The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 161 Zhang Lu's Death

Chapter 161 Zhang Lu's Death
In Hanzhong Palace, Queen Wu's bedroom, two people were talking in a low voice.

Wang Rong told Wu with a hint of joy: "Queen Qi, that great mage seems to have succeeded. According to the news, the son is sick in bed and unconscious. The King of Hanzhong has stayed in the son's mansion to take care of him for almost a day. Even the famous doctors of the National Academy of Medicine are helpless. Congratulations to the queen!"

When Mrs. Wu heard this, the corners of her sexy mouth curled up evilly, and she said with a smile: "Wang Rong, you have never disappointed my wife in your affairs. It will take a few days before there will be results?"

"According to what the great mage said, it should take more than ten days."

Mrs. Wu nodded and said: "It seems that this mother, Mrs. Ben, should come out to see my good son now, lest he get sick alone without his mother's care, it seems too pitiful." She immediately sent an order to Wang Rong , ready to travel to Shizi Mansion.

Liu Bei was even more confused when he heard what Zhang Lu said about big things and seven-star fate, and asked, "General Zhang, please tell me what you find."

Unexpectedly, Zhang Lu suddenly knelt down and said, "My lord, if you trust Zhang Gongqi, please let me do my best for your son's illness!"

Liu Bei couldn't help being a little surprised when he saw Zhang Lu suddenly addressing himself as the lord, because the old man had never called himself that way before.He helped Zhang Lu up, and comforted him, "Gong Qi, do you have any good cures?"

Zhang Lu turned his head to look at the room, and then whispered into Liu Bei's ear: "The King of Hanzhong may not believe it, but now there are monsters trying to steal the prince's Big Dipper spirit!"

Liu Bei was startled when he heard this, and hurriedly asked: "The widow will send someone to arrest the demon right now, is that all right?"

Zhang Lu shook his head, telling Liu Bei not to be impatient, Shizi still has more than ten days, and he still doesn't know what the monster is doing.What the King of Hanzhong has to do now is to find a good doctor to treat his son as soon as possible, and he will go back to prepare for the practice.

Liu Bei saw that Zhang Lu didn't seem to be lying to him, and that his thoughts were thoughtful, so he immediately sent an order to post a bulletin to find a famous doctor, and then personally sent Zhang Lu out of the Prince's Mansion.

Zhang Lu really did his best for his son Liu Chan this time. After returning home, he didn't even take a sip of tea. He immediately asked his family to prepare all the supplies for setting up the altar, and he was busy until late at night to prepare all the items.

Zhang Lu then ordered his family to arrange the money, paper horses, flags, candles, wine and fruit, and solemnly invited the portrait of Lao Tzu from the lobby of the house, and then began to practice.

Soon, people suddenly discovered that a white light appeared in the sky above the northern part of Chengdu and directed towards Xiaohan, and it seemed that the color was gradually deepening as time went on.Even later, people all over the city could see the light.Everyone thought it was a miracle, so they set up tables one after another, lit candles and burned incense to worship.How did they know that Zhang Lu was actually setting up an altar.

An hour later, sweat dripped from Zhang Lu's body and beard, and the gray Taoist robe was on his skin today, like a soaked chicken that fell into the river.

Seeing how hard his father practiced this time, which was completely different from the previous situation, Zhang Fu was afraid that something would happen to his father, so he wanted to go forward and ask his father not to continue to practice.No way, he just took a step towards the altar, when he suddenly screamed, his whole body was bounced away by an invisible force, Zhang Fu was so frightened that he didn't dare to go forward again.

At this time, Zhang Lu finally had a feeling in his heart. There was a thick cloud of black air in the northwest direction, which exuded a strong evil spirit.Zhang Lu was overjoyed, and secretly thought that it should be it!
Zhang Lu immediately withdrew the law, and after taking a breath, he called Zhang Fu over and said, "My son, remember what you said as a father. Go and inform the King of Hanzhong that the demon is in Jinping Mountain in the northwest of Chengdu! Please, King of Hanzhong Quickly send troops to wipe out, and the son will be safe!"

As he said that, Zhang Lu felt that his body was a little unable to support himself, and secretly sighed that he was really old. If he had persisted for a day or two in the past, it would be no problem!Seeing that his father spoke so seriously, Zhang Fu naturally didn't dare to delay, and immediately rushed to the stable, got on a fast horse, and headed straight for the Shizi's mansion.

Zhang Lu was helped into his bedroom by his family members, who turned around and went out, ordering the kitchen to boil water for the owner to take a bath.After Zhang Lu sat down, he felt a little sleepy, so he leaned on the table and fell asleep.

In Jinping Mountain.

A gorgeous Taoist temple stands on the top of the mountain, under the cover of green trees and red walls, it looks so peaceful.

But in fact, this place is not peaceful. The sky on the top of the mountain is inexplicably covered with a layer of black clouds, and the strong evil spirit emanating from it makes all the birds and beasts within a radius of ten miles escape.

At this time, Jinping Mountain is not so much quiet as it is lifeless, which is more appropriate.

In the courtyard of the Taoist temple, there is a Taoist priest with a purple face, a beautiful Taoist uniform, a purple Taoist temple, and even purple hair, who is practicing the altar.

He was meditating with his eyes closed, candles were placed all around him, and he was chanting mantras incessantly, his voice was so vague that it sounded like a lullaby.

On a wooden frame not far away, there was actually a bloody woman's corpse hanging. The blood had already flowed all over the ground, emitting a stench.

The Taoist priest's eyes opened suddenly, and the chanting of the incantation stopped immediately, and a candle in front of him extinguished without wind.

The purple Taoist priest suddenly said angrily: "Where did the lifeless thing come from? How dare you come to interfere with this immortal's practice!"

The purple Taoist bit his index finger, picked up a piece of talisman paper and began to draw on it.After the talisman paper was drawn, he shook his hand, the talisman paper ignited automatically, and the Taoist began to chant the mantra.

At this time, the dark cloud seemed to have been sensed, and began to move by itself, and soon came to the sky above Chengdu City, completely covering the entire city.

Although it was dark in Chengdu City at this time, the night was so abnormally dark that you couldn't reach your fingers. The light from the hanging lanterns couldn't reach five feet away.

All the dogs in the city barked at the same time at the same time, even outside the city there were bursts of wolves.On such a night, it seems that something big is about to happen!

Zhang Lu was dreaming.

He dreamed that a dark cloud appeared above his home, exuding a strong evil aura, which made him feel extremely uneasy.Then, Zhang Lu heard a hasty knock on the door from outside the bedroom.

Zhang Lu had been a mage for so long, and he was very tired, so he just opened his eyes and said to the door, "Come in."

Then the door opened, and he saw a Taoist priest with purple face, purple hair, purple clothes, and purple crown enter the room.

Zhang Lu couldn't help being taken aback, since he moved to Chengdu, he has rarely interacted with people of the same way, so he stood up, cupped his hands and asked, "Excuse me, brother Taoist, why did you come to my room in the middle of the night?"

The Taoist priest was eight feet tall and much taller than Zhang Lu. He looked down at Zhang Lu and found that Zhang Lu was also very handsome. Lian, I have been missing you as a neighbor for a while. Seeing you today, Zhang Gongqi is extraordinary."

When Zhang Lu heard this, he couldn't help feeling strange, since when did his family have such a neighbor?The people who can live in this place are all the family members of officials with more than [-] shi in Yizhou. How could this Taoist priest live here?
Zhang Lu said with a smile: "Brother Dao, are you kidding me? Anyone who can live here is a high-ranking figure."

Zi Taoist snorted coldly, seemed to be quite disdainful of Zhang Lu's words, and asked, "Are you interfering with this immortal's practice?"

Zhang Lu was startled and said, "Brother Dao, why do you say that?" Of course he knew that it would be very taboo for fellow Taoists to interfere with other people's practice.

Zi Taoist saw that Zhang Lu refused to admit it, so he went to the window and opened it, pointed to the sky outside and said, "See clearly for yourself!"

Looking out of the window, King Zhang Lu saw that the sky over Chengdu City was really covered by an evil cloud!He couldn't help but exclaimed, pointing at Zi Taoist priest and said: "You are the monster who tried to murder the prince? How did you get into my house?"

Taoist Zi sneered, "I am still hundreds of miles away, this place is just your dream."

"Oh, is this the dream-going method?"

"A three-legged cat like you can only know the dream-going technique. It doesn't matter if you die to understand it. Let me tell you, this is the Zhongnan secret technique 'spirit-attracting technique'!"

Saying that, Zi Taoist's body suddenly swelled up like a balloon, and then burst the whole house abruptly, growing up into the air, looking like an Optimus Prime, which is really scary!
Zhang Lu was immediately frightened by the astonishing sight in front of him, knowing that he had provoked an evil expert today.

The giant immediately shouted: "Zhang Gongqi, come with me!"

His voice was as loud as a bolt from the blue, and then he reached out and grabbed Zhang Lu who was still in a daze, and raised it high.

Zhang Lu wanted to resist, but suddenly found himself unable to move, and was thrown into the black cloud that exuded an evil aura.After Zhang Lu screamed, he disappeared into the black cloud.

The giant sneered and said, "If you dare to fight against me, I will blow you up!" Then he clapped his hands and disappeared without a trace.

The dark clouds over the city of Chengdu quickly drifted away, leaving no trace of their arrival in the sky.

Not long after, there was a sound of a water basin being overturned in Zhang Lu's room, and the high-decibel scream of the maid, which immediately alarmed everyone in Zhang's residence.After the maid entered the room, she suddenly found that although Zhang Lu, who was still fine, looked as if he was falling asleep with his head propped up, in fact, his seven orifices were bleeding, and his fair complexion had now turned iron blue. The state of death is extremely terrifying!
In fact, in another time and space, after Zhang Lu surrendered to Cao Cao, he also died in the second year.Perhaps, some people always find it difficult to escape their own destiny.

(End of this chapter)

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