Chapter 139 Retreat

After Zhao Yun and Deng Ai returned to Yangping Pass, they soon got the news that Cao Cao was about to retreat.The three armies were celebrating together, and Zhao Yun immediately began to reward the three armies.

It was night, and both the Hanzhong Army and the Yizhou Army in Yangping Pass were immersed in the ocean of joy.

But the accident still happened.

It was Ye Yin time, a riot suddenly broke out in Yangping Pass, apparently the enemy's spies took advantage of the opportunity when the guards in the pass were lax after celebrating.

Zhao Yun has always been extremely vigilant, and when he noticed the commotion outside, he immediately got up from the bed.He ran outside to see that there were already many places on fire in the pass.

Zhao Yun secretly lamented that Cao Cao's fighting will was really strong, facing such a big defeat today, he still wanted to continue to attack.In fact, it is indeed a very, very painful thing to be an enemy of someone like Cao Cao. You will never know whether he has another plan hidden in it after one plan.Therefore, people who are Cao Cao's enemies will never be able to live too comfortably.

Zhao Yun also didn't care to think about where the Cao soldiers who suddenly appeared in the pass came from, but realized that there must be a crisis at the pass.He immediately sent someone to let Wei Yan and Pound organize troops to suppress the enemy inside the pass, while he himself took his personal guards and rushed to the pass.

When Zhao Yun led people to the closed gate, he found that a section of the city wall there had been occupied by the enemy, and the closed gate was wide open, like a prostitute's mouth waiting for her benefactor to quickly stick her tongue in.

And, to make matters worse, there are at least six hundred enemies guarding the gate. I really don't know where these people came from.

Zhao Yun looked through the closed door, and the situation outside was even more frightening. Thousands of shining torches several miles away were rapidly approaching Xiangyangping Pass!If they are not Cao Jun, then they must be hell.

Therefore, Zhao Yun, who had always been extremely calm, was really in a hurry, and sent another personal guard to inform Wei Yan and Pang De that it was important to bring someone to the city gate to support him, regardless of the fire!Then, Zhao Yun took the lead and killed towards the door.

After the two sides fought for a while, Zhao Yun realized that something was wrong.Not only is the opponent outnumbered, but the combat power of individual soldiers is too strong!
The soldier in front of him, under his own attack with all his strength, has actually blocked three moves steadily. Although it seems that the footwork is a bit chaotic, it may not be a problem to insist on seven or eight moves!But among Zhao Yun's personal guards who had gone through a lot of tempering, casualties have already occurred one after another.

Then, Zhao Yun discovered that all of these powerful enemies were masters with swords, and none of them used other weapons.These enemies are definitely not ordinary soldiers, but very similar to Jianghu rangers.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yun was startled.Because in Cao Ying, who can summon so many knights?There is no doubt that there is only Xu Chuqi!Then these people must be members of Xu Chu's Tiger Guard camp.

The Tiger Guard Battalion is definitely an army full of magic.They are directly subordinate to Xu Chu, the Marquis of the Tiger, and all of them come from loyal knights.Later, in this team of less than 800 people, a total of more than ten generals and countless school lieutenants appeared!
Zhao Yun knew that in the face of this group of troops who were astonishingly superior in their own strength and had received strict military training, he knew that it would be impossible for him not to risk his life.

Immediately, he exerted all his strength, the end of the silver gun in his hand was deeply inserted into the stone slab on the ground, and then he drew out the green sword and slashed forward, a flash of silver light flashed.Zhao Yun's opponent had an incredulous expression on his face, and then with a bang, the long sword in his hand broke and separated from his head and neck!The Qingzhi Sword is indeed a peerless sword!
Next, after Zhao Yun killed more than a dozen Tiger Guards, the enemies outside the city had already approached the city wall.

I saw a very tall General Cao Jun rushing in at the gate of the city.The man stopped on his horse to observe first, and saw more than a dozen corpses of tiger guards standing upside down beside Zhao Yun, all of them with their heads in different places.He was furious in his heart, and shouted: "Zhao Yun should die!" He slashed at Zhao Yun with his horse and sword.

Zhao Yun heard someone calling his name, and looked back, only to see that Xu Chu's horse had rushed up to him, slashing at his neck with a big knife!
Zhao Yun is now fighting on foot, and he only has a green sword in his hand. He wants to block it, but he is afraid that the sword will be damaged, so he jumps a foot away.

Seeing that he was not as flexible as Zhao Yun on horseback, Xu Chu got off his horse and drew his sword to kill Zhao Yun again.In fact, Xu Chu was originally a ranger, not only fighting on horseback, but also fighting on foot, which is a rare opponent in the world.Otherwise, it would have been impossible to fight Ma Chao shirtless back then, and the fight was shocking!
It is truly a spectacle in the world for two peerless generals to fight in footsteps like this.

After fighting for more than ten moves, Zhao Yun let out a shout, and the Qingzhi sword slashed down vigorously, and Xu Chu's long sword could no longer resist the sound and snapped.Xu Chu had no choice but to dodge desperately, looking very embarrassed.

At this time, someone nearby shouted to Xu Chu: "The Marquis of the Tiger takes the sword!" A soldier of the Tiger Guard completely ignored the attack of the enemy he was fighting, and threw the sword in his hand to Xu Chu with his life, and then died without hesitation when Zhao Yun personally defended the sword. Down.

Xu Chu took the sword, roared loudly, obviously extremely sad and indignant, and swung the sword again to attack Zhao Yun fiercely.But the same thing happened.After more than ten moves, Xu Chu's sword broke again.

Then, what happened next was too weird.Xu Chuyi was cut off by Zhao Yun four long swords, and thus ruined the lives of four soldiers of the Tiger Guards Battalion. He was so angry that he shouted: "If I have another good sword, how could I be teased like this by you kid?" !"

At this time, someone from behind shouted again: "Hu Hou takes the sword!"

Xu Chu turned his head to look, and it turned out that it was the prime minister's sword-bearer officer who threw the Yitian sword over.Xu Chu was overjoyed, the only sword in this world that could fight against the Qingzhi Sword was the Yitian Sword!

Xu Chu took the Yitian sword and immediately fought Zhao Yun again.After the two fought more than a dozen moves, Zhao Yun no longer wanted to fall in love.Because there are more and more enemy troops pouring in at the gate of the city, and his own personal guards are almost lost. It seems that Yangping Pass is about to fall today!
But soon, Deng Ai led his troops to support, even earlier than the two generals Wei Yan and Pound.Then Wei Yan and Pang De's troops also arrived, and the two armies fought at the gate of the city.

However, as more and more enemies poured into the pass, and some climbed over from the outside of the city wall with ladders, Cao's soldiers gradually gained the upper hand, and Zhao Yun's army was gradually suppressed by the enemy.

Zhao Yun sighed secretly, got rid of Xu Chu, came to Deng Ai, Wei Yan, and Pang De, and asked them to turn their troops around and first protect the dozens of doctors accompanying the army to retreat.

By the time Zhao Yun led the army to fight and retreat, and finally retreated safely from Yangping Pass, the sky was already bright.A round of majestic rising sun is even redder than the blood overflowing everywhere in Yangping Pass!

Cao Bing did not pursue after occupying Yangping Pass.Because Cao Cao has ordered the army to strictly guard the pass, and then dispatched people to put out the fire everywhere, such a thing is simply unheard of.

Cao Cao attacked Yangping Pass, which had not been captured for more than two months, and it actually fell in just a few hours!Standing outside the pass, Zhao Yun and others watched the flags on the pass gradually change to those of Cao Wei, feeling inexplicable.

But there is one thing that Zhao Yun has not yet figured out.How did those Tiger Guards enter Yangping Pass? Could it be that they were magical soldiers who fell from heaven?

At this time, Deng Ai stepped forward and told Zhao Yun that the tiger guards had actually sneaked into Yangping Pass in batches pretending to be the Hanzhong Army and the Yizhou Army during the scuffle between the two armies.

Both Wei Yan and Pound also heard Deng Ai's words, and they couldn't help shouting that Bandit Cao was really treacherous.

Just as weird as Cao Jun's actions, the newly defeated army should have evacuated the battlefield as soon as possible to avoid being chased and killed by the victorious army, but Zhao Yun did not do so.Not only did he not order the withdrawal of the troops, he actually ordered Wei Yan, Pang De and Deng Ai to take the troops five miles away to re-arrange immediately.

Wei Yan couldn't help but feel extremely strange, so he asked Zhao Yun, "Now that Yangping Pass has been taken, just relying on whether our defeated army has food and grass to support it, do we still want to take Yangping Pass?"

Zhao Yun shook his head and said, "I didn't intend to take down Yangping Pass, but waited for Cao Cao to give up Yangping Pass!"

Everyone was stunned at this moment.

At this time, Zhao Yun raised the green sword in his hand and shouted to all the soldiers: "Listen everyone, although we have just been defeated, Cao Jun is more disadvantaged than us, because there are actually only three days left in Yangping Pass. It’s just food and grass. In addition, Cao’s army was burned by us yesterday, so they will definitely not be able to hold Yangping Pass! I, Zhao Yun, can guarantee that they will withdraw their troops within two days!”

And it is.When Kong Ming and Shi Guangyuan formulated the anti-Cao strategy, they had already considered that Cao Cao used his troops like a god. If he suddenly used a clever plan to capture Yangping Pass, the best response strategy was not to leave him with too much food and grass.Therefore, they asked Nanzheng to only deliver five days' supplies to Yangping Pass at a time.Although this is troublesome, it is very safe.

Sure enough, the arrangement finally worked!And what's even better is that Ma Chao, who is now starting from Jiameng Pass, should have led his troops to cut off the grain roads Cao Jun used to transport grain from Guanzhong.

Inside Yangping Pass.

Soon someone came to report to Cao Cao what Zhao Yun said outside the pass.Cao Cao was still complacently boasting to his generals how wonderful his strategy was, but when he heard it now, he couldn't help but turn pale with shock.He immediately brought people to the granary, only to find that there was really not much grain left in it!
Cao Cao's eyes were straightened immediately, and he called the officials who counted the spoils, and asked him loudly why he didn't report such an important matter.

The official was actually full of grievances. Now that the army has just entered Yangping Pass, there is no time to count the spoils.

A cold light flashed in Cao Cao's eyes, he suddenly drew his long sword and chopped the official to death, shouting loudly: "This man is spreading rumors in our army, death is not a pity!"

Then, Cao Cao ordered people to seal all the granaries with seals, and issued a sealing order to require all people in the know not to leak any information, otherwise they will be killed!But Cao Cao was still worried, and appointed his own guards to guard the surrounding area of ​​the granary, no one was allowed to approach, otherwise the military law would be followed.

In fact, Cao Cao had no choice but to do this, otherwise once the news of the lack of food at Yangping Pass spread, the morale of the army would immediately be in chaos.Cao Cao's viciousness and cunning can be seen.

After Cao Cao returned to Yangping Guanshuaitang, he immediately sent someone to Jia Xu to discuss the strategy of retreating.

The city of Nanzheng soon learned of the fall of Yangpingguan, and Zhang Lu was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.Then, he received a letter from Shi Guangyuan, in which he informed Zhang Lu of the affairs in Yangping Pass in detail, and stated that due to the lack of food and grass, Cao Cao would definitely retreat without a fight. He will personally supervise the transportation of food and grass Go to support Zhao Yun.

Only then did Zhang Lu heave a long sigh of relief, shouting that God blesses him.

After Shi Guangyuan's food and grass arrived, Zhao Yun set up a camp ten miles outside the pass, and sent out troops every day to call for battle.However, now instead, Cao Jun is huddled in Yangping Pass and dare not fight. It is simply a turn of events!

But what made Zhao Yun feel strange was that in the next two days, all the lights in Yangping Pass were turned off every night, and it looked completely dark, and he didn't know what happened inside every night.

Zhao Yun went to ask Shi Guangyuan for advice.Shi Guangyuan just smiled slightly, telling Zhao Yun not to worry too much, they should be able to enter Yangping Pass soon.

On the morning of the fourth day, the coalition soldiers found that there was no one in sight except Cao Jun's flag still fluttering in the wind above the head of Yangping Pass!

Only then did Shi Guangyuan tell Zhao Yun that the reason why the lights at Yangping Pass were turned off every night was because of Cao Cao's suspicions.Then he would seize the opportunity to withdraw the troops in batches when the coalition forces were confused about the situation.

Zhao Yun was overjoyed and immediately sent people to the city.The soldiers went in and saw that there was no trace of the enemy in the entire Yangping Pass!

So far, Cao Jun has really withdrawn his troops.The Hanzhong War ended.

(End of this chapter)

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