Chapter 163 Fighting
When Mr. Pang De saw this, he knew it was impossible for the demon to stop, and immediately warned the other party: "Since Your Excellency is so stubborn, then I don't need to cherish your hard-won cultivation!"

Pang Degong immediately stretched out his right hand, chanted a secret mantra, and with a chirping sound, a blue lightning bolt flew from Pang Degong's hand towards Master Zixu.

Venerable Zixu was still at ease, he just sneered and chanted a mantra, but he didn't intend to move to avoid the thunder and lightning at all.Isn't he afraid of being scorched by lightning?

However, when the lightning hit Master Zixu, it suddenly disappeared without a trace, but it was like tickling him, neither painful nor itchy.Venerable Zixu smiled and said: "Mr. Pang De, what is the magic of Naibenxian, a little skill of yours?"

Mr. Pang De saw that the other party's secret technique was magical, and his body was not afraid of the attack of the palm thunder, so he knew that it would be impossible not to show the other party some color.He immediately activated the Divine Thunder Art, and a dense dark cloud soon gathered in the sky.

Master Zixu saw that Mr. Pang De's technique was so powerful that ordinary methods would be hard to resist, so he also urged the technique to move his evil cloud of the day to his head!He yelled at Mr. Pound: "Mr. Pound, today I will show you the power of my evil cloud that has absorbed the energy of four Big Dippers!"

Lord Pang De didn't care about Master Zixu's yelling from below, he just focused on urging the spell.

After a cup of tea, there was a sudden wind and thunder on Jinping Mountain. Blue and purple thunders swept across the sky and collided with each other, as if the sky over there had collapsed, but it illuminated the whole mountain as bright as day. It seems that the whole world has fallen into an endless hell!
At this time, Zhao Yun and Zhao Yun had already arrived in Langzhong.

Transparent has been in Jinping Mountain, searching for a day and a night without sleep.But this mountain is also strange. Although there is a guide leading the way, no matter how you go, it seems to be turning in circles in the same place, and you can't move forward at all.

Later, even Zhao Yun, who has always been gentle and good-tempered, couldn't help but get angry, and threatened the guide that if he didn't find the way quickly, don't blame him for his ruthless sword.Being able to make Zhao Yun unable to resist killing people shows how bad their situation is.

Now, such a spectacle suddenly appeared in the sky, which immediately stopped the army from advancing.With the light of lightning and thunder, they could clearly see a tall mountain towering in the distance. The top was now covered with thunder and lightning, and there were bursts of loud noises like explosions. They didn't know why there was such a strange phenomenon there. , but that scene is too scary!
No, the guide suddenly pointed at the peak and exclaimed: "Jinping Mountain, that is Jinping Mountain, finally found Jinping Mountain..."

Zhao Yun was overjoyed, but secretly, he suddenly felt palpitations for no reason.This feeling made Zhao Yun feel surprised. Since he was in the army, even if he faced the enemy's million-strong army alone, he never felt a trace of panic. What happened today?
Zhao Yun secretly took a deep breath, but he couldn't care less, it's more important to save the world first!He immediately urged the Zhaoyeyu lion horse under his seat, and regardless of the veterans behind him, he rushed out in the direction of Jinping Mountain single-handedly.

Seeing Zhao Yun rushing out alone, Zhao Feng felt very anxious and immediately shouted loudly.But maybe the thunder in the sky was so loud that it covered Zhao Feng's voice, maybe Zhao Yun didn't want to delay any longer, so he simply ignored Zhao Feng's shout.

So, in the blink of an eye, Zhao Feng's white figure had disappeared into the mountain depression.

Zhao Feng was afraid that something might happen to Zhao Yun, so he immediately ordered everyone to follow him at full speed.But how could their mounts be the opponent of Zhao Yun's Zhao Yeyu lion horse?They had no choice but to look for the direction of Jinping Mountain and track it. After arriving there, they should be able to find Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun soon came to the foot of Jinping Mountain, looked up, and saw an old man in green clothes with a fluttering beard looming in the sky, his gestures and gestures were graceful like a fairy.

Mr. Pang De pointed his finger to the sky, and the blue lightning in the sky, like tame children, surrounded him not far away, making a terrifying sound that made one's teeth grit.

But those cyan thunderbolts were not unruly, but obediently obeyed his call, and kept falling on Jinping Mountain, making loud noises on the ground.Then the whole mountain shook like chaff, what a terrifying force!

Not far away, a group of black clouds also shrouded Jinping Mountain, and purple thunder and lightning emitted from it, constantly chopping at Pang Degong.At this time, Lord Pound had no choice but to go forward to meet the blue thunder and lightning, and the attack on the ground immediately became impossible.

The battle continued in this stalemate.

Zhao Yun opened his eyes wide, startled by the magic of the man in the sky.He originally wanted to ride up the mountain, but seeing the two kinds of lightning, one purple and one blue, kept falling from the sky, Zhao Yun didn't dare to go up the mountain no matter what.

The two-color thunder and lightning roared for nearly half an hour.

After a cyan pillar of thunder thicker than Zhao Yun's body appeared, illuminating the whole world like daytime, there was a bang, as if even the sky had been smashed, and then fell straight down!
There was another loud bang on the ground, and Zhao Yun felt the ground tremble for a while, and the Zhaoyeyu lion horse under the seat actually let out a mournful cry, and wanted to turn around and run away.Zhao Yun hurriedly grabbed the rein desperately, and then forcibly stabilized it.

Then, Zhao Yun saw a puff of thick black smoke rising from Jinping Mountain, and black shadows, big or small, flew towards him, making whistling noises!
When the black shadow approached, Zhao Yun couldn't help exclaiming, it turned out to be countless stones of different sizes!They must have been scattered when the top of Jinping Mountain was struck by the blue thunderbolt!
Zhao Feng shouted loudly, and immediately swung the silver spear in his hand away, and finally blocked all the stones rushing towards him without any danger, and he was slightly relieved, but in fact, the shock in his heart could not be helped at all. subsided.

Then, Zhao Yun heard a terrible cry from Jinping Mountain.After screaming, the purple thunder and lightning suddenly disappeared in the sky, but a puff of black air emerged from the mountain again and flew towards a cloud of black clouds, making Zhao Yun feel evil in his heart again.

Mr. Pang De reached out his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, he was already out of breath, and then he pointed with his right hand, and another blue thunder flew out, hitting the black air.The black air let out a human scream, and it disappeared immediately!

At this time, the sky cleared, the full moon reappeared, and the dark cloud hovering over the top of the mountain dissipated, turning into four purple lights and flying towards the sky.

Lord Pound watched all this with relief.But unexpectedly, a cloud of purple air turned in the sky and flew to the north.

Duke Pound's originally relaxed face showed a trace of anxiety again.He let out an exclamation, and immediately tried to trap the cloud of purple air, but his action was still a bit late, a small part of him escaped, and finally flew towards the north.

Pang Degong sighed that it was God's will, and sent the incomplete cloud of purple air into the starry sky.

Then, something that surprised Zhao Yun even more happened.Under the starry sky, the image of Zhang Lu and Zhang Gongqi suddenly appeared, like that old man, floating lightly!Zhao Yun couldn't turn his head around for a while, and couldn't figure out what was going on.

Zhang Lu cupped his fists and bowed to the old man. The old man nodded with a faint smile on his face, and Zhang Lu's image disappeared without a trace.

Zhao Yun was very familiar with Zhang Lu. During the Battle of Hanzhong, he often had contact with Zhang Lu, so it was absolutely impossible for him to mistake him.But how did his image appear here?Zhao Yun couldn't help but rubbed his eyes, feeling that what he saw just now was so unbelievable, maybe he was dreaming?

Then, the old man in Tsing Yi in the air turned his head and looked down Jinping Mountain, as if he had spotted Zhao Yun not far below the mountain, and nodded in Zhao Yun's direction, as if he knew Zhao Yun.

In fact, when Pang Degong went to Jiangling City to treat Liu Chan's dumb disease, he did see Zhao Yun's demeanor on the street.It's just that Zhao Yun didn't notice Mr. Pang De, an old man in ordinary clothes.

After Pang Degong's Yuanshen had left for a long time and it was already dawn, Zhao Feng finally arrived with the team.

Only then did Zhao Yun suddenly realize that he had a heavy responsibility for this trip, so he immediately led the team to rush up to Jinping Mountain.

But when they reached the top of the mountain, they saw that the red wall Taoist temple above had been bombarded by lightning and turned into ruins.

None of the trees on the top of the mountain were spared, and they were all chopped into pieces by lightning, thick black smoke billowing from the ground.

Zhao Yun immediately sent his men to search in the ruins, hoping to find a clue about Master Zixu.It's a pity that they found nothing, not even a trace of Master Zixu's residue.

Zhao Yun raised his head to look at the sky, the morning sun in the east had already risen very high, the sunlight was quite dazzling, and it also swept away the haze in Zhao Yun's heart for many days in one fell swoop.

Zhao Yun guessed in his heart that the old man in Tsing Yi he saw just now must be fighting with the demon who is doing evil here!These non-human things are beyond his comprehension as a general, so he immediately ordered the team to turn around and return to Chengdu!

On the way before Zhao Yun entered Chengdu City, he had already heard the news of Zhang Lu's death for no reason.This reminded him of the scene of Zhang Lu bowing to the old man in Tsing Yi he saw that day.Zhao Yun guessed that Zhang Lu probably also participated in the thunder and lightning battle, but died because of it in the end.

However, Zhao Yun was concerned about his son's safety, so he urged his horse to abandon the team and gallop back to Chengdu. After entering the Shizi's mansion, he heard the servants say that the son fell ill for no reason, and the illness has already healed.Zhao Yun was naturally inexplicably happy, and he was even more sure that the fight between immortals that day must have been caused by Liu Chan.

He rushed to Liu Chan's bedroom immediately, and saw a maid eating porridge for Liu Chan.He was so happy that he almost rushed over to pick Liu Chan up from the bed and threw him into the air.

Seeing Zhao Yun, who has always been prudent, rushing into his bedroom in such a disheveled manner, Liu Chan couldn't help being a little surprised, and asked, "Fourth Uncle, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, it's okay..." Zhao Yun's eyes suddenly turned red.

Zhao Yun couldn't say that thing that couldn't be more miraculous - if I told such a strange thing, who would believe it?I'm afraid it will cause others to laugh at me, right?What's more, Shizi's body is now healed, so let's regard it as God's favor for Shizi!Zhao Yun was thinking like this in his heart, and then asked: "My lord, will you go to Zhang Lu's funeral when you feel better?"

Liu Chan nodded, a satisfied smile appeared on Zhao Yun's tired face, and he left.

Hanzhong Palace, Wu's bedroom.

After knowing that Liu Chan had escaped death, Mrs. Wu suddenly lost control of her emotions and became furious at Wang Rong.After all, she had put too much hope into this incident, but in the end it still disappointed her again and again. How could she not be angry in Wu's heart?She grabbed the teacup suddenly and threw it at Wang Rong.

Wang Rong could have easily dodged, but he didn't. He just stood silently, letting the teacup hit him.He had already decided in his heart that even if the queen picked up the porcelain and threw it at himself, he would definitely not avoid it.

Wu shi lost her temper for at least two quarters of an hour, and finally she was so tired that she was out of breath.On the other hand, Wang Rong pitifully stepped forward to fill a cup of tea for Wu Shi——Wu Shi must be thirsty after losing his temper.

After Wang Rong finished pouring the tea, he sighed inwardly. Who in this world can know the pain that Mrs. Wu has endured these years?Besides him, Wang Rong, who sees it, is there anyone else?
(End of this chapter)

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