Chapter 162
But he said that Zhang Fu quickly came to the Shizi Mansion and told Liu Bei what his father said in detail.

Although Liu Bei still didn't quite believe it, but for the sake of Liu Chan's life, he had no choice but to give it a try.Therefore, Liu Bei immediately ordered Zhao Feng, the head of the guard, to take all his men and chase him to Jinping Mountain in Langzhong in the northeast.Then they sent people to Zhao Yun's barracks to deliver an order, asking Zhao Yun to lead a thousand white-eared cavalry to meet Zhao Feng.

Queen Wu has already come to Shizi Mansion, and now she is accompanying Liu Bei to protect Liu Chan.After she heard Zhang Fu's words, she couldn't help being shocked, and couldn't help scolding Zhang Lu, the old man, for daring to spoil her good deeds at this juncture!

While Liu Bei was still talking with Zhang Fu, she sneaked out of Liu Chan's bedroom and called Wang Rong, the manager, to a corner of a brilliant garden to discuss the matter.

On the side, there was Deng Ai watching all directions with careful eyes. He had seen Wu's complexion changed a long time ago, and now he saw her and Wang Rong sneaking away, so he became more careful and followed her up secretly.

I saw Mrs. Wu asked Wang Rong nervously: "The King of Hanzhong already knows where Venerable Zi Xu lives, and now he is sending Zhao Feng and Zhao Yun, two masters and apprentices, to conquer and suppress them. What should we do?"

Wang Rong hurriedly appeased Wu and said, "The queen must not be so anxious that it would be bad if she showed her flaws."

Wu Shi nodded, of course she knew the attitude of people nowadays towards witchcraft and the like—there was only one attitude: kill!

Wang Rong said again: "I think Master Zixu is a fairy-like figure. He not only knows astronomy from above, but also geography from below. There is nothing I can do to Master Zi Xu."

Wu Shi hesitated: "Really?"

Wang Rong gave an affirmative answer very firmly, and then told Wu again that he should be more careful in what he said and did in the future.And even if Master Zixu fails, it doesn't matter, because even Master Zixu himself doesn't know who is behind the entrustment.When Mrs. Wu heard this, a stone in her heart finally fell to the ground.

Although the conversation between the two was quiet, Deng Ai still listened to it all.He was suddenly startled and angry, completely unexpected that there are such harmful methods in the world.At this time, seeing that Wu Shi and Wang Rong had already talked about the same thing, he immediately got up and ran away for fear of being discovered by them.

Wang Rong has always had sharp eyes and ears, but suddenly he heard a sound not far away that ordinary people could hardly detect.His brows immediately frowned, and his figure swept away with incredible speed. No one would have guessed that the chief eunuch of the Hanzhong Palace is actually a generation with high martial arts skills!
Wang Rong stopped at the place where Deng Ai was lying down just now, but there was no one there, only a few branches were swaying, and then a bird suddenly flew above his head.Only then did Wang Rong feel relieved, thinking that the one making the noise just now was just a certain small animal.

Deng Ai thought about how to expose Wu's conspiracy along the way, but he couldn't find a way. After all, how could he, a mere mortal, understand things about ghosts and gods.He immediately came to Liu Chan's ward, pulled Zhuge Qiao outside, and told the conversation between Wu and Wang Rong.

Zhuge Qiao was also frightened.He was really surprised that Wu's mind was so vicious, and he did such an outrageous thing!But he is not a person who learns the Tao, and he didn't know what to do for a while.Both of them couldn't help but feel a little downcast.

Soon after, Zhuge Qiao had an idea, thinking that Zhang Lu had just sent his son Zhang Fu to deliver the news, and there was almost no mistake in the conversation between the two of them.So if you go to Zhang Lu now, maybe you can ask the truth of the matter, right?
Zhuge Qiao pulled Deng Ai up, and the two left the mansion, boarded a carriage and drove towards Zhang Lu's mansion.

After arriving outside Zhang Lu's mansion, the two heard crying inside, but saw that someone was lighting a lantern and hanging white cloth strips at the gate of Zhang's mansion, as if someone had passed away.

The two came forward to ask and found out that their master Zhang Lu had just passed away.Zhuge Qiao and Deng Ai stood on the spot in a daze, feeling that this happened too strangely. Zhang Lu sent someone to report the information just now, why did he die in a blink of an eye now?
night after four days.

Lumen Mountain, the bright moon shines on the hill, the old pine is fiddling with the dead branches, and there is the sound of the breeze blowing the leaves.What a peaceful picture of mountains and fields.

The windows and doors of Pound's bedroom were wide open, welcoming the silvery moonlight into the room generously.

The house was not bright, the red candles on the candlesticks stood on the table desertedly and had not been lit, only the moonlight from the window provided faint light for the house.

Mr. Pang De sat alone in front of the window, his silver-white beard on his chin was whiter than the moonlight on the ground.

He just looked out of the window, but he didn't have the heart to appreciate the beautiful scenery, and it was difficult to sleep at night.Because he always faintly felt that there was a sense of unease in his heart, but he couldn't figure out where this unease came from.

Mr. Pang De got up suddenly, put on a coat, opened the door and went out, sighed in a low voice, did he sleep less because he was getting older?

He inadvertently raised his head to look at the starry sky, and then his gaze stayed on the northern sky.Lord Pound narrowed his eyes, as if he wanted to see the scene in front of him more clearly.Then, he couldn't help but groaned, Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji and Tianquan stars of the Big Dipper actually became dim!
In this world, I am afraid that no one is more aware of the relationship between the Big Dipper and Liu Chan than Mr. Pang De.He knew that Liu Chan's life had already lost four-sevenths, so he couldn't help but exclaimed, "Liu Adou's life is in danger!"

But if you rush to Chengdu now, it's too late.Pang Degong rushed into the house immediately, closed all the doors and windows, and took out a jasper plaque from his arms, with images of Kunpeng and clouds engraved on it, and the word "Zhou" was engraved in the middle. What do you mean.

Lord Pang De sat cross-legged on the couch, closed his eyes and settled down. He didn't know if he was meditating, trying to calm himself down or something.

Time passed by, and when Pang Degong opened his eyes again, his people were no longer in the house, but suddenly stood in the starry sky under the bright moon!
Lord Pang De looked around, feeling a strong evil spirit surging in the north of the west, and secretly thought of a magic trick, how dare he dare to harm people so blatantly.With a flick of his robe sleeves, he actually flies away in the wind like Zhuangzi's fugue in those days, it is truly miraculous!

An hour later, Lord Pang De had flown hundreds of miles away, and came near the evil dark cloud of Master Zi Xu.

Looking at this dark cloud full of evil spirits, Mr. Pang De was a little surprised that there was a huge amount of energy in it.This made Mr. Pound understand that the person who cast the spell must be a generation with strong spells.

He cautiously approached the dark cloud, and suddenly saw a human figure emerging from within the dark cloud, as if a primordial spirit was trapped inside, and was constantly being eroded by the dark cloud at this time, and his expression seemed very painful .

Just when Mr. Pound wanted to get closer and see the man's face clearly, the dark cloud suddenly trembled, and a dark cloud like a black python bit silently towards Mr. Pang De!

Pang Degong flicked his robe sleeve against the wind, and hit the giant python on the head, shaking it away.

The dark cloud seemed to be sentient. Seeing that a giant python could not succeed, it immediately sent out a dozen more to attack Lord Pang De.

Lord Pang De didn't want to get entangled with Wuyun now, saving Liu Chan's life was the most important thing, so he quickly backed away and stopped when he reached a place where Wuyun couldn't attack.

Mr. Pang De turned around and looked west, and found that there was a black air rising to the sky on a mountain in the distance. He knew that this was the place where the demons did things, so he went over to Yufeng to find out.

Mr. Pang De soon saw that on a mountain below stood a Taoist temple with red walls, a pair of incense tables and candles were placed in the courtyard, and a strange-looking Taoist priest covered in purple was practicing.

Seeing that this person looked strange, as if he had never heard of it before, Mr. Pang De couldn't help being a little surprised.Just when Mr. Pang De was standing, Master Zixu had already sensed his mind, opened a pair of star eyes, looked up into the sky, and shouted: "Who dares to come out of the body to peep at this fairy's fairy mansion!"

Pang Degong was even more surprised when he saw that the other party had such a keen perception of the primordial spirit.He revealed himself, and an elegant old man in gray clothes and silver beard appeared in the sky, but his figure was somewhat transparent, and he could faintly see the bright or dark starry sky behind him!

Duke Pang gave a light salute to the Taoist priest below, and said in a very gracious manner: "My Lord Pang De. May I ask who is your Excellency?"

Venerable Zixu said arrogantly: "Unknown junior, you don't deserve to know the name of this immortal!"

Seeing that this person is arrogant and arrogant, Mr. Pang De is really difficult to communicate with, but he has excellent self-cultivation, and he still asked respectfully and politely: "Dare to ask, is that cloud of evil belongs to you?"

"How is it, how is it not?!"

Mr. Pang De is a mild-tempered person. If he can't afford conflict, he will try his best to persuade him with good words, and then lowered his posture again and said: "Your Excellency is a practitioner of Taoism. How can you make such an evil thing? What's more, there is a person sealed in the cloud. Soul, your Excellency's actions are really hurting the peace of heaven, and I am afraid that you will be punished by heaven in the future."

Master Zixu was also a little surprised, this Pang Degong's primordial spirit was able to see through Zhang Lu's soul sealed in his evil cloud, but on the other hand, Pang Degong's words also angered him.

Master Zixu immediately shouted: "Get out of here quickly, I think it's not easy for you to cultivate to this level, otherwise you will be sealed in my evil cloud like that Lu Xiaoer!"

Mr. Pang De heard Master Zixu say that the soul he saw just now was Zhang Lu, the leader of the Five Dou Rice Sect, his face finally showed surprise, and he couldn't help scolding: "Zhang Lu is the leader of the sect. He was in charge of Hanzhong at the beginning. At that time, it even benefited the common people, how could you do such an outrageous thing? This is the end of the matter, and I, Mr. Pang De, absolutely cannot just let it go and ignore this matter!"

As he spoke, Duke Pang took out the cyan jade tablet with the word "Zhou" engraved on it from his pocket, and shouted down, "Your Excellency, hurry up and accept the order!"

Master Zixu looked up and saw the token in Mr. Pang De's hand, he couldn't help being a little stunned, and said: "Unexpectedly, you are the inspector of the 72 Immortal Mountains in the world, so good that you use the technique of primordial spirit so exquisitely! It's a pity that even if you take out that It's useless to have a 'Zhuangzi order', because this immortal doesn't belong to your 'Zhuangzi Xiaoyaoyou' lineage."

(End of this chapter)

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