Chapter 138
Zhao Yun couldn't help being very surprised when he learned that Pound led his troops out to fight without his consent.Because he didn't expect Pang De's temper to be so strong, it was just a reprimand from Zhang Lu, and it didn't have to be like this at all.

Moreover, Zhao Yun knew that if Pang De sent troops so recklessly, he would definitely lose.But Zhao Yun thought about it again, it didn't matter if Pang De lost the battle, but it would make him realize Zhang Lu's incompetence more clearly.

So, Zhao Yun called Wei Yan and told him to send troops to rescue Pang De as soon as possible.Wei Yan led the troops to rush halfway, and saw two soldiers and horses fighting together in front of them.Pang De's army was surrounded by Xia Houyuan's army.Wei Yan sighed secretly, General Zhao Yun was right, Pang De is sure to lose this battle.

In fact, Pang De had already begun to regret his reckless behavior at this time, and secretly hated Zhang Lu for being too closed-eyed, so he made himself do such reckless things.But it is not easy to retreat now, not to mention that he has been entangled by Xia Houyuan, and it is even more difficult to defeat this person within a hundred moves.Pound was immediately distraught.

Wei Yan immediately mobilized his horses and led his soldiers to support them.Pang De was overjoyed, knowing that there was hope for him to get out of trouble.But he had a faint feeling in his heart, how could this Yizhou army be more reliable than his own Hanzhong army?Every time they are in danger, they must be the ones who come to the rescue.

While fighting, Wei Yan shouted to the formation: "General Pang, come quickly. Wei Yan was ordered by General Zhao to come to the rescue!"

The two immediately led the troops, one from the inside to the outside, and the other from the outside to the inside. After a while of charging, they finally broke through the encirclement of Cao Jun and quickly retreated.

Of course Xia Houyuan didn't want to let the credit he was about to get fly away like this, so he led his army to catch up and went all the way to Yangping Pass.

At this time, Xia Houyuan saw a general standing on the wall standing on the wall, and shouted to Cao Jun below: "Listen, thief army, you go back and tell Cao thief that Zhang Wei, the general of Yangping Pass, will lead the army to a decisive battle with him tomorrow. !"

After Zhang Wei finished speaking, with a wave of his right hand, thousands of arrows were fired from the city.Seeing this, Xia Houyuan knew that he could not do his best today, so he had to retreat.

As soon as Pang De entered the customs, he immediately came to thank Zhao Yun.Zhao Yun just told Pang De not to be so extravagant, and invited the two to sit down again.

Only then did Pang De ask what happened to Zhang Wei on the top of the city?Why did Zhang Wei regain control of Yangpingguan without him knowing at all?Only then did Zhao Yun tell how Yang Song was bought by Cao Cao's people and how he framed Pang De in front of Zhang Lu.

Of course, it was impossible for Zhao Yun to tell Pang De that the framer behind the scenes was actually Zhuge Qiao, so Cao Cao, who was the scapegoat, was definitely on his back.

After hearing this, Pang De was furious, and slammed down the table with his palm, shaking all the desks away, and said angrily: "Yang Song is really hateful! I have no grievances with him in the past, and I have no vendettas in recent days, but this Come to harm me. If Pang De doesn’t tear you into pieces today, I won’t get rid of my anger!” After saying that, Pang De was about to leave the tent and go back to Nanzheng to find Yang Song to settle the score.

Zhao Yun hurriedly stopped him and said, "General Pang, you can't go! Yang Song is the confidant of Master Zhang. If you go like this, you will only be murdered. Fortunately, my family's chief executive has already made plans."

Then Pang De stopped, turned around and asked, "It's a pity that my lord Zhang Lu is really blind. He is blinded by villains like Yang Song, and he still doesn't know it! I don't know what clever plan Director Shi has?"

Zhao Yun stepped forward and brought Pang Dela back to his seat, and then told Pound that the Zhang Wei on the tower was actually a counterfeit, but he looked very similar to Zhang Wei, and the real Zhang Wei was still in Nanzheng. Part of Guangyuan's strategy.And told Pang De to keep the secret, otherwise there is no hope of breaking Cao tomorrow!
When Pang De saw that Zhao Yun not only saved his own life, but also told him such a secret plan, he couldn't help being moved, and said, "General Zhao Gao Yi, if the general orders you in the future, Pound will go through fire and water without hesitation!"

Zhao Yun was overjoyed, knowing that it was hopeful to subdue Pang De, so he asked Pang De not to be so alien, and let him go back to the camp to have a good rest, there will be another fight tomorrow!
Then, Zhao Yun called Deng Ai again, personally explained to him the task for tomorrow, and allocated another 1000 troops to him.For a time, the number of people directly under Deng Ai had exceeded [-], which was probably unique among the younger generation.

But Xia Houyuan came to see Cao Cao immediately after returning to the camp, and told about today's battle and seeing Zhang Wei at Yangping Pass.Cao Cao and Jia Xu were overjoyed, knowing that Yang Song had indeed accepted the golden silk soft armor.

After Cao Cao rewarded Xia Houyuan, he immediately summoned his generals.This time, he not only wants to break the Zhang Liu coalition army, but also takes Yangping Pass in one fell swoop, and goes straight to Nanzheng.Let everyone in the world know that Cao Cao is the truly invincible overlord!
In the early morning of the second day, Zhang Wei led a large group of troops to challenge Cao Ying seven miles away.Cao Cao sneered, and led everyone to fight according to last night's arrangement.

I saw Cao Cao was lined with a silver armor, with the Yitian sword hanging on his waist, and the famous horse claw Huang Feidian under his crotch, standing at the front of the team with Jia Xu.

Behind the two are a group of powerful generals, each of whom is majestic and majestic. There are eight generals in total: Xia Houyuan, Xiahou Dun, Cao Ren, Xu Chu, Xu Huang, Cao Hong, Cao Xiu and Zhang Yun.

Such a lineup of famous generals looks really scary.Looking at the world today, I am afraid that only Liu Bei's subordinates can gather a sufficient number of fierce generals of the same level to fight against him.

On the other hand, Zhang Wei's camp seems to be much colder. There are only three generals, Wei Yan, Pang De and Yang Ren.

When Cao Cao saw it, he smiled at Jia Xu, "It must be because Zhao Zilong lost control of the Hanzhong Army, so he was too angry to fight together?"

Jia Xu nodded, but then said: "This may be the case. But Prime Minister, we should be careful, lest Zhao Yun have any tricks, it will be bad."

Cao Cao nodded. Although he firmly believed that he had a certain chance of winning this battle, Jia Xu's concerns were not unreasonable.He told Jia Xu that he would handle the matter.

At this time, Zhang Wei waved his right hand, and Yang Ren drove forward to challenge: "Cao thief violated our Hanzhong border for no reason. Today, general Yang Ren will kill you to death..."

Cao Cao didn't wait for Yang Ren to finish his nonsense, sneered, and ordered Zhang He to step forward and kill Yang Ren.When Zhang He heard that the prime minister had handed over the first battle to him, he was overjoyed, and immediately took the order to let go of the horse and rushed to Yang Ren to kill.Seeing that the opposing general had already been killed, Yang Ren didn't dare to talk nonsense, and he also rushed to kill Zhang Yun.

I saw two people crossing each other with two horses, and each of them fired their guns.Two white lines flashed, and there was a bang, and the guns of the two men collided with each other.

Where Yang Ren was the opponent of the famous Hebei general Zhang He, his arms felt numb from the shock, and he almost fell off the horse.Just when he was startled by the strength of the opponent's arm, Zhang Yun turned his horse's head, raised his gun and stabbed him again. His marksmanship was really fast and accurate!

Yang Ren had no choice but to raise his gun to parry.But with such three or four moves, although Yang Ren has tried all the tricks in his life, he has already shown signs of defeat.I'm afraid that in a few more rendezvous, he must run quickly, or he will definitely be picked off by Zhang He!
Seeing this, Pang De here, although Yang Ren left him alone many times before the battle, but now everyone is fighting against each other and decided to help each other.

Pound picked up the big bow with his right hand. This bow needs the power of four stones to open. It is of the same level as Huang Zhong's big bow. With his left hand, he took out a carved feather arrow from the quiver. touched Zhang He's chest.With a whoosh, Pound's Megatron Xiliang's "Cloud Piercing Arrow" shot immediately!
Among the Cao army, Xia Houyuan was watching all directions, and he noticed that Pang De was shooting cold arrows.When Pang De shot, Xia Houyuan reminded Zhang He loudly: "General Zhang He, be careful of cold arrows!"

Zhang Yun was startled when he heard that, but saw that Pound's cloud piercing arrow was already flying towards him like a ray of white light.He ignored Yang Ren, and fired his gun as quickly as possible, trying to push away the cold arrow.

With a bang, Zhang He's spear touched the eagle feather arrow, but a huge force came from above, which knocked Zhang He's originally scattered marksmanship away, and continued to fly towards Zhang He with less momentum.

Zhang Yun never expected that the opponent's arrow skills were so powerful.But the arrow was already irresistible, he immediately turned to the left side of his body and used a stirrup to hide.Then, Zhang He heard his horse neighing, and his body suddenly tilted.

Zhang He was startled, knowing that the arrow just overturned his horse.In order not to be crushed by the fallen body of the war horse, Zhang He had to stretch his legs and kick off on the horse, and then his body flew out, rolled on the ground a few times before finally escaped, and then saw the war horse fell to the ground with a bang.

Zhang He, who still had lingering fear, couldn't help secretly rejoicing that he reacted quickly enough, otherwise he would have been crushed terribly!

At this time, Yang Ren saw that Zhang He had lost his mount, so he thought there was an opportunity to take advantage of it, so he leaped towards Zhang He with a loud shout and raised his gun.Not thinking about the direction of Cao Ying, Xia Houyuan suddenly shouted: "Yang Ren, look at the arrow!"

Yang Ren thought that Xia Houyuan was saying "look at the sword", which was really unlucky for him. When he looked up at Cao Ying, Xia Houyuan's arrow had already reached his chest.Yang Ren screamed, and immediately fell off the horse with an arrow.

Poor Yang Ren was in another time and space, he should have been hacked to death by Xia Houyuan, but he still couldn't escape the wheel of fate, and finally died under Xiahouyuan's arrow.

Seeing Yang Ren's death, Zhang He took the opportunity to rush forward and pull Yang Ren's horse, turn over and ride on it, holding his spear high.Cao Jun immediately cheered when he saw it.

Cao Cao immediately gave an order, and the remaining seven generals led their respective troops to fight out together!
Zhang Liu Lianjun was a little frightened by the opponent's power, and his position began to loosen, especially the Hanzhong Army's situation was the most serious.

Fortunately for the Yizhou army, Wei Yanzhi's army is good, and the team is still standing still. He asked Pound to organize his troops quickly, let his troops block the enemy first, and then swung his sword forward to lead the Yizhou army After rushing forward, the two sides immediately launched a desperate bloody battle.

Wei Yan's handling is undoubtedly correct.When Pound finally reined in his troops, a long time had passed before he led his army into the battle.The big melee between the two sides finally started...

At this time, Cao Hong saw that Zhang Wei was being protected by a group of troops among the rebellious army.He took the bow and arrow, aimed at Zhang Wei's chest and shot a cold arrow!That Zhang Wei was just a counterfeit soldier, and his martial arts skills were naturally incomparable, and he was shot and fell without any reaction.

When Cao Hong saw that he shot Zhang Wei to death, he was overjoyed and ordered his personal guards to shout the news of Zhang Wei's death.How did the Hanzhong army know that their chief general was actually a fake Zhang Wei. The situation was already unstable, and then there was a big rout!

Cao Cao knew that the chance of victory had come, so he would command the army to pursue and kill, and then take advantage of the momentum to occupy Yangping Pass.But at this time, a personal guard suddenly stepped forward to report that the tents and granary in Cao Ying caught fire at the same time!
Cao Cao was shocked.He started his life by burning other people's food and grass. He didn't want to walk too much at night now, and finally met a ghost, and was successfully robbed by the other party!Seeing that Yangping Pass was about to be captured, but failed again, Cao Cao was so angry that he almost drew his sword to kill.He immediately issued an order not to pursue the enemy anymore, and it is important for the army to return to the camp to put out the fire!

When Cao Bing rushed back to the barracks, the enemy had already disappeared without a trace, but Jia Xu was already organizing people to fight the fire inside.Cao Cao secretly thanked Jia Xu for his thoughtful thinking, otherwise when he came back, the whole camp might have been burned to ashes.

But after Cao Bing extinguished the fire with all his might, half of the camp had been burned, and two-thirds of the army rations had been burned.

Cao Cao couldn't help looking up to the sky and sighing: "Could it be that my Cao Mengde's thousands of troops are really helpless against a small Yangping Pass?" He immediately organized his troops and prepared to retreat tomorrow.There is really no way to continue this battle!
The feat of burning Cao Ying this time was naturally completed by the cooperation of Deng Ai and Zhang Yun: Zhao Yun led to burn Cao Jun's food and grass, while Deng Ai led people into Cao Ying and set fire everywhere.Otherwise, it would be impossible for Zhao Yun to give him advice in person, and even temporarily allocate so many troops to him!

However, they were quickly counterattacked by the troops led by Jia Xu, and finally retreated hastily before everything was burnt out.

(End of this chapter)

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