Chapter 137
Zhang Lu is really a sensible person. After handing over the Yangpingguan army to Zhao Yun, he knew that Zhang Wei would definitely have a dispute with Zhao Yun, but he would definitely not be Zhao Yun's opponent.Therefore, it was very rare for Zhang Lu to transfer Zhang Wei back to Nanzheng to take charge of Nanzheng's defense.

Of course Zhao Yun was very happy to let Zhang Wei go. Now there is no one in the Hanzhong Army who can speak up except Yang Ren.He took the opportunity to win over a large number of middle and lower-level officers of the Hanzhong Army.

And because of the huge gap between Yang Ang and Wei Yan, Wei Yan suppressed him everywhere, so he dared not speak out against Zhao Yun's actions.As a result, the army at Yangping Pass quickly fell into Zhao Yun's hands.

Now Zhao Yun was finally able to let go of Zhuge's army division's instructions, taking advantage of Yangpingguan's geographical advantage to focus on defense, and no longer took the initiative to attack, but waited for Cao Jun's troops to retreat automatically after their supplies were exhausted.

However, in order to explain to Zhang Lu, when the enemy came to call for battle, Zhao Yun would occasionally send Wei Yan out to fight a battle. If he could win, he would win, and if he could not win, he would retreat.More importantly, he also strictly ordered Wei Yan, even after winning, not to be greedy for merit and catch up, so as not to fall into Cao Cao's tricks again.

The battle between the two sides was thus deadlocked.

After more than [-] days like this, Cao Cao saw that Zhao Yun could not hold out at Yangping Pass, and immediately felt that there was nothing he could do.Moreover, the large army will consume a lot of food and grass every day. If this continues, I am afraid that it will not last long, so he asked Jia Xu to discuss countermeasures.

Jia Xu couldn't help but gloated over Cao Cao's misfortune - no matter how invincible Cao Cao is, isn't there a time when you have nothing to do?Jia Xu calmed down and said: "Prime Minister, do you still remember that I asked you for a golden silk soft hedgehog armor when I went out that day?"

Cao Cao was a little surprised, why did Jia Xu suddenly talk about this?Of course he remembered it.The golden silk soft hedgehog armor is an inner armor sewn with gold thread, not only is it invulnerable, but also warm in winter and cool in summer, it is priceless.If it wasn't because Jia Xu was his important minister, Cao Cao would not be willing to reward this armor.

Cao Cao nodded and said, "Why did Wen He say this?"

Jia Xu said: "The gold-threaded soft armor that day was not obtained for the minister himself. Zhang Song, a counselor under Zhang Lu's, is the most trusted. This person likes to accept bribes the most. Earlier, my servant had brought Baojia into Nanzheng first with a witty clansman. I made an agreement with him that as soon as the battle at Yangpingguan fell into a stalemate, he would immediately take Baojia to see Yang Song. I think he has already taken action at this time. The prime minister just needs to wait for the good news."

Cao Cao didn't expect Jia Xu's vision to be so long-term, so he couldn't help being overjoyed, and said with a smile: "Wen Hezhen is a loyal minister! If, as you said, you take Yangping Pass in one fell swoop, and then take Nanzheng directly, Wen He will be the first to remember !"

Jia Xu even said he didn't dare.

One day, at the door of Yang Song's house, a ghostly stranger appeared.After timidly looking at the street several times, he dared to knock on the door of Yang Song's house.

This person seems to be very rich, and his hands are extremely generous. After taking care of Yang Song's servants, he met Yang Song smoothly.

When Yang Song saw this person's demeanor and demeanor, he was not only alert, but also exuded a sense of aura, presumably of extraordinary origin, and became suspicious in his heart.He frowned and asked, "Where are you from?"

Seeing no one around, the man respectfully said, "I'm from Cao Cheng."

Yang Song was immediately frightened by this person's words.Now is the time when the two armies are confronting each other, what is the purpose of Cao Cao sending someone to look for him?After calming down for a while, Yang Song already understood.Now Yangpingguan is in charge of Zhao Yun, and the war between the two armies has reached a stalemate, so Cao Cao must have sent this person to offer benefits to himself!

Thinking of this, Yang Song couldn't help laughing smugly, and deliberately asked the man again: "Prime Minister Cao came to me for anything, please tell me in detail."

The man turned around and took off his clothes in a snap, revealing a bright yellow dress inside, which almost dazzled Hua Yang Song's eyes.

The man turned around again and said, "Mr. Yang, this is Prime Minister Cao's favorite gold silk soft hedgehog. It is not only invulnerable to swords and guns, but also invulnerable to water and fire, warm in winter and cool in summer. It is worth more than a thousand gold! It is the prime minister and his old man. Give your gift to Mr.

Then the man took off the armor and put it in Yang Song's hands, but he could hardly feel the weight, it was as light as a feather!
Staring at the precious armor in his hand, Yang Song's sly eyes began to shine, and he was reluctant to return it.He asked the gift giver: "The prime minister is giving you such a heavy gift, do you need my help?"

The gift giver stepped forward and whispered in Yang Song's ear, "As long as you can replace the guard at Yangping Pass."

Now Yang Song was really embarrassed.Yangpingguan is now Zhao Yun's decision. Even if Zhang Luken issues a transfer order, it is impossible to transfer Zhao Yun.

Yang Song thought for a while, then he had an idea in his mind, and said, "Prime Minister Cao's purpose is to take down Yangping Pass, and then take Nanzheng directly? It's impossible to transfer Zhao Yun now, but I have a plan The effect is the same. I will suggest my lord to send Zhang Wei back to Yangping Pass, and let him attack as soon as possible, so that the prime minister can take the opportunity to capture Yangping Pass. What do you think of this plan?"

The person who gave the gift really had a good mind and felt that this plan was feasible, so he nodded and said: "Everything is according to Mr.'s wishes."

Dying red, the gift giver bid farewell to Yang Song immediately. After walking out of Yang Song's mansion, he couldn't help turning his head and poohing on the ground at the door, cursing softly "greedy ghost!" before he started to leave.

Unexpectedly, four people suddenly rushed out from the street corners on both sides, and surrounded the gift giver.They were all strong and strong, and before the gift giver understood what was going on, they were subdued by them, their mouths were gagged, and they were put into a sack and carried away.

Nanzheng Posthouse.

An hour later, Zhuge Qiao excitedly came to see Shi Guangyuan: "Mr. Shi, overjoyed, overjoyed! Our young master is really sharp-eyed, so we can see the enemy first! He has told me that after we come to Nanzheng, we must always send someone Keep an eye on Yang Song's mansion to prevent Cao Cao's spies from making any moves. Look, I caught a big fish today!"

Shi Guangyuan was drinking tea leisurely, so startled by Zhuge Qiao's yelling, he almost spit out the tea.He coughed a few times before reaching out to take a few pieces of paper from Zhuge Qiao.

After reading it, Shi Guangyuan also laughed. What was recorded on it was the confession of the person who went to give Yang Song a gift. He sighed: "Cao thief is really calculating!"

Zhuge Qiao also said with a smile: "Mr. Shi, Chief Manager, you should let me do meritorious service now, right? I will send someone to Zhang Lu to report on Yang Song, and see how he can persuade Zhang Lu to transfer Zhang Wei back to Yangping Pass." !"

Shi Guangyuan waved his hand and said: "No, Bo Song, there is a lot of room for maneuvering here! With this information, the chief executive of this department will be defeated soon!"

Zhuge Qiao couldn't help being overjoyed, so he asked Shi Guangyuan what kind of trick he had.Shi Guangyuan smiled but didn't answer, and asked Zhuge Qiao to go to see Yang Song now, and just ask him "Is Prime Minister Cao's armor comfortable to wear?" That's it.

Zhuge Qiao couldn't help laughing again, Shi Guangyuan is shaking the mountain and shaking the tiger!Then, after Zhuge Qiao said a few words in Shi Guangyuan's ears, Zhuge Qiao went out.Only then did Shi Guangyuan pick up his pen and write a letter to Zhao Yun.

Zhuge Qiao came to Yang Song's mansion soon.Yang Song was very happy when he heard that Zhuge Qiao had come to see him.Since this Zhuge Qiao came to Nanzheng, he would give him presents from time to time, and today he didn't know what good things came to him, so he hurriedly invited Zhuge Qiao in.

No, when Zhuge Qiao saw Yang Song, the first sentence he asked at the beginning: "Mr. Yang, is Cao Aman's armor comfortable to wear?"

Yang Song was frightened all of a sudden, and was stunned all of a sudden, his face turned pale with fright, and he couldn't speak for a while.Zhuge Qiao smiled again and said, "Mr. Yang, don't be afraid. Only heaven knows, earth knows, you know, and I know about this matter."

Only then did Yang Song spit out a sentence in fear: "You sent that person?"

Zhuge Qiao shook his head and denied that he could not do the malicious planting.Only then did Yang Song say in a trembling voice: "Master Zhuge, please let me go, I will never try to persuade my lord again!"

Zhuge Qiao laughed to himself that this Yang Song was a good planner, and he couldn't wait to beg him to let him go even before his terms were made.

Zhuge Qiao said: "I didn't intend to report on you, sir. However, I have a small favor here, and I would like to ask sir for help."

It turned out to be conditional handover, and Yang Song was the most proficient in this way, so he felt at ease immediately, and asked Zhuge Qiao to show it quickly.Zhuge Qiao then said: "Pang De is my general Ma Chao's former army. General Ma knew that he was at Yangping Pass, so he wanted him to return to his command."

Yang Song heard that it was too easy to meet this condition, so he immediately smiled and said: "Pang De was recommended by Yan Pu, and I didn't like it at first. Please show me what I should do."

Zhuge Qiao explained Shi Guangyuan's plan.After Yang Song listened to it, he brazenly praised the plan.Such an ugly person can still become Zhang Lu's most trusted counselor. Zhuge Qiao couldn't help shaking his head, sighing secretly that with such a person by his side offering advice, it would be unreasonable for Zhang Lu to survive!

After sending Zhuge Qiao away, Yang Song immediately went out to find Zhang Lu.As soon as he entered the door, he shouted loudly: "My lord, something is wrong!"

When Zhang Lu heard this, he couldn't help becoming nervous, and hurriedly asked Yang Song what was wrong.Yang Song said: "Master, the soldiers and horses at Yangping Pass have not sent troops to fight a battle for a long time. Of course, Zhao Yun has no obligation to help us kill the enemy. But don't forget, there is one of us at Yangping Pass." Admiral Pound is here, why doesn't he go out to fight?"

Zhang Lu's face darkened, remembering that when he invited Pang De that day, he had sworn that it would be easy for him to take the leader of Cao thief.Why is he huddled in Yangping Pass now, afraid to fight? !

Yang Song saw that Zhang Lu's face had changed, and added fuel and jealousy: "Pang De, my lord, you have to be on guard! You forced Ma Chao to surrender to Liu Bei at Jiameng Pass, and Pang De is a general under Ma Chao. If you're working together, you must have a heart for Ma Chao and a grudge against you!"

With a bang, Zhang Lu clapped his hands on the table: "What a Pang De, who only boasted nonsense in front of me, but he turned out to be a traitor!"

Zhang Lu immediately sent an envoy to Yangping Pass, severely reprimanded Pang De, and ordered Pound to fight immediately, otherwise he would be punished as a crime of passive indifference!

Pang De was immediately full of grievances, recalling that he had fought bloody battles for Zhang Lu at Yangping Pass, so that his wounds added to his wounds. Many wounds have just healed up to now. "Sin?When Pang De was wronged, he inevitably began to complain about Zhang Lu.

Therefore, the angry Pang De did not report to Zhao Yun, and directly led a team out of the pass to fight Cao Jun.

(End of this chapter)

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