The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 150 Opening of Trade Routes

Chapter 150 Opening of Trade Routes

When the Wu family was plotting, Liu Chan was also plotting something, but for the future of the Shu Han, it was a major event with far-reaching impact.

This time Liu Chan not only brought along Deng Ai and Zhuge Qiao, but unexpectedly even brought Fei Yi and Dong Yun along.When they came to Han Long's house, they saw Han Long, Sun Yao, Qian Yan and an old man in a blue robe, waiting at the door early.

Seeing that Sun Yao was among them, Deng Ai rarely showed a smile on his serious face, and nodded slightly to her, and Sun Yao also smiled back.Only then did everyone greet them one after another, and after Liu Chan exchanged pleasantries with these people, he came to the living room of the Han family to divide the guests and hosts into seats.

Liu Chan didn't know the blue-robed old man, but Qian Yan wanted to sit at the head of this person when he saw Lie's seat.Moreover, this person is eight feet tall, with round eyes and sword eyebrows, and a long white beard. He is really extraordinary, so Liu Chan asked him for his name.

The old man stood up slowly, bowed neither humble nor overbearing, and said: "Little man Luo Tong, I pay my respects to your son."

Liu Chan understood that this person turned out to be Luo Tong Luo Yuanda, the head of the three wealthy businessmen in Jingzhou.Since Qian Yan went to Yizhou to explore the wind last time, he and the Luo family immediately started preparing for the move as soon as he returned to Jingzhou. So after the Chinese New Year, some members of the Luo family have already settled in Chengdu.

It's just that so far, the Xiao family, one of the three rich merchants, still hasn't moved at all.Moreover, Liu Chan has always heard that the Luo family is different from the Qian family and Xiao family among the three rich merchants.Although they belong to a family of merchants, all members of the family are quite knowledgeable and can be regarded as heirs of poetry and etiquette. When I saw this person today, I really had an extraordinary bearing.

Liu Chan couldn't help but praised: "Mr. Luo, please take a seat. I have seen Mr.'s demeanor recently. I know that Luo's leadership of Jingzhou business circles, and his rumors are not false."

Luo Tong smiled slightly, and took his seat after saying that the son had won the award, appearing quite confident.Only then did Liu Chan ask about the situation of the Xiao family.This aspect was originally in charge of Qian Yanzai, and he had to be familiar with the situation, so it was natural for him to answer, and he had to stand up immediately.Liu Chan smiled slightly, motioning for him to sit down and answer.

It turned out that the Xiao family was different from the Luo and Qian families.The Luoqian family can be said to be a Jingzhou business family born and raised, but the Xiao family is different. Their ancestors were originally horse traders in Jinyang.

Their business is also different from that of the Luo and Qian families. They mainly trade with Jizhou, Qingzhou and Youzhou. It can be said that they are inextricably linked with Cao Wei.There are also many people whose family members are officials in Cao Wei.Therefore, they are now hesitating whether to move back to Jinyang or enter Yizhou.

Now Liu Chan finally understood.This Xiao family is indeed quite special, and should be able to become a "official and business family". They are good at seeking official profit through business, and then seeking wealth through official profit. Such people emerged in endlessly in ancient China.

But as long as we do research, we can vaguely know that most of such aristocratic families have relatively tenacious vitality, and it is possible to continue to be rich for several generations.It's just that many times they often die overnight because of frustration in officialdom.

Liu Chan nodded. Although he was concerned about the entry of the three wealthy businessmen into Sichuan, since the Xiao family was an official businessman, there was no need for them to come in Yizhou to collude with the government and businessmen and corrupt the discipline here. Moreover, the reason why he met with the Han family today was so How big a businessman has an important purpose.

Liu Chan cleared his throat, took a painting from Zhuge Qiao, and said, "Everyone may have realized that this prince has something important to discuss with you today. You may not know that this prince has always been poor. Very, recently, because of a business incident last year, I owe the Sun family nearly [-] gold, and the IOU is still in my house."

When everyone heard this, except for Luo Qian who seemed shocked, everyone else couldn't help laughing.

It turned out that before Liu Chan wanted to enter Hanzhong privately last year, Han Long asked Sun Yao to transfer a batch of goods entering Guanzhong from Yizhou, which resulted in a loss of nearly 50 gold.Han Long originally wanted to repay the Sun family for this account, but it was all caused by Liu Chan. In the end, Liu Chan insisted on returning it by himself.It's just that his yearly expenses are only [-] gold, which can't be afforded. Fortunately, Liu Bei rewarded him with a large sum of money during the Chinese New Year, but it was still not enough, so he had to write down the IOU, which will be returned slowly in the future.

After laughing, Liu Chan then spread out the painting in his hand. Only then did everyone see that it was a map. The area marked on the west side was Dongwu Jiaozhou, while the area on the west side was sparsely marked, and some places were marked out. A small circle, do not know what it means.

Liu Chan pointed to the map and said: "Before the new year, my son asked the teachers of the school to draw a map of Nanyang. Due to lack of information, the result was drawn like this. You may know that Jiaozhou is rich in rice, but these areas are Not too much."

Sun Yao said: "Your Majesty is looking for us, do you want us to go there to buy rice?" After finishing speaking, a look of embarrassment appeared on her face.

Soochow's occupation of Jiaozhou is because Jiaozhou's terrain is deep into the sea, and there are many ports along the coast that can communicate with Soochow.But the area to the east of Jiaozhou is poor, the miasma is even worse, and the people are still uncivilized. It is really not a good idea to do business in such a place.

Liu Chan shook his head, of course this is not the case.It is a pity that Yizhou is not close to the sea unless it is transported by water for such a long distance.

Liu Chan said: "You may also know that Jiaozhou also produces luxury items such as pearls, corals, and ivory. But you may not know that the mountains of lynx, Siam and Donghuang to the west of Jiaozhou are rich in gold, silver, copper, iron, and ivory. , tiger skins, medicinal herbs and all kinds of red sapphires, right?"

Everyone was taken aback when they heard it. If what Liu Chan said is true, then this place is simply a treasure house.The benefit of salt and iron is known as the world's richest man, and everyone's heart can't help but start to feel excited.

Sun Yao said: "Your Majesty, although this place is a treasure land, the journey is far away. Even if the iron is produced, it is difficult to transport it to Yizhou!"

Liu Chan knew that they still didn't understand what he meant. How could it be so easy to open iron mines? Even looking for mines would take several years, right?
"This son doesn't mean that. The current iron production in Yizhou is enough, so naturally there is no need to look elsewhere. I would like to invite you to send people all the way to the southeast for trade. Go all the way to the northeast until you reach your body. Poison, I will send people to inspect the terrain and settlements along the way. When you trade, you can ask the locals to settle with gold and gems, I think it should be very profitable."

Luo Tong has been in business for half his life, and finally has seen a lot, so he naturally still had doubts in his heart, and said, "Your Majesty, if you want to transport products from Yizhou, the journey will be difficult and difficult."

Liu Chan secretly laughed, this Luo Tong must have thought that he wanted him to go south to do business because he wanted him to buy goods from Yizhou, and he was not such a rigid person.

He then said: "Mr. Luo's words are wrong. I know that Mr. Luo and Mr. Qian have done a great business in Soochow. Now that Sun Quan, the lord of Soochow, has opened up the sea trade route in Nanyang, the two might as well ship by sea from Soochow." Go to Jiaozhou, and then transfer to the inland. As for the road of getting poisoned, leave it to Mr. Han and the Sun family."

Seeing that Liu Chan was so flexible and not sticking to his own self-interest in Yizhou, Luo Qian and the two couldn't help but sigh in their hearts. If Liu Chan is engaged in business, he must be able to quickly become a rich man.

How did they know that Liu Chan didn't pay much attention to how much wealth was hidden there at all, what he cared about was the population there, otherwise he wouldn't want to send people to investigate there.

So Liu Chan said to them again: "Everyone, now China has gone through wars and has a population of more than one in ten, so if you can, you can buy indigenous slaves along the way. I think there must be many powerful people who are willing to buy them after returning. Enriching the population is a good business.”

When everyone heard it, they couldn't help but exclaimed how wonderful!In fact, Liu Chan knows that the current slave trade in Shendu is extremely developed, and it is definitely a good time to buy, so he will hand it over to the Han and Sun families who know more about it.As for the area to the east of Jiaozhou, due to the uncivilization, wars often broke out between tribes, and there must have been many captives.

Seeing that the matter was almost finished, Liu Chan announced that the candidate to follow Luo Qian to the south was Fei Yi, and the candidate to go north to be poisoned was Dong Yun!
These two people are the two most outstanding young people in Yizhou. Who doesn't know their names, who would have thought that they would be sent by Liu Chan to do such a lowly thing? !Everyone suddenly became speechless.But how did they know how important what Fei Yi and Dong Yun were going to do to Liu Chan's future world!
Seeing that the matter had been discussed, Liu Chan announced the end of the meeting.

Seeing this, Deng Ai couldn't wait to go forward and start talking with Sun Yaoxu.However, judging from the progress of the two, Liu Chan asked Deng Ai to complete Sun Yao's task in three months, and it would definitely be impossible to complete it.

(End of this chapter)

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