The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 151 Soliciting the head of the line

Chapter 151 Soliciting the head of the line
After Han Long sent Luo Qian and Sun Yao away, he came back to see Liu Chan again.Liu Chan found out that Deng Ai didn't come back with him. After asking, he found out that Deng Ai sent Sun Yao home.

Only then did he say to Han Long: "Mr. Han is right, they are really not willing to do this business. I am afraid that in the future, I will wrong you and do more of their work."

Han Long nodded and explained: "The Sun family has always been grateful to the son, so even if there is resistance, they should still help the son. The Luo Qian family, because they are eager to gain a foothold in Yizhou, will need the support of the son in the future. There are quite a lot of places, so it should be done according to Shizi's wishes. Shizi really doesn't have to worry too much, not to mention that this business may not necessarily be a loss of money."

Liu Chan also knew well that most of Han Long's words comforted him.

In fact, if you want to enter Southeast Asia, you can use government-business joint agencies to plunder.But anyone who has read "The Wealth of Nations" probably knows that Adam Smith once conducted a detailed analysis of the British East India Company and found that it was a money-losing product, and it was impossible to bring benefits to the country. Enter a large amount of financial subsidies.The conclusion is that only the corrupt officials of the East India Company are the real moneymakers!
So now that he knew this, Liu Chan thought, it is better to let private businessmen go there to trade first, figure out the situation there, and what to do next, and wait until he takes power in the future.

At this time, Zhuge Qiao stepped forward and said to Liu Chan: "My lord, the secret agent has sent news of the person you are looking for."

Liu Chan couldn't help but feel happy.It turned out that when Han Long learned that Liu Chan wanted him to re-open the "Shu Body Poison Road" with the Sun family business, he told Liu Chan in embarrassment that he had no talents who had gone through that road, so of course Liu Chan could only help He looks for someone.Liu Chan later handed over this task to Zhuge Qiao, asking him to use Kong Ming's spies to find someone.

Liu Chan took the spy report in Zhuge Qiao's hand and saw that the other party was a 43-year-old middle-aged man named Jia Huai, who now lives in the south of Chengdu.

Liu Chan handed over the information to Han Long.After reading it, Han Long said with a smile, "I never thought Mr. Zhuge could handle things so quickly. But what kind of person is this?"

Zhuge Qiao told all the information he had collected.

This Jia Huai's grandfather was the original Yizhou tycoon Jia Long.Before Liu Yan entered Sichuan, peasants led by Ma Xiang and Zhao Da launched an uprising that swept across the entire territory of Yizhou.Jia Long quickly assembled armed forces to suppress the rebels, and defeated the rebels within a few days.When Liu Yan arrived, Jia Long sent officials to meet him.But Jia Long later clashed with Liu Yan and almost wiped out his family. This Jia Huai was one of the survivors back then.

After this person grew up, his life was already in short supply. In order to support his family, he had to go south with some caravans. It was not until a few years ago that he returned to Chengdu and bought a small house.I heard that his health has been very bad recently, and he has been sick for several days, probably because he has been traveling in other places all year round and his body has been damaged.

Liu Chan nodded when he heard this, and already had his own plans in mind.It seems that Jia Huai's life is not easy, and now he is bedridden, so it should be easy.He said to Han Long: "Mr. Han, let's go meet this Jia Huai together. If you think it's okay, then hire him to be the head of your firm."

Han Long naturally wouldn't object.

Liu Chan also called a servant of the Han family to go to the National Hospital and inform the second senior brother Fan A to go to the south of the city. The senior brother Wu Pu is still in Soochow to treat Lu Su and has not returned yet.The three of them went out together and got into Liu Chan's carriage to the south of the city.

The south of the city is different from the west of the city. It can be regarded as a relatively dirty and messy residential area for the poor.The carriage turned around in many narrow streets, and after a lot of effort, it finally found Jia Huai's home.

It was a dilapidated hut, the door was closed tightly, and the paint on it was so badly peeled off that the color of the paint could no longer be discerned.

The wall is very low, it may really be an old house, and the foundation of the corner of the wall has been washed away by the rain, and more than half of it is exposed.There are still some dry weeds growing on the wall, withered and yellow, without a trace of spirit.

It seems that Jia Huai is indeed poor enough.

At this time, Liu Chan regretted that he didn't go to the National Medical College to pick up the second senior brother, because the road here is really complicated, and I don't know if he can find it!Liu Chan sighed secretly, and after getting out of the car, he asked the coachman to go out on the road and wait for the second senior brother Fan Ah, and he was determined to pick him up.

Only then did Han Long knock on the door, but no one came to open it for a long time.Then I heard a passing sister-in-law say: "There's no need to knock, his house is completely bare, and there are no thieves willing to take care of it. The door must not be closed."

Han Long was taken aback for a moment, then pushed a little harder with his hands, and the door actually opened.

Han Long thanked the sister-in-law, then went in with Liu Chan and Zhuge Qiao, and found that the situation inside was even more dilapidated.

There is a small yard in front of me, and I don’t know how long it has been since it was cleaned. Not only is it dirty, but there are also weeds in many places.Several cracks appeared on the walls of the house, twisting like octopus hands.

The three of Han Long didn't hesitate this time, they directly entered the small courtyard, pushed open the door of the room, and saw a pale middle-aged man struggling to get up from the couch, looking sickly at the three people outside the door .It seems that the knock on the door just now alarmed him, but he was too lazy to respond because of his illness. This person is really seriously ill.

The man originally thought it was the creditor who came to collect the debt again, and his face looked very depressed.Seeing that the three people who appeared in front of him were all dressed in expensive clothes, and he didn't know what the other party was here for, he was extremely surprised and asked about their identities.

Liu Chan was limited by his own status, and of course it was impossible to negotiate with a poor man, so he nodded to Han Long.Han Long then revealed his identity, but did not mention the identities of Liu Chan and Zhuge Qiao.In fact, Han Long had just come from Jingzhou not long ago, and his name was not well known in Chengdu, so that person had never heard of Han Long's name.He just nodded to Han Long, his eyes still full of doubts.

Han Long asked, "Are you Jia Huai, the grandson of Jia Long?"

Hearing this question, the man's puzzled eyes suddenly changed, and he asked nervously, "Are you really just a shopkeeper of a company? Jia Long's matter has nothing to do with me!"

Seeing that Jia Huai had become so frightened, Han Long obviously thought he was Jia Long's enemy who came to seek revenge, or was it because of the genocide that year that made him still feel frightened?
Han Long comforted Jia Huai and said, "Don't be nervous, I'm really just the shopkeeper of the company. I came to see you, Jia Huai, and just mentioned your background by the way. I heard that you used to follow the caravan on the 'Shushen Poison Road'." 'yes?"

Jia Huai shook his head and said, "I've heard of that road, but I used to follow the caravan along one part of it, and the farthest was Siam, and the rest was handed over to foreigners for re-export."

Han Long had no choice but to ask Jia Huai if he knew anyone who had walked that road completely.Jia Huai's answer was no, because that road passed through many poor mountains and bad waters, and there were countless ethnic minorities along the way, who often robbed the passing caravans.The most frightening thing is that the climate there is extremely easy to cause various infectious diseases, and it is simply impossible to guard against.So unless it's a local Aboriginal, almost no one wants to go too far there.

Liu Chan saw that what Jia Huai said was consistent with some memory fragments he got from Yang Hansheng in his previous life, so he asked about the situation of the ethnic minorities along the way.

Seeing that this time, Jia Huai was asked by a handsome young man, and looking at his and Han Long's looks, the two seemed not to be father and son, and their temperament was better than Han Long's.But now his body is weak, and after all these words, his physical strength is a bit unbearable, he apologized: "I haven't eaten for a day, and I'm not feeling well, can I lie down and talk?"

Liu Chan nodded, and Han Long went over to help him lie down. He smelled a sour smell coming from his body, and it seemed that he hadn't bathed for some days.Jia Long lives alone. Once he gets sick, there will be no one to take care of him, and his body will inevitably get dirty.Liu Chan asked Zhuge Qiao to go out and buy more food and food.

Jia Huai saw that the two of them were not related to him, but they helped him in this way, and he was very grateful in his heart, so he introduced everything he knew along the way in detail.As expected, he was very experienced in business, and Han Long nodded from time to time, but after he finished speaking, he was already a little out of breath, and his physical illness must be really serious.

When the conversation was almost over, Zhuge Qiao and a thin, somewhat dark middle-aged man entered the room at the same time. This man was Hua Tuo's second apprentice, Fan A.It turned out that the two met on the road and came together.The coachman followed behind the two of them, and gently put the bag on his shoulders on the ground, which was obviously filled with grain.

Liu Chan introduced Jia Huai to Fan Ah, and said, "Second Senior Brother, this man is seriously ill, please take a good look at him."

Fan Ah nodded, with an indifferent smile on his thin face, he sat in front of Jia Huai's window and introduced himself: "I am a doctor from the National Medical Academy, and I am here to treat you now."

Jia Huaiqi said, "I didn't find a doctor? Besides, I didn't pay you for medical treatment either!"

Han Long pointed to Liu Chan and said with a smile: "Mr. Fan A is one of the most famous doctors in Chengdu. Our young master invited him. Naturally, we also pay for the medical expenses. You just have to put your heart in your stomach."

When Jia Huai heard this, a trace of gratitude appeared on his pale face, and after thanking Liu Chan and others several times, he obediently cooperated with Fan A to see a doctor.After the examination was completed, Fan A wrote a prescription and handed it to Liu Chan's coachman. When he returned, he went to the medical clinic to dispense the medicine.

At this time, Zhuge Qiao handed over the food in his hand to Jia Huai.In fact, Jia Huai hadn't eaten all day, and now he was really hungry, and he didn't care about what to eat, so he started eating under the watchful eyes of everyone.

Seeing that it was time to get back to business now, Liu Chan said to Jia Huai, "Jia Huai, to tell you the truth, the reason why Mr. Han and I came to see you today to see a doctor is not to do good deeds. Mr. Han The firm wants to do business with the poisonous person, are you willing to go there and be the leader?"

Jia Huai stopped eating immediately, stared at Liu Chan with wide eyes in surprise, swallowed the food in his mouth forcefully before chewing it well, as if he suddenly became more energetic, and said loudly: "As long as you give Of course I am willing to pay wages! But I am afraid that I will not be able to do it."

Han Long smiled slightly and said: "What I lack now is a person who is familiar with the road. Don't worry, I will send someone to help you when the time comes. You can take a good rest now, and I will send a servant to help you later." You make medicine."

After saying that, the four of Liu Chan walked out of the house together, got into the carriage and left, leaving only Jia Huai still puzzled, why do these people think so much of such a down-and-out person like himself?
It was not until many years later that Jia Huai realized how great the impact of what he did on the world and on the local aborigines was.But at that time, he will face another doubt. Was it right or wrong for him to agree to work for Han Long and Liu Chan for a salary?
(End of this chapter)

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