Chapter 148
In the blink of an eye, the New Year is coming soon, and Liu Chan distributed the box of silk sent by Qian Yan to the teachers and teachers of the National Academy of Medicine.

Then the board of directors wrote a New Year's thank you letter in the name of the National Academy of Medical Sciences to everyone who had funded the National Academy of Medical Sciences. Income and expenditure schedule.

The reason why they do this is to realize the transparent use of finances, so that all funders can feel at ease about their own funds, and it can also make them feel more at ease in handing over their funds to the National Hospital for use in the future.

This year is the first year for Liu Bei to become King of Hanzhong, so he notified the ministers early that a grand New Year's Eve dinner will be held this year.

Although Liu Chan is a noble son, in fact, there are only Zhuge Qiao and Deng Ai around him now.Zhuge Qiao, as the son of Zhuge's military adviser, must be qualified to participate without having to bring it by himself, so Liu Chan also brought Deng Ai there.

Although it was just the beginning of the colorful lanterns at this time, thousands of lights were already lit in the palace, shining like daylight.Moreover, quite a few people had come early, and the garden was very lively.

Deng Ai was originally from a poor background. When he was in Cao Wei, he was just a small official in charge of farming. Where had he seen such a prosperous scene? I was too shocked to move.

After the unitary hour, the banquet finally started under Liu Bei's announcement.

Zhuge Qiao and Deng Ai followed Liu Chan to the table.At this time, no matter what Liu Chan thought in his mind, the people who are qualified to come to the banquet today are either celebrities or officials with great power, so of course what Liu Chan has to do is to blend in immediately and exchange glasses with them.

Because Deng Ai's rank was too low and he was not very good at words, he sat in his seat and did not move at all. Zhuge Qiao had to stay with him and guide those famous people for him.

Deng Ai was already quite familiar with Kong Ming, Shi Guangyuan, Yi Ji and others who came to Sichuan from Jingzhou, so Zhuge Qiao guided Deng Ai to those Yizhou celebrities who had never met before.

First of all, the number one person, of course, is the No. [-] person in Yizhou Group, Shangshu Lingfa Zhengfa Xiaozhi.

This person has thick eyebrows and fine eyes, a slightly thin body, and his appearance is not outstanding.But if he and Zhang Song hadn't intervened in it back then, Liu Bei would not have been able to enter Xichuan. They were the two first heroes in entering Sichuan. Unfortunately, Zhang Song had been killed by Liu Zhang.

Fazheng is also Liu Bei's most trusted minister, and his closeness is even higher than that of Kong Ming.In fact, the marriage between Liu Bei and Wu Cheng was proposed by Fazheng. It can be seen that this person is very dedicated to bridging the gap between Liu Bei and Yizhou Haoqiang.It was precisely because of this that Zhuge Qiao guessed that this person would not do anything to Liu Chan now, but if the Wu family gave birth to a prince in the future, he might turn to support the Wu family.

The second person is of course Grand Tutor Xu Jing, he is Liu Chan's teacher in name, Deng Ai naturally recognizes him, and at this time he is talking and laughing happily with Liu Chan with a wine glass.However, although this person is well-known all over the world and is the head of the Confucian scholars, in fact his integrity is not strong, and his typical wall is on both sides.

The third person is Dong and Dong Youzai, from Zhijiang, Nanjun. Their ancestors were from Jiangzhou, Bajun.

This man has a majestic nature and a very simple life, and he can be regarded as the most upright one.Moreover, Zhuge Qiao has heard that Dong He's sons Dong Yun and Fei Yi may enter the Shizi Mansion next year and become the new servants of the Shizi.So with this relationship, it is unlikely that he will support Wu.

The fourth is Shangshu Liu Ba.This person is definitely an outlier among the officials of the Shu Han Dynasty, and the story with Liu Bei is even more legendary.

Back then, on the eve of the Battle of Chibi, Liu Bei was defeated by Cao Cao. Most of the Jingchu gentry went with Liu Bei, and only Liu Ba went north to meet Cao Cao.Cao Cao appointed him to be the governor, and later asked him to recruit Changsha, Lingling, and Guiyang. Liu Ba said: "Liu Bei should occupy Jingzhou, so it is impossible." Cao Cao said: "Being prepared is like a picture, and the six armies alone will follow. "Liu Ba is going.

Cao Cao was defeated in the Battle of Chibi, and Liu Ba fled to Vietnam. He was afraid that Liu Bei would find him, so he changed his surname to Zhang.Liu Ba later left Jiaozhou and was caught in front of Liu Zhang when he passed through the Zangcang Road. Liu Zhang asked him for advice.Liu Ba only said: "Bei, you are a hero, if you enter, you will be harmed, and you can't be inside." Liu Zhang refused to listen, and finally was annexed by Liu Bei, and finally became a high official in Yizhou under Liu Bei's hard and soft tactics.

This story is so interesting that Deng Ai almost spit out the wine after hearing it.Zhuge Qiao also laughed and said: "Mr. Liu Ba is currently raising funds for the treasury of the King of Hanzhong, and his work is very important. But this person is a typical person who has nothing to do with himself, and his indifference to others is much more serious than yours. It is impossible to participate in the reserve battle."

Then, Zhuge Qiaoyou introduced Peng Yang, Pang Yi, Qin Mi, Qiao Zhou and Huo Jun to Deng Ai.Next is the general.Deng Ai originally came from the army, so many generals are even more familiar to him than Zhuge Qiao.

At this moment, a man about 20 years old came to the table for two people.This person has a handsome appearance, an elegant complexion, and a bookish air in his demeanor, obviously he comes from that scholarly family, and his family background is not low.

When Zhuge Qiao saw this person, he stood up and called him Brother Dong.This person is Dong Yun, the son of Dong He, and he and Fei Yi enjoy a great reputation in Yizhou.

Dong Yun was much older than Zhuge Qiao, so Zhuge Qiao didn't need to be too polite, and seeing Deng Ai's face-to-face, he asked, "Brother Zhuge, who is this dear brother?"

After Zhuge Qiao's introduction, Dong Yun suddenly understood, stepped forward to salute and said: "I have heard about Brother Deng's strategy for a long time, and I am so lucky to see it today. I, Dong Yun and Dong Xiuzhao, have met Brother Deng."

Seeing Dong Yun's humility, I couldn't help being a little moved. I put away my usual proud posture and said politely: "Your Majesty Dong is very polite, how can Deng Ai's meager ability compare to one ten-thousandth of yours?"

Zhuge Qiao saw that Deng Ai had changed his normal behavior, and it was impossible for him to say such humble words even in front of the crown prince. He was greatly surprised, and invited Dong Yun to sit down and have a drink together.

After three rounds of drinking, the three of them saw a burly and handsome scribe also walking towards this side.Deng Ai has always had a unique vision, and he can tell at a glance that although this person is a scholar, he is mighty and majestic, with a faint military atmosphere on his body, and he looks like a Confucian general. He must be a person who serves in the army.

As soon as Dong Yun saw this person, he recruited him as well, and introduced Deng Ai to this person: "Wen Wei, you can't imagine that the brother in front of you is Deng Ai and Deng Shizai, who has been famous in Sichuan and Sichuan recently."

When Deng Ai heard that this person was "Wen Wei", he guessed that this person was Fei Yi Fei Wenwei who was as famous as Dong Yun, and immediately wanted to stand up.Unexpectedly, Fei Yi's subordinates looked at Deng Ai, and found that although Deng Ai was strong, he was not tall, his face was dark, and his appearance was too ordinary.

Fei Yi said indifferently, "So you are Deng Ai. I have heard that you were just a small farmer of Cao Wei at that time, so you should submit to my lord, and you will become famous in Hanzhong immediately."

Fei Yi's words were full of gunpowder, and there was a sour taste in his words.Deng Ai was originally a Fei Yi who could be a close friend with Dong Yun, and his character was probably similar, so he wanted to get acquainted with him politely, and didn't want to be so sarcastic!Proud as Deng Ai, how could he bear it, he was about to explode, but Zhuge Qiao secretly pulled his sleeves.

Only then did Deng Ai wake up, this place was not a place for him to get mad, but he just looked at Fei Yi with a dark face, unwilling to even say a word.

In order to alleviate the embarrassment, Zhuge Qiao first broke the silence and said: "Brother Fei, please take a seat. Although Deng Ai was a small official before, but the prince said that this person is 'a hero regardless of his background', so he valued him a lot. Now he follows Shi Guangyuan Master studied the art of war, the so-called fame in the first battle is also the reason for freedom."

Hearing Zhuge Qiao's neutral retaliation, Fei Yi also felt that he had slipped his words just now, and a trace of embarrassment inevitably appeared on his face.

But someone behind him said with a smile: "Wen Wei, you are usually very eloquent, but recently you have suffered in front of Bo Song, right?" Fei Yi turned his head and saw that it was the eldest son Liu Chan. .

Liu Chan asked Fei Yi not to be too polite, took Fei Yi's hand and asked him to sit down beside him.Fei Yi couldn't help feeling flattered to see the prince's behavior like this.

In fact, Liu Chan must of course value this Fei Yi. This is the person who will become his general in the future, and the person who will protect his territory. His position in life was higher than that of Jiang Wei!

Liu Chan poured wine glasses for each of the four, raised them up and said, "Today, you are all acquaintances, and you will all be civil and military officials of my Shu Han in the future. After you drink this cup, all gaps will disappear!"

The four clinked glasses, Deng Ai and Fei Yi looked up at each other, then drank down the wine.

Such a scene was observed by someone nearby, and Liu Bei and Kong Ming nodded to each other.Kong Ming smiled and said, "Congratulations, my lord."

Liu Bei smiled without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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