Chapter 157

Today's Shizi Mansion is as usual, appearing so peaceful.

In the courtyard where the eldest son Liu Chan lives, the sun shines all over the ground.

The windows of Liu Chan's study were all open, and the sunlight entered the room unceremoniously, leaving a boxy shape on the ground.However, the atmosphere inside is not as beautiful as the scenery outside, but rather dignified.

Zhuge Qiao anxiously wandered around Liu Chan's study, looking very anxious.

Deng Ai sat carelessly with his eyes closed, unable to tell whether he was taking a nap or thinking.

Liu Chan sat in front of the case in a daze, as if he was thinking deeply about some important event.

Finally, Zhuge Qiao couldn't help but asked: "My lord, are you really going to do this? It's too cruel!"

Liu Chan remained silent.Zhuge Qiao couldn't help asking again, his voice was louder than the previous one, showing the anxiety in his heart.

But Liu Chan was still deep in thought.

Deng Ai suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes burst with light, like a cruel wild wolf, he said: "Do it, you must do it, how can those who achieve great things be so soft-hearted! My son, you must stop, and you will be chaotic!"

Zhuge Qiao immediately said: "But this is too inhumane, Deng Ai, why is your heart so vicious!"

"Hmph! I'm doing this for the sake of my son!"

Liu Chan didn't want to see the two quarreling any longer, so he raised his head to signal the two to stop, and said, "Aqiao, I know you have a kind heart. But we are still passive in our struggle with Mrs. The classmates need to be rescued, and the reputation of the National Medical College also needs to be saved, if the situation cannot be reversed in one fell swoop, the consequences will be unpredictable."

He still lacks cruel tempering. Although his mind is old, how could he know that sometimes good people have been doing bad things for a long time, and once they do bad things, they will often leave an indelible shadow in their hearts for life.

Deng Ai continued: "Zhuge Qiao, you are the benevolence of a woman. Didn't the information from your side and Mr. Han Long's side all say that the boss of the ax gang has been hidden by Queen Wu? What's more, the previous strategy It has already started, how can you give up halfway like this?"

Zhuge Qiao suddenly felt a little fever on his face.

Liu Chan stood up, walked to Zhuge Qiao and said, "Aqiao, if you feel annoying, I can allow you not to participate. But you must know that the struggle in the future will definitely be bloodier than today."

Liu Chan patted Zhuge Qiao on the shoulder, then nodded to Deng Ai.Deng Ai immediately turned around and left.

The crescent moon, like a bloody moon, slightly illuminated a small independent house outside the city of Chengdu, making this exceptionally quiet night show a strange atmosphere.

This is definitely an ominous moonlight.

At this time, twenty knights dressed in blue cloth appeared in front of the house, all of them came riding black horses, and Deng Ai's horse galloped impressively at the head of the team.

When they got close, Deng Ai raised his right hand, everyone took out a black cloth from their arms, and covered their faces!Immediately afterwards, the twenty riders dispersed into four groups, five people in each group, and surrounded the house from four directions.

Deng Ai came to the main gate and looked up. The word "Qufu" was written on the plaque above, which was the home of Qu Bo's elder brother Qu Lang.With a wave of Deng Ai's right hand, the five of them got off their horses immediately.

Deng Ai turned his head and ordered: "Go in and open the door!"

Although no one answered, two people immediately walked under the wall together.One of them stepped on the hands of the other, and the hands of the person below were lifted violently, and the other easily turned over and stood on the top of the wall, jumped into the wall to help Deng Ai open the door.

After Deng Ai and the others entered the manor, they happened to bump into an old man with a white beard coming over, and he was dressed as a servant.Seeing so many masked people suddenly appearing in the house, the old man thought it was bandits who came to rob, and he cried out in surprise and fell to the ground in fright.

How could Deng Ai allow him to alarm the other members of the family? With a wave of his right hand, a guard immediately stepped forward to cover the old man's mouth, and then stabbed the old man's heart mercilessly, killing him.What a ruthless method!

The five left the old man's body behind and continued to rush inside, killing another maid along the way before they joined the other 15 people at the gate of the inner courtyard.

Deng Ai looked at them, and there were bloodstains on the knives of two people, obviously they also killed people.Deng Ai nodded, and rushed into the inner courtyard with people.

But it was brightly lit inside, with several red lanterns hanging in every corner, emitting red light that almost illuminated the entire courtyard.

Deng Ai had already investigated the situation here very clearly. After a little identification of each room, he immediately led people directly to Qu Lang's bedroom.

He heard Qu Lang worryingly say to his wife: "I went to the city today, only to hear that my brother was arrested!"

Qu's wife was surprised: "What should I do? The second brother is the pillar of our family!"

Qu Lang sighed and said: "You take out all the gold and silver in our family, I will go to the city tomorrow to see if I can get the joints opened."

Qu's wife hesitated for a moment, and said, "Can this work? We have accumulated such a small amount of wealth over the years..."

"Stop talking nonsense, if there is no second brother, can we live the life we ​​are today?"

Hearing this, Deng Ai instructed two masked men to go to the bedroom of the prodigal son next to him, and the others followed him.

With a bang, a masked man kicked open the door of Qu Lang's bedroom!

The Qu couple, who were frowning, were startled by the sudden loud noise, and then saw so many murderous masked men with weapons in their hands, thinking that they were robbers. Details His home.The two of them were stunned for a while, and they both forgot to scream.

However, as the head of the family, Qu Lang naturally reacted faster than a girl.However, he didn't immediately rise up to resist, but suddenly knelt down and begged: "Masters, please do me a favor. Take whatever you want, but please don't hurt my family."

Then, he asked Qu's wife to quickly take out all the hidden gold and silver.Qu's wife was lying on the bed, her hands and feet were already weak from fright, she pushed the bed tremblingly, took out a wooden brocade box from the hidden compartment below and pushed it to the front.

Deng Ai glanced at the brocade box, and said coldly to Mrs. Qu: "Do you think we are robbers who came to rob? Wrong! Don't blame us for being cruel, if you want to blame, you can only blame your brother Qu Boshang Wrong ship!"

Qu Lang didn't expect that the other party was not a robber, but a murderer, and he was shocked: "My brother! Who are you?" Then he thought that this matter must be related to Qu Bo's arrest.

"Huh! The queen wants you to die, can you still live? Kill!" Following Deng Ai's order, several masked men stepped forward and hacked the Qu couple who had no resistance to death, and the blood immediately It flowed all over the place.

Deng Ai just watched all this happen quietly. Under the candlelight, his expression looked like a stone statue, a cold and indifferent stone statue!

Then Deng Ai waved his right hand and asked his subordinates to search the inside and outside of the house carefully to see if there were any fish that slipped through the net.

When Deng Ai came out of the house, he saw two masked men holding two little dolls, a male and a female, in their arms, blinking their beautiful eyes and looking at Deng Ai curiously, completely ignorant of their relationship. Parents have died tragically under the knife.

Seeing the innocent expressions of the two babies, Deng Ai sighed inwardly, and ordered the two masked men to leave first with the children.The two guards immediately rushed out with the child in their arms, and soon there were happy and childish laughter from the two children. Perhaps the flying speed of the masked man made them feel very amused.

The search for the masked man ended quickly, and there were no more survivors in the entire Qu Mansion.

Deng Ai looked at the whole Qu Mansion.In the flowerbed next to it, the flower branches swayed gently under the red light of the lantern, and the sonata of unknown insects came from below.

The moon moved just to the top of the upturned cornice on the roof, like a reddish ball strung on the tip of an ox horn.

Deng Ai immediately ordered the fire to be set, and the masked men dispersed again.Soon, fires ignited everywhere in the Qu Mansion, and the surging flames quickly engulfed the entire mansion, turning a corner of the sky red, causing the moon and stars in the sky to lose their color at the same time.

Then, the eighteen riders came in the dust, and now they are leaving in the dust.Tomorrow morning, people passing by will surely realize that the Qu Mansion, which was originally a good place, has been burned to ashes overnight!
Deng Ai returned to Shizi Mansion as quickly as possible to find Liu Chan.But Liu Chan's face was a little dignified and uneasy.Deng Ai went forward to report: "Your Majesty, my subordinates have successfully completed the task. There are no missing members of the Qu family. Are the two dolls okay now?"

Liu Chan didn't seem to be interested in listening to Deng Ai's report, so he just said, "Thank you for your hard work. I have arranged for those two children to be taken care of by Haosheng. You can also let them do it in the prison."

Deng Ai has been with Liu Chan for so many years, and he knows Liu Chan's temperament well. Obviously, he feels very self-blame for this indiscriminate killing of innocent people.

Since Deng Ai was a teenager, he had been a refugee because of war disasters. He had seen enough killings between people, and it even made him feel a little numb.But Shizi is different, this is a person who grew up in stability, and has not seen too much blood.

Therefore, Deng Ai had no choice but to comfort Liu Chan and said, "My lord, don't blame yourself too much. In fact, even if we don't do anything, the queen should have already started to do it now!"

Liu Chan nodded, telling Deng Ai not to say any more, he knew what to do, and then asked Deng Ai to notify Han Long as soon as possible.

At the same time, a dozen or so knights stood side by side again outside the Qu Family Fire Field.The flames soaring into the sky made them stretch their figures on the ground.

The horse seemed to be frightened by the fire in front of him, and it turned around from time to time, snorting one by one, looking so disturbed.

These people are like Deng Ai's subordinates, all of them covered their faces, and they don't know their origins, but what is certain is that they are definitely not Liu Chan's people.

Looking at the raging fire in front of them, these people looked puzzled for a moment.

A tall masked man said angrily in a feminine voice: "What's going on here? Did someone get there first, or did the people from the Qu family run away first? How should I explain to the queen when I go back?" Then He ordered in a loud voice: "Everyone spread out, find me along the various roads, and I must catch the people from the Qu family!"

As a result, the dozen or so knights scattered away immediately.It's a pity that they will never find half of Qu Jia's figure.

(End of this chapter)

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