Chapter 13 Great War ([-])

After the archery team fired seven waves of arrows, no one on the top of the city dared to stand up again, and thick smoke rose from the cottage. It was obvious that many buildings had been set on fire.

At this time, the troops of the front team had already taken the opportunity to rush to the foot of the city, and the archer team stopped attacking.But soon, thieves began to appear on the top of the city.

At this time, Liao Hua's figure finally appeared on the top of the city wall. He began to direct the personnel to defend, and kept ordering the bandits to smash down the rolling logs and stones.Many Jingzhou soldiers were injured and killed, and there were screams from the city.

This wave of attacks lasted about an hour, and the death toll was at least forty or fifty.During this period, the Jingzhou army rushed up the city wall twice, but was repelled twice.

At this time, Zhang Fei waved his right hand, and the third team began to enter the battlefield, taking over from the attacking team above and continuing to attack the city.

Looking at the raging battle in front of him, Liu Chan couldn't help but feel a kind of excitement in his heart, and he was a little eager to try.Then, he suddenly thought of a question, and he was overjoyed, so he turned his head and asked Ma Liang with a smile, "Mr. Ma, are you interested in having a competition with me?"

Ma Liang was originally watching the battle situation attentively, but when he heard the young master talking to him, he turned around and gave a slight salute, and said with a very easy-going smile, "I don't know what the young master is going to compete with?"

Liu Chan said quite proudly: "A few days ago, I captured hundreds of prisoners, and my third uncle recorded the first achievement for me. Today, let's make a competition based on the number of prisoners captured. How do you feel, sir?"

Ma Liang smiled, the beard around his mouth moved, and said: "Young master likes to play, Liangben wants to accompany you, but now we have no soldiers around us, so how can we go forward to fight and capture prisoners? ?”

Liu Chan already had an idea in his mind, and said, "Didn't the west gate and the north gate each arrange three hundred sergeants? Let's go and lead the troops separately, and see if we have the ability to catch the prisoners."

Ma Liang's eyes narrowed suddenly, a strange light flickered in them.In fact, he had already guessed that the young master Liu Chan must be afraid of being blamed by Zhang Fei for acting without authorization, so he thought of dragging himself into the water. Even if Zhang Fei wanted to blame him, he might not be able to say it.

Ma Liangming knew Liu Chan's good plan, but deliberately pretended not to know, smiled and said: "It's so good, Liang naturally won't lose to the young master."

Liu Chan snorted, and said with a smile: "Mr. Ma, don't talk too soon... I will choose the North Gate." Then, without waiting for Ma Liang to agree, he led Zhao Feng and his men to ride Get on the horse and head for the north gate.

Seeing Liu Chan's disappearing back, Ma Liang laughed softly: "This young man is interesting, I wonder if he can do something earth-shattering in the future!" Then, he went to the south gate.

When Liu Chan came to the north gate, he saw that the three hundred soldiers had not blocked the north gate, but were still preparing an army formation far outside the city.Liu Chan breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, these guys didn't go up to besiege the city immediately, otherwise his ingenious plan would be difficult to achieve!

The small school leading the army saw Liu Chan coming, and hurried forward to salute.Liu Chan pointed to the soldiers in front of him and said, "Ge Feng, now these people, including you, are all under the command of my son."

Ge Feng thought that Liu Chan came here under Zhang Fei's order, so naturally he didn't dare to object, and said, "Yes, I will follow your son's orders in everything I do."

Liu Chan nodded in satisfaction, and then asked Ge Feng to bring a hundred people and all the archers to the east gate, while yelling at the city, no matter how ugly it was.At the same time, the archers still have to look inside and shoot arrows.

Ge Feng was taken aback.Their task this time is to block the east gate and prevent the people inside from coming out. Isn't it obvious that the young master wants to provoke the thieves in the city by doing this?Ge Feng asked puzzledly: "My lord, but..."

Liu Chan immediately interrupted Ge Feng's words, and said without doubt: "Since my son has obtained the command, you can just execute it, why did you question my order?!"

Hearing this, Ge Feng immediately lowered his head and didn't dare to say anything anymore. After turning around and counting the people, he went to the city to scold and fight.

As a result, a hundred mouths yelled and cursed in such a rascally manner and with swear words, and they could curse whatever was really unpleasant, and it was the most vivid display of the national curse of the Celestial Dynasty.

The sudden appearance of these Jingzhou soldiers surprised the thieves on the city at the beginning, and then they saw that the other party was actually yelling and cursing under the city, and they also shot cold arrows shamelessly, and they were also angry.What's more, yelling and scolding is the old profession of these thieves, who is afraid of whom!
Then, a very strange thing happened, a group of officers and soldiers followed a group of thieves to shout at each other like this, it was really lively!

Later, Liu Chan simply sent an order to let those Jingzhou soldiers sit on the ground and yell at the city. It was so comfortable!
Perhaps it was because there was too much movement, and not long after, a familiar figure appeared on the top of the city.Liu Chan immediately recognized this person as Fuyao, the son of the thief leader Fuyun Futianyuan!This man turned into ashes, even Liu Chan could recognize him, if he hadn't used his scumbag body to help Fu Tianyuan block the hidden arrows that day, why would they have come here to fight today!

So, Liu Chan sent an order to all the one hundred people to swear at Fuyao with the dirtiest and disgusting words, even if the nausea didn't kill him, he would be so angry that he would kill him with a knife.

Sure enough, the power of more than 100 mouths is huge. These people don't know where they learned the swear words, and they kept swearing non-stop. Splashed on the spirit tablets of eighteen generations of his ancestors...

In fact, Fu Yao originally wanted to come over to see the situation, but he didn't take it seriously when he saw so many enemies coming to the city.I don't want to, I just went to the city, and these bastards pointed the finger at me!Immediately, Fu Yao became furious, and rushed down to the city to organize troops, preparing to chop all those nasty guys under the city into pieces!

Soon, the two pitch-black gates of the east gate opened slowly, making a toothache-squeaking sound, revealing the deep city road behind the gate.

Then, a large group of people rushed out from the passage, shouting and killing the more than 100 Jingzhou soldiers.Seeing this, those Jingzhou soldiers grabbed the weapons on the ground and ran away. How could they be as arrogant as before?
Seeing this, Fu Yao cursed the Jingzhou army, and shouted: "Everyone, catch up with me and kill them all!"

However, Fu Yao didn't expect that when his men and horses had just turned around a mountain depression, there were bursts of shouts from the surrounding forests, as if thousands of troops were ambushing inside!
The frivolous people thought they were lying in an ambush, and immediately became chaotic. They didn't even bother to confirm that the other party was actually much smaller than them.

At this moment, Ge Feng's more than a hundred men suddenly turned their heads and launched a counterattack against the swaying men!And Liu Chan's hidden people on both sides also appeared, even Zhao Feng's guards joined them!

More than 300 men and horses took the opportunity to cover up and kill them. The frivolous men and horses were defeated and fled back to Balingzhai in all directions.Fu Yao was protected by several personal guards before he fled back to the village in embarrassment.Only then did he realize that he had fallen into someone else's trick, but now it's important to run for his life first!

When the two armies returned to the cottage, Fu Yao counted the number of people and found that half of the 1000 troops were lost in one fell swoop!Most of those people did not die in battle, but were captured because of their panic.He was so angry that he was so angry that he had no choice but to report the situation to his father.

The news that the people in Baling Mountain were in ambush immediately reached Zhang Fei.Zhang Fei was overjoyed.He ordered the troops in front to step up the attack on the city, and the archers then fired several waves of rockets into the stronghold.Liao Hua obviously felt the defensive pressure, so he had to ask Fu Tianyuan to send people to support, and gradually stabilized the situation.

Looking at the mess above and below the city wall, and the young people squatting on the ground, Liu Chan couldn't help laughing loudly, "You, you, tie them all up for me...!"

"And you, hurry up! By the way, by the way, tie me up tighter..."

"You, and you! Go up and help..."

Outside the city, Liu Chan's voice gesticulating at the Jingzhou soldiers can be heard.

(End of this chapter)

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