Chapter 156
This house is actually not Liu Chan's home—with Liu Chan's cautious personality, how could he do such a stupid thing as taking people into his own home.

This is a separate courtyard of the Sun family. It was originally intended for an elder of the Sun family to live in. Unfortunately, the old man only wanted to stay in Jingzhou, so the place has been vacant and was just borrowed by Liu Chan.

Liu Chan comforted Zhuge Qiao again and said, "Besides, this son has pointed out a way for Huang Hao to turn back, and he can only get on our boat in the end." Then Liu Chan whispered something to Zhuge Qiao again.Zhuge Qiao couldn't help laughing and said: "Your Majesty's plan is very clever, Qiao bows."

Liu Chan patted Zhuge Qiao on the shoulder, and said: "Don't flatter me, let's take advantage of the time now and go to the garden behind to make tea. We may be busy in a few days!" The two walked out together The study room happily came to the back garden, where there was already a maid waiting to boil water.

But Huang Hao went back to his room as soon as he returned to Hanzhong Palace, hid the gold, and then went straight to the place where Queen Wu lived.

The queen was thinking in her room at this time, seeing Huang Hao coming in such a hurry, she interrupted her thoughts immediately, her beautiful eyes flashed, and she said angrily: "What's wrong with you, there are evil spirits chasing after you ?”

Huang Hao saw that the queen, who had always behaved very well, would utter such vulgar curse words. He was stunned for a while, and then he bowed and smiled and told the queen that he went around the Hanzhong palace today and saw the old man After the elder brother next door, he finally thought of a way to relieve the queen's worries!
There was no surprise on the queen's face, and she said calmly: "How do you know that my wife is worried, and how do you know what my wife is worried about?"

"The thing is like this. Although the queen has reconciled with the crown prince, Qu Bo has been thrown into prison. Although his crime is 'negligence of duty', it seems that it has nothing to do with you, but after thinking about it, Li Yan is a cruel official. I have spoken for the crown prince before, but there is no guarantee that under his torture to extract a confession, Qu Bo will not reveal the queen's affairs and bite you back!"

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Wu stood up from her seat and fixed her beautiful eyes on Huang Hao, because Huang Hao's words had already revealed his current thoughts, and asked, "Even if what you said is good, what you said just now can be done for you." Madam, what do you mean by relieving your worries?"

Seeing that the Queen's heart was shaken, Huang Hao stepped forward and whispered: "To tell you the truth, my elder brother is a gangster, and it's not like he hasn't done murder and robbery before. So as long as the reward is rich enough, he..." Huang Hao Immediately, he made a beheading gesture with his hand.

Wu's heart couldn't help but her heart was pounding, but she hesitated and said: "There must be someone in the prison who is guarding closely now, can your brother do it? If he is caught..."

Huang Hao immediately said: "The people in the Jianghu are the most faithful. Not to mention my brother's high martial arts skills, even if he is caught, he will definitely die and will not reveal who the culprit is. Besides, he just came back from another place. It is said that Cao Wei recommended him as a talented person, but he did not take up the post, so he did not know that I entered the Hanzhong Palace as an eunuch. Queen, please rest assured."

Wu Shi nodded and said, "I didn't expect there to be such a character among your friends. As for the price, you can give him whatever he wants."

Huang Hao thanked him, and said: "I was born in a poor family. It's rare to have such a talented and handsome elder brother. The queen laughed at me. However, my elder brother just came back from another place, and now he doesn't have any livelihood. Wouldn’t it be better if you could find a job under your queen’s staff? The prince now has a lot of talents in his hands, and all the ministers are looking for him. How can you continue to fight against him? Of course, you must quickly find more people.”

Mrs. Wu nodded and said, "But he doesn't even serve as an official of Cao Wei, so why is he willing to work for Mrs. Ben?"

"My elder brother is different from others. He is a handsome man who is conceited and talented, and he often sings something like 'Vanilla beauty, vanilla beauty is invisible.' He used to take a look at Zhen Mi, the beauty of Wei State, voluntarily. I have been a guard for Zhen Meiren for three years! The queen is a stately beauty, and she is definitely far better than Zhen Mi. As long as you can persuade her personally, my elder brother may agree to it immediately!"

When Mrs. Wu heard Huang Hao say this, a blush rarely appeared on her originally indifferent face, and she couldn't help but smiled slightly: "Your mouth is quite sweet. It's just that it's not good for my wife to meet someone she doesn't know in the Hanzhong Palace. Man, you should find a secluded place outside and let Mrs. Ben meet him. As for the matter of being a guard, Mrs. Ben will discuss it after she thinks about it."

"The queen is really careful! I know a very quiet place with a good view, so I'll go and arrange it for you!" After saying that, Huang Hao immediately bowed deeply to Mrs. Wu, and then went out excitedly .

Wu said with a slight smile: "This person really cares about his work, and he can be used."

At dusk, the setting sun is almost setting in the west, and the afterglow spreads all over the garden.

Looking at the small garden in front of her, Wu couldn't help nodding. Huang Hao is not only quick at handling things, but also good at handling things. I don't know how to find such a good place, which is no worse than the garden of the Hanzhong Prince's Mansion. .Wu turned her head and asked Huang Hao, "Has your elder brother arrived yet?"

"I've already been waiting outside. You wait here for a while, and I'll go pass the pass." As he spoke, Huang Hao trotted out of the garden, and soon disappeared.

At this time, a clear singing voice suddenly came from the garden behind him: "When the age is not over, the time is still in its infancy. I am afraid that the pelicans will sing first, and the husband and the grass will not be fragrant. The beauty is here. , the beauty is gone."

As a woman, Wu herself doesn't have much knowledge, but she can also hear the meaning of yearning in the other party's song.She couldn't help being secretly angry with Huang Hao, and said that this place was secret and quiet, but it turned out to be a place where even the prodigal son could come in!She immediately turned around to scold the visitor, why did she rush into this place like this, but she was suddenly taken aback.

But he saw a man in white, pushing aside the leaves in front of him with one hand, and walking with a gorgeous sword in the other.He is nearly eight feet tall, with reclining brows and long eyes. He has a bookish look, and besides his demeanor, he has a dragon and a phoenix posture.Such a handsome man, no wonder Wu was stunned for a while.

The man saw Wu Shi staring at him blankly, and was also attracted by Wu Shi's beauty, so he couldn't help but let out a hush.

Mrs. Wu is now in her early 30s, but due to proper maintenance, she looks like a 26-year-old mature woman.In addition, she is in a high position, and she has a noble demeanor, which cannot but be eye-catching.

The man took a few steps forward and asked, "This lady, why are you here?"

Only then did Wu come to her senses, her cheeks couldn't help turning pink, she thought to herself that although Liu Bei had a high status, but his appearance was ordinary, like an old hat, how could he be so handsome and tall like this person, he felt a little depressed.She said coldly: "This is not for ordinary people to enter, you should leave quickly!"

The man looked around, showed a bright smile and asked Wu: "I am here to wait for someone. May I ask Madam, have you seen my brother Huang Hao?"

Wu was a little surprised, and guessed that this person should be the elder brother Huang Hao had been talking about.But Huang Hao just went out, why did this person appear, the speed is too fast, isn't it?She asked, "Are you Huang Hao's elder brother? How did you get in?"

But the man shook his head, his figure flashed, and suddenly he was behind Wu Shi, causing Wu Shi to let out an exclamation in fright.The man jumped again, rose three feet high, landed lightly on the nearby tree, waved to Wu, and said with a smile: "That's how I came in."

Wu Shi has never seen such a superhuman skill before, she just feels that the other party is flying through the clouds, and she can't help but look a little crazy.

The man jumped down and asked Wu, "Madam, would you like to try?"

But before Wu Shi could answer, the man suddenly stretched out his hand and hugged Wu Shi by the waist, his feet tapped lightly on the ground, and the two floated up and down to the top of the tree.

Immediately, a strong masculine breath came into the nose, making Wu feel a little intoxicated in a trance.But she soon came to her senses and realized that it was not proper to be hugged like this.

Wu Shi's heart was pounding like a deer, her face turned bright red, and she struggled: "Put me down quickly, put me down, let me down..."

The man saw that no one in his arms was so disobedient, and laughed again.However, although he likes to mess around a little, he is not a person without grace, and said: "Okay, I will let you go down, but you don't have to struggle anymore, or the branch will really break."

Upon hearing this, Wu secretly looked under the tree, and realized that she was about ten feet away from the tree. She was so frightened that she didn't dare to struggle anymore, and after a cry of surprise, she held the man tightly, The pink face was pressed against the man's hard chest.

The man let out a smug laugh again, unable to bear to startle the beauty, he fell lightly from the tree with Wu in his arms.

The man put Wu Shi down from his arms, Wu Shi quickly let go, his face became even more blushing, and he hurriedly ran to the side to straighten his clothes.

Then the man asked Mrs. Wu: "Du Lang, is the lady the owner of this family?"

Mrs. Wu was about to speak when Huang Hao came back and shouted: "Ma'am, I can't find my elder brother!" Seeing the man in white, he stopped and wondered, "Elder brother, why are you here already?" Then he immediately stepped forward and introduced Du Lang to Mrs. Wu.How did he know that the two had hugged each other just now.

Wu Shi just calmed down, faded the blush from her face, then gave Huang Hao a displeased look and said, "How do you do things? I've already met him, and you can explain the next thing to him."

After speaking, Wu Shi turned around and left, but a man's unrestrained laughter came from behind him.

A blush suddenly appeared on Wu's face again, but she suddenly felt a little sweet in her heart, and couldn't help reaching out to touch the half of Du Lang's chest that was leaning on Du Lang's chest just now.

(End of this chapter)

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