Chapter 142
After Liu Chan and Shi Guangyuan cleaned up those corrupt officials and the rebellion of local tyrants, they felt that the heat was almost ready.Because the time for Liu Bei's Carrying Ceremony has come, he asked Wei Yan to withdraw his troops and return to Nanzheng.

After Liu Bei's succession was completed and Liu Chan was named the prince of Hanzhong, Liu Chan felt that since Hanzhong had stabilized and the people's hearts had returned, it was time for those old officials before Zhang Lu to calm down.So he found Zhuge Qiao and asked about the situation of those officials.

When Zhuge Qiao heard this, he was startled again, and shouted: "My lord, are you going to kill again? You killed enough last time, didn't you see that all the water was killed by people?" Is the blood stained red..."

Liu Chan shook his head and smiled bitterly.Zhuge Qiao these days, because Nanzheng killed too many people, made him reluctant to go out.Moreover, he has always believed that a politician should emphasize benevolent governance. How could he be so bloodthirsty?
Didn't Liu Chan know that there is something wrong with killing people like this, but in troubled times, there is no need for heavy codes, it will only give those wicked people an opportunity to take advantage of it.But no matter what he said now, Zhuge Qiao might not be able to understand it for a while, and said immediately: "Aqiao, what do you think about sending troops to suppress the rebellion after this incident?"

"General Wei Yan is indeed a brave and strategic general, and his army is very powerful."

Liu Chan shook his head and said, "You didn't see another point. No matter whether Wei Yan's army is dealing with Cao Jun or a powerful rebellion, they will never be soft when they strike."

Zhuge Qiao nodded and said, "That's true. But..."

"But what? If Mr. Shi ordered Wei Yan to suppress those peasants who rose up to resist because of oppression, Wei Yan and his soldiers would definitely not show mercy. Why? Because they are soldiers, and their bounden duty is to obey orders. It can be seen that the army is an extremely dangerous form of violence. Although it can be used to protect the interests of the people, it can also be used to destroy the interests of the people. This is why the monarch must firmly hold military power in his own hands before he can rest assured .”

Zhuge Qiao nodded.

"Therefore, such a tool of violence has never been trusted, let alone given too much power, otherwise it will definitely have disastrous consequences for the country. The most recent example is Dong Zhuo and the states that have mastered the army Pastors, when they took the administrative power, the whole country completely collapsed because of the power struggle among them, and brought us into this chaotic era of war. Look at the population of the whole world now, there are still A tenth of what it used to be?"

Hearing this, Zhuge Qiao couldn't help being startled, where did he hear about Liu Chan?They are together almost every day!Asked: "Then how should the army be treated?"

Liu Chan said: "We can only give the military the power to fight. Then most of the other powers must be given to civilian officials. This is called 'civilian ruling the country'. So now that Wei Yan has killed so many people, the next step is to let those civil officials It's time for us to come back and rule the land for us."

Only then did Zhuge Qiao understand that Liu Chan dared to ask him about the situation of the officials, not because he was going to kill again, it seemed that he was about to become a frightened bird.

At this time Liu Chan suddenly thought of Yan Pu.Yan Pu, as Zhang Lu's meritorious service officer, did not join forces with people like Yang Song, won the favor of those upright people and the people, and must have a lot of influence in Hanzhong.

He asked Zhuge Qiao, "Ah Qiao, how is Yan Pu Yan Gongcao doing now? It seems that he is not in the list of rewards, right?"

Zhuge Qiao nodded and said with a wry smile: "This Mr. Yan is really a loyal man. After Zhang Lu surrendered, he resigned from his official position and has been shutting himself out for a long time."

Liu Chan couldn't help being a little disappointed. If Yan Pu was in office, it would be most appropriate for him to come forward to appease the hearts of those officials who had been frightened into silence.

After Liu Chan thought for a while, he immediately asked Zhuge Qiao to lead the way, and he took Zhao Feng and other guards and headed towards Yan Pu's house. He wanted to invite Yan Pu to come out of the mountain himself.

After Liu Chan got off the car, he saw a low courtyard-like building in front of him.The house is low, and the color of the roof tiles has begun to turn black. It is as dilapidated as ordinary civilians.

The door is really narrow, and the black paint on it has been mottled, as if it had a skin disease.

Although the house has walls, the opening above it has been weathered badly, and some weeds are growing on it, shaking in the wind.

The gap between this place and the magnificent buildings of Yang Song's house is too big!Liu Chan asked Zhuge Qiao in disbelief, "Is this Yan Gongcao's home?"

Zhuge Qiao nodded, then stepped forward and knocked on the door of Yan's house.

The door was opened by a woman in blue cloth.Seeing so many people suddenly coming at the door, she couldn't help being a little frightened. After asking Zhuge Qiao and the others why they came, she felt relieved.She asked Liu Chan and Zhuge Qiao to wait at the door. Her master is reading in the study and needs to inform first.

When the woman entered, Liu Chan looked into the house through the crack of the door, and saw a small yard inside, which had been reclaimed into a vegetable garden. There were several rows of green vegetables in it, which were not tall enough, and they were blooming in the sun. With an oily blue light.The ground of the vegetable garden was still soaked, apparently it had been watered not long ago.

Liu Chan couldn't help laughing and said: "This Yan Pu really likes the vegetable garden..."

Zhuge Qiao said sternly: "It is said that Yan Gongcao's family was a big family when they were in Liangzhou, but they have always been an official. The vegetable garden was probably cultivated to supplement the family income. You shouldn't make fun of it like this, son. Yan Gongcao."

Liu Chan knew that he was impolite, quickly suppressed his smile, apologized to Zhuge Qiao, and then saw the woman come out.She led the two into the house, and when they came to the living room, she saw Yan Pu was already waiting in the living room.

It was a middle-aged man dressed in green cloth and standing upright with a very serious expression. He had crouching silkworm eyebrows, deep eye sockets, and high cheekbones, and he looked majestic.

Yan Pu had met Zhuge Qiao, and liked Zhuge Qiao's knowledge and understanding, but he had never met Liu Chan himself.So after the ceremony, Zhuge Qiao introduced Liu Chan to Yan Pu.

Yan Pu was a little surprised, he didn't expect Liu Chan to be so young.Yan Pu's performance was the same as that of his opponent Yang Song when he met Liu Chan for the first time.

However, as an insider, Yan Pu knew that Liu Chan was behind the massacre of officials in Hanzhong. , didn’t you also come to arrest Yan and kill him?” Obviously dissatisfied with Liu Chan’s actions during this period.

Liu Chan seemed to want to compete with Yan Pu on purpose, so he took Zhuge Qiao to the table next to him and sat down, cupped his hands and said, "If people like Mr. Yan should be killed, then there is probably no official in Hanzhong who should not be killed. Yes. Mr. is a sensible person. He should know what kind of person should be punished, what kind of person should be killed, and what kind of person should not be killed. What's more, he should know that what kind of person is not killed, and he will be poisonous in the future So how is this different from killing kind and innocent people? So I think that killing such people is actually saving the people! If you still feel that I am wrong, sir, then I am willing to listen to your advice.”

Yan Pu was a little stunned when he heard it, and then suddenly realized that at Liu Chan's age, how could he say such words, it must have been instructed by the chief executive, Shi Guangyuan.Unfortunately, these words were all thought up by Liu Chan himself, and Yan Pu was wrong.

Yan Pu sighed and advised Liu Chan: "Even if those people deserve to die, why should they be beheaded? Gentlemen value benevolence and righteousness, and the lesson of violence against Qin is not far away.!"

Liu Chan nodded and said: "Mr. Yan is a true gentleman with benevolence and righteousness in his heart. But this time is also the other time. If there is no severe punishment, it will have no deterrent effect on other officials. As long as the limelight passes this time, they will immediately return to normal. Then it will be the common people who will suffer again..."

Yan Pu nodded, stretched out his hand to signal Liu Chan not to continue, and said, "Mr. Liu's words are also reasonable, but Yan does not agree."

Liu Chan knew that the most important thing for a sage disciple like Yan Pu was benevolence, righteousness and benevolence. Even if he admired his actions in his heart, he would never agree with his actions in his mouth.He didn't continue to argue, and immediately went to today's topic: "Mr. is a high-level talent in Hanzhong. Why do you want to stay behind closed doors? Wouldn't it be a waste of your talent to learn? Now that Hanzhong is so clear, it should be Mr. who came out of the mountain." It's time."

Yan Pu shook his head and said, "Everyone has his own aspirations, so you don't need to talk too much."

Seeing that Yan Pu rejected him straight away, Liu Chan said, "Mr. Yan should know that my father, the King of Hanzhong, has appointed General Wei Yan as the prefect of Hanzhong. If something happens again, will he continue to use bloody means to suppress it? Would you like to see such a bloody incident happen again?"

When Yan Pu heard this, the light in his eyes that had no energy before appeared suddenly. Then he stood up from his seat, lingered in front of Liu Chan, and fell into thinking.

After thinking for a while, Yan Pu sighed: "Mr. Liu, Yan can't agree to you immediately, and I will give you an answer in three days."

Hearing Yan Pu's answer, Liu Chan smiled slightly, knowing that Yan Pu probably agreed to come out as an official again.Zhuge Qiao also nodded happily to Liu Chan, and the two of them bid farewell to Yan Pu.

When Liu Chan got out of the door of Yan Pu's house and boarded the carriage, Liu Chan suddenly exclaimed: "Oh, this Mr. Yan is really stingy! My son came to his house as a guest, but he didn't even give him a cup of tea!"

Zhuge Qiao couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard Liu Chan's words, and quickly pulled him into the carriage, urging the coachman to set off quickly, so as not to be heard by Yan Pu's family and embarrass him in the future.

Three days later, Yan Pu finally agreed to take the post of Majestic Biejia.After the officials in Hanzhong heard about this incident, their hearts finally settled down.

(End of this chapter)

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