The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 159 Sending an Apology Letter

Chapter 159 Sending an Apology Letter
After Li Yan got the report, he was furious. The dignified Guodu Prison was actually emptied, and the person who was robbed was a key criminal ordered by the King of Hanzhong to investigate!

Li Yan immediately took people to the prison to check, but apart from a pool of blood, there were no clues at all.He then began to interrogate the twenty prisoners, but they were all stunned by the slaughter in front of them, so they didn't pay attention to what happened to the two men.

In the end, Li Yan got only one clue: there were two people in white clothes and black clothes who robbed the prison, and there had been a fierce fight between the two, and the man in white was injured and escaped at last!

Such clues are definitely not enough, but Li Yan can only bite the bullet and handle it now, so he has to notify the Chengdu Order and order him to personally send people to all the medical centers in the city to investigate the clues.In fact, he had a faint feeling in his heart.He actually knew where the black and white two people came from, because the only person who could be related to Qu Bo's arrest was the eldest son Liu Chan except Queen Wu.

The carriage didn't go out of Chengdu City, but just galloped quickly on the streets of Chengdu.The sound of ticking horseshoes, coupled with the occasional crowing of cocks and barking dogs, added a touch of vitality to this dead night.

The carriage finally stopped at the back door of a luxurious mansion. The strange thing is that there is not even a lantern hung up here, which is not like the general style of a rich family.

In the darkness, there is only a faint moonlight in front of the door, which can make people see that there are actually four steps in front of the door.

After the three got out of the carriage, the coachman did not drive the carriage into the house, but continued to run forward, not knowing where to go in such a hurry.

Qu Bo turned his head and looked around, and found that this should be the west of the city, where the richest people live most concentratedly.He was a little puzzled in his heart, unable to figure out why these people brought him here.But he knew that one thing should be certain, that is, these people should not have come to kill him, otherwise there would be no need to save him in the prison just now.

The woman in black stepped forward and knocked on the door three times, and immediately a servant opened the door and welcomed them in.

After entering, the woman in black left alone halfway under the signal of the man in black.The man in black led Qu Bo to a secluded wing, but the lights inside were brightly lit.

The man in black knocked on the door respectfully. Qu Bo looked carefully and immediately stood there in a daze.

There were three people in the wing room, the eldest son Liu Chan was sitting behind the case, and two young people were standing beside him—Zhuge Qiao and Deng Ai, the two closest confidantes of the eldest son!
And the man in black probably felt that there was no need to cover up anymore, so he reached out and took off the black mask covering his face, revealing a somewhat ordinary-looking face.Seeing this person's appearance, Qu Bo couldn't imagine that such an ordinary-looking person could have such a high level of martial arts.

Liu Chan waved to the man in black and said with a smile, "Mr. Han, please bring Qu Bo in."

Only then did Qu Bo know that this person was the son's close friend Han Long Han Linsheng. It seemed that the son saved himself from the killer sent by the queen today!Unexpectedly, Han Long, a small businessman from Jingzhou, could be so skilled in martial arts, he really does not show his face.

Han Long agreed, and pushed Qu Bo's shoulder, Qu Bo staggered two steps into the house, Natou bowed and said: "Sinner Qu Bo, thank you for saving my life!"

Looking at Qu Bo in front of him, the original stern face was now only haggard, and thinking of his elder brother's family being wiped out, Liu Chan couldn't help feeling a little guilty, and said: "You don't have to thank me, you should thank me Mr. Han is right."

Qu Bo hurriedly saluted Han Long, Han Long just nodded without saying anything, then stood beside Liu Chan's case, and Deng Ai bowed his head.

Only then did Liu Chan ask Qu Bo to sit aside.Qu Bo saw that Zhuge Qiao and the three of them were standing, he naturally didn't dare to sit down, he just asked, "I don't know why the prince wants to save the villain's life?"

Liu Chan said without hesitation: "Because you are still useful, at least for the National Academy of Medicine."

Hearing this, Qu Bo couldn't help showing a trace of panic in his eyes.Because he knew that Liu Chan wanted to use him to deal with the queen, and no matter what happened, he would probably die because of it.

However, he thought of the annihilation of Qu Lang's family, and the anger towards the queen immediately overshadowed the fear of death in his heart, and he immediately knelt down and said: "Your Majesty, even if the villain dies because of this, I will not hesitate! But please help me Brother and family seek justice!"

Liu Chan knew that today's design was finally a success.But he didn't actually feel relaxed, on the contrary he still felt a sense of guilt.

Liu Chan waved his hand to make Qu Bo stand up, and said, "Don't worry, this son will save your life no matter what, and you don't want to commit suicide easily. Because although your elder brother and sister-in-law are dead, but fortunately my family Rescue your two nephews in time."

Liu Chan clapped his hands, the door of the wing room was pushed open, and two maids walked in with two children, a boy and a girl, each holding them.

Qu Bo couldn't help groaning, these two children were clearly the two children of his elder brother Qu Lang!Qu Bo's heart was filled with gratitude to Liu Chan immediately, and he prostrated himself on the ground and kowtowed in thanks.

Liu Chan looked at Zhuge Qiao at the side, and found that his face was a bit ugly.Maybe he is looking at the scene in front of him now, maybe he is actually the same as himself in his heart, he has the urge to rush out of the room immediately with shame?Liu Chan couldn't help sighing inwardly, this traitorous person is really beyond what ordinary people can do.

After Liu Chan asked Qu Bo to get up, he said, "Qu Bo, you don't need to do anything now, and this son doesn't need you to do anything. You just need to cultivate and take care of your two nephews at Mr. Han's house. Wait until After the matter is over, I will send you north to Hanzhong, where you will live a stable life at Rui'an's house and raise these two children. Don't let the cigarettes of your Qu family be cut off. So, don't think about it in the future What about revenge."

When Qu Bo heard this, his eyes were blurred by tears, because Liu Chan's words were a conclusion, and he would not help him deal with Queen Wu.That being the case, Qu Bo had no choice but to resign himself to his fate. With such a small person, how could he make an enemy of a country's queen?After thanking Liu Chan again, he took the two maids out.

Only then did Liu Chan nod to Deng Ai and Han Long, and said, "It's time to issue an ultimatum to Mrs. Wu."

It's night, Hanzhong Palace.

Huang Hao hurriedly came to see the queen.

Because today's events were too dangerous, Mrs. Wu was so nervous that she couldn't sleep at all, so she had been waiting in the back garden for news from Du Lang. Now that she saw Huang Hao in such a hurry, she was busy asking how things were going.

Huang Hao said urgently: "Reporting to the queen, the assassination failed! The prince actually sent many masters to the prison. My brother fought bravely, and now he is unconscious!"

Wu was furious, and swept the teapot on the table to the ground, and asked, "What about the Qubo people?"

"It has been rescued by the son of the world!"

Hearing this, Mrs. Wu almost fell to the ground, but fortunately Huang Hao quickly helped her up.I just heard Wu's mouth keep muttering: "What should I do, what should I do..."

In the early morning of the second day, Huang Hao sent a letter to the queen who hadn't closed his eyes all night and looked very haggard: "Queen, this is a secret letter sent to you just now. My little guess may be that the crown prince Someone sent it over there."

Wu Shi was originally in good spirits, but suddenly he was refreshed, and immediately snatched the letter from Huang Hao's hand.When she opened it, she found that the content of the letter was not only simple, but also contained no threat at all.Just asking Wu to hand over the hiding place of Sun Hu, the boss of the Ax Gang in Chengdu, then Liu Chan will not pursue other matters. I hope that there will be no more unpleasant things between the two parties in the future.

After seeing it, Wu suddenly burst out laughing, maybe she was happy because she escaped so easily?She immediately ordered Huang Hao to secretly send someone to leak the news to Li Yan's people.

Li Yan was still worried about Qu Bo's escape from prison, how to explain to the King of Hanzhong, when he heard the news about Sun Hu from his subordinates, his spirit was also lifted, because as long as he understood the case of the National Academy of Medicine, At least I can have an explanation in front of King Hanzhong.He immediately ordered Chengdu to lead people to arrest Sun Hu, and he was quickly arrested.

Li Yan personally interrogated Sun Hu. After three days of interrogation, Sun Hu finally bowed his head and confessed that he had sent someone to lure a few poor students from the School of Medicine and Economics and coerce them into doing bad things.

Since then, the case can finally be declared closed. According to the regulations of "Shu Ke", the six students who did wrong must all be sent to hard labor for one year, and the "culprit" Sun Hu was sentenced to stick and sent to Hanzhong.

In this regard, the National Institute of Medical Sciences responded immediately. First, it posted a long letter of apology to the society and to the donors who have always funded the National Institute of Medical Sciences because of their students’ wrongdoing. .

But after explaining the whole story in the letter, the National Medical Academy did not expel those six students, but allowed them to return to the National Medical Academy to continue their studies after their military service.Because the reason is very simple, if the National Medical College does not protect its own students, then who else can protect them?
For a while, this letter of apology became popular all over Chengdu, almost to the point where the streets and alleys heard about it.

Some celebrities saw that the National Academy of Medicine bowed their heads and admitted their mistakes so easily, and still admitted their mistakes so publicly, they couldn't help but sneer.But these face-saving people, how do they know that "if you do something wrong, you must accept punishment" is the most precious truth?

This is exactly where the National Academy of Medicine does this kind of learning. First of all, it must teach students the most superficial principles of life.

After reading the letter of apology, the students of the National Medical College were almost moved to tears, which also made the cohesion of the students of the National Medical College stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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