The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 149 The Queen's Conspiracy

Chapter 149 The Queen's Conspiracy
The new year has just passed, and the atmosphere of the new year is still very strong.

But Empress Wu Cheng of Hanzhong was not happy, because the voice of the prince has become more and more powerful recently. Not only the officials of the former Jingzhou Group actively supported him, but also many younger generations of the Yizhou Group are gradually moving closer to him. , Wu Cheng couldn't help but began to feel worried about her child's future.

Therefore, even though Wu Cheng is walking in the gorgeous plum garden, he has no intention of admiring it, just frowning and walking indiscriminately, which can be regarded as a kind of relaxation.

Then, seeing two maids not far away who didn't seem to be on duty, they were standing on the side of the road chatting together, Wu Cheng couldn't help frowning even tighter.She has always been strict with her servants, and the two of them are chatting here without doing anything, which has already broken her taboo, so she wants to go over and scold them.

I heard a maid say: "You are not surprised, our prince has prepared such a good house for the son in the palace, but the son has never lived in it. I heard that I live alone in a broken house outside. "

Another maid smiled and said: "He is the prince, how could he live in a dilapidated house? I heard that it is because the prince and our queen don't get along well. And I heard that he is already a busy man at a young age. I'm going to that hospital. If I live in the palace, it will be very inconvenient to go in and out."

The maid said with a smile earlier: "Yes, I suddenly remembered. When I went to deliver tea to the prince the day before yesterday, I heard the Taifu lord complaining to the prince that the son went to the hospital every day, but never went to him. After class. His grand tutor is just a decoration! The prince comforted the grand tutor and said: "Aiqing, that kid is very wild, and I, as a father, can't care about it!" The tutor was so angry that his face turned pale. .”

Speaking of this, the two maids couldn't help laughing.One of them asked again: "Tell me, is the National Hospital of Medicine really that good? Otherwise, why would the prince go there all day long!"

"I don't know. We don't know how to read and write. There are places where learned people go.  …"

Hearing this, Wu Cheng's heart moved. Since the thing Liu Chan cares most about is that ruined national hospital, as long as the King of Hanzhong shuts it down, see what you can do!
After coming up with such a vicious plan, Wu Cheng couldn't help but secretly rejoiced, so he stood there and shouted to the two maids: "You two are really courageous, and now you dare to be lazy and break your mouth here!"

The two maids saw that Wu Cheng was standing not far away, so she probably heard what the two of them said just now, their faces turned pale with fright, and they immediately knelt down and begged for mercy.

Wu Cheng sneered, and called two eunuchs to drag the two maids aside, and slapped each of them more than a dozen times, until they were so big that their noses and faces were swollen and they couldn't speak, then they calmed down a little, and warned them: "You two Listen to me, don't talk about things that shouldn't be discussed casually in the future!" Saying this, he left the two maids and walked away.

After Wu Cheng left the garden, he didn't go directly to Liu Bei, but went back to his place obediently.She lived under Liu Mao's morbid oppression for nearly ten years, and then lived alone and widowed for several years. She may not have learned much about other things, but there are few people in this world who can compare with herself of.

That night, Wu Cheng meticulously prepared a sumptuous dinner for Liu Bei just like in the past, and waited on Liu Bei carefully. After finishing the meal, he took Liu Bei's hand, put it on his belly, and said with a smile: "My lord , our child kicked the concubine several times today!"

Looking at this beautiful wife, Liu Bei couldn't help showing a gentle smile on his face, and then he really felt the fetal movement.Liu Bei laughed and said, "This kid must be a boy, otherwise why is he so naughty." He put his face on the queen's belly.

But Wu Cheng sighed, and said: "Our son is about to have a younger brother. But the son has been living outside alone, and he is still so young. The concubine is really worried that he will suffer outside!"

Liu Bei raised his head and said with a trace of apology: "That kid is used to being wild, and he won't come to live with me in the palace no matter what! It's rare that you care about him so much. I'll talk to him again in a few days. .”

Wu Cheng nodded, but told Liu Bei worriedly.She recently heard that the son has not gone to class with Xu Taifu, but has been going to the hospital all day long, which really makes people worry about his future studies.

Unexpectedly, Liu Bei shook his head and said: "My dear concubine, you don't know something. Xu Wenxiu is not a real person, and he is far behind Shi Guangyuan's talent and learning. Now that the son and Shi Guangyuan get along well, it is the best .”

How could a shrewd person like Wu Cheng not know this, and said, "But Master Xu's reputation is really great!"

Liu Bei patted Wu Cheng's jade hand, asked her to sit down, and said, "It's because of his great reputation that we can only let him take the position of Taifu!"

Wu Cheng pondered for a while, and told Liu Bei that she thought of a way to invite the son back to live in the palace.Liu Bei was also interested, so he asked Wu Cheng to tell the solution quickly.

Wu Cheng smiled and said, "Didn't the prince always use the busy affairs of the National Medical Academy as an excuse? Then you can appoint a supervisor yourself to help him manage the National Medical Academy?"

Liu Bei's first reaction was that the method the queen said was indeed feasible.If you do this, that boy Liu Chan's excuse will be self-defeating.

But when he thought about it carefully, he knew that there was a problem.Liu Chan has always cared for the National Academy of Medicine like a child, how could he easily let go of it to others?
When Liu Chan established the National Academy of Medicine, he made an agreement with Kong Ming: the government is not allowed to intervene in the internal affairs of the National Academy of Medicine.In the letter to himself, Kong Ming reported every single word.Originally, I still had concerns, worrying that he would form cliques or make friends with some bad friends, but this was not the case. The National Medical College has really cultivated a lot of unexpected talents for itself over the years.

Moreover, the son has also contributed a lot to his father's career. He was able to take down Hanzhong so easily this year. In fact, most of the credit should be attributed to the son.So Liu Bei doesn't want to make Liu Chan sad now.

Thinking of this, Liu Bei sighed, and wanted to give up—this kid is really enough for him, a father, to worry about.

From the look on his face, Wu Cheng realized that Liu Bei should have some doubts about his method, and said, "My lord, imagine, if after our child is born, I ask the concubine why his elder brother always stays out and doesn't come home?" If not, the concubine should really feel guilty."

Liu Bei sighed and did not answer.Seeing this, Wu Cheng became a little anxious. She also knew that Liu Bei was definitely not a soft-hearted person, so today she had to move out her unborn child for a gentle offensive.

Wu Cheng said sadly: "If the son doesn't agree in the end, we can at most just give up. There are no parents in this world who have ever won their children..."

Liu Bei couldn't help being moved when he heard this, and repeated the phrase "Where are there parents who have won their children in this world?"

Then, as if he had made up his mind, Liu Bei stood up and said, "Since you have said so about the struggle of a mother, I, a father, can only try. Don't worry, I will deal with this matter soon. It will be done."

But Wu Cheng took Liu Bei's hand, and said, "Your concubine must have made things difficult for you by saying this, right? If the prince chooses his own capable ministers to be the school supervisors, if the son refuses to do it, he will be dismissed again. I'm afraid it will hurt someone's heart, right?"

Liu Bei nodded. This is where the embarrassing thing happened. He said, "Queen, please rest first. If not, I will personally help him with the affairs of the National Academy of Medicine. In two days, I will choose a capable eunuch as the post." Superintendent."

This is exactly what Wu Cheng wants most. He is in charge of the harem, and all the eunuchs are under his own jurisdiction. As long as he secretly instigates it, there will be no chaos in the hospital?Then the day when the National Hospital will close is not far away!Thinking of this, Wu Cheng immediately felt elated.

(End of this chapter)

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