Chapter 155
Liu Chan then asked about the situation of Qu Bo and the people around Wu, whether they had really checked everything out.Zhuge Qiao nodded confidently and said: "Recently, the spies discovered that there was a new eunuch with a new face beside Qu Bo. After investigation, this person should be the person next to Queen Wu."

"Could it be someone sent by the queen to monitor Qu Bo?"

Zhuge Qiao nodded.Liu Chan couldn't help laughing and said: "This Qu Bo is also very interesting. He was sent by the queen to monitor the National Hospital, and now he is also being monitored. What is the name of the little eunuch, and how is he?"

"The name is Huang Hao. It is said that he used to be a well-known gangster in the city. The so-called man knows how to please the queen. Now he is one of the queen's favorite people."

Hearing the name "Huang Hao", Liu Chan suddenly pondered: "Huang Hao, Huang Hao? ... Oops! I remembered!" Liu Chan finally couldn't help exclaiming.

This Huang Hao is in another time and space, isn't he the guy who was favored by Liu Chan as an eunuch, and who is in charge of Shu Han Chao Gang? !This guy did a lot of bad things: he colluded with his party members in the court and killed Zhongliang; separated Liu Chan and his younger brother Liu Yong, making Liu Yong unable to face the saint for more than ten years; accepted bribes from Wei Guo and tried to kill General Jiang Wei, etc. There are so many evil deeds.

Thinking of this, Liu Chan's face became cold, and a fierce light appeared in his eyes, like a wolf staring at its prey.Both Zhuge Qiao and Deng Ai were taken aback by Liu Chan's sudden vicious appearance. Zhuge Qiao quickly pulled Liu Chan's sleeve and asked, "My lord, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me like this." .”

Only then did Liu Chan come to his senses, but he already had a countermeasure in his mind, and said, "It's nothing, I just thought of something. Although our struggle with the queen is temporarily terminated, this is just the lull period of the new war!"

Deng Ai's thoughts turned the fastest, and he said in surprise: "Your Majesty, Military Master Zhuge has said that he will not tolerate you and the queen continuing to fight. Do you still want to continue fighting?"

Zhuge Qiao also showed hesitation when he heard Deng Ai's words.

Liu Chan shook his head and smiled, "Of course not, but we should also prepare for future actions, right? This son is just planning for a rainy day. A Qiao, bring that Huang Hao to see me tomorrow. Since this person is well-behaved, naturally It's a chess piece that can be used."

Seeing that Liu Chan was not like before, Zhuge Qiao used an orderly tone to him this time, telling him to find a way to bring Huang Hao to see him tomorrow, which is really rare.Zhuge Qiao quickly agreed.

At noon of the next day, since Qu Bo had already been detained in Dali Temple by Li Yan, the censor, there was no need for Huang Hao to go to the National Academy of Medicine to be on duty.

It was lunch time, but he was walking aimlessly in the garden alone, his handsome and feminine face frowning.Because he was a little worried that after Qu Bo was arrested, how long would he be able to persist under the torture of Li Yan, who was not afraid of anything.And the queen is now as anxious as herself, and can't eat anything at all.

But Huang Hao is not worried about the queen. His previous experience of being in the world told him that he is just a worthless little person. Be a scapegoat!

Thinking of this, Huang Hao couldn't help sighing, it would be great if he had a strong backer now.The most ideal candidate is of course the eldest son Liu Chan, but unfortunately everyone is already an enemy now.The second is Zhuge Liang. It's a pity that he is such a genius who has a romantic figure who monopolizes power. How could he accept an eunuch like himself?Then there is Fazheng? ...

When Huang Hao was thinking hard about his future, an eunuch came up to inform him that someone outside the palace had sent him a letter.

Who would write a letter to such a little-known little guy like himself?He took the letter and opened it to take a look. It turned out that someone invited him to the "Yuye Building" in the east of the city for a while, promising that it would be good for him, but the signature was "not well-known".

Huang Hao's originally frowning brows became even tighter, he put away the letter paper, and decided to go outside to see who the other party was.However, he didn't notice the eunuch who delivered the letter. After he received the letter, he turned and left immediately, but the corners of his mouth slightly raised, revealing a weird smile.

Huang Hao walked out of Hanzhong Prince's Mansion and came to the street. After walking down a street, he suddenly found that something was wrong with the surroundings. Why was there no one on the street for most of the day?Just when Huang Hao looked around, he suddenly felt that his eyes were dark, and his head was covered by a black cloth bag, even if he wanted to struggle, it was impossible, and he was soon put into a carriage and drove away.

The first thought that came to Huang Hao's mind was: kidnapping!But soon, he denied this unrealistic idea. He has no money or power, so who would come here to kidnap him?Then the most likely thing is that the queen's people will kill and silence her!Thinking of this, Huang Hao almost fainted from fright.

The carriage soon stopped in front of a very quiet small house, Huang Hao was packed into a big wooden box and carried inside.

After Huang Hao was released, the dim light made it difficult for his eyes to adapt.He rubbed his eyes to see clearly that the people who let him go were two extremely strong-looking men standing behind him with serious expressions.

This is an antique room, the doors and windows on all sides have been closed, only a faint light comes in through the window paper, and the outside situation cannot be seen at all.

There are bookshelves erected on the walls on both sides, and each grid is filled with bamboo slips and books. The number may be as many as hundreds of volumes, and no one knows who can own so many books.

In front of the house is a table case, which is painted black, solemn and elegant.The four treasures of the study, such as pens, inks, papers and inkstones, are neatly placed on the case.

Such an antique place should be a study.

But Huang Hao couldn't figure out who the other party was, who would bring him to such an elegant place.

Just when Huang Hao was puzzled, the door behind him was gently pushed back.A young man in white clothes appeared at the door, his age was about seventeen or eighteen years old, his appearance was dignified and he was full of books.

Huang Hao turned his head to look, his eyes widened involuntarily, and he said in shock, "Young Master Zhuge, why are you here?"

Zhuge Qiao waved his hand, telling Huang Hao not to say much.Then, behind Zhuge Qiao appeared a younger boy, dressed in purple, with a displeased expression on his face.

Seeing this person, Huang Hao's eyes widened again, his legs softened, he fell to his knees on the ground, and kowtowed: "Little Huang Hao pays homage to the prince!"

In fact, from the moment Huang Hao saw Liu Chan appearing, he knew that his little life might be lost here today. If the prince didn't know that he was the person sent by the queen to Qu Bo, how could he condescend to come here? Find yourself?
Liu Chan stepped into the study, nodded to Zhuge Qiao, Zhuge Qiao stretched out his hand to close the door.

Huang Hao paid homage again: "Little Huang Hao pays homage to His Majesty."

Liu Chan walked to the table and sat down, and asked coldly: "Huang Hao, as far as I know, you are a smart person, do you know why my son came here today?"

Huang Hao looked up at Liu Chan secretly, and asked in a low voice timidly: "If the prince is useful for the villain, you can just tell me, the little one will go through fire and water for the prince!"

Liu Chan looked at Huang Hao again, and he really looked smart. No wonder he would be so favored by him in another time and space, so he said lightly: "Your brain is really not stupid, and this prince did not miss you. I just need a smart chess piece, I wonder if you can do it?"

Hearing this, Huang Hao knew that the prince had the heart to win him over, no matter what, he had to try his best to perform now, so let's escape with his life first!He immediately climbed to the front of the case, raised his head and said pitifully: "Yes, definitely, as long as the son can spare my life!"

Liu Chan nodded, wanting to laugh in his heart, but finally held back, feeling that this person is a bit cute, so he said: "Okay, get up. If you can follow the orders of this son, you will not only not have to die in the end, but will also die." You can also get rich rewards!"

Huang Hao was overjoyed when he heard the words, the crown prince chose him now, why didn't he, Huang Hao, already choose the crown prince as the No. 1 choice?He immediately promised: "The little one will definitely live up to the entrustment of the prince!"

Liu Chan finally showed a smile on his face, and asked Huang Hao to sit aside. As a lowly eunuch, Huang Hao dared to sit in front of the prince, but stood aside and bowed his head to listen to Liu Chan's continued lecture.

Seeing that Huang Hao didn't dare to sit down, Liu Chan didn't persuade him anymore. If a villain like Huang Hao succeeds in the future, he will definitely start to act like a domineering person. Let him suffer a little bit now, and just ask Huang Hao lightly. life experience.

Huang Hao then told about his life experience.It turned out that he was a native of Chengdu. He lost his parents when he was young and was adopted by his aunt. The poor aunt's family didn't treat him well, and he also fell into the company of thieves.In the end, because of the crime of betrayal and corruption, he could only enter the Hanzhong Palace as a small eunuch.

Liu Chan saw that Huang Hao's background was considered pitiful, and said: "Okay, the next task is for you to complete. It's actually very simple. This son still wants you to go back to the queen and help me pay attention to the queen's every move."

Huang Hao said with some embarrassment: "My son, although the villain belongs to the queen, the person the queen trusts the most is Chief Wang Rong, and she doesn't always bring the little one with her."

Liu Chan shook his head and said: "This son is not asking you to spy on the queen for any confidential information, but just to let you try to gain the queen's favor. Since you were a gangster before, you naturally know everything about eating, drinking and having fun. The queen has gone through hardships since she was a child and has never enjoyed any blessings. This weakness is exactly what you can take advantage of."

Huang Hao understood Liu Chan's intention, and said with a smile: "Young one understands, then in the future, I will try my best to please the queen, so that the queen can learn to eat, drink and play, right?"

Liu Chan nodded and said: "Exactly. In the future, Mr. Zhuge will send people to contact you frequently, so if it is not necessary, you should not come to this prince. I have prepared some things for you this time." Clap.

Zhuge Qiao from outside pushed the door open, holding a plate of golden gold in his hand, and put it on the table beside Huang Hao.Seeing so much gold, Huang Hao's eyes couldn't help but glisten!

Liu Chan pointed at the gold and asked Huang Hao to accept the fifty gold. If the queen needs anything in the future, the money will be used as expenses. After the matter is completed, there will naturally be a very heavy reward.Although Huang Hao wished to put away all the gold immediately, he naturally didn't dare to be presumptuous in front of Liu Chan: "Yes, the little ones must be used on the queen."

Of course, Liu Chan couldn't believe Huang Hao's nonsense. There are two kinds of people who can't be trusted in this world: one is politicians and villains, and the other is gangsters and gamblers.Isn't Huang Hao born in the second type of person?
Liu Chan nodded symbolically and asked Zhuge Qiao to take Huang Hao out.Huang Hao suddenly knelt down again and said, "Your Majesty, the younger one has something to ask for, otherwise the younger one will surely die in the near future, and he will no longer be able to serve you."

Liu Chan said inscrutably, "Are you talking about Qu Bo? You don't have to worry, I will definitely handle it for you. Now you can go back to Hanzhong Prince's Mansion with peace of mind!" Then he asked Huang Hao to come over.

Huang Hao was overjoyed after hearing what Liu Chan said, and immediately gave Liu Chan a heavy head-knock, and Zhuge Qiao covered his eyes with a black cloth and took him out of the door. Two guards put him into a large wooden box and sent him back to where he was originally. Where to go.

After Zhuge Qiao came back, he asked Liu Chan, "My lord, is this cunning man reliable?"

Liu Chan said with a smile: "So what if it's unreliable? We don't want to get any information from him, just give him money to play with the queen, which is equivalent to asking him to send money to the queen. If anyone has any objections, then say, This son secretly asked Huang Hao to do this in order to improve the relationship with the queen, so can there be anything wrong with filial piety?"

Hearing Liu Chan's sophistry, Zhuge Qiao couldn't help but nodded. He really admired the son's superb eloquence!

(End of this chapter)

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