Chapter 160 Seven Star Fate
Wang Rong, the chief eunuch of Hanzhong Palace, knocked on the door of Wu's room.

The house is very quiet and the light is abundant, only Mrs. Wu is standing in front of the window, thinking about the scenery outside.

When Wu saw Wang Rong coming in, she turned around immediately, her face became more relaxed, then she closed the window and asked Wang Rong how things were going.

Wang Rong was only six feet tall, and looked a little bloated, with a fair face, and said with a bow, "Report to the queen, that person has already given you a generous gift, and I believe there will be results soon, please rest assured. "

Mrs. Wu nodded. The person he trusted most was Wang Rong, and she had never been disappointed in his work: "Will this method really work? Are you trusting others too much?" Finally, Mrs. Wu couldn't help asking Out of the doubts that have been surfacing in my heart these days.

Wang Rong said confidently: "You should be able to rest assured. This time, this subordinate has personally seen that person's ability. If he wants to play tricks in front of his subordinates, it is absolutely impossible."

Only then did Wu let go of a big rock in her heart and let Wang Rong go down to have a good rest.

Two days later, the news of the death of the traitor Cao Cao was confirmed by the secret agents of the military division's government office. The battle between Cao Pi, Cao Zhi, and Cao Zhang has already started openly or secretly!

After Liu Chan heard the news from Zhuge Qiao, he couldn't help cheering loudly.Cao Cao is dead, so the next thing is the battle between brothers in Cao Wei that lasts for at least one to two years!And Jingzhou is still firmly in the hands of Guan Yu. Wu Pu, who was in Soochow, also confirmed that although Lu Su died of illness a month ago, there seems to be no sign that Sun Quan will send Lu Meng to Jingzhou.

At this time, Liu Chan suddenly found that everything has become bright again, history seems to have opened a new chapter again, everything is reversed at this moment, and an extremely bright future seems to be beckoning to him!He later surrendered to the Western Jin Dynasty, and the dire future of being taken captive to Luoyang also seemed unlikely.

Liu Chan was ecstatic immediately.

But when Liu Chan was ecstatic, Liu Bei, the king of Hanzhong, called Kong Ming, Fazheng, Liu Ba, Mi Zhu, Li Yan and other important officials to discuss the current situation.After two days and one night of high-intensity discussions, they actually made the same decision as in another time and space: order Guan Yu, who guards Jingzhou, to lead the army to launch the Northern Expedition against Cao Wei!

In another time and space, Guan Yu launched the Northern Expedition to break Cao Wei Manchong's separation from the Sun and Liu families, and tried to intimidate Soochow by capturing Xudu, so that it would no longer have any unrealistic ideas about Jingzhou. fantasy.

But Guan Yu has obvious character flaws, he can win every victory but never lose, and if he loses, he will die without a place to bury him!After he captured Xiangyang easily at the beginning, he led his army straight to Fancheng, an important outskirts of Xudu, but he couldn't attack for a long time, causing morale to be lost.In the end, because Lu Meng had an opportunity to defeat Maicheng, he was decapitated!
The current situation is that the three families of Liu, Cao, and Sun are living in peace, and it is also a good time for Jingzhou, Yizhou, and Hanzhong to rest and recuperate in preparation for the future Northern Expedition, and to continue to consolidate their relationship with Soochow.

But Liu Bei, who has always been extremely calm, now has a mentality of taking advantage of it and ordered Guan Yu to make a northern expedition?Doesn't he know the truth that "sorrowers must win"?What's more, at this time, it is obviously morally unreasonable to launch an army to crusade against the country of the mourning king, and the influence of public opinion will definitely not be too good.

Through these considerations, Liu Chan sent another letter to Liu Bei through Zhuge Qiao Runbi.Neizhong Bei said the stakes involved, and suggested that Liu Bei only order Guan Yu to lead his army to continue to confront Cao Jun on the front line of Xiangyang.

If the two sides really have to go to war, as long as the capture of Xiangyang City is the limit.After all, the Cao army who attacked Hanzhong from Cao Cao last year all retreated to the area near Luoyang, especially the cavalry of Cao Wei, who can quickly go to the battlefield to support, and the situation may not be favorable for the Jingzhou army.

But when Liu Bei saw Liu Chan's appearance, he just chuckled disapprovingly and said, "This kid has a very good heart, and he is almost 14 years old now, so he can't keep fooling around with those people in the National Medical Academy without knowing the affairs. It is." Then, he casually wrote down two words "rejected" on the form.

Zhuge Qiao soon got the news, and informed Liu Chan that Liu Bei had mercilessly rejected Liu Chan's opinion.Liu Chan suddenly burst into anger, but suddenly felt a burst of weakness in his body, and his consciousness began to become blurred, as if all the energy inside his body had been sucked away at once, and his body suddenly fell to the side.

Seeing this, Zhuge Qiao couldn't help but exclaimed, and hurriedly stepped forward to help Liu Chan to rest in the house, and then ordered someone to go to the hospital to send Mr. Hua Tuo and Zhang Fangping to come for treatment.

But the strange thing is that after the diagnosis of these two most outstanding doctors, they were unable to find out the cause of the disease. In fact, in their opinion, Liu Chan was not sick at all, let alone being poisoned.Seeing Liu Chan whose consciousness gradually became blurred, and even started talking nonsense, the two old people were also very anxious!
After Liu Bei learned that Liu Chan was seriously ill, he immediately put down the work at hand and hurried from Hanzhong Palace to Shizi Mansion.But what's the use?In the evening of this day, Liu Chan finally completely lost consciousness and fell into a deep coma.

At this time, there was an old man with white beard and hair in the city of Chengdu, who was walking in his yard.

The old man was walking around, looking at the flowers and plants around him contentedly, and the breath of spring filled the garden under the moon.In fact, the leisurely feeling of strolling in the garden under the moon is not a habit that ordinary people can enjoy.

This person is Zhang Lu and Zhang Gongqi who were moved to Chengdu by Liu Bei. In fact, Liu Bei is really generous. Since Zhang Lu moved to Chengdu, he not only gave Zhang Lu high-standard treatment, but also allowed him to move freely. The act of secretly killing.

So Zhang Lu even now likes the leisurely life in Chengdu that is far away from power struggles.He simply handed over all the affairs of the "Five Dou Rice Sect" to his son Zhang Fu, and he became a rich man at home with peace of mind.

Zhang Lu looked up at the sky. In fact, it was just a habitual action—he had been a teacher of the "Five Dou Rice Sect" for decades, and he had already developed the habit of stargazing at night.

Suddenly, Zhang Lu's eyes flashed brightly, because the celestial phenomena changed.

The Tianshu star in the Big Dipper, which was always bright, suddenly became dim inexplicably, but what happened?For a moment, even Zhang Lu felt confused, but suddenly there was a premonition that something big was going to happen in his heart.

Early the next morning, Zhang Lu just learned from his son Zhang Fu that his eldest son Liu Chan was seriously ill for no reason, and now the famous doctors of the National Hospital of Medicine are taking care of him day and night, but they are still helpless.

Zhang Lu was taken aback for a moment, as if he had thought of something, he immediately went back to his room, and began to rummage through the boxes to find books.

As soon as it got dark at night, Zhang Lu walked out of his room and looked up at the sky: not only the Tianshu star among the Big Dipper became dim, but also the second Tianxuan star also began to dim.If it goes on like this, I'm afraid that within half a month, the Big Dipper will become dark!
According to Zhang Lu's inquiry: the first star of the Seven Stars is called Tianshu, which is the second line of Soul God Fighting; the second star is called Tianxuan, which is the second line of Soul God Fighting; The name is Tianquan, followed by Po Jingdou; the fifth star is called Yuheng, followed by Po Lingdou; the sixth star is called Kaiyang, followed by Po Lingdou; the seventh star is called Yaoguang.There is also: Kaiyang Chongbao, so set up auxiliary wings, Yidouzhong is called Beidou: the first is Ming, the second is Lu, the third is Lucun, the fourth is longevity, the fifth is Yishu, and the sixth is Duer, the seventh is Shangsheng.

That is to say, if the person whose fate is the Big Dipper's Seven Stars, after the Seven Stars are all dark, not only the body's essence, but also the three souls and seven souls hit will be dissipated, and then this person will be wiped out!
But a person who can be named as the ruler of the seven stars must have a fate of being either a king or a hegemon. Unless it is beyond the law of heaven to do all kinds of bad things, it is impossible for God to implement such a severe punishment!After thinking of these, Zhang Lu suddenly thought of Liu Chan, who was said to have been born with his feet on the Seven Stars.But if he is the seven-star fate, not only did he not do any inhumane bad things, but he did his best to benefit the people, what's going on?

Zhang Lu didn't even think about it anymore, and immediately asked his family to prepare the carriage and go to the prince to see the prince Liu Chan.

When Zhang Lu came to Shizi Mansion, there were already many people outside waiting to visit Shizi, but they were all blocked from the door.When everyone saw Zhang Lu, who hadn't shown his face for a long time, they were very curious, and people with good things came forward to ask.

Zhang Lu has a good temper, although he is also anxious in his heart, but the expression on his face is indifferent.And he didn't refuse other people's questioning, he just said that he was here to visit a doctor, and he didn't say anything else.

Liu Bei stayed in Shizi's Mansion all the time. He heard that Zhang Lu was asking to see him outside, thinking that he wanted to use his set of healing talisman water to treat Shizi, so he didn't want to meet him.After all, he was the first batch of heroes to participate in the extermination of the Yellow Turban Army, and he can be said to be an out-and-out atheist.But thinking that Zhang Lu is a surrendered general, he had to give him face, so he sent an order to meet him in the living room.

After Zhang Lu entered the living room, Liu Bei saw that his attire was no different from that of ordinary scribes, it was just a blue cloth garment, not the Taoist uniform when he did that, so he felt more at ease.After Zhang Lu finished saluting to him, he invited Zhang Lu to sit down, and then thanked Zhang Lu for taking the time to visit Liu Chan.

Zhang Lu was a little confused, and began to talk about his observation of the sky in the past two days, which confused Liu Bei, and asked, "What advice does General Zhang give to Bei?"

Zhang Lu said: "Please allow the king of Hanzhong to allow the next official to see the prince, maybe then he can know the disease."

Liu Bei thought secretly, it was finally like this, but now he could only go to the doctor in a hurry, so Liu Bei agreed to Zhang Lu's request with a hint of luck.

The two came to Liu Chan's bedroom together, and saw that Hua Tuo and Zhang Fangping were watching over it.In fact, Zhang Lu also knows a little bit of medical skills, otherwise, how could he treat the people of Hanzhong for decades with just a piece of talisman?He went up to check Liu Chan's body, and found that his seal was black, he was sweating, and his mind was not clear.

Then, Zhang Lu reached out to lift Liu Chan's quilt, and found that there was indeed a mark of the Big Dipper on the sole of his feet!Zhang Lu couldn't help but let out a cry, and said in shock: "Seven Stars! This is a big deal!"

(End of this chapter)

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