The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 134 Battle at Yangping Pass

Chapter 134 Battle at Yangping Pass ([-])
After Cao Cao re-established Dazhai, he was already in a mess.He tidied up his attire a little bit, and then called all the generals to discuss countermeasures.

When he saw that all the generals under his tent looked a little discouraged, Cao Cao not only was not angry, but laughed out loud three times.

The generals couldn't help being very surprised, why does the lord seem to be very happy after his new defeat?Only counselor Jia Xu stood aside in deep thought, his face was expressionless, this person was really calm.

Then Cao Cao said to the generals: "Everyone, don't be depressed. The two armies have won and lost each other in the recent battle. In the future, I will definitely take down Yangping Pass!"

Cao Ren stepped forward to salute and said, "Prime Minister, the enemy army must have been exhausted after fighting for days, and it happens to rob the camp tonight."

Cao Cao nodded and smiled and said, "What Zixiao said is reasonable, and this method is very suitable to my heart. Tonight, you will lead an army to attack the enemy camp in the dark, and take Dazhai back!"

Cao Ren was overjoyed when he heard the words, and immediately took orders to go down to prepare.

But Jia Xu, who was at the side, couldn't help but feel his heart sink, because he knew that Cao Ren's actions tonight would not be effective.But he is a well-known old fox. Although he wondered why Cao Cao readily agreed with Cao Ren's approach, it seemed that it was not his style, but he did not stop him, just waited for the result.This Jia Xu is really well versed in the way of protecting oneself by saying more and making mistakes, and saying less and making fewer mistakes.

It's night, the moon is dark and the wind is high, and you can't see your fingers. It's a good night to rob the camp.

Cao Ren led 5000 troops in the headquarters, and they quietly touched the front of Dazhai.

The village is very quiet, no one is walking around, the lights are sparse, and there are only a few soldiers guarding the tower in front of the village, and they are sleepy.

Cao Ren was overjoyed and immediately ordered the army to rush into Dazhai.Before the soldiers guarding the gate could react, they were shot to death on the gate tower by a burst of arrows.

Cao Ren's men took the opportunity to rush into Dazhai.Just when Cao Renjun wanted to take the opportunity to set fire, he suddenly found that the entire camp was empty.Cao Ren knew that he had been tricked, so he immediately turned around and wanted to retreat.But it was already too late, I saw two teams rushing out from inside and outside Dazhai at the same time, and the leading general shouted loudly: "General Yiyang Wei Yan is here, General Cao will be the leader!"

Cao Jun was in chaos immediately, and Cao Ren couldn't restrain him even if he wanted to, so he had to bring hundreds of his own guards to break through.

Moreover, Cao Ren knew that Wei Yan was powerful, and he might have fought against him in normal times, but now the situation was extremely unfavorable to him, so Cao Ren did not dare to pay attention to Wei Yan, but led his troops towards the direction of the Hanzhong Army, which happened to allow Cao Ren to meet Yang Ang .

Cao Ren saw Yang Ang's ugly appearance, and he knew that there was no general in Hanzhong, so he no longer avoided it like he did when he saw Wei Yan.He shouted loudly: "The general Cao Ren is here, and the miscellaneous general An dare to block the way!" As he spoke, he cheered up his morale and drove his horse to kill Yang Ang.

Yang Ang didn't recognize Cao Ren at first, so he wanted to stop the fight, but now he just found out that this person is Cao Ren Cao Zixiao, who injured Zhou Yu, the governor of Eastern Wu with an arrow, and immediately felt a little guilty.Just at this moment, Cao Ren had already slashed at him with a knife. Yang Ang quickly raised his gun to parry, his arms were numb from the shock.

Cao Ren seized the opportunity to attack, and slashed with his sword horizontally, trying to cut off Yang Ang's head.Yang Ang screamed in fright, it was too late to raise his gun to block it, so he had to lean on the horse's back.With a bang, Cao Ren's broadsword just sliced ​​through Yang Ang's helmet, and the helmet flew out.

Yang Ang was already scared out of his wits, he didn't dare to fight Cao Ren again, so he rode his horse and ran away.Cao Ren happened to lead his personal guards to break through the siege of the Hanzhong army and escape back to Cao Ying smoothly.

After Yang Ang ran, he happened to meet Wei Yan who was chasing Cao Ren.Wei Yan saw that he had discarded his helmet and armor, and the back of his head was still bleeding. After questioning, he found out that Cao Ren had run away.

Wei Yan couldn't help being furious. Cao Ren is Cao Cao's confidant general and Cao Cao's cousin. If he can kill this man, it must be a great achievement. In the future, he will not have to be oppressed by Zhao Yun and other old Liu Bei generals.No way, such a great opportunity was easily thrown away by Yang Ang, a coward.

Wei Yan couldn't help pointing at Yang Ang and yelling: "I have no guts for a general, I don't fight for a general, and I cherish my life for a general. I, Wei Wen, am ashamed to be with you!"

Wei Yan's words made Yang Ang feel ashamed immediately.However, since then, the relationship between Wei Yan and Wei Yan has been formed.

Wei Yan didn't pay attention to Yang Ang anymore, and led his army to chase and kill him in the direction Yang Ang said, but there was no trace of Cao Ren, and he was so angry that he began to yell at Yang Ang for being useless.Then he led his army to turn around and surrendered thousands of enemy troops along the way before retreating.

That night, the coalition forces beheaded a total of [-] people and surrendered nearly [-] people. Wei Yan immediately sent someone to report to Zhao Yun.Zhao Yun was overjoyed when he heard the news. He had defeated Cao Jun several times recently. Thinking about Cao Cao's undefeated myth, it was not so difficult to break, so he immediately scored the first victory for Wei Yan.

At this time, Deng Ai also got the battle report of Wei Yan's victory, but he knew that Cao Cao had always used soldiers like a god, and he rarely met an opponent in the world, so it was suspicious to be defeated so easily.He came to see Zhao Yun and asked him to order Wei Yan to be more careful.Zhao Yun just smiled and didn't take Deng Ai's words to heart.

When Deng Ai saw Zhao Yun, such a steady general, in the face of such a big victory, he couldn't help but underestimate the enemy, and couldn't help but feel even more worried.He didn't say anything anymore, he walked out of Zhao Yun's tent and returned to his own tent with his own thoughts, and gathered the people who belonged to him.

Cao Ren returned to Cao Ying. After counting his soldiers and horses, he found that his personal guards had lost one-third, and the remaining soldiers who returned were less than one thousand.The news of Cao Ren's failure to steal the camp quickly spread throughout the entire army, which shocked the entire army.

After Cao Cao got the battle report, he raised his account immediately, and called the generals to discuss again.

Cao Ren stepped forward to plead guilty and said: "The last general failed in the battle, please punish the prime minister!"

Cao Cao knew that Cao Ren's action tonight was approved by himself. If he blamed him, wouldn't it be suspected that he was shirking responsibility?
He comforted Cao Ren, then laughed three times, and said, "Everyone, don't be discouraged. Tonight's defeat is the plan of the truth."

The generals were even more puzzled, but they didn't dare to speak out.Only Jia Xu nodded secretly from the side, with a smug smile in his eyes.

Then, Cao Cao rose from the stronghold and retreated another 15 miles to set up the stronghold.

Yang Ren and Yang Ang were the first to hear the news of Cao Cao's retreat. They rushed to announce the good news to Zhang Wei before Wei Yan, saying how brave they were last night.Yang Ren and Yang Ang were Zhang Wei's confidantes and beloved generals, now that they had made such great achievements, they immediately sent someone to report to Zhang Lu in Nanzheng.

However, Wei Yan's Yizhou army was not a local army, and the information was not obtained as quickly as the Hanzhong army, so it was too late to know the news of Cao Cao's retreat.Therefore, this great achievement was snatched by Yang Ren and Yang Ang at once.

Seeing that Yang Ren and Yang Ang were so brazen, Wei Yan couldn't help being furious, and wanted to find them to fight for his life, but was finally persuaded by the lieutenant general.But since then, the gap between Wei Yan and the two Yangs has been impossible to bridge.

As the chief general, Zhao Yun knew that Wei Yan's credit was taken away, so he came to see Wei Yan in person and advised him not to be angry. He had already recorded his credit in the credit book.Only then did Wei Yan calm down a little.

That night, when Wei Yan was sleeping soundly, a military academy suddenly rushed in and shook him awake vigorously.Wei Yan was still suffering from a hangover and headache, and couldn't help but feel very unhappy, but when he heard the military academy say loudly that Cao Jun had entered the camp, Wei Yan was frightened into a cold sweat, and most of his alcohol disappeared.

He immediately put on his armor and came out of the camp with his sword. He saw that there were flames everywhere outside. The flames burned half of the sky red, and even the stars and the moon in the sky lost their luster.

Many Cao Jun kept shouting excitedly while setting fires everywhere, and his soldiers were already in chaos.Wei Yan secretly sighed that he was dazzled by the victory before, so that he was too negligent and successfully robbed the camp!He didn't dare to fall in love with the camp any more, and organized the nearby people to rush out of the camp.

When Wei Yan came outside the gate of the camp, he saw that Yang Ang's troops had been surrounded by people, and he was fighting with an enemy general.But judging from the situation, Yang Ang didn't seem to be his opponent, and he already had four or five wounds on his body.Wei Yan took a closer look, and found that Yang Ang's opponent was actually Cao Ren. It seemed that he had come to avenge his defeat in the last battle.

Wei Yan didn't go forward to rescue him, he gave Yang Ang a piss and was about to turn around and leave.At this time, Yang Ang realized that he was no match for Cao Ren, and shouted loudly: "General Cao Ren, don't attack again, Yang Ang is willing to surrender!"

Wei Yan immediately reined in the horse, his face turned cold, and murderous intent appeared in his eyes.He took a pair of bows and arrows from his personal guard, put the arrows on the bow, and with a whoosh, the feather arrows directly pierced Yang Ang's neck, killing him on the spot.

Cao Ren was going to accept Yang Ang's surrender, but now he couldn't help being taken aback by the sudden appearance of a cold arrow.Then, Wei Yan shouted while running: "Cao Ren, Wei Wenchang, the enemy who broke the stronghold, will definitely get it back in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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