The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 133 Battle at Yangping Pass

Chapter 133 Battle at Yangping Pass ([-])
After Zhao Yun returned to the camp, he asked Wei Yan to order all the soldiers to bury pots and make meals, and asked Deng Ai to organize doctors to treat the wounded and sick, while he himself came to the camp to visit Pound's injuries.

Although Pound was injured in many places, fortunately each wound was small and would heal after recuperation. When Zhao Yun arrived at his camp, doctors from Yizhou were already treating his wounds.

Those small wounds, the doctor just treated them slightly.But after the doctor made Pang De drink a bowl of extremely difficult to swallow medicine powder, he suddenly took out a needle with a white thread on it, and was about to pierce the open wound, he was startled.

Pang De grabbed the doctor's hand and asked the doctor loudly, "What are you trying to do?"

The status of doctors in the Jingzhou and Yizhou armies is extraordinary and refined, and they do not belong to the army establishment, but are completely obligatory.So the doctor's face turned cold, and he wanted to reprimand Pang De a few words.Zhao Yun hurriedly stepped forward to appease Pang De and the doctor, telling them not to get angry.

Seeing that Zhao Yun personally persuaded him, the doctor explained it to Pang De in a nice way.Pound was horrified when he heard this, and he had no idea that there was such a miraculous medical skill in this world, so he had to apologize to the doctor.

The doctor then began to help Pound to sew up the wound, while Zhao Yun chatted with Pound about the battle to distract Pound's attention.Otherwise, as long as it is a human being, it is often unbearable to see someone sticking a needle in his flesh for the first time, even a murderous general like Pound.

The two chatted happily like this, and before they knew it, Pound's wound had been stitched up.Only then did Zhao Yun bid farewell, and sent someone to send Pang De to Yangping Pass to have a good rest.

Seeing Zhao Yun's thoughtful planning for himself, Pang De was very grateful in his heart.

After sending Pound away, Zhao Yun hurried back to his camp, and wrote a letter to Shi Guangyuan who had already arrived in Nanzheng, the seat of Hanzhong, asking Mr. Shi to try to subdue Pound under the command of the lord, and then send someone to invite him. Deng Ai came to meet each other.

At this time, Deng Ai had already assigned the doctor, and when he heard that Zhao Yun was looking for him, he immediately put down the work at hand and came to Zhao Yun's tent.

Zhao Yun was very happy to see Deng Ai, a great hero, coming.He originally wanted to break the rear with a thousand white-eared soldiers today. Although he was confident that he could withstand the impact of the opponent's cavalry, it must be a hard battle.Fortunately, Deng Ai was able to set up the formation in time, which saved him a lot of trouble.

Zhao Yun immediately made a contribution to Deng Ai, and asked appreciatively: "Shi Zai, what formation did you form today? Why have I never seen it before? Its power cannot be underestimated!"

Seeing Zhao Yun's amiable face, Deng Ai said nervously: "Back, back to General Zhao, this is the formation that Mr. Shi, I and Mr. Liu Chan came up with. Because the shape is like two crooked 'Lv' characters, the teacher asked We call it the 'slanting double Lu formation'. Today's soldiers are forming the formation for the first time, so it took a lot of effort, and the effect is not obvious."

Zhao Yun nodded and said with a smile: "Shizai, you are too modest. Since this formation is so powerful, I will give you the command of the thousand soldiers who fought with you today, and you can take them to train hard!"

Deng Ai didn't expect that Zhao Yun would let him lead the army. He couldn't help being overjoyed, and immediately knelt down and thanked him.

Cao Ying.

In today's battle, after all the generals fought desperately, although Dazhai was saved in the end, the vanguard battalion lost more than 3 of the [-] troops!
For this reason, Cao Cao was furious at Xia Houyuan and Zhang Yun: "You two have been marching and fighting for so many years, how could you not understand the truth of 'If soldiers are tired from a long journey, they can prevent robbery'!"

In a word, the two of them were ashamed.However, Cao Cao was still angry and ordered the two men to be taken out and beheaded in order to rectify the military law.

All the generals in the camp hurriedly pleaded for the two of them, but Cao Cao was angry at this time, how could he listen?Finally, the counselor Jia Xu came out and said, "My lord, it is not a good idea to kill a general before the battle. Why don't you record the two people's faults first, and save the merits for redemption in the future. Wenhe has a plan here, which can defeat the enemy."

When Cao Cao heard that Jia Xu had a plan, most of the anger on his face dissipated immediately, so he asked the guards to release both Xia Houyuan and Zhang He, and then asked Jia Xu, "What can Wen He teach me?"

Jia Xu's eyes flashed brightly, and he said: "Our army can use the reason of defeat in today's battle to pull out the stronghold and retreat. Then separate the Qingqi to break up the rear, and the enemy stronghold will surely fall."

Cao Cao nodded, thoughtfully, and said with a smile, "Wen He's plan is useful to deal with those eager and aggressive people like Zhang Wei. But now there is another Zhao Yun in Yangping Pass. Your plan."

Jia Xu immediately stepped aside and said nothing, as if she wanted to find another way.

After the army had been repaired for seven days, Cao Cao felt that the time had come to fight again, so he called Xu Chu and Xu Huang, and ordered them to follow him to the front to check the situation of the enemy camp.

The three horses turned around a hillside and looked away from it. They saw the seven large villages under Yangping Pass built on the mountains on both sides. .

Cao Cao raised his whip and pointed, "It's really hard to attack such a strong camp!"

After the three of them watched for a while, they suddenly heard someone shouting loudly from behind: "Don't leave Cao Cao!" Pound, who had almost recovered from his injuries.

It turned out that when the three of Cao Cao drove their horses out of the camp, they were spotted by the spies of the Hanzhong Army and reported to Zhang Wei immediately.Zhang Wei could have informed Zhao Yun to send troops to help, but he felt that Zhao Yun had made great contributions last time, so he was unwilling to let him share the contribution.He secretly sent someone to transfer Pang De from Yangping Pass, and then there was a scene where the two armies attacked Duke Cao.

Seeing this, Cao Cao couldn't help but turn pale with fright.

Xu Chu shouted: "I will take care of the enemy army. Mr. Xu protects the lord and leaves quickly." Then he rushed out with a big knife, but was caught by Pang De.

Xu Chu was desperate this time, waving a big knife and beckoning to Pound desperately.Pang De was originally very skilled in martial arts, although he may not be able to defeat Xu Chu, and it is impossible to lose within a hundred moves, but now he is injured, and he is somewhat unable to support after dozens of moves.

However, Yang Ren and Yang Ang had no sense of morality. This time, in order to make meritorious service, they left Pang De again and led the army to chase and kill Cao Cao.But the luck of these two people has always been extremely bad, and they were stopped by the army that Xia Houyuan and Zhang He came to meet on the way.Under the battle between the two sides, Yang Ren and Yang Ang were no match for others. After they couldn't hold on, they wanted to run away again.

At this time, Cao Jun's left wing rushed out two surprise soldiers. Yang Ren and Yang Ren were overjoyed when they saw it. It turned out that Zhao Yun and Wei Yan's men had arrived.

It turned out that Zhao Yun was worried about Zhang Wei, and had already dispatched men to monitor every move of the Hanzhong Army at any time.As soon as he received the news that Pang De and others led an army to raid Cao Cao, he and Wei Yan immediately came out to respond.

Now seeing that the troops on both sides had started a fierce battle, Zhao Yun led the troops to charge forward, and under the two charges of the Hanzhong army, Xia Houyuan's and Zhang Yun's troops quickly couldn't hold on and retreated one after another.

Zhao Yun decided not to give up the opportunity this time, and commanded the Yizhou Army to follow Cao Jun to cover up and kill them, and rushed into Cao's camp.Poor Cao Cao has always been invincible in marching and fighting all his life. When did he break into the camp twice in a row like this?
Cao Cao immediately let out a long sigh, today's battle is impossible to fight.He had no choice but to order Xiahouyuan and Xiahoudun to take their personal guards to intercept Zhao Yun's army. They didn't even want all the supplies, and retreated back to his own Chinese army's Dazhai in despair.

After Zhao Yun repelled Xiahouyuan and Xiahoudun, he was afraid of Cao Cao's cunning and tricks, so he occupied the camp and dared not continue to pursue.Then, he sent someone to count the supplies in the village, and found that there were countless grains and grass hoarded inside, and he was immediately overjoyed.

At this time, Yang Ren, Yang Ang, and Pang De also led troops into the village—the reason why Pound was able to be safe was not that he suddenly repelled Xu Chu because of his character, but that Xu Chu had no intention of fighting again when he saw that Cao Cao had escaped. Past Pound.

Zhao Yun saw the three generals coming, and invited them to Cao Cao's original tent of the Chinese army.That Zhang Wei also rushed to Cao Ying very quickly, and seeing that there was so much food and grass in it, he proposed to Zhao Yun that he should also take a share.

Seeing that Zhang Wei didn't contribute half of his efforts, Wei Yan wanted to divide up the benefits now that he had benefited. He was very annoyed and said angrily, "Who dares to take away our army's food and grass?!"

Seeing this, Pang De hurried over and held Wei Yan's hand down, persuading General Wei Yan not to get angry.

Seeing that Wei Yan's face was like a jujube at first, but now it has turned dark purple with anger, Zhang Wei couldn't help but feel scared.But the temptation of those grains and grasses is too great, Zhang Wei still strengthened himself, and said to Zhao Yun: "Our two armies are allies, and today our army has contributed a lot, how can General Zhao swallow all those grains and grasses?"

Zhao Yun looked at Wei Yan and couldn't help but feel a little troubled.But for the sake of the overall situation, Zhao Yun didn't want a gap between the two armies because of a little food and grass, so he agreed to allocate a third to the Hanzhong army, and then sent the Hanzhong generals away.Then Zhao Yun ordered his sergeants to quickly transport some grain and grass back to Yangping Pass, which is safer.

Wei Yan obviously didn't understand Zhao Yun's approach, and he was still very depressed.

Zhao Yun explained him and said, "General Wei Yan, this Hanzhong will soon be ours. Now that the food and grass are taken away by them, can't they get it back in the future? We should just let them take care of it for us first."

This made Wei Yan feel better. He stepped forward and said to Zhao Yun: "General Zhao, our army has won a new victory. Tonight, we need to guard against Cao Jun coming to steal the camp."

Although Wei Yan is sometimes greedy for success and has a too impatient temper, he is actually quite resourceful.Zhao Yun nodded immediately. Most of his sergeants were exhausted after fighting for so long. Tonight is indeed the best time for Cao Jun to rob the camp, so he asked Wei Yan to be responsible for making corresponding preparations, and then returned with some troops. Dazhai under Yangping Pass.

However, due to the fierce battle against Xu Chu, Pang De had many wounds on his body, so he had to go back to Yangping Pass to recuperate, so Wei Yan and Yang Ren were jointly guarded here.

(End of this chapter)

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