The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 158 Prison situation

Chapter 158 Prison situation
It was late at night, in a prison in Chengdu.

The inside was a mess, looking very dark and damp, and the air exuded a strong sour smell, which made people wonder if they had fallen into the sauerkraut pond.

In the locked cell, mice and cockroaches crawled happily, as if this is their paradise, and they are not afraid of people at all.

There is a brick and stone cold kang beside the wall, and some long grass is piled up messily on it, which can be regarded as beds and quilts. As a prisoner here, there is no need or possibility to enjoy quilts.

Although Qu Bo had only been imprisoned for more than a day and hadn't even been interrogated yet, it could be seen from his already extremely haggard face that he was in a terrible mood.In fact, he couldn't help regretting that he shouldn't have colluded with the queen so easily back then.

Looking at the sky through the iron window on the wall, the crescent moon in the sky was as red as blood. An ominous premonition floated in Qu Bo's heart, making his heart tremble inexplicably.

On the high wall outside the prison, a tall white figure flashed, with a long sword on his body, and a pair of bright eyes like the eyes of a leopard, emitting two frightening lights in the deep night.

He turned his head and looked around. Although the lights were brightly lit underneath, there was no one guarding him at all.The man in white sighed secretly, the guards here are too lax!

He jumped up, fell to the ground lightly, and then gently touched the passage of the prison, where there were two guards guarding the night.He just dodged, and then sent out two consecutive palms, knocking out the two night watchmen. They were not even qualified to let him use the long sword.

The man in white walked quickly into the prison. There were only about ten cells inside, and there were not many criminals. There were about twenty people, most of whom had already slept like pigs.

One or two who were awake saw the man in white walking in with his face covered, holding a sword in his hand, and immediately stood up from the ground. They all looked at him with wide eyes curiously, but they didn't make a sound.

The man in white went straight to Qu Bo's cell door, saw Qu Bo was sitting on the kang, looked up at the crescent moon in the sky, and asked, "Are you Qu Bo?"

Qu Bo turned his head to look, a hint of surprise appeared on his serious face, and he asked, "Who are you? What are you doing here in the middle of the night?"

"So, you are Qu Bo!"

Qu Bo didn't answer, because he realized from the other party's words that the other party must have bad intentions for him.The sword in the man's hand was shot, and with a clang, the chains of the cell broke in response. It was really a sword.

Seeing this scene, not only Qu Bo, but also those prisoners who were awake could not help but let out a low exclamation.The man in white turned his head and glanced at the prison cell with extremely fierce eyes, but it was the most obvious warning signal—everyone looked away, and everyone covered their mouths obediently, secretly surprised by the terrifying eyes of this man!

The man in white walked into the cell, pointed his sword at Qu Bo, and said coldly, "Don't worry, I will make your death painless!" Then, he approached Qu Bo again, stabbing Qu Bo's chest with his sword.

Qu Bo panicked, closed his eyes and shouted: "Wait a minute, before you kill me, you have to make me understand!"

The man in white stopped his sword and said, "The queen asked me to see you off, because if you are left alive, she is really worried!"

Hearing this, Qu Bo calmed down.During this period of time, he had already understood how the queen behaved, and after entering the prison, he was vaguely prepared to die in his heart, but he didn't expect that he would die at the hands of the killer.

Qu Bo sighed: "You do it!" Then he closed his eyes in despair.

The man in white raised his sword again, and suddenly someone behind him said: "You have killed Qu Lang's family, and now even Qu Bo himself is not spared, what a cruel heart!"

Qu Bo, who had closed his eyes and waited to die, immediately opened them and stood up.The people he cherishes the most in his life are naturally all of his Qulang family. They pointed at the man in white tremblingly and shouted excitedly: "Is it true? You killed my brother's family?!"

The man in white sneered, not wanting to answer at all, and stabbed Qu Bo's chest with his sword again.Qu Bo kicked on the kang with his right foot, raising a piece of straw just to block the sight of the man in white. The man in white had to draw his sword to protect his eyes, while Qu Bo fled to the corner of the cell.

The man in white didn't expect Qu Bo to have this hand, he shouted angrily, and raised his sword to attack Qu Bo again.But the man in black who spoke just now stepped into the prison cell, and immediately blocked the attack of the man in white with his sword.

The man in white was furious that the other party actually came out to get in the way at this juncture.He left Qu Bo, and began to attack the man in black with all his strength, and struck out seven swords in a row. The swords were extremely vicious, and all of them hit the most vital parts of the man in black.

But the martial arts of the man in black is very strong, he blocked the attack of the man in white abruptly, and then shouted, the sword force poured down on the man in white like a tide, forcing the man in white to retreat three times in a row Stepping forward, the back almost touches the wall of the cell.

The competitive spirit of the man in white was immediately aroused by the opponent, and he stopped paying attention to Qu Bo. He began to swing his long sword and attack the man in black with all his strength. He quickly recovered the disadvantage and forced the man in black back two steps.

As a result, for a while in this not-so-spacious cell, the sword light shone, and even the moonlight on the ground seemed dimmed.

When the man in black saw that the man in white's swordsmanship was really sharp, his gaze immediately became serious, and the movements of his hands quickened.But the man in white then made another move—one breath, ten swords!The continuous ten swords all greeted the vital points on the man in black.

Seeing that the other party had such murderous intentions towards him, the man in black naturally didn't need to hold back his hand, and he couldn't find a reason to hold back the man in white, so he did it with all his strength.

The man in black's one-style sword move, which is both offensive and defensive, immediately made a move!
All the ten swords of the man in white were received by the man in black. The clanging sound of gold and iron, and the continuous flash of fire on the sword were like setting off firecrackers.

Suddenly, the right hand of the white-clothed man holding the sword felt numb, the opponent was really powerful!
At the same time, the man in white also felt the determination of the man in black to fight head-on.So he took a breath immediately, wanting to unleash thirteen swords at once, which was probably the limit of what the man in white could do, determined to stab the man in black into a honeycomb.

But what surprised the man in white was that the man in black suddenly stopped parrying, and his long sword became faster, and when the man in white drew his sword, his sword had already attacked!
One sword!There was a clear sound.

There was an extremely heavy feeling from the long sword in the hands of the man in white, and it actually made him unable to lift his right hand in a very short period of time!Because the weakest part of the man in white's long sword has been hit by the man in black, directly dissipating the power that was originally concentrated in his hand.

Faced with such a miraculous sword, the man in white showed a look of surprise in his eyes.

However, the man in black attacked one after another. With a bang, the man in black pushed the man in white back to the corner of the cell and away from the door of the cell.

The man in black immediately reminded Qu Bo, who was still stunned, and said, "Don't you hurry up? There are people outside to meet you!"

Only then did Qu Bo wake up, knowing that he could finally escape, and immediately rushed out of the cell excitedly after oh.

Seeing this, the man in white flicked his sleeves forward, and shot an inch-long throwing knife at Qu Bo's back.The man in black couldn't help but groaned, the long sword shot out at the fastest speed, and with a bang, finally, dangerously knocked the throwing knife into the air.

Qu Bo had just rushed out of the cell door, and obviously heard the sound.He immediately stopped and turned around, only to see a throwing knife falling on the ground behind him, he was so frightened that he broke out in cold sweat, and hurriedly ran out, fearing that there would be any accidents next.

The man in black said coldly: "Your Excellency's methods are too despicable!"


"If that's the case, then I'll keep you!"

The most powerful sword move of the man in black, the sword light roared like the tide of the Yangtze River, covering up the man in white!

Faced with such a sword technique, the man in white was a little frightened, shouted loudly, and swung his sword vigorously to block.But soon, the sword in the man in black's hand tore open the shoulder of the man in white, and the crumbs of his clothes flew away, followed by his chest.Then I saw several wounds on the white chest of the man in white!
When the man in black drew back his sword, the blood on the man in white's chest had already stained his white clothes red, but he didn't fall down, and was still supporting his body forcefully.

The man in black exclaimed: "It's rare that you can block my ultimate move, let's not pass today!" Saying this, he turned around and ran out of the prison.

Qu Bo ran to the outer corner of the prison, but found that the wall here was at least two feet tall. How could he, a prisoner who didn't know any martial arts, be able to go up there?
Just when Qu Bo was hesitating, a soft rope came from the wall suddenly, a black and petite figure said in a woman's voice: "Why don't you hurry up?"

Qu Bo knew that this person must be the person who the man in black said just now came to meet him.He quickly thanked him, grabbed the soft rope and exhausted all his strength, and climbed to the wall as fast as he could.

At this time, the man in black had already run out of the prison, and turned over at the corner of the wall. The man easily jumped onto the top of the wall, reached out and grabbed Qu Bo's arm, and jumped off the top of the wall.

Qu Bo was taken aback immediately, he had to use his hands and feet when he jumped from such a high place?But the strange thing is that in the air, there is a feeling that the speed of descent is extremely slow, and when it hits the ground, it doesn't even feel any pain in the soles of the feet.Qu Bo felt that such a thing was really miraculous, and looked at the man in black in disbelief.

Then, the woman in black came down from the wall, blew a whistle, and a carriage rushed out from the corner of the street not far away.After the three got into the carriage, the coachman raised his whip, and the carriage quickly disappeared into the night.

Not long after, the people in the prison finally found out that someone had escaped from the prison, and they were in a mess, but where was the half of the person who robbed the prison?
But what surprised them was that after counting, Qu Bo was the only one who escaped from prison!The Minister of Dali Temple immediately reported to Li Yan, the imperial historian.

(End of this chapter)

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