Chapter 14 Shield Building
Zhang Fei's siege continued until late at night.

At this time Liu Chan returned to the camp, riding his horse quite proudly, walking unsteadily in front of the team, in the middle of the team was a group of dejected bandits, all of them looked like dead parents.

But when it arrived, Liang Liang was stunned suddenly. It turned out that Ma Liang was already waiting for him there, and the smile on his face was not only kind, but also very confident.

Ma Liang stepped forward to greet him and said, "Your Majesty is not injured, is he?"

Liu Chan got off his horse to return the gift, smiled proudly and said, "Thank you for your concern, Mr. Ma. By the way, Mr. Ma, how many prisoners have you captured?"

Ma Liang looked at the captives in Liu Chan's team, and stepped forward and said, "Liang didn't capture many captives, only 421."

Liu Chan was taken aback when he heard this, and exclaimed: "There are also 421 captives on my side, how can there be such a coincidence!"

Then the two talked about their respective strategies for capturing the prisoners, and they were exactly the same.Liu Chan couldn't help but muttered: "Mr. Ma, I never thought that the two of us used the same method and captured the same number of prisoners. The two of us really understand each other!"

Then, both of them laughed out loud at the same time.

After Liu Chan and Ma Liang laughed, Liu Chan ordered Ge Feng to take the captives there, and take care of them together with Mr. Ma Liang and the captives he caught two days ago, so as not to be escaped by them.Then, he and Ma Liang came to Zhang Fei's camp.

After the two entered the tent, they saw Zhang Fei, who was always upright, now walking around with his hands behind his back, frowning, as if he had encountered something bothering him.

Liu Chan felt extremely strange. Zhang Fei's battle results today were very good. Even though he was on the siege side, he fought against the top of the city.Now, why have you become so downcast?Could it be that the second uncle sent a letter asking him to stop fighting?impossible……

Liu Chan stepped forward and asked, "Third Uncle, what's wrong with you, did you encounter anything?"

Zhang Fei sighed, it turned out that he was worrying about today's battle situation.The Jingzhou army had 2400 offensive troops, and the number had been reduced to 2000 in one day. Most of them were injured and killed by large wood rolling stones!Such a big loss made Liu Chan feel very shocked.

In fact, Liu Chan didn't know that the loss in Balingzhai was actually much more serious: 1500 people were reduced, more than half of them became prisoners of Liu Chan and Ma Liang, and countless injured!
After Zhang Fei explained the situation, he asked Liu Chan and Ma Liang, "Do you have a good way to reduce casualties?"

Ma Liang thought for a while and said, "If there were siege equipment, the number of casualties would definitely be reduced a lot."

But what Ma Liang said seems to be in vain.Because Zhang Fei sent troops in an emergency this time, he didn't bring any luggage with him at all, and he didn't even have much food.If it weren't for him leading troops to rush to help, I'm afraid everyone will be hungry tomorrow, so where are the siege equipment now?

Liu Chan said: "This is a mountainous area, and there are big trees everywhere. We can use trees to build some siege equipment, such as rolling carts and archery towers, which can protect our soldiers well during the siege."

Zhang Fei smiled wryly and said, "We're going to retreat tomorrow. How can you have the time to build such a large machine? Do you have an easier way?"

This doesn't work, that doesn't work, Liu Chan felt like his head was going to explode!The three of them thought for a long time, but in the end they couldn't come up with a result.

When resting at night, for safety reasons, Liu Chan was arranged to sleep in Zhang Fei's tent.Other soldiers did not have such treatment.They set up a tent casually, spread out their bedding, and then snored and slept soundly.

However, Liu Chan couldn't sleep at all. The tragic offensive and defensive battles during the day made him feel uneasy, and he really wanted to do something for those soldiers.Moreover, Zhang Fei's snoring was too loud when he was sleeping, which was also the reason why he couldn't fall asleep.Liu Chan couldn't help wondering, how could Aunt Xiahou be able to sleep under such a snoring sound?
Liu Chan began to think about it.He felt that one of the important reasons why the number of personnel was so severely reduced today was that the soldiers had insufficient means of protection outside the city, and the shields in their hands were too small.However, due to the hasty dispatch of troops, Zhang Fei's army did not bring out many large shields.

At this time, it was windy outside, and there were waves of pines.Although the voice was pleasant, it disturbed Liu Chan's thoughts.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in Liu Chan's head, remembering that when the barbarians fought with the Roman army, they used wooden shields.Liu Chan couldn't help shouting excitedly: "Yes, yes..."

Liu Chan immediately woke Zhang Fei up.

Zhang Fei had been busy for a whole day, and he was really upset to be woken up by someone at this time, so he asked Liu Chan angrily, "It's so late now, you don't sleep, why did you wake me up?"

Liu Chan excitedly told Zhang Fei what he thought of.The mountains around Baling Village are full of tall and big trees, which can be cut down by soldiers to make large wooden shields, which can be held by several people to block the big rocks falling down.

Zhang Fei smiled wryly and said: "The wooden shield was burnt, and it was scrapped in a short time. What's the use?"

Liu Chan thought for a while, this is a problem.But then he thought, if the shield was covered with a layer of cooked cowhide, the rocket would not be able to penetrate it at all, let alone set the wooden shield on fire, wouldn't that be enough?He said, "What if the wooden shield is covered with a layer of cooked cowhide?"

Of course Zhang Fei knew that boiled cowhide has a fire-proof effect, so he couldn't help but let out a sigh, feeling that Liu Chan's method was feasible, and praised: "Okay Dude, your method might work! You really have two brushes!"

Zhang Fei was so excited that he immediately got up, called a small school to enter the account, and ordered him to take his troops to cut down trees immediately.

In fact, when attacking, only 800 people were dispatched at a time, and not many wooden shields were needed, so when it was dawn, dozens of wooden shields were neatly placed in front of Liu Chan.

But in Liu Chan's opinion, what kind of wooden shields are these? It's too different from what he imagined-it's basically a wooden raft nailed with pieces of wood, but there is an extra layer of cowhide on it.

However, when dozens of siege soldiers started charging against a large wooden raft, the thieves defending the city were all dumbfounded.When their stones and bricks hit the wooden rafts, there was often only a dull sound. There was not even a hole on the wooden rafts, and they were bounced off, which was very beneficial to protect the safety of the soldiers below.

In fact, those thieves really don't have a good brain, and they don't know that tung oil can be used to burn wooden rafts, otherwise Liu Chan's ingenious plan will fail.

With the help of wooden platoons, the siege pair attacked the city more than ten times in a row the next day, but finally retreated under the resistance of the opponent's superior force, but the number of casualties among soldiers was greatly reduced.According to Liu Chan's estimation, from morning to dusk, the Jingzhou Army probably lost less than 100 men, almost three-quarters less than yesterday.

When it was almost time for the inner and outer cooperation at night, Zhang Fei quickly led the troops out of the battlefield while the sky was still dark, and then withdrew the troops out of the mountain along the original road.

Seeing that the Jingzhou Army finally retreated, cheers erupted from the walls of Baling Walled Walled City.

Fu Tianyuan soon got the news of Zhang Fei's withdrawal, and was so happy that he almost lost his breath.But he was worthy of being an old fox, fearing that Zhang Fei was playing tricks, he ordered Liao Hua to lead 2000 people to follow Zhang Fei's army along the way and closely monitor their movements.

And Liao Hua just followed Zhang Feijun slowly along the way, and the two sides always kept a certain safe distance, which meant clearly, I don't want to provoke you, I just want to follow you and guard against you, so don't do anything to me.

In fact, Zhang Fei was also happy and relaxed, he didn't send anyone to stop the bandits from pursuing him, but he just kept ordering the men and horses to go fast, and quickly rushed to the camp outside the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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