The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 147 The Queen Is Pregnant

Chapter 147 The Queen Is Pregnant

On this day, elder brother Wu Pu finally sent news that Lu Su, the governor of Eastern Wu, was dying of illness, and now he was helpless, and he might not be able to hold on for two or three months.

Liu Chan couldn't help feeling a little heavy in his heart.After Lu Su's death, the person who took his place was Lu Meng and Lu Ziming, who had always been the most taboo of Liu Chan.Liu Chan sighed, forget it, Lu Su has lived for so many years, and it is time to die, now he should actively pay attention to the situation in Soochow.

Immediately afterwards, another news spread in Chengdu that Queen Wu Cheng of Hanzhong was pregnant!
This is nothing less than great news for Liu Bei who has just ascended the throne, and some people have even interpreted it as a sign of "Lin'er congratulations".

Liu Bei is naturally very happy, after all these years, he has only one heir like Liu Chan.Such a situation is a fly in the ointment for the ancient people who like to have a lot of children and grandchildren.Therefore, he not only prepared the best delivery room for Wu Cheng, but also ate the most delicious food every day, and even added seven or eight maids, which can be described as taking good care of her.

Although Liu Chan was not too keen on the news, he was still a little happy in his heart, after all, he was about to have another little brother.

But some people didn't think so. After Zhuge Qiao heard the news, he immediately came to Liu Chan and asked him his opinion on the matter.Seeing Zhuge Qiao's worried face, Liu Chan knew that he was worried that if Wu Cheng gave birth to a boy, it would affect his status.

But what Liu Chan hates the most is the national character of Chinese people who are constantly fighting internally and pretending to be gentlemen externally, so he said: "Aqiao, you are thinking too much now, right? What if Mrs. Wu gave birth to a girl? And even if she gave birth to a boy, now that my father is old, it is impossible to pass on the crown prince to someone else, don't forget the story of Emperor Wu killing Mrs. Gouyi."

Of course Zhuge Qiao knew.In order to prevent the young emperor Liu Fuling from appearing "mother strong and son weak", Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty personally gifted Liu Fuling's mother, Mrs. Gouyi, to death.But even so, Liu Fuling eventually became the puppet emperor of Huo Guang, the assistant minister, and died at the age of 21.It's impossible for Liu Bei not to know about this, even if he didn't know, Zhuge Junshi would definitely mention it, so it should be impossible for him to have the idea of ​​abolishing the elders and establishing the younger.

Zhuge Qiao nodded, but although Liu Chan's words are reasonable, there is still one thing to pay attention to: Queen Wu is now the royal family of Hanzhong, and in order to keep her position, she may really do something unknown .

Liu Chan waved his hand, telling Zhuge Qiao not to say any more, he had already considered this matter.But in fact, after sending Zhuge Qiao away, Liu Chan's heart has become a little worried. Although he is not afraid of Wu Shi, he is afraid that she will play tricks behind his back.She lives with Liu Bei every day. The so-called "wind at the seventh level and the eighth level is not as good as the wind at the pillow", many bad words will come true.It seemed that it was time for me to meet this new stepmother.

The next day, Liu Chan prepared gifts and went to congratulate Wu in person.

Liu Bei is still living in Liu Zhang's original mansion. Construction of the new Hanzhong King's mansion has started, but it will take a long time to complete. It is said that Liu Chan collected the funds from Hanzhong.

Wu Cheng is now temporarily living in several courtyards to the west, which seems to be a great intention to justify the name of his "West Palace".There are three courtyards inside and outside the place, the red walls and red tiles are shining brightly, and the corridors are beautifully carved. It seems that Liu Bei has indeed allocated the most beautiful place to Wu Cheng.

After being passed on by a little eunuch, Liu Chan finally met the Queen of Wu for the first time.In fact, they have met many times before, but they all met intentionally or unintentionally, such as when Liu Bei was advancing.

The meeting place this time was in Mrs. Wu's room. She was sitting upright, wearing a formal palace attire, her black hair was coiled up with a green jade hairpin, her lips were cherry red, she was really beautiful, no wonder she could be called "" The head of beauties in Sichuan".

Seeing Liu Chan entering the room, Mrs. Wu showed a gentle smile, stood up and welcomed him in personally.

Liu Chan stepped forward and said, "Boy, Liu Chan has seen the queen."

Mrs. Wu nodded happily, telling Liu Chan not to be too polite, and sat down at the table next to her, then raised her red lips and asked, "Why is your son free to visit my wife today?"

"My son heard that the queen is pregnant, and I was very happy, so I took the liberty to visit." Liu Chan said it too politely, as if he and Wu were nothing when they met for the first time.Then, Liu Chan presented his own reason, which was a piece of jade pendant, and said: "It is said that this jade pendant has a long history and can protect the child from growing up safely. Please accept it by the queen."

In fact, Liu Chan didn't want to waste money like this at first, he just wanted to ask Mr. Hua to dispense some anti-fetal drugs at the National Hospital of Medicine.But looking back on history, in the battles involving the birth of the prince in the courts of the past dynasties, many problems have arisen over the anti-fetal medicine.If Wu Cheng is really a ruthless person, if he drinks the abortion pill and blames himself, then he can't argue with it.Therefore, of course Liu Chan was unwilling to leave any dead corner for Wu Cheng to take advantage of.

Wu Cheng stretched out his hand to take the jade pendant, couldn't help showing a happy smile on his face, and said, "Your Majesty, I am very happy that you can come to see Mrs. Ben in person. Why spend so much money? I thank you on behalf of your brother. "

"That's what it should be, the queen doesn't have to be so polite."

Mrs. Wu said with some guilt: "My lady heard that before entering Sichuan, the son went to Soochow to see Mrs. Sun. After entering Sichuan, he treated me very politely. I don't know what I should do so that my son can accept me as a mother." ?”

Hearing what Wu said, she couldn't help but feel tighter. Her indifferent attitude towards her made her a little sad, so she apologized: "Queen, don't say that, it's because I didn't do well enough."

Seeing that Liu Chan still couldn't let go in front of her, Wu couldn't help sighing.

Then an eunuch came in and reported that Wu Yi, Wu's elder brother, had come to ask for an audience and was waiting outside.Wu did not shy away from Liu Chan, and asked the eunuch to invite someone in quickly.

Wu Yi has always been very low-key in his actions. Even now, as one of the five chariot and cavalry generals of the Shu Han, he is still indifferent on weekdays. It is almost impossible to see that he has any strengths or weaknesses. .But in the later period of the Shu Han, after Wei Yan died, he turned around and became the number one military figure with the highest voice in the Shu Han!It can be seen that this person is actually quite capable.

Soon, a burly and well-built general quickly entered the room, his eyes swept across the room, and he couldn't help being a little surprised to see that Liu Chan was also here.Anyone who has stayed in the court probably knows that the eldest son Liu Chan likes Mrs. Sun much more than Mrs. Wu, and has always had an ambiguous attitude towards Mrs. Wu. He never expected to see the eldest son in his sister's room today.

Wu Yi stepped forward to salute the two of them.Liu Chan has no relationship with Wu Yi on weekdays, but now seeing this uncle who has no blood relationship with him, he can only stand up and return the courtesy: "Uncle, don't be too polite."

Only then did Wu Shi ask Wu Yi why he was free to visit her today.Wu Yi smiled slightly and said, "Your sister-in-law has prepared some anti-abortion tonic for you, and I'll bring it to you by the way."

Although the two are succinct and concise, their strong brother-sister relationship is beyond words.Liu Chan knew that he should leave now, so as not to disturb the conversation of other brothers and sisters, he bid farewell to Wu.

Disappointment suddenly appeared on Wu's face, and he asked to stay: "It's rare for the son to come to Mrs. Ben, so why don't you stay and have a meal before leaving?"

Regardless of whether the other party was sincere or false, Liu Chan certainly would not stay to hinder others now, so he found an excuse to say goodbye to the Wu brothers and sisters.

After seeing Liu Chan leave, Wu Yi also stopped being polite, and asked the reason why the prince came to her.Wu Cheng shook the jade pendant in his hand, and threw it on the table without any hassle. The expression on his face suddenly became extremely contemptuous, and he said, "Isn't it just to give me this jade pendant? Such a broken thing, I don't know." There are many here!"

Wu Yi saw that his sister's attitude changed drastically in an instant, and asked, "Sister, what's the matter with you? The prince is also kind."

"Some good intentions? I'm afraid they have ulterior motives, and in the name of congratulations, let's see if I'm really pregnant!"

Wu Yi secretly sighed, feeling extremely sad and even more guilty.He lost his father when he was young, so he raised Wu Cheng alone.Wu's name "Amaranth" is to hope that she can survive as strong as amaranth.

Later, he took his younger sister to follow Liu Yan into Sichuan, but under Liu Yan's pressure, he had to marry his younger sister to Liu Mao, who had schizophrenia, and made her suffer all kinds of hardships.It was during that time that the originally innocent sister became no longer innocent.

Wu Yi had no choice but to persuade: "Sister, you are now the king and queen of Hanzhong, and you are already under one person and above ten thousand, why bother to be angry with the prince?"

Wu Cheng sneered and said, "Brother, do you really think my sister is just angry?" She reached out to touch her stomach, and told Wu Yi that she was planning for the upcoming child.

Wu Yi was stunned for a moment. Before the child was born, she was already preparing to seize the heir? !But who is the eldest son Liu Chan? Although he is young, he is extremely intelligent. He has repeatedly made great contributions to the King of Hanzhong. Now he has the support of many big figures, and even makes friends with people of all kinds. Is such a person so easy to deal with?

Wu Yi hurriedly persuaded: "Sister, the son himself is pure in character, and his behavior is even more innocent. How do you bring him down? I think it's better to forget it?"

Wu Cheng couldn't hear it, and said displeasedly: "Brother, you are too ambitious. Look at Mi Zhu, his current official position is much higher than that of General Cheqi! He is also an uncle of the country, why is there such a big difference? These things Just don't worry about it, I'll take care of it myself."

Wu Yi secretly sighed in his heart, Mi Zhu has been with the King of Hanzhong since he was in Xuzhou, who can compare to him for his contribution?And how did Wu Cheng know his elder brother's ambition?
Although Wu Yi knew that he had talent, but in the current situation where there are so many fierce generals in Shu Han and the stars are shining, no matter how he shows his talent, he will not have much chance to show off, so he can only choose to forbear.As for the struggle within the palace, he was indeed reluctant to participate.

So, Wu Yi had no choice but to say: "Then sister, take care of yourself. However, brother still wants to remind you that the prince is not as simple as it seems on the surface."

Wu Cheng nodded, and then sent Wu Yi out of the courtyard where he lived.After she returned to the room, she suddenly grabbed a teacup, smashed it to pieces on the ground, gritted her teeth and said, "Liu Chan! Liu Chan..."

(End of this chapter)

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