The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 154 Eliminate the invisible

Chapter 154 Eliminate the invisible
All the things that happened in the National Academy of Medicine were watched by Qu Bo, the calm supervisor. After the six students suspected of crimes were taken away by the government, he immediately took Huang Hao back to the Hanzhong Prince's Mansion. .The two split up, Huang Hao went to report the situation to the princess, and Qu Bo went to report to the King of Hanzhong.

Liu Bei was dealing with government affairs at this time, and when he saw Qu Bo coming to report in such a hurry, his face was full of panic, which was far from his usual serious image, so he asked him why he was so flustered.

Of course, Qu Bo's panic was feigned, and he hurriedly stepped forward to report in a low voice: "My lord, something serious has happened to the National Hospital of Medicine!"

Liu Chan immediately put down the watch in his hand, and asked Qu Bo to clarify the matter quickly.Qu Bo told all about the crimes committed by the six students of the Medical Academy, the confrontation between the government and the defense guards inside, the meeting of the teachers of the National Academy of Medical Sciences, and the lobbying of the teachers and students in various government offices.In the end, he told Liu Bei as if unintentionally, that the prince seems to have started to form a party with those literati and inkmen for personal gain.

"Forming a party for personal gain" was something that was tabooed by the last emperors in the royal family or in the officialdom. How many children of the royal family, high-ranking officials and dignitaries were implicated and killed because of this trumped-up charge!

When Liu Bei heard this, his face turned ugly, and the anger in his heart suddenly burst out.But soon, he realized that the son always acted according to the rules in the National Hospital of Medicine, never made decisions on his own, and always handled things with Zhang Fangping, Zu Wen, Hua Tuo and Shi Guangyuan. professional.

Then it is not impossible for the Academy of Medical Sciences to convene all the teachers to discuss the countermeasures, and it is also in line with Shizi's consistent principles of conduct - being able to listen to other people's opinions, which is also the most similar thing Shizi is to himself.As for the lobbying of various yamen, the seriousness of it will have to wait until after the investigation.

Thinking of these, Liu Bei's emotions immediately calmed down, and he quickly made a decision in his mind.

Seeing Liu Bei's mood change, Qu Bo couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.In fact, how did he know that although there was a gap between Liu Bei and Liu Chan and his son, but because of Kong Ming and his son as a bridge, Liu Bei knew his every move very well.Therefore, Wu thought it was difficult to separate the father and son by relying on some trivial matters.

Liu Bei didn't say anything to Qu Bo anymore, he just waved his hand to let him go down.

The next day, a lot of gossip suddenly spread in the streets and alleys of Chengdu, and people talked about it.

——Queen Wu of Hanzhong, because she didn't like Liu Chan, the prince of Hanzhong, scolded him when he went to visit him, and smashed the gift sent by the prince.

——The queen of Hanzhong wants to pave the way for the prince who is about to be born, and secretly colludes with the eunuch to put her son Liu Chan to death!

——Because of jealousy of the relationship between the eldest son Liu Chan and Mrs. Sun who had returned to Soochow, the queen of Hanzhong became angry from embarrassment and wanted to frame her eldest son Liu Chan.


For a time, the queen of Hanzhong, Wu Cheng, was pushed to the forefront by public opinion, and the conflict between Liu Chan and the Wu family gradually became clear and public.

People with some brains naturally immediately connected the incident at the National Hospital of Medicine with the struggle between the two.And this was exactly what Liu Chan wanted, because these rumors were all caused by him instructing Han Long's disciples to go out for a walk.

Li Yan, the doctor of the censor, first learned about the situation, and immediately wrote a letter to Liu Bei. In addition to informing Liu Bei of the situation he knew in detail, his words were quite sympathetic to Liu Chan's misfortune, and he seemed to be blaming him. Liu Bei's lax discipline of his wife caused such a scandal to spread outside, which meant that the dignity of the royal family was damaged.

After Liu Bei looked at the watch, he was furious, threw the watch on the table, and said angrily, "Li Yan, this guy is so daring, he dares to judge the king's family affairs!"

But very soon, Xu Jing, Fazheng, Dong He, Liu Ba, Mi Zhu, Jian Yong, Yi Ji and other high-ranking civil servants apparently also learned about this matter, and actually wrote a letter for it at the same time.

Most of them maintained a neutral attitude and did not express too many personal opinions on this matter, but all of them, like Li Yan, very unanimously asked Liu Bei to take care of his family and calm down the situation as soon as possible, otherwise the majesty of the King of Hanzhong will be certain. will be damaged.

Now that the matter has developed to the point of alarming the court, Liu Bei knows that this is no longer as simple as a few students from the Medical Academy committing crimes, but has something to do with the prestige of the royal family of Hanzhong.

It's just that what Liu Bei didn't understand was that most of these people who submitted letters were inextricably linked with the National Academy of Medicine.

The reason why Xu Jing made a move was because the teachers of the School of Economics had jointly asked Xu Jing for help yesterday, saying that the old man could not evade the connection with the Wu family;
Fa Zheng wrote the letter under the persuasion of his son Fa Miao, because Fa Miao was Wang Meng's outstanding student second only to Zhuge Qiao;

Dong He's son, Dong Yun, is already Liu Chan's confidant, so of course Dong He must be towards Liu Chan;

Although Mi Zhu doesn't like Liu Chan very much, but he is Liu Chan's uncle in name, and he still tends to support Liu Chan;

Liu Ba is quite strange, he has always been a withdrawn person, so he would write letters for other people's family affairs?Moreover, Liu Chan severely criticized his salt and iron monopoly policy in the National Academy of Medicine, which is completely trying to suck the bones of the people, seeking temporary benefits but not helping the well-being of the people at all, so the relationship between the two is actually very bad.His writing this time is really unexpected, and what is even more surprising is that his words also have the meaning of defending Liu Chan;

Jian Yong and Yi Ji are highly trusted by Liu Bei, and they also have a deep personal relationship with Liu Chan on weekdays, so why not help Liu Chan at this time?

Just when Liu Bei was extremely annoyed by these inscriptions and the rumors outside, an eunuch came in and reported that the eldest son Liu Chan was crying and waiting outside the study, as if he had suffered a great grievance.

Liu Bei was in a fit of anger at this time, and when he heard the eunuch's words, he cursed in his heart, and now I am the one who wants to cry the most!He immediately shouted: "Let that unfilial bastard get out of here!"

As soon as Liu Chan entered Liu Bei's study, he did not step forward to salute without haste as usual, but suddenly knelt down on the ground and wept bitterly, as if he had infinite grievances in his heart.

Ever since Liu Chan grew up, Liu Bei had never seen him cry so sadly, and his anger towards Liu Chan suddenly turned into distress.He stood up from his seat, stepped forward to help Liu Chan up, and asked, "Adou, why are you crying so sadly?"

Liu Chan cried and said: "A Dou is not sad, A Dou is blaming himself! When I was young, Mi's mother died in Changbanpo because of me, and my own mother, Mrs. Gan, also died of weakness and illness because of giving birth to me. Sun's mother died because of me. I was tricked back to Soochow, woo woo... Now, because of me, my family has caused Wu's mother to resent the child, which almost caused the family to change, and now there is a lot of discussion in and outside the city! All this is the child's fault, the child must He is an ominous person who always breaks up his father's family..."

Liu Bei's eyes turned red when he heard this.Although he is a cruel hero, he almost never thinks about the lost women, but now seeing Liu Chan crying so sadly, he can't help feeling sad.

Liu Bei sighed lightly, telling Liu Chan not to be so sad anymore, it was not his fault that his mothers left, but it was because he, as a husband, was unable to protect them well at that time.

Then, Liu Bei pulled Liu Chan to sit down, while comforting Liu Chan, while understanding the situation, Liu Chan slowly stopped crying.

Liu Bei quickly learned about the situation from Liu Chan, especially when he heard Liu Chan say that Qu Bo was just standing on the sidelines watching the scene when the incident happened in the National Academy of Medicine, he couldn't help being furious.

As the school supervisor, Qu Bo is responsible for supervision, so how can he ignore the students when they have accidents?Lei Lei couldn't help but also began to suspect that Qu Bo had really colluded with Wu.Liu Bei immediately sent an order to Li Yan, the censor doctor, to personally try the matter of the National Academy of Medicine and Qu Bo's dereliction of duty.

After Liu Chan left, Liu Bei ordered someone to find Mrs. Wu, and angrily reprimanded her, telling her that she would never target Liu Chan again, and if there were any similar incidents or rumors, she would do it by herself. Bar!

In fact, Mrs. Wu was also very depressed in her heart. She never thought that rumors would spread outside, and those old officials of Liu Zhang had completely turned to Liu Chan's side!
Now hearing Liu Bei's ruthless words, Wu's face turned pale with fright, because Liu Bei's intention was to let her finish herself when the time comes!
Wu immediately knelt down on the ground and repeatedly assured Liu Bei that he would never dare again in the future, and Liu Bei's anger finally calmed down a little.At this time, the Wu family finally knew how terrifying and heartless Liu Bei's appearance was when he was angry.

Liu Chan walked out of Hanzhong Palace, Zhuge Qiao and Deng Ai were already waiting outside, the tears on his face had already been replaced with a faint smile.

After the three of them got into the carriage, Liu Chan said with a smile: "The military master is really clever. After I said everything he taught, my father didn't blame me! But, of course, I have a part of the credit for this, if not How could I have found the Destiny Purple Leaf Grass to cry so realistically in front of my father? But my eyes hurt so much right now, I almost can’t open them..."

Zhuge Qiao and Deng Ai both burst out laughing at the same time.Deng Ai said: "It's a pity that if it weren't for the news that Cao Cao was seriously ill this time, we must fight the queen hard. Now it's too useless to calm things down so easily!"

Zhuge Qiao nodded and said: "My father said, although it is a little wronged to let you do this, son, but now the overall situation should be the most important thing, and the stability of Yizhou should be the most important. Therefore, it is impossible for him to tolerate you and the queen. Keep on fighting."

Liu Chan nodded, of course he understood that the biggest enemy now is Cao Wei, if he and the Wu family continue to fight, it is likely to consume the strength of Liu Bei's camp, which is really not worth the candle.He then asked Zhuge Qiao, "Has the news of Cao Cao's serious illness been confirmed?"

"No, but the news should come soon. My father said that the King of Hanzhong seems to have taken action against Cao Wei."

Liu Chan nodded. Cao Cao is not young now. If he is really seriously ill, he will die soon. At that time, Cao Cao's heirs will definitely start a fierce internal struggle because of the reserve position. It is an excellent time for the Shu Han to take action against it!

However, Liu Chan has already neglected many things because of being too excited at this time—things that he should have thought of and been worried about all the time!
(End of this chapter)

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