The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 141 Blood Flows into a River

Chapter 141 Blood Flows into a River ([-])
"Yang Song villain, you villain who doesn't keep his promise! You won the treasure armor, but you don't do anything. My lord and Prime Minister Cao will definitely not let you go!" The man couldn't help but spit on Yang Song.

Seeing this, Yang Song couldn't help but said anxiously: "My lord, didn't Mr. Zhuge Qiao reach an agreement with the subordinate before? You can ask him to come out and testify."

But Liu Chan slapped the table with his palm, and said angrily: "Zhuge Qiao is a servant in name, but in fact he is just a commoner. What authority does he have to reach an agreement with you? Even if I don't hold you accountable Sin, just look at this!"

With that said, Liu Chan picked up the notebook on the table and threw it in front of Yang Song.Yang Song tremblingly picked it up and opened it wide, his face turned pale with fright.All the records in it are evidence of his corruption and breaking the law.With a plop, Yang Song knelt down and begged, "My lord, please bypass the villain this time, I will never dare again!"

It seems that all the people who have done something wrong will casually say the above story!Liu Chan sneered and said, "I will never let you have a future! Because in a few days, you will walk to the guillotine at Caishikou together with yourself and the whole family of 73 other former Hanzhong officials!"

When Yang Song heard that Liu Chan was going to kill him all over the house, he was so frightened that he foamed at the mouth and passed out on the ground.

In fact, the whole Nanzheng has already become an uproar.

It turned out that when Yang Song came to Liu Chan's place, Wei Yan had already closed the city gates of Nanzheng, and then began to lead people to arrest the 120 corrupt officials on the list given by Liu Chan.

After all the personnel were caught, Wei Yan secretly sent troops and the accounting science students brought by Liu Chan from Chengdu to various places to arrest the family members of these people and seize their property.

Later, Liu Chan learned from the accounts that Yang Song's family alone had 6000 gold and dozens of properties in various places, totaling as much as 1000. The wealth is no less than that of ordinary local tycoons!Although the other officials involved in the case do not have as much property as Yang Song, they are also wealthy.

When Liu Chan saw the total property of these 120 people who had been confiscated, he was taken aback: 40000 gold, [-] land property!
Liu Chan was a little dizzy looking at these huge numbers, no wonder Cao Cao wanted to suppress local tyrants in the north!

He immediately wrote to Chengdu to ask for instructions to use 10000 gold from the wealth to appease the families of all the soldiers who died in the battle of Yangping Pass, as well as to relieve the disabled Yizhou soldiers and Hanzhong soldiers, and the remaining 3 gold and land were nationalized. .

Such a move by Liu Chan has never been carried out by Yuan Shao, the richest warlord, or Cao Cao, who is the most capable in governing the country, in the decades since Dong Zhuo's rebellion.Liu Chan was therefore very worried that Liu Bei would not agree to his suggestion.However, Kong Ming believed that the young master's move was to implement benevolent government for the Lord, so under his persuasion, Liu Bei finally agreed with Liu Chan's approach.

Therefore, according to the records in the accounts, the vicious Liu Chan added 74 households to the original 12 households!Then publish all their crimes.

Therefore, Liu Chan's butcher's knife is simply red-eyed.For half a month, at least 50 to 100 people were executed at Caishikou in Nanzheng City every day.

Later, because of overwork, the executioners could no longer support their bodies, and they collapsed from exhaustion and could no longer carry out the execution.Of course, Liu Chan couldn't stop there. He personally came to the barracks to select a team of the strongest supervisors and let them go to Caishikou to execute the sentence in person!

The human blood merged into a small stream, gurgling into the mists outside the city, dyeing a large area of ​​the river red, and later turning the beach on the shore into a purple-black color.As a result, for half a year, no one dared to go fishing in the whole river, and no one in Hanzhong dared to eat fish anymore.

As for those who were not exterminated, most of the family heads were beheaded. The female members of the family and all the children were all demoted to slaves, and all the men were incorporated into the death squads in the army and closely guarded. They must charge forward in every battle!

In fact, this is the lesson Liu Chan learned based on his knowledge of disciples over the past few years and the story of Sun Ce being assassinated by three disciples of Xu Gong's family.

After this tragic massacre, almost all officials in Hanzhong were terrified, and more than a hundred people with a history of corruption even handed in their resignation letters immediately, wanting to return to their hometowns.

Of course, Shi Guangyuan and Liu Chan had no intention of keeping these people back.It is enough for them not to pursue the crimes of these people, or order their property to be searched.Liu Chan couldn't help sighing secretly that these people saw the opportunity early!

However, some relatives, old ministries, and local tyrants of those officials who were killed began to rebound, and some rebellions appeared one after another in various places.

Since Shi Guangyuan had already made proper arrangements, most of these people's subordinates were transferred away, and Liu Chan provided subsidies to the families of the army's dead and disabled, which bought a lot of people's hearts. The hatred is extreme, so the scale of the rebels is mostly very small, and they can't make much trouble at all.

Therefore, Shi Guangyuan ordered Deng Ai to strictly guard Yangping Pass, and Wei Yan personally led troops out of Nanzheng to wipe out the rebellions everywhere with iron and blood methods.

Liu Chan even secretly ordered Wei Yan to deal with those rebellious local powerful families in the same way as dealing with corrupt officials.Because Liu Chan has learned lessons from Liu Bei's governance of Yizhou: From the perspective of Yizhou, the most difficult thing to deal with is nothing more than the conflict of interests between the powerful families in Yizhou and the government.

But Liu Chan noticed that there are many tyrants in Yizhou, not only the big surnames, but also the local tyrants. They are all powerful, but Hanzhong is different, the local tyrants here are relatively small.Therefore, in order to govern them, it is not necessary to appease them constantly like Liu Bei. It may be more effective to use thunder methods!

So, in front of Wei Yan's military might, how could those rebels beat his opponent?It's really seeing one and destroying the other, and then checking their property.

Later, Wei Yan saw that the speed would be too slow if this continued, so he divided the army into three groups, each demarcated areas, and wiped out all rebellions within a time limit.This effect is really good.Although there are occasional news of defeat for a while, but overall it is still victorious.

As a result, within one month, the number of powerful households destroyed by Wei Yan in various places reached 22, and many of them had their entire families killed.Among them, the largest family, the entire Jin family, had 800 members, but under Wei Yan's men who killed without batting an eyelid, almost none of them remained!It is impossible to seek revenge in the future!
Therefore, the number of people killed in this battle far exceeded those of the corrupt officials who were killed, but it was also killed in one fell swoop so that the local tycoons in Hanzhong did not dare to stand out.

The wealth obtained from the confiscation was divided into multiple uses: part of the land was used to appease those tyrants who did not participate in the rebellion, part of the land and money was used to stabilize those who were not exterminated, and part of the money was used to relieve the poor. There is still a large part of it, all of which go to the national treasury.

Since Shi Guangyuan and Liu Chan are hard and soft, after this incident in Hanzhong, people's hearts suddenly became stable.At this time, Liu Bei, who was coming to Hanzhong Road, was so happy that he couldn't sleep, because after Liu Chan's massacre, his treasury was filled a lot!

(End of this chapter)

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