The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 140 Blood Flows into a River

Chapter 140 Blood Flows into a River ([-])

Before Liu Bei came to the throne of Hanzhong, Liu Chan and Shi Guangyuan stayed in Nanzheng, and Chengdu has not yet appointed a prefect to Hanzhong, and someone needs to temporarily guard it.

In fact, Liu Chan's heart is like a bright mirror. The position of Prince of Hanzhong must belong to him, and he can't escape. Wouldn't it be better for him to be granted the title after waiting for Liu Bei to come in Nanzheng?
——Sometimes Liu Chan is still very capricious.And Liu Bei has long been used to Liu Chan's stubbornness, so he let him go.

Liu Chan lived in Zhang Lu's original mansion together with Mr. Shi Guangyuan.And seeing Deng Ai and Zhuge Qiao again in Nanzheng, Liu Chan was naturally in a good mood, and the three of them had a great time playing together every day.

In fact, Liu Chan had been in Hanzhong for several days after Cao Cao captured Yangping Pass and before Shi Guangyuan supervised the transportation of grain and grass to support Zhao Yun's army.

It's just that he remembered the lessons of his trip to Jiangdong, and considering his own safety, he didn't disclose his whereabouts to the outside world.It was precisely because of the presence of Zhuge Qiao and Liu Chan in Nanzheng that Shi Guangyuan dared to leave Nanzheng so reassuringly, and stayed for four more days before returning to Nanzheng.

But these days, Liu Chan has returned to play, but he has not forgotten to do business.Because he remembered that in another time and space, after Cao Cao captured Hanzhong, he immediately killed Yang Song in front of Zhang Lu, which actually won the hearts of the people of Hanzhong.

So Liu Chan wanted to follow Cao Cao's example, so he asked Zhuge Qiao, "Ah Qiao, what's going on with that money-greedy Yang Song recently?"

Zhuge Qiao laughed and told about Yang Song's situation.

It turns out that since Zhang Lu surrendered and was moved to Chengdu, the situation in Hanzhong has not been completely stable, and some towns have not been fully attached to them, and they seem to be raising their flags to rebel.At this time, Zhao Yun, the military officer of Hanzhong, returned to Shuzhong, and Pang De had already withdrawn from Nanzheng, leading troops to guard the various passes in the north of Hanzhong. Today, only one general, Wei Yan, is left in Nanzheng.

The chief executive, Shi Guangyuan, had already been dismissed, but since the prefect of Hanzhong had not yet taken office, he was asked to temporarily manage Hanzhong affairs on his behalf.Therefore, in order to maintain the stability of Hanzhong, Shi Guangyuan believed that surrendering was the best policy, and did not want to send Wei Yan to send troops immediately.

When Yang Song knew about it, he was overjoyed immediately, knowing that the time for him to make contributions had come again, so he personally came to ask Shi Guangyuan for orders, and asked him to go to various places to appease him.

Unexpectedly, Yang Song did not disappoint Liu Chan and others. It took only one month to surrender even the most stubborn Brazilian County, let alone other large and small towns.

After listening to Zhuge Qiao's narration, Liu Chan couldn't help but secretly gasped.Because in his impression, apart from being able to flatter Zhang Lu, this Yang Song didn't seem to have much talent.

Seeing Liu Chan's surprise, Zhuge Qiao said, "The matter doesn't stop there! Recently, Yang Song has worked very hard for Liu Shijun's enthronement as the King of Hanzhong. It is said that he has prepared many congratulatory gifts."

Liu Chan nodded, this is the style of people like Yang Song!He whispered to Zhuge Qiao and Deng Ai, if Yang Song is killed now, will there be any impact?
Zhuge Qiao and Deng Ai couldn't help being very surprised, and only then did they understand why Liu Chan suddenly asked about Yang Song's situation.Zhuge Qiao immediately persuaded: "Young master, Yang Song can't be killed! Otherwise, what will the former Hanzhong officials who surrendered think? Hanzhong is not stable now, so there must be no turmoil!"

Deng Ai then advised Liu Chan, especially those who were recruited by Yang Song, what would they think?If these people really rebelled, how will the young master explain to the master?

Hearing what the two of them said, the matter was indeed very involved, and Liu Chan couldn't help feeling dizzy.But let a ruthless, corrupt and perverted villain like Yang Song continue to live so well, maybe after Liu Chan becomes King of Hanzhong, he will continue to be promoted and make a fortune. Thinking of this, Liu Chan hated it!

He immediately gritted his teeth and made a decision: the so-called long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. To deal with corrupt officials like Yang Song, we must cut the mess quickly.Whoever dares to block the way ahead, his Liu Chan's knife will fall on whose head!Liu Chan said to Zhuge Qiao, "Give me the list of the former Hanzhong officials you bought."

Zhuge Qiao asked in surprise, "Why do you want a list?"

Liu Chan said viciously: "An official who is corrupt and perverts the law can lose his life in a small way, lose the hearts of the people in the middle, and lose the country in a big way. If Yang Song is not eliminated, he will definitely set a very bad example for other officials. If someone corrupts in the future If you accept bribes, how should you deal with them? So if you don’t kill Yang Song, it’s hard to convince people. And if you want to do it, you have to do it in a big way, so that you can frighten those people with ulterior motives!”

Zhuge Qiao was a little dumbfounded when he heard that, Liu Chan clearly wanted to kill people in Hanzhong!Deng Ai suddenly told Liu Chan that if he really wanted to do this, he must first get the support of Mr. Shi, and then it would be more appropriate to make all preparations
——Deng Ai has one advantage. He is always so calm in dealing with things, and when he knows that there is no room to stop things, he will be very active and start to make suggestions. This is very similar to Mr. Hua Tuo.

Liu Chan felt that what Deng Ai said was reasonable, so he nodded and went to see Mr. Shi.

From the second day onwards, Mr. Shi successively issued multiple troop transfer orders to Yangping Pass and various major cities, exchanging part of the Yizhou Army at Yangping Pass with the original garrison troops in each city.

Although this move seems to outsiders to be just an ordinary deployment of defense, it is entirely out of the need for stability in the local area, so no one will take it to heart.After finishing all these, Shi Guangyuan immediately called Wei Yan, the general of Yangpingguan, to guard Nanzheng, and Deng Ai temporarily left Zhenyangpingguan.

All the arrangements have been completed, and Liu Chan feels that the time has come to raise the butcher's knife high.Shi Guangyuan used the pretext that the time for Liu Bei to become king of Hanzhong was approaching, and recruited officials at all levels in Hanzhong to Nanzheng, waiting for the reward from Liu Bei.

Seeing Shi Guangyuan's order, Hanzhong officials were too happy. How could they have imagined that this was just an excuse for Liu Chan and Shi Guangyuan to raise their butcher's knives at them!
After those officials entered Nanzheng, Zhuge Qiao sent spies to monitor those officials who might have changed, lest any of them hear any disturbance and cause riots.Then Liu Chan summoned Yang Song alone.

When Yang Song heard that his son Liu Chan wanted to see him, he couldn't help but feel secretly happy.Ever since he found out about Liu Chan's stay in Nanzheng, he had been looking for an opportunity to curry favor with his new master, but unfortunately he couldn't get in. Unexpectedly, the other party would take the initiative to summon him, which shows that he still has a certain status in Hanzhong.Yang Song came to see Liu Chan excitedly.

Liu Chan saw that Yang Song was short and thin, with small eyes, two mustaches around his mouth, and a look of sly eyebrows, and he wanted to laugh, so he asked Yang Song to sit down.

Yang Song also met Liu Chan for the first time.He didn't expect Liu Chan to come to Hanzhong to help Shi Guangyuan handle affairs at such a young age, and he felt extremely surprised.Then he was a little flattered and declined a little, and then happily sat down under Liu Chan, which was really hypocritical.

Liu Chan said with a smile: "This time our Yizhou army was able to take Hanzhong, sir, it can be said that I have made great contributions."

Hearing Liu Chan say this, although Yang Song was quite proud in his heart, he kept saying that this was what he should do, with an attitude of not taking credit at all.Liu Chan nodded and said, "My father Liu Shijun will be crowned King of Hanzhong soon, and all officials will be rewarded at that time. What do you think, Mr. Yang?"

The corners of Yang Song's mouth raised slightly. Liu Chan asked himself this way now, clearly seeing himself as the minister who made the first contribution to the Yizhou Army's victory over Hanzhong.Thinking of the golden gold that Liu Bei rewarded him, Yang Song almost salivated: "Young Master Hui, although it is right to reward those who have meritorious service, these are also the duties of a subject."

Liu Chan couldn't help sighing secretly that Yang Song was really eloquent, no wonder he was able to persuade Bazhong to surrender without bloodshed.If he hadn't clearly understood this person's nature before, he would have been deceived by him today.

Liu Chan smiled and said: "Mr. Yang said well. I invite you here today, but I have ordered you to meet a person by the order of Mr. Shi, the chief manager." Then, I saw Zhao Feng holding one of his hands and tied behind his back. man walks into the living room.

When Yang Song saw this person, his small eyes couldn't help but narrowed, and then he felt extremely strange, he didn't know this person, why did he let himself meet this person?Then he asked, "My lord, who is this?"

Liu Chan sneered, and asked back: "Mr. Yang really doesn't know this person?"

Yang Song shook his head firmly.Liu Chan said: "Mr. Yang thinks that Cao Cao's gold silk soft hedgehog armor is easy to use?"

"Oops!" Yang Song let out an exclamation, and stood up from his seat all of a sudden.Only then did he see that the kidnapped man was looking at him with hatred in his eyes!

(End of this chapter)

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