Chapter 145
After Liu Chan and others returned to Chengdu, they went home to rest.

Liu Chanxin was named the prince of Hanzhong, that is, the crown prince. After learning that he returned to Chengdu, many people on the road naturally came to visit him.

Liu Chan, on the other hand, appeared to be very dishonest. He closed the door to thank guests for four or five days, and slept at home all day with his head covered.After military master Zhuge heard about it, he thought Liu Chan was ill on the way, and sent Zhuge Qiao to visit him, but found that he was fine at all.

Five days later, Liu Chan finally received the first batch of guests, none other than Han Long.

However, Han Long did not come alone this time, he also brought two people.One is Sun Yao, the head of the Sun family. Perhaps because of the recuperation of her body, her complexion has become much ruddy today.The other one was a fat middle-aged man, who looked about the same age as Han Long, but he looked very shrewd, and he knew at first sight that he was a businessman who was good at making money.

Perhaps because it was the first time to come to Hanzhong Prince's Mansion, Sun Yao and the fat man seemed very curious along the way, looking around from time to time.

The status of merchants in the Han Dynasty was generally very low. In order to implement the "emphasis on agriculture and restraint of merchants" during Emperor Wudi's period, merchants were even forbidden to wear silk clothes on the streets.Therefore, if businessmen at that time wanted to be beautiful, they would wear commoner clothes on the outside and a piece of silk on the inside when they went to the street.

Later, the status of businessmen improved, such as Mi Zhu, who was even recruited by Xuzhou Mu Taoqian to be a high-ranking official in Xuzhou Biejia.Now due to the war, Wei, Shu and Wu are very interested in supplies. Even though the borders are strictly sealed, they often give special care to merchants, and the status of merchants can be said to be unprecedentedly improved.

But even so, the political status of the merchant class is still extremely low.If Han Long didn't still have the status of being a strong man in Jingzhou, he would definitely be ridiculed to the point of embarrassment if he had such a deep acquaintance with Liu Chan like Liu Chan.Therefore, Sun Yao and the businessman would be interested in the mansion of the official, and Liu Chan deeply understood.

Seeing that Liu Chan greeted them in person at the door of the living room, Sun Yao couldn't help but stare blankly, and then stopped in her tracks: The dignified prince of Hanzhong actually greeted a person of his status in person?
The fat man obviously didn't know Liu Chan, seeing Sun Yao stop, he had no choice but to stop too.After looking around first, he asked Sun Yao the reason for stopping in a low voice. It was obvious that he felt very uncomfortable in the Prince's Mansion.

Sun Yao looked at Liu Chan and told the fat man in a low voice that the young man on the steps was the eldest son Liu Chan.Seeing that Liu Chan was thin and handsome, the fat man was standing on the steps smiling and waving to Han Long, who also greeted him with a smile on his face.Such a scene was really beyond his expectation as a businessman, so he hurriedly followed behind Han Long.

Liu Chan smiled at Han Long: "Mr. Han, why did you come to see me now?"

Han Long said apologetically: "The young master has been promoted to the prince of Hanzhong. Of course, he should come to congratulate him as soon as he is promoted. But a few days ago, there was a lot of people in front of the prince's mansion, and then I heard that the prince has been closing the door to thank guests. Naturally, I don't like it." Those who dare to disturb the world by themselves."

That's it, if there is no special reason for a passionate and heroic person like Han Long, he will definitely be the first to come to congratulate him. Liu Chan said this, but he was just joking with Han Long.But he also found that when Han Long talked to him now, his tone and words became more formal, not as casual as before. This may be because he was named the prince of Hanzhong.

He then said: "Mr. Han, why is he so alien now? Let's just talk like we used to." Then he smiled at Sun Yao who was at the bottom: "Why is Miss Sun coming to my house today? It's a special visit. Do you see mine?"

Sun Yao stepped forward to salute and said: "How dare a daughter of the people come to the Shizi's mansion as a guest. I just heard that my father-in-law is coming, and the daughter of the people followed me out of curiosity. Don't be offended by the prince."

Liu Chan smiled lightly and said: "Miss Sun will come here often if she is free in the future, and my son welcomes you at any time." Then the three of them were invited into the living room to serve tea.

After the four sat down, Liu Chan asked Han Long about the fat man's identity.Only after being introduced by Han Long did Liu Chan know that this person was Qian Yan from the Qian family, a wealthy businessman in Jingzhou.

Qian Yan stood up from his seat, bowed respectfully to Liu Chan and said, "Young man Jiangling Qian Yan has met your son."

Liu Chan nodded. He had heard people say when he was in Jingzhou that there were three wealthy merchants in the Jingxiang area: Luo, Qian, and Xiao.These three families have done a lot of business, and all of them are owners of a lot of money, but they have never met them.This Qian Yan should be the head of the Qian clan now.

Liu Chan saw that this man had a short stature, a chubby figure, and small eyes. He really looked like a profiteer.But he has long learned from the sloppy Tuobawei not to judge people by their appearance, so he said politely to Qian Yan: "Mr. Qian, there is no need to be polite, please sit down and serve tea. I also lived in Jiangxia for quite a while when I was young!"

Qian Yan still feels very nervous until now, and feels that being able to enter the Shizi Mansion is like a dream, but now seeing Liu Chan actually addressing him as "Mr", he said: "Your Majesty can just call a villain by his name, 'Mr' is really not a son. "

Liu Chan waved his hand to let Qian Yan sit down, and said with a smile: "Mr. Qian doesn't have to be so concerned about a title. The so-called: I am born with a talent, and I will be useful. Mr. Qian is for the world to communicate with each other. In fact, it is also benefiting the people of Li, and it is also worthy of it." Mr.'." At this point, Liu Chan almost said the fifth of the Ten Principles of Economics, "Transactions can make everyone's life better".

As soon as Liu Chan said this, the three people below couldn't help being stunned.Although everyone knows that businessmen communicate with each other, but when it comes to "benefiting the people", how many people dare to say that?The three of them couldn't help being moved.

Han Long said with emotion: "With the words of the son, Han knows that the businessman has hope in the future!"

In fact, how did Han Long know in his heart how much Liu Chan had always expected from the merchant class?Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to encourage Han Long to keep doing business like that.

Liu Chan then asked Han Long, with so many people here today, wouldn't it be just to visit him?Han Long let out a cry, and then he remembered the purpose of coming today. He was so excited to see Liu Chan just now, and actually forgot the business.

Han Long nodded to Qian Yan, and then asked two servants to bring in a big box.Liu Chan felt that what was contained in the box should be some kind of gift, could it be to congratulate himself on being promoted to the position of son?
Qian Yan stood up from his seat again, and said, "Your Highness, this box contains silk from Yuhang, Eastern Wu. Please accept it." Then he stepped forward to open the box himself, and there was a whole box of silk inside.

Soochow's silk can be said to be famous all over the world. Sun Quan even re-exported it to India and West Asia by opening up the Maritime Silk Road.Moreover, in this chaotic era, prices were so chaotic that Cao Pi once abandoned coins after he ascended the throne, and switched to silk and grain as a medium of exchange.It can be seen that silk was precious in the Three Kingdoms period.

In fact, Liu Chan couldn't help being surprised that Sichuan was rich in Shu brocade, and its reputation was not inferior to this kind of thing that was later called "Suzhou-Hangzhou silk".Why did Qian Yan give it to himself? Is it because it is rare?Or is it because he wants to open the market for silk from Yuhang in Sichuan through his own relationship?This obviously violated the principle of free market competition that he had always advocated, so he asked Qian Yan with some displeasure what he meant.

Seeing Liu Chan's displeasure, Qian Yan didn't know where he had offended the prince, so he became flustered and forgot where to start.

Sun Yao saw the opportunity quickly, and explained first: "Boss Qian recently bought a batch of silk from Yuhang in Jingzhou, and recently came to Yizhou for business, so he brought some as gifts to the prince."

Liu Chan nodded, it seems that this person gave it to him as a meeting gift because of its preciousness, and his expression softened, and then he remembered that it was almost the end of the year, and these silks happened to be given to the teachers of the National Academy of Medicine as a year-end benefit.They moved to Xishu with him, and their lives are not rich, so they must be happy to accept them.Thinking of this, Liu Chan thanked Qian Yan and asked his servant to carry it down.

At this time, Han Long said again: "Your Majesty, Boss Qian actually has another purpose for entering Sichuan this time. Luo, Qian, and Xiao's family intends to move to Sichuan to avoid the chaos of war, and Boss Qian is here to stand in the front."

Liu Chan's eyes flashed, if these three wealthy merchant families can enter Shu, how much money can they bring to Shu!
However, if these people entered Shu, according to the characteristics of Chinese businessmen, the first thing they had to do was to buy a large amount of land, which would inevitably constitute a conflict with the local tyrants.Nowadays, the tyrants in Yizhou are not very honest. If so, I am afraid they will be in trouble again!

Liu Chan then said: "The three wealthy merchants can enter Sichuan, and this prince absolutely welcomes them. But will you buy land in Yizhou?"

When Qian Yan heard Shizi's question like this, he knew that Liu Chan was definitely not an ignorant person, and even knew very well about businessmen.

Since merchants in ancient China did not have the protection of property rights, the income from the land was also very stable, and even had the function of maintaining and increasing the value. Therefore, as long as they made money, they often invested in the land in the end.

Qian Yan said: "The land is the last guarantee of our merchants. If there is any, we will naturally buy it."

Liu Chan nodded. In fact, even if he wanted to support these Jingzhou businessmen to fight against the local tyrants in Yizhou, he would be powerless now.Because although his son's name is good, he is actually famous but has no right, so he said: "You can not sell the land in Jingzhou. After entering Yizhou, you can focus on business and trade. Now the people in Yizhou There are not many lands that can be bought and sold. If you buy a large amount, you will inevitably conflict with the local tyrants, and then there will be troubles in Yizhou again. This is definitely not what the King of Hanzhong wants to see. Mr. Qian is clear?"

Qian Yan is a person who has worked hard in the business field. Of course, he understands that this is Liu Chan's kind advice, and it is also a warning, so he only claims it.But Sun Yao asked: "Your Majesty, I heard that there were many wealthy families in Hanzhong who rebelled and were wiped out, so there should be a lot of land there?"

Liu Chan waved his hand and said, "According to the opinion of the military adviser Zhuge and the King of Hanzhong, the land in Hanzhong cannot be moved now, and it should be used for the army to farm in the future."

In fact, Liu Chan is just talking in the vernacular, and those lands are actually for his own use.

(End of this chapter)

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