Chapter 153

It was late at night, almost midnight, and the moon hung high in the sky.

Under the clear light of the moonlight, the bamboo shadows dance in the small courtyard, casting mottled shadows on the ground. Occasionally, when the wind blows by, the bamboo leaves make a slight sound.

Liu Chan's bedroom was still brightly lit.A reddish color appeared on the thin window paper.

Zhuge Qiao said: "Your Majesty, the queen has just secretly summoned Qu Bo. But our people did not find out what was said between them."

Liu Chan nodded, and said, "If Qu Bo has any value, it must be because he is now a school supervisor and has a close relationship with me."

"You mean, the queen is aiming at the National Hospital? She is too daring, dare to touch that place?"

Liu Chan sneered and said, "Of course she doesn't dare to get involved. If a woman wants to get involved in the Medical State Academy, the first person to stand up against it is definitely Grand Tutor Xu Wenxiu. That old man leads the world's scholars, although he doesn't like the Medical State Academy very much. Academy, but it is impossible for a woman to get involved in the place of learning."

Zhuge Qiao nodded: "During the New Year, you invited Xu Taifu to the party on behalf of the teacher of the School of Economics, but the Taifu deliberately refused. He really doesn't like the Medical Academy."

"When the National Academy of Medicine moved to Yizhou, I promised Senior Brother Wang Meng that I would let him talk to Xu Jing. Now I have broken the contract myself, and I am really sorry for him."

Zhuge Qiao comforted: "Your Majesty, you don't have to feel too guilty. Mr. Wang probably knows Xu Jing's character now, and his desire to meet Xu Jing has probably faded a lot. So, what should we do next?"

Liu Chan said lightly: "We are passive now, and the other party is active. For the time being, let the teachers and teachers of the National Medical College restrain the words and deeds of the students. I think Qu Bo can only start from this aspect. I want to see Wu's take the initiative." What the hell are you going to do when you come down! Have you collected all the information about Wu and Qu Bo?"

Zhuge Qiao nodded, and said: "Everything is complete. The reason why Qu Bo was able to gain the trust of the King of Hanzhong is that he never took bribes, and on the other hand, his behavior was relatively strict. But the investigation found that he had a Achilles' heel, he was brought up by his elder brother Qu Lang, and now he is running around for Qu Lang's official career. But in fact, Qu Lang is an illiterate person, and the queen may have worked hard on this point."

Liu Chan laughed: "Even if we have problems with the students of the National Medical College, as long as we grasp this point in the end, it will be enough to save the defeat."

But Liu Chan was too confident, and things were not developing as he expected.

A few days later, crimes outside the hospital occurred one after another, and the incidents quickly spread to the hospital.Some people have even started to spread rumors that the students of the National Academy of Medicine are actually the subjects of the crime.

Because the Zhuge military division implemented "severe punishments and severe laws" in Yizhou, Yousi did not dare to neglect. Although he knew that the Yiguoyuan was the territory of the eldest son Liu Chan, he still had to send people into the campus to arrest those who were said to be involved. criminal students.I don't want to, as soon as they entered, they were stopped by the officers and soldiers on duty in the National Medical Institute, and then the students of the National Medical Institute naturally followed suit, and the two sides were at a stalemate for a while.

Liu Chan never expected that Wu Cheng would make such a vicious move on him—she didn't make a fuss about the students' outrageous remarks at all, and she didn't let Qu Bo stand in front of the stage to make trouble, but used the trick of framing her!

Liu Chan was very annoyed immediately, so he had no choice but to go to Shi Guangyuan to discuss countermeasures.

Although Shi Guangyuan was also anxious, he already had his own thoughts in his heart, and said, "Your Majesty, I don't think it's that simple behind this matter. Qu Bo just entered the National Medical Academy not long ago, why did something happen in the National Medical Academy? The National Council has been established for so long, why did nothing happen before?"

Liu Chan then told what he knew about Qu Bo and Wu Shi.After hearing this, Shi Guangyuan couldn't help being annoyed and said, "The power struggle in your own family is all involved in learning!"

Liu Chan's face turned red, but what Shi Guangyuan said was right.However, the nature of Chinese people is generally like this. When it comes to power struggles, they always like to drag the innocent people around them into the water.He had no choice but to apologize and said, "Sir, don't be angry first. If you want to blame, you have to wait until the matter subsides. The most important thing now is to find a countermeasure as soon as possible."

Shi Guangyuan's face softened a little, and he said: "Now the government is going to arrest people, we have only two choices: let the government take people away, or not let them go."

Liu Chan couldn't help being a little embarrassed. If the board of directors were to decide this matter, they would probably choose to let the government take the students away, but by then the board's prestige in the school would be discredited.It would be against the law to prevent the government from taking people away, which would be even more detrimental to the situation of the National Academy of Medicine.

The two immediately started discussing and finally decided that this matter should be decided by all the teachers-in fact, this is a tricky approach, after all, it is a decision made by everyone, and success or failure will not damage the prestige of the board of directors.

Therefore, Liu Chan, Zhang Fangping, Zu Wen and Hua Tuo held a plenary meeting in the name of the board of directors to discuss ecological solutions.Everyone is very clear in their hearts that this incident is not only related to the reputation of the Yiguoyuan, but if there is a fierce confrontation between the Yiguoyuan and the government, it will definitely hurt the law "Shu Ke" formulated by Zhuge Junshi and the reputation of Liu Bei, the king of Hanzhong. Authority, there is no guarantee that the "disaster of the party's imprisonment" will not be staged again!So everyone discussed it very intensely.

At the meeting, everyone's opinions were divided into two groups.

One group of opinions is that scholars can be killed but not humiliated, and those gangsters outside must be slandering the students of the National Academy of Medicine.These people can be described as "clear streams", and they are all scholars with serious scholar-official plots.

The other group's opinion is that, on the one hand, they should be handed over to the government to prevent the situation from expanding;

Liu Chan naturally supports the second option. "Shu Ke" implements severe punishment laws, but in fact there are many, many loopholes. Officials' judgment of the severity of crimes is also very arbitrary. Officials' interference in judicial affairs is even more commonplace.So even though he firmly believed in the justice of "Shu Ke", he still couldn't believe that the officials' trial would be fair.

After Liu Chan expressed his views, everyone responded immediately.Therefore, the next struggle of the National Academy of Medicine will naturally focus on lobbying.

Therefore, after the votes of all the teachers' meetings, the principle of minority obeying the majority agreed to hand over the "criminal" students to the department for trial, and then the teachers relied on their own contacts to start lobbying activities in various government offices.

However, almost everyone ignored a group at this time: the students of nobles and powerful families in the hospital.

A large number of these people are concentrated in the scholastic schools of the National Academy of Medicine.And most of the students who were framed came from the most influential school of economics, otherwise Wu's impact on the National Academy of Medicine would naturally be insufficient.Seeing their classmates being framed by others, these students, encouraged by Zhuge Qiao, went home and started a powerful lobbying together.

And Liu Chan also launched his own actions.He first ordered Deng Ai to go to the Han family and the Sun family to borrow the two householders, and go to various parts of the city to help investigate the origins of those troublemakers.Most of the followers of the Han family and the Sun family are knight-errants from all walks of life, so it should be easy to find clues.

Then, Liu Chan took Zhuge Qiao to find Zhuge Army Master and explained to him everything he knew.

After Kong Ming finished listening, his indifferent demeanor did not change, and he said: "Your Majesty, don't be in a hurry, this matter can be big or small. If it is small, it can turn into nothing, but if it is big, it may cause court discussions. At that time, it will depend on your son's strength." But now there is news from the north that Cao Cao is seriously ill, and now is not the time for internal fighting. And since Qu Bo was ordered by the Queen, I am afraid that the King of Hanzhong already knows about it."

Liu Chan nodded and said: "Please pay close attention to Cao Cao's matter. However, it is impossible for Wu to defeat me through the matter of the National Academy of Medicine. It seems that he just wants to shake the mountain."

Kong Ming shook his head and said, "My lord, you have experienced too little tempering. The queen has experienced hardships since she was a child, and her temperament is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary people. According to Liang's guess, the queen's focus this time is not on the son or the hospital. body, but on the King of Hanzhong."

Liu Chan was surprised and said: "The King of Hanzhong?! Why is it my father? She can't find death by herself. How many people in this world can do things that can be hidden from my father's eyes?"

"Your Majesty, even if the King of Hanzhong clearly knows that someone is doing tricks, he can only turn a blind eye to some things. For example, Your Majesty secretly wins over the powerful children of Yizhou, do you think the King of Hanzhong will not know about it? So, Queen This time, it should be to separate the relationship between the prince and the king of Hanzhong. If the prince has a strong conflict with the king of Hanzhong because of impulsiveness in this matter, the queen will definitely benefit from it."

Thinking of this, Liu Chan couldn't help but be surprised. The teachers of the National Medical College should have started lobbying the officials of various yamen by now.Although these people are all scholars who are indifferent to the world, in the eyes of outsiders, they are all members of the eldest son Liu Chan. Isn't it obvious that they are forming a party for personal gain with such wanton activities?
Now the Yizhou Haoqiang group is enough to cause Hanzhong King a headache. If these scholar-bureaucrat groups come out to make trouble, I wonder if he will continue to tolerate it!Liu Chan quickly told about the teachers' meeting of the National Academy of Medicine.

Kong Ming sighed softly and said: "Since the matter has developed to this point, the prince simply took this opportunity to win over the original Yizhou officials and seek their support for you. Then even if the King of Hanzhong is dissatisfied with the prince, he will not There will be something to show. And the queen can only steal chickens and lose money because of this, strengthen the strength of the son, and make her retreat, and we can calm the situation down as soon as possible!"

Liu Chan immediately understood that he was not a good boy in Liu Bei's mind, even if he was called to scold him because of this, as long as the matter of the National Academy of Medicine can calm down, he doesn't care.And with Kong Ming, the most powerful pillar of Liu Bei's camp, supporting him behind his back, can this Wu family still make trouble?
Liu Chan sneered.

(End of this chapter)

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