing is equipped with only 100 cavalry and 200 sword players. The phalanx of the central army is placed parallel to the right wing, a total of 260 infantry, and the phalanx of 240 people on the left is behind the central phalanx.The remaining 200 Yizhou soldiers and 24 trapped camp members were placed parallel to the left wing, behind the right wing, and protruding slightly to the left.

In fact, this formation was arranged by Shi Guangyuan, Deng Ai, and Liu Chan out of interest, and it was only the first time they used it today.

Since the entire formation was arranged close to the left side of the camp, there was enough space on the right side for Zhao Yun's army to pass through.Even if there is not enough space there, since the space between soldiers was strictly measured when the formation was designed, there is enough space for those soldiers to pass through.So even if there is a collision of our own chaotic troops, they will not cause too much impact on the entire formation when they pass by.

When Cao Jun, who came overwhelmingly like a dark cloud, came 500 steps away, Deng Ai's resolute face showed no trace of fear, and calmly ordered all soldiers not to be afraid, as long as they are ready to attack, they will surely succeed .

When Cao Jun approached the distance of 200 steps, the loud noise of Cao Jun's impact strongly hit the eardrums of everyone in the Shu Army, and the ground shook violently.

At this time, Deng Ai's right hand finally fell.The mixed infantry and cavalry phalanx on the right wing launched, rushing forward needlessly to meet Cao Jun's vanguard.

Regardless of their small number, only 300 people, they are the most powerful force in Deng Ai's hands: the impact of the cavalry combined with the flexibility of the sword player is not so easy to be defeated, and in this situation where there is no In the not wide terrain, Deng Ai is confident enough that they are enough to block the first wave of Cao Jun's impact.

Sure enough, after the two armies came into contact, Deng Aijun held the line of defense steadily, and was not overwhelmed by Cao Jun in one fell swoop.Then after another violent collision, the impact of Cao Jun's cavalry was finally greatly reduced.

Deng Ai saw that the mixed formation had blocked the enemy's charge. With a wave of his right hand, he fell into the reserve formation composed of 224 people in the camp, separated some of the troops, and joined the battle group one by one.The role of these people was originally used to support the battles of the various wings. Wherever there is a need for additional personnel to fill the gap, they will join there!

After the reservists joined the battlefield, the huge destructive power of the trapped camp soon became apparent.What they hold are long and heavy weapons in their hands. They specialize in attacking the horse legs of the enemy cavalry. Often it is just a sweep, and the horse immediately falls to the ground, and the cavalry immediately falls to the ground. Then the rest is left to other infantry to complete. .

Although the situation is rapidly stabilizing, the number of enemies coming from behind is also increasing, and Deng Ai's front forces are beginning to become stretched.

Deng Ai then dispatched the central phalanx to gradually join the right-wing battle group in a straight line. This means that, if necessary, the central phalanx and the left-wing phalanx have already become reserves.

Sure enough, with the development of the war situation, the army began to fight, and Deng Ai had to throw the left wing into the battlefield to share the pressure for the right wing.Of course, the task of the left wing is actually only required to be able to block the attack of the enemy's right wing, so that the right wing of one's own side will not be outflanked by the enemy's flank.

However, all of this can only show one point. Facing the surging Cao army, Deng Ai is already at the end of his rope.

Fortunately, when Deng Ai's army was in great danger of being repelled, Zhao Yun finally organized his team and quickly occupied Deng Ai's original right wing position.

But then Deng Ai was surprised that Zhao Yun didn't immediately put the army into battle, but just lined up and waited.

In fact, the reason why Zhao Yun did this, of course, has a deeper meaning.

Xia Houyuan quickly sensed the powerful oppressive force conveyed by the opponent's army formation, and knew that the reason why the opponent stopped attacking was to force him to withdraw his troops voluntarily. This is the so-called "tacit understanding" between famous generals.

And now it was late, and the red clouds of the sunset in the sky dyed the sky red, like the blood that had been shed on the ground.Xia Houyuan knew that today's battle should be coming to an end.

So Xia Houyuan ordered and asked his own army to slowly withdraw from the battlefield while fighting.

When Deng Ai saw Cao Jun retreating, he was already furious, and wanted to order the troops in front to pursue, but was stopped in time by the messengers dispatched by Zhao Yun.So the two sides took advantage of the trend to strike their own troops.

The outcome of this day-and-night battle is out of the question.The camps of both sides were breached once by the other side, and both sides also suffered a large number of casualties.

Calculated in this way, this battle was fought in a muddle-you chased me, I chased me again, then you chased me again, and then I forced you back, and finally they all stopped...

(End of this chapter)

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