Chapter 136 Seizing Power
Zhao Yun returned to Yangping Pass and immediately sent people to count the troops.In fact, he could already imagine in his heart that the loss of personnel in this battle must be very serious, especially the army that Wei Yan brought out would lose at least six or seven stops out of ten.

Then, Zhao Yun wrote to Shi Guangyuan in Hanzhong Nanzheng and Kong Ming in Chengdu to report the situation.In the letter to Shi Guangyuan, Zhao Yun also specifically mentioned a sentence: The plan has been completed and can be carried out quickly.

Zhao Yun was busy until late at night, and then he remembered Deng Ai who had made great contributions again, so he sent someone to invite him.

Deng Ai is organizing his team at this time.His men and horses first blocked the impact of Cao Jun's cavalry, and suffered heavy losses, especially the soldiers on the left wing, which were most vulnerable, suffered heavy casualties.

What distressed Deng Ai the most was that the Hundred Cavalry, one of the backbone forces on the right wing, was almost completely destroyed.The infantry died a total of more than [-] people, and the rest were all wounded. Deng Ai felt a little relieved that no one was killed in the camp, but injuries were inevitable.

However, another thing that made Deng Ai feel a little relieved was that in the final stage, he gathered another motley army of nearly 2000 people.

In the end, there were about 1500 of these people left, and more than half of them belonged to the Hanzhong Army.So for Deng Ai, the most important thing is to quickly incorporate these people into his team, so where is Deng Ai free to see Zhao Yun now?
In addition, Deng Ai didn't know how to be tactful, so he casually said to the messenger: "I don't have time to see General Zhao right now, just ask General Zhao to wait."

Deng Ai just blurted it out, but the soldier couldn't help but get a little annoyed.He had never seen such an arrogant young man who dared to treat the military order so lightly, so he conveyed Zhao Yun's order again.

I also blame Deng Ai for being young and impulsive. Seeing that this person really didn't know the priority of the matter, he immediately pointed at the matter in front of him and scolded: "Don't you know how important the matter here is? There are hundreds of seriously injured soldiers here. I need to organize personnel for treatment, and I need to rearrange 1500 soldiers, and I also need to organize manpower to check the damage of weapons, if you can do these things instead of me, then I can go with you immediately!"

The soldier was a little frightened by Deng Ai's words, looked at the busy scene in front of him, lowered his head and didn't dare to say anything, and immediately ran away in desperation.

After returning, the messenger told Zhao Yun Deng Ai's reply with embellishment.The soldier originally thought that Zhao Yun would be furious because of this, but he just smiled slightly to let the soldier stop talking.

The reason why Zhao Yun laughed was because after this battle, everyone's team was decreasing. I'm afraid only Deng Ai Deng Shizai's team was increasing, and the increase was more than doubled!Such talents are rare in the current Yizhou Army.Then it would be impolite for me to send someone to disturb when others are so busy.Therefore, Zhao Yun did not blame Deng Ai for his rudeness.

At this time, there was a noise from outside the tent, and Zhang Wei and Yang Ren angrily broke into Zhao Yun's tent.

Seeing that Zhang Wei's expression was not good, Zhao Yun thought that he was still sulking because of the defeat in this battle, so he didn't care.But Zhang Wei is not in his camp to deal with military affairs at this time, how can he still have time to come to his camp?He asked Zhang Weidao: "General Zhang came late at night, what's the matter?"

Zhang Wei looked around Zhao Yun's tent and shouted loudly: "Wei Yan, where did that kid Wei Yan go?!"

Zhao Yun never expected that Zhang Wei would come to Wei Yan at this busiest time, and it seemed that Wei Yan had gotten into trouble again.He asked the two of them to be seated first, and then asked why Zhang Wei was looking for Wei Yan.

Zhang Wei said angrily: "Hmph! General Zhao, you must punish Wei Yan this time. He actually shot and killed General Yang Ang!"

Zhao Yun was originally a calm and personable person, but now he heard that Yang Ang, Zhang Wei's confidant, was killed by Wei Yan, and he was immediately surprised.

But Zhao Yun knew that although Wei Yan was sometimes hot-headed and reckless in doing things, and had a problem with Yang Ang, but now is the period of the alliance between the two armies, he should not do such outrageous things, right?There must be a misunderstanding here.He stabilized Zhang Wei, and then ordered Wei Yan to come to his camp quickly.

Wei Yan heard that Zhang Wei was waiting in Zhao Yun's camp to settle accounts with him, and knew it must be because of Yang Ang's death.With a twist of his mouth, he arrogantly ordered the soldier to lead the way, looking really defiant.

As soon as Zhang Wei saw Wei Yan coming in, he was so excited that he jumped up from his seat, slapped the table hard, and said angrily, "Wei Yan, how dare you come!"

Wei Yan smiled contemptuously and said, "A real man stands upright, why don't I, Wenchang Wei, dare to come?"

Wei Yan looked down on people who "have no courage for generals, do not fight for generals, and cherish their lives for generals" the most in his life.But this Zhang Wei and Yang Ang have all three of them——

Since Zhang Wei took charge of the army, he has never been on the battlefield in person, because he has no courage, and his own martial arts are very low, it is because he is "not martial"; Cherish your life".How can such a person be admired by the rebellious Wei Yan?
Zhang Wei couldn't stand Wei Yan's smile like this, and shouted: "If you have the guts to come, you must have the guts to confess. Tell General Zhao how you killed Yang Ang!"

Wei Yanang raised his head and said: "How dare Wei Wenchang not say it! But, after this general speaks out, maybe you still have to thank me!" Then, Wei Yan told the story of how Yang Ang surrendered to the enemy. Wei's face turned red and white, and turned his head to glare at Yang Ren.

Yang Ren was also guilty at this time. He didn't actually see Wei Yan shoot and kill Yang Ang with his own eyes, but a few of his subordinates saw it and came to report. like.Now seeing Zhang Wei looking at him like this, Yang Ren quickly shouted: "Impossible, Yang Ang is loyal to my lord, how could he surrender!"

Wei Yan sneered and said, "Is it true or not? You don't know how to check it yourself? There are so many soldiers who have fled back, just ask a few casually and it will be clear?"

Zhang Wei was so angry that he came to someone to reason with him so aggressively, but he was humiliated instead.But if he went back like this, he would really be unwilling!
At this time, Zhang Wei suddenly remembered something, and asked Zhao Yun again: "General Zhao, where is Deng Ai and Deng Shizai?"

Zhao Yun couldn't help frowning.He was a good-tempered person, so he didn't care about Zhang Wei yelling in his camp.Now that everyone has explained the matter clearly, they feel that he should go away, but now Deng Ai is implicated again.

Deng Ai was the person whom the young master Liu Chanqian told him to take good care of before he left, and he was indeed talented. If Deng Ai hadn't been running around today, I'm afraid I would be finished.Zhao Yun said displeasedly: "General Zhang, Deng Ai is very busy now. If you need to find him, just talk to the general!"

Seeing the anger of Zhao Yun, who is always gentle and elegant, Zhang Wei couldn't help but feel a little frightened, but he still forced himself to tell Deng Ai to make way for Cao Xiujun who was defrauding the city.

Zhao Yun really felt a headache right now.Why do these people under him have such personalities when they do things?Wei Yan at the side heard it interesting, but couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Zhao Yun glared at Wei Yan, and had no choice but to send someone to call Deng Ai to explain the matter clearly.

I don't think Deng Ai is more arrogant and arrogant than Wei Yan. Instead of explaining, he just asked the soldier who sent the order to bring over a sentence, "The reason why Deng Shizai let Cao Xiu go is because of one thing. The enemy is powerful. Those [-]-odd people are hard to stop; secondly, the three generals Zhao Yun, Wei Yan, and Pang De are in deep danger, of course it is important to save people first!"

What Deng Ai said made Zhang Wei almost vomit blood in anger, and after saying "Okay you rude Deng Ai" several times, he left angrily.

Then Wei Yan stepped forward and smiled at Zhao Yun: "I never thought that Deng Ai, who has such a personality, can even be compared to me."

Zhao Yun really didn't bother to care about Wei Yan being so boring, so he waved his hand and told him to go down and get ready for military affairs.

That night, Shi Guangyuan, who was in Nanzheng, received a letter from Zhao Yun with a carrier pigeon.After he opened it and read it, he knew that Deng Ai had made a great contribution, so he couldn't help being overjoyed, so he asked someone to summon Zhuge Qiao.

It turned out that Shi Guangyuan was really moved by Liu Chan after Liu Bei handed over the affairs of his mission to Hanzhong to Liu Chan.And Liu Chan also gave him the title of "Chief Executive of Frontline Affairs", that is, the officer in charge of all matters on the frontline in Hanzhong, and even Zhao Yun had to accept his command.

Although no one has used Shi Guangyuan's title before, his authority is really not small, only under Liu Bei and Kong Ming!Then, Liu Chan asked Shi Guangyuan to go north to Hanzhong with Zhuge Qiao and a bunch of belongings, and was warmly welcomed by Zhang Lu.As for Zhuge Qiao, of course he came here to study like Deng Ai.

After Zhuge Qiao read the letter, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, and said, "Mr. Shi, Deng Ai has made so many achievements, but I still haven't made any achievements. Are you provoking me?"

Shi Guangyuan smiled slightly and said, "Bo Song, who said you haven't made any achievements? You are now commanding the intelligence system in Hanzhong, and you have bribed all the officials of Zhang Lu. It is precisely because of you that I am here." , That’s why I can live so comfortably in Hanzhong! Now that I think about it, I feel a little sorry for the salary Liu Shijun paid me.”

Then, Shi Guangyuan whispered a few words in Zhuge Qiao's ear, and Zhuge Qiao happily took his orders and left.Only then did Shi Guangyuan leave the post house and went to find Zhang Lu.

At this time, Zhang Lu was worrying because the battle situation in front of him took a turn for the worse!As soon as Shi Guangyuan asked to see him, he hurriedly invited him in.

As soon as Shi Guangyuan entered, Zhang Lu stepped forward to hold his hand, and said anxiously: "Oh, Mr. Shi, you came just in time! Today's Yangping Pass was defeated, what do you think?"

Shi Guangyuan smiled slightly and said, "There's no need to be anxious, isn't the Yangping Pass not lost yet?"

Zhang Lu saw that Shi Guangyuan was still so nonchalant at this time, so he asked him what to do.Instead of answering, Shi Guangyuan asked Zhang Lu what he thought of Zhao Yun.Zhang Lu didn't understand why Shi Guangyuan asked such a question, so he said: "General Zhao is a heroic general, and he is a tiger general in the world."

Shi Guangyuan shook his head and said, "The teacher is wrong. Does anyone know that my General Zhao is an undefeated general?"

Zhang Lu couldn't help but let out a cry.I heard Shi Guangyuan continue to say: "Master, please see, this time Cao Cao used tactics to destroy six strongholds of the coalition army, but only General Zhao's main stronghold was not lost. He also brought Wei Yan and Pang De two generals to fight against Cao Cao. Undefeated with six generals, truly an undefeated general!"

What Shi Guangyuan said made Zhang Lu nod his head.Then Shi Guangyuan asked Zhang Ludao: "Does the teacher know, since we have such a general as Zhao Yun, why did we lose the battle?"

Zhang Lu naturally didn't know.

Shi Guangyuan immediately pointed out that this was because the coalition forces of both sides did not have a single person to unify their command.Therefore, when Cao Jun attacked, they could only fight on their own, so that Cao Jun could take advantage of it.

Zhang Lu is actually not stupid, he already thought that Shi Guangyuan was alluding to his younger brother Zhang Wei's repeated defeats, so he was really overwhelmed.Then, according to Shi Guangyuan's words, Zhao Yun can only be the commander of the coalition army, so he knows that Shi Guangyuan is asking for power from him for Zhao Yunlai.

But now Zhang Lu is also helpless. It's not that he doesn't know the risk of handing over the army to Zhao Yun, but all things can only be discussed after Cao Jun is defeated.He had no choice but to agree to let Zhang Wei's army accept Zhao Yun's unified command.

Shi Guangyuan was overjoyed in his heart, but he remained calm on the surface, so he chatted with Zhang Lu for a while, trying to comfort Zhang Lumo to be too anxious, and then happily went back to the post house.

(End of this chapter)

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