The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 146 Deng Ai's First Love

Chapter 146 Deng Ai's First Love
At this time, a servant came in and reported to Liu Chan that Deng Ai was coming, and Liu Chan asked the servant to lead him here.

Since Deng Ai returned to Chengdu, he hadn't shown up for several days, and he didn't know what he was doing.Then I saw Deng Ai walking into the living room unsteadily, first saluted Liu Chan, and then his eyes fell on Han Long.

Deng Ai and Han Long are very familiar with each other. During Liu Chan's trip to Jiangdong, Deng Ai and Han Long traveled thousands of miles in Soochow together, and they were comrades who fought side by side.

Deng Ai withdrew his haughty posture, cupped his hands to Han Long and said, "Mr. Han, you are here. It's been a while since you've been gone."

Seeing that Deng Ai was acting more and more calmly now, Han Long stood up and replied with a smile, "Should Han call you General Deng now? Your performance in Hanzhong is now well known in the streets! What a hero out of a boy!"

Although Deng Ai was proud, he still knew when and in front of whom he needed to be humble, so he waved his hands and even said he didn't dare.However, Liu Chan was too familiar with Deng Ai's temper. This guy must have been overjoyed by Han Long's praise like this.

Liu Chan coughed, and said: "Deng Ai, your performance this time is indeed very good. But this guy's martial arts is really bad. Now that you are assigned to my fourth uncle, you must learn a few good martial arts from him. "

Hearing what Liu Chan said, Deng Ai frowned immediately, and told Liu Chan that he wanted to learn martial arts from Zhao Yun, but people thought it was too late for him to learn martial arts at his age, so he insisted on not accepting him.

Liu Chan secretly laughed, Deng Ai's road to school was really bumpy.When I was in Jingzhou, I wanted him to worship under Zhuge's military master, but people thought his character was inappropriate, so I had to learn the art of war from Shi Guangyuan in the end.Now that he is so valued under Zhao Yun's tent, he thought he could be a teacher, but he was disliked for being too old.

Liu Chan sighed, Deng Ai's growth was really enough for him to worry about, so he had to bite the bullet and ask Han Long if he was willing to teach Deng Ai.

Han Long then took a strange look in his eyes, looked Deng Ai up and down carefully, and said in embarrassment: "Your Majesty, Han's martial arts method emphasizes the combination of hardness and softness, which is not suitable for an aggressive general like General Deng." People. And General Zhao is right, General Deng has indeed missed the best age for learning martial arts..."

Deng Ai's originally dark face suddenly turned purple-black.When Han Long said this, his proud temperament was stimulated, and he said immediately: "It's fine if you don't teach it. A man should learn how to kill ten thousand people, why bother to learn how to kill ten people!"

In fact, Han Long said the words out of good intentions, and knew that Deng Ai had a weird temper, so he stopped talking indifferently.

Now Liu Chan finally knew that Deng Ai was absolutely hopeless in terms of martial arts, and said with a smile: "Then Deng Ai, you should just be a Confucian general. The military master Pang Tong was not good-looking back then, wouldn't he keep pace with the military master Zhuge?"

Liu Chan's words were originally meant to motivate Deng Ai, but after reaching Deng Ai's ears, the taste changed, thinking that Liu Chan was making fun of him.

Of course, Army Master Pang Tong knew that this person was said to be ugly, but was he really that ugly?Thinking of this, Deng Ai felt really upset, so he turned his head aside.Sun Yao, who was lowered by Han Long, was looking at him with a smile on his face, but it disappeared in a flash.

When Deng Ai was with Liu Chan before, it was not that he had never met Sun Yao, but he didn't pay much attention at that time.Now that I looked carefully, I found that Sun Yao was actually very beautiful, especially when she smiled just now, it made Deng Ai feel like a spring breeze, and she couldn't help but stare blankly for a while.

Seeing Deng Ai staring straight at Sun Yao, Liu Chan felt so embarrassed that his face was burning hot, and he couldn't help but feel very amused.He has always thought that Deng Ai is a person who seeks fame and fame, and does not take the relationship between men and women to heart, so even though Deng Ai is now 23 years old, he is definitely an older youth in this era, and he has never considered giving him a match. marriage.Unexpectedly, this didn't seem to be the case. It seemed that he was fascinated by Sun Yao, so he woke up Deng Ai with a cough.

At this time, Deng Ai also felt that something was wrong with him. The purple red that had faded appeared on his black face again, and he began to feel a little at a loss. He was even more nervous than when he was facing thousands of troops!
Liu Chan wanted to laugh, but he was afraid of hurting Deng Ai's poor self-esteem, so he asked Sun Yao, "Miss Sun, this is your first time visiting my house, do you want to visit around?"

Sun Yao is a person who rolls around in the mall, but unlike Deng Ai, who is an old-fashioned hat, the blush on her face has long since faded, and said: "If the prince can allow it, it will be an honor for the daughter of the people."

Liu Chan nodded and looked at Deng Ai, and found that this time Deng Ai was not the same as before, and secretly pointed out his finger to recommend himself.Deng Ai was also looking at Liu Chan at this time, and then his eyes couldn't help but widen, because he suddenly understood why Liu Chan was looking at him, and his stuttering, which was almost cured, started to attack again: "Shi... Shizi, you... I"

Seeing that Deng Ai was so nervous, Liu Chan really wanted to ask him if he was also too nervous to speak when he led his army to block the attack of Cao Wei's army.It seems that this guy is not afraid of anything, only afraid of seeing women!
Liu Chan said with a smile: "What about you, what about me! Stop talking nonsense here, don't always train the army or go to the school to study, and you should relax when you are free. You can accompany Miss Sun to the Let's take a look at the garden at the back, the chrysanthemums inside are very bright, just for Miss Sun to appreciate."

Liu Chan's words are so beautiful, it seems that Deng Ai is really a well-behaved student, but in fact, this is all for Sun Yao.Because Liu Chan has made up his mind now, to match the two together, it is natural for Deng Ai to make a good impression on Sun Yao.

Although Deng Ai has become a partial general now, his family has always been poor, coupled with his low background, it is difficult to find a wife of a high family background for the time being, and he is now too old, so he can no longer delay.

Sun Yao suffered a lot because of a change in her relationship, and now she needs someone to fill the gap in her relationship. Besides, Deng Ai is definitely a potential stock, Sun Yao can't fail to see it.Therefore, Liu Chan himself feels that it is quite suitable to pair these two people.

Deng Ai wanted to say something again, but unfortunately now he stuttered and couldn't utter a word for a long time, so he could only stand there and worry.Seeing this, Sun Yao said to Deng Ai with disappointment: "General Deng, it seems that the little girl doesn't have that honor."

Deng Ai was anxious, and blurted out: "Of course I am willing!"

Everyone couldn't help laughing. Although Sun Yao felt a little embarrassed, she couldn't help laughing.Only then did Liu Chan let the two go to enjoy the flowers quickly, and then continued chatting with Han Long and Qian Yan.

When Deng Ai and Sun Yao came to the back garden, they saw that all kinds of chrysanthemums had already bloomed in the corner of the garden.The gentle breeze brings a strong fragrance of chrysanthemums, which is simply refreshing.

Deng Ai was still a little nervous at first, but he was relieved immediately.Although his eloquence is poor, Sun Yao is articulate, so the two of them will not feel cold while admiring the flowers while talking.

In fact, in the past two years, Deng Ai has read a lot of books in the school, and although Sun Yao can write and count, but as a woman, her education level is actually not high, so after the two get acquainted with each other, Deng Ai Ai finally found a place to show off his knowledge, but he also bluffed Sun Yao.

The two walked around the back garden unknowingly, and sat in the gazebo for a while before returning to the living room, only to find that Han Long and Qian Yan had already left.Of course, Liu Chan couldn't give Deng Ai the opportunity to show his hospitality, so he asked him to take Sun Yao home in his own carriage.

When Deng Ai came back, Liu Chan asked him how he felt about Sun Yao.Deng Ai's face turned purple-black again, and he wanted to turn around and walk away, but Liu Chan quickly pulled him back.Deng Ai couldn't get rid of it, so he had to give three words: "She is very good."

Liu Chan gave Deng Ai a white look, and asked: "Since she is very good, do you like her?"

Deng Ai thought for a while and said, "I, I don't know..."

"Well...according to this son's experience, what can be said clearly is definitely not love. So this son will give you a task, marry Sun Yao back home within three months!"

Deng Ai, who has always been calm, was finally frightened: "How is this possible! Impossible, I can't do it..."

"Hmph, if you can't do it, you have to do it! You have to do it even if the Overlord fights hard!"

(End of this chapter)

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