Chapter 143 Fake Liu Xiang
After Wei Yan, the prefect of Hanzhong, took office, the officials of Hanzhong gradually settled down under the appeasement of Yan Pu, and Shi Guangyuan was finally able to officially resign from the post of "Chief Executive of Frontline Affairs".

Before that, Liu Bei's brigade had already returned to Chengdu, so Liu Chan naturally had no reason to stay in Hanzhong and go back to Chengdu with Zhuge Qiao, Deng Ai and Shi Guangyuan.

On the way, Liu Chan got the news from Shi Guangyuan.After Liu Bei acquired Hanzhong, in order to prevent Cao Cao from gathering troops and launching a second attack on Hanzhong, he could only seek peace with Soochow, who was attacking Jingzhou, and then asked him to send troops at the cost of ceding Jiangxia, Changsha and Guiyang. Northern Expedition Cao Cao.

Soochow had been eyeing the territory of the nine counties of Jingzhou, and now that Liu Bei voluntarily offered the land of the three counties, they were of course happy to accept it.And for Sun Quan, the lord of Soochow Wu, he already had the intention of the Northern Expedition, so why not do it?Immediately reply to Mr. Yiji, Soochow will send troops from Lukou.

Later, Sun Quan obeyed Lu Meng's suggestion and stormed Wancheng with an army of [-]. In less than a day, Gan Ning first went to the city and beheaded the prefect Zhu Guang, and captured Wancheng in one fell swoop. The Eastern Wu army was shocked.

Shi Guangyuan originally thought that Liu Chan would be shocked when he heard the news, but Liu Chan just nodded and said, "Lu Meng is indeed a general with both wisdom and courage!"

In fact, Liu Chan knew a long time ago that in another time and space, Liu Bei would have given up these three counties in the dispute with Soochow.Therefore, now that Liu Bei has come up with this strategy, Liu Chan is certainly not surprised.

Then, Zhuge Qiao had another piece of news that made Liu Chan dumbfounded.

It turned out that the news of Liu Chan's secret visit to Hanzhong was leaked by no one.This was nothing at all, but because Liu Bei killed Hanzhong officials and local tyrants, blood flowed into rivers.On the one hand, Liu Bei was worried that such a brutal incident would have a negative impact on the reputation of the prince; on the other hand, he was also worried that he would be retaliated by the Hanzhong people on the way back.He simply spread another message saying that the person who returned to Chengdu this time was actually not the eldest son Liu Chan, but Liu Xiang Liu Shengzhi, another son of Liu Bei who had been separated for many years.

The name Liu Xiang's character Shengzhi is still very reasonable. The word "Xiang" originally means "flying back," that is, the bird stretches its wings in the sky and circles continuously, overlooking everything on the ground.This symbolizes Liu Bei, a hero in troubled times, who wants to spread his wings and fly high.What's more, Liu Bei's other son is called Liu Chan, which is much more grand than the name Liu Xiang.Therefore, it is natural that his son can use such a name, he will not feel weird.

Liu Chan's first reaction when he heard this name was that the name of a child who died before Liu Bei might really be called Liu Xiang, but now Liu Bei just found it out of the dusty memory and put it on his own head.

However, Liu Bei was very creative this time, fabricating a rather bizarre experience for this so-called "Liu Shengzhi":

Back then, Liu Bei was defeated by Cao Cao in Xuzhou. In desperation, he went north to Qingzhou Yuan Shao's tent, and both wives became Cao Cao's captives.But before being captured, Mrs. Mi thought why Liu Bei's child was innocent, so she gave the five-year-old Liu Xiang to a wealthy family in Xiaopei City to save him from a bloody disaster.

Soon after, the family moved to Hanzhong to escape the disaster of war.Unexpectedly, I encountered bandits on the way to Hanzhong, the man was killed, and the women and children were sold to Chang'an.From then on, Liu Xiang became a helpless little slave, wandering around in Yongzhou, and was finally bought by a big family with the same surname Liu to Hanzhong.

Later, when he heard that Mr. Shi Guangyuan of Liu Beijun was in Hanzhong, Liu Xiang took the opportunity that his master sent him to work outside to visit Shi Guangyuan's post.After Shi Guangyuan learned of Liu Xiang's identity, he hurriedly returned to Chengdu.Liu Bei immediately sent someone to confirm that it was indeed his parent and child.Therefore, after Hanzhong was pacified, Liu Xiang would naturally follow Shi Guangyuan back to Chengdu.

After listening to Zhuge Qiao's narration, Liu Chan couldn't help laughing and said: "Unexpectedly, my son suddenly grew up in his teens and 20s out of thin air, and he already has a wife and children."

Zhuge Qiao also laughed and said, "Isn't your son already married to the daughter of General Zhang Fei's family? So of course you already have a wife."

When Liu Chan was robbed by Zhuge Qiao in this way, he immediately felt a little embarrassed, and Deng Ai and Mr. Shi Guangyuan couldn't help laughing in a low voice.This son of his, usually has a thick skin, but for some reason, whenever he mentions his fingertips as a marriage, he will blush.That's why Zhuge Qiao and others have to make fun of Liu Chan from time to time.

In order to hide his embarrassment, Liu Chan quickly opened the curtain to look out, and found that it was already dusk.He ordered the team to stop, they would camp here today, and then got out of the carriage.

Looking at the lush trees around, Liu Chan couldn't help stretching his arms and taking a deep breath. The air was so fresh.

Looking around, the western sky is as red as blood, and the green hills under the red clouds are like Daisy, and there is no end to the continuous mountainous area.

The wind in the mountains blew past, and all the hustle and bustle in the world seemed to disappear, leaving only the rustling sound of the trees.

Liu Chan's heart moved, and he pointed to those mountains and asked Deng Ai, "Isn't there Jianmen Mountain?"

No matter where Deng Ai goes, he will examine the local geographical environment in detail, so it can be said that it is Liu Chan's living map.He nodded and said: "Indeed, yes, Jianmen Mountain. Jianmen Mountain is divided into small and large Jianmen Mountains. It is said that there are 72 peaks in Dajian Mountain. We should only need to pass by, and we can reach Jiange in two or three days. "Then Deng Ai pointed out to Liu Chan the distinction between big and small sword mountains.

Liu Chan nodded, turned around and saw a cliff a mile or two away, protruding outward for more than ten feet, like a protruding eagle's beak, without any obstacles around it, it is a good place to enjoy the sunset.

Shi Guangyuan just wanted to rest due to the exhaustion of the boat and carriage, and Liu Chan didn't force him, so he called Zhuge Qiao and Deng Ai to his carriage.Zhao Feng wanted to bring his guards to follow, of course Liu Chan didn't want to let so many people join in the fun, and in the end he only let Zhao Feng accompany him.

After the carriage had traveled for a while, there was a rush of hoofbeats in front of it.Liu Chan opened the curtain of the car and looked, and saw a strong man galloping towards him on a yellow horse.For Liu Chan's safety, Zhao Feng immediately stepped forward to intercept this person, and shouted loudly: "The knights ahead stop!"

But Liu Chan didn't want to hinder others from going on their way, so he told Zhao Feng to get out of the way, not to stand in the middle of the road and hinder other people's way.Zhao Feng had no choice but to turn his horse's head around, block the window of the carriage, and told Liu Chan and the other three not to show their heads, and took the tiger-head gun to stare at the person coming.

The knight galloped over quickly, although he didn't do anything wrong, he stared at Zhao Feng angrily.

When the sound of hooves could not be heard, Liu Chan poked his head out and asked Zhao Feng, "How many times is this?"

"It's been there lately, especially this is two days, it's been five times."

Only then did Liu Chan order the carriage to move on, and asked Zhuge Qiao in a low voice, "Are you sure there is no robber's stronghold here?"

Zhuge Qiao said very confidently: "Of course it cannot exist. Although it is all mountainous, there are only a few roads that can be used by people. The Yizhou army has garrisons everywhere to guard it tightly. It is impossible for a large group of robbers Survival."

When the carriage arrived at the foot of the cliff, the horse that had passed just now came back, still roaring past the carriage, and immediately the knight glanced at Liu Chan and the others, his eyes were not friendly.

At this time, Zhao Feng couldn't help but began to worry about Liu Chan's safety, secretly guessing that this person was sent by robbers to step on plates, right?He advised Liu Chan to go back to the camp first and bring more people.

But Liu Chan waved his hand and said nonchalantly, "Zhao Feng, why are you so timid now? It will take a lot of time to go back and forth, and the sun will set by then, so what's the view?"

Then, Liu Chan turned his head to look at Deng Ai, only to see that he was looking at the slope with a look of contentment, but his right hand was already on the hilt of the sword, and his five fingers flicked, as if he was a little nervous.Liu Chan smiled slightly and took the lead to climb up the slope.

The hillside is not high, only tens of meters high. When there was no cliff in the past, it should have been a mountain. Later, the Jialing River at the foot of the mountain washed away half of it, and it turned into the current cliff.

It's just that the slope is covered with all kinds of weeds, and the fragrance of green grass comes from the air, which is inhaled into the chest with the cool wind, and it feels really refreshing.

After everyone climbed up, the surrounding scenery suddenly brightened.

The setting sun slanted on the top of the mountain, spreading a layer of golden carpet on the ground. The sunlight was only slightly dazzling, but it did not hinder people's eyes from looking directly at it.

The surrounding scenery is even more open. Under the cliff, the river is rolling southward, and white foams emerge one after another, floating like white duckweeds, accompanied by the roar of the water waves, which is really wonderful.

The three of them simply sat on the ground and chatted, while Zhao Feng stood by as a guard.

Not long after, Zhao Feng's heart moved, as if he heard a slight rustling sound from the surrounding grass, as if something was lurking here.

Years of guarding experience told Zhao Feng that this place might have become unsafe, so he told Liu Chan and the others to get up quickly.Although Deng Ai's face remained unchanged, he had already noticed something wrong when the knight passed by twice. Now that Zhao Feng said so, he immediately drew his sword and stood beside Zhao Feng, protecting Liu Chan and Zhuge together. Joe.

Even though Deng Ai and Zhuge Qiao don't see eye to eye on weekdays, they actually have a deep affection, it's just that it's not easy for big men to express their feelings.

Zhao Feng kept scanning the grass, then picked up a small stone from the ground, and shouted: "Come out!" The stone was shot out immediately, and there was a soft sound in the grass.

But upon hearing this voice, Zhao Feng couldn't help becoming nervous, because the stone he shot was sent flying, and the opponent's skill would definitely not be too bad.

Then I saw three similar looking men with knives standing up from the grass, and the man who was riding back and forth on horseback just now was impressively among them.

Zhao Feng immediately asked, "Who are you, and why are you following us so sneakily?"

One of the three, a man with a scar on his face and a very vicious face, stepped forward and said with a sneer, "Brother's martial arts are not weak! Which of you is Liu Xiang and Liu Shengzhi?" Then he waved his right hand, and the two behind him Spread out to form an oppressive trend, blocking the three directions down the mountain.

When this person said this, Liu Chan was a little stunned. Are these people here to kidnap or assassinate Liu Shengzhi?It's too bold and reckless, Liu Xiang is now the prince of the King of Hanzhong!
But judging from the current situation, only Zhao Feng and Deng Ai are capable of fighting on Liu Chan's side.But Deng Ai's martial arts is only so-so. Compared with these three Jianghu people, he must be far behind.If the two sides fight over this, Zhao Feng may not be able to fully take these three burdens into consideration.

Liu Chan had an idea, and suddenly pointed at Deng Ai and shouted: "He is Liu Xiang and Liu Shengzhi!"

Deng Ai couldn't help turning his head to look at Liu Chan in astonishment, and immediately understood that Liu Chan wanted to be his scapegoat.But now is not the time to argue with Liu Chan, Deng Ai can only sigh secretly, but if he is not loyal to the son now, when will he be loyal?
So, Deng Ai immediately turned his head to look at the three of them, the expression on his face became very majestic, and he really had the demeanor of a prince.

Deng Ai originally wanted to say something, but thought that he still had a slight stutter, and if his identity was discovered because of this, the gain would not be worth the loss, so he simply kept silent.

Seeing that Zhuge Qiao was looking at him with wide eyes, Liu Chan couldn't help but burst into laughter, so he quickly stretched out his hand to tug on his skirt.Only then did Zhuge Qiao turn his face away, covered his mouth to suppress a smile, so that the other party didn't notice his flaws.

The eyes of the three below fell on Deng Ai.Deng Ai's face was originally dark, and he was also mature. Although he was only in his early twenties, he looked nearly 30 years old, which was about the same age as the rumored Liu Xiang.

I don't know why, the eyes of the three of them looking at Deng Ai have become cold, and the murderous aura exuded from their bodies!Although Liu Chan didn't know it, he knew that these three people were the assassins who came to assassinate Liu Xiang.But who sent these three people?
Suddenly, the man with the scar waved his right hand and said very decisively: "Kill Liu Shengzhi, a quick battle!" The three of them shouted at the same time, and drew their knives to kill Deng Ai!
(End of this chapter)

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